Changeset 7ed7b4a

Nov 3, 2022, 4:11:16 PM (2 years ago)
Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…>
ADT, ast-experimental, master

Cleaning old box pass for easier translation. Added documentation to Pass1 methods, cleaned iterator arguments and an assert.

1 edited


  • TabularUnified src/GenPoly/

    rf6aa89c r7ed7b4a  
    9999                        void passTypeVars( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, Type *polyRetType, std::list< Expression *>::iterator &arg, const TyVarMap &exprTyVars );
    100100                        /// wraps a function application with a new temporary for the out-parameter return value
    101                         Expression *addRetParam( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, Type *retType, std::list< Expression *>::iterator &arg );
     101                        Expression *addRetParam( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, std::list< Expression *>::iterator arg, Type *retType );
    102102                        /// wraps a function application returning a polymorphic type with a new temporary for the out-parameter return value
    103                         Expression *addDynRetParam( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, Type *polyType, std::list< Expression *>::iterator &arg );
    104                         Expression *applyAdapter( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, FunctionType *function, std::list< Expression *>::iterator &arg, const TyVarMap &exprTyVars );
    105                         void boxParam( Type *formal, Expression *&arg, const TyVarMap &exprTyVars );
    106                         void boxParams( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, FunctionType *function, std::list< Expression *>::iterator &arg, const TyVarMap &exprTyVars );
    107                         void addInferredParams( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, FunctionType *functionType, std::list< Expression *>::iterator &arg, const TyVarMap &tyVars );
     103                        Expression *addDynRetParam( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, std::list< Expression *>::iterator arg, Type *polyType );
     104                        /// Converts a function call into a call of the adapter with the
     105                        /// original function as the first argument (all other arguments
     106                        /// are pushed back). May adjust return value.
     107                        Expression *applyAdapter( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, std::list< Expression *>::iterator arg, FunctionType *function, const TyVarMap &exprTyVars );
     108                        /// Modifies the `arg`, replacing it with a boxed expression
     109                        /// that matches `formal` under the current TyVarMap.
     110                        void boxParam( Expression *&arg, Type *formal, const TyVarMap &exprTyVars );
     111                        /// Box an argument of `appExpr` for each parameter in `function`
     112                        /// starting at `arg`.
     113                        /// `exprTyVars` is the function's type variables.
     114                        void boxParams( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, std::list< Expression *>::iterator arg, FunctionType *function, const TyVarMap &exprTyVars );
     115                        /// Boxes each assertion and inserts them into `appExpr` at
     116                        /// `arg`. `exprTyVars` is the function's type variables.
     117                        void addInferredParams( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, std::list< Expression *>::iterator arg, FunctionType *functionType, const TyVarMap &tyVars );
    108118                        /// Stores assignment operators from assertion list in local map of assignment operations
    109119                        void passAdapters( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, FunctionType *functionType, const TyVarMap &exprTyVars );
     120                        /// Creates an adapter definition from `adaptee` to `realType`, using
     121                        /// `mangleName` as the base name for the adapter. `tyVars` is the map of
     122                        /// type variables for the function type of the adapted expression.
    110123                        FunctionDecl *makeAdapter( FunctionType *adaptee, FunctionType *realType, const std::string &mangleName, const TyVarMap &tyVars );
    111124                        /// Replaces intrinsic operator functions with their arithmetic desugaring
    590603                }
    592                 Expression *Pass1::addRetParam( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, Type *retType, std::list< Expression *>::iterator &arg ) {
     605                Expression *Pass1::addRetParam( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, std::list< Expression *>::iterator arg, Type *retType ) {
    593606                        // Create temporary to hold return value of polymorphic function and produce that temporary as a result
    594607                        // using a comma expression.
    630643                // See forward definition.
    631644                Type *replaceWithConcrete( Type *type, TypeSubstitution const * env, bool doClone ) {
     645                        assert( env );
    632646                        if ( TypeInstType *typeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType * >( type ) ) {
    633647                                Type *concrete = env->lookup( typeInst->get_name() );
    652666                }
    654                 Expression *Pass1::addDynRetParam( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, Type *dynType, std::list< Expression *>::iterator &arg ) {
    655                         assert( env );
     668                Expression *Pass1::addDynRetParam( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, std::list< Expression *>::iterator arg, Type *dynType ) {
    656669                        Type *concrete = replaceWithConcrete( dynType, env );
    657670                        // add out-parameter for return value
    658                         return addRetParam( appExpr, concrete, arg );
    659                 }
    661                 Expression *Pass1::applyAdapter( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, FunctionType *function, std::list< Expression *>::iterator &arg, const TyVarMap &tyVars ) {
     671                        return addRetParam( appExpr, arg, concrete );
     672                }
     674                Expression *Pass1::applyAdapter( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, std::list< Expression *>::iterator arg, FunctionType *function, const TyVarMap &tyVars ) {
    662675                        Expression *ret = appExpr;
    663676//                      if ( ! function->get_returnVals().empty() && isPolyType( function->get_returnVals().front()->get_type(), tyVars ) ) {
    664677                        if ( isDynRet( function, tyVars ) ) {
    665                                 ret = addRetParam( appExpr, function->returnVals.front()->get_type(), arg );
     678                                ret = addRetParam( appExpr, arg, function->returnVals.front()->get_type() );
    666679                        } // if
    667680                        std::string mangleName = mangleAdapterName( function, tyVars );
    709722                }
    711                 void Pass1::boxParam( Type *param, Expression *&arg, const TyVarMap &exprTyVars ) {
     724                void Pass1::boxParam( Expression *&arg, Type *param, const TyVarMap &exprTyVars ) {
    712725                        assertf( arg->result, "arg does not have result: %s", toString( arg ).c_str() );
    713726                        addCast( arg, param, exprTyVars );
    722735                                //      }
    723736                                // }
    724                                 arg =  generalizedLvalue( new AddressExpr( arg ) );
     737                                arg = generalizedLvalue( new AddressExpr( arg ) );
    725738                                if ( ! ResolvExpr::typesCompatible( param, arg->get_result(), SymTab::Indexer() ) ) {
    726739                                        // silence warnings by casting boxed parameters when the actual type does not match up with the formal type.
    731744                                Type * newType = param->clone();
    732745                                if ( env ) env->apply( newType );
    733                                 ObjectDecl *newObj = ObjectDecl::newObject( tempNamer.newName(), newType, nullptr );
    734                                 newObj->get_type()->get_qualifiers() = Type::Qualifiers(); // TODO: is this right???
    735                                 stmtsToAddBefore.push_back( new DeclStmt( newObj ) );
    736                                 UntypedExpr *assign = new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "?=?" ) ); // TODO: why doesn't this just use initialization syntax?
     746                                ObjectDecl *newObj = makeTemporary( newType );
     747                                // TODO: is this right??? (Why wouldn't it be?)
     748                                newObj->get_type()->get_qualifiers() = Type::Qualifiers();
     749                                // TODO: why doesn't this just use initialization syntax?
     750                                // (Possibly to ensure code is run at the right time.)
     751                                UntypedExpr *assign = new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "?=?" ) );
    737752                                assign->get_args().push_back( new VariableExpr( newObj ) );
    738753                                assign->get_args().push_back( arg );
    742757                }
    744                 void Pass1::boxParams( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, FunctionType *function, std::list< Expression *>::iterator &arg, const TyVarMap &exprTyVars ) {
     759                void Pass1::boxParams( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, std::list< Expression *>::iterator arg, FunctionType *function, const TyVarMap &exprTyVars ) {
    745760                        for ( DeclarationWithType * param : function->parameters ) {
    746761                                assertf( arg != appExpr->args.end(), "boxParams: missing argument for param %s to %s in %s", toString( param ).c_str(), toString( function ).c_str(), toString( appExpr ).c_str() );
    747                                 boxParam( param->get_type(), *arg, exprTyVars );
     762                                boxParam( *arg, param->get_type(), exprTyVars );
    748763                                ++arg;
    749764                        } // for
    750765                }
    752                 void Pass1::addInferredParams( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, FunctionType *functionType, std::list< Expression *>::iterator &arg, const TyVarMap &tyVars ) {
     767                void Pass1::addInferredParams( ApplicationExpr *appExpr, std::list< Expression *>::iterator arg, FunctionType *functionType, const TyVarMap &tyVars ) {
    753768                        std::list< Expression *>::iterator cur = arg;
    754769                        for ( TypeDecl * const tyVar : functionType->forall ) {
    757772                                        assertf( inferParam != appExpr->inferParams.end(), "addInferredParams missing inferred parameter: %s in: %s", toString( assert ).c_str(), toString( appExpr ).c_str() );
    758773                                        Expression *newExpr = inferParam->second.expr->clone();
    759                                         boxParam( assert->get_type(), newExpr, tyVars );
     774                                        boxParam( newExpr, assert->get_type(), tyVars );
    760775                                        appExpr->get_args().insert( cur, newExpr );
    761776                                } // for
    11041119                                // std::cerr << "dynRetType: " << dynRetType << std::endl;
    11051120                                Type *concRetType = appExpr->get_result()->isVoid() ? nullptr : appExpr->get_result();
    1106                                 ret = addDynRetParam( appExpr, concRetType, arg ); // xxx - used to use dynRetType instead of concRetType
     1121                                ret = addDynRetParam( appExpr, arg, concRetType ); // xxx - used to use dynRetType instead of concRetType
    11071122                        } else if ( needsAdapter( function, scopeTyVars ) && ! needsAdapter( function, exprTyVars) ) { // xxx - exprTyVars is used above...?
    11081123                                // xxx - the ! needsAdapter check may be incorrect. It seems there is some situation where an adapter is applied where it shouldn't be, and this fixes it for some cases. More investigation is needed.
    11121127                                // std::cerr << *env << std::endl;
    11131128                                // change the application so it calls the adapter rather than the passed function
    1114                                 ret = applyAdapter( appExpr, function, arg, scopeTyVars );
     1129                                ret = applyAdapter( appExpr, arg, function, scopeTyVars );
    11151130                        } // if
    11161131                        arg = appExpr->get_args().begin();
    11181133                        Type *concRetType = replaceWithConcrete( dynRetType, env );
    11191134                        passTypeVars( appExpr, concRetType, arg, exprTyVars ); // xxx - used to use dynRetType instead of concRetType; this changed so that the correct type paramaters are passed for return types (it should be the concrete type's parameters, not the formal type's)
    1120                         addInferredParams( appExpr, function, arg, exprTyVars );
     1135                        addInferredParams( appExpr, arg, function, exprTyVars );
    11221137                        arg = paramBegin;
    1124                         boxParams( appExpr, function, arg, exprTyVars );
     1139                        boxParams( appExpr, arg, function, exprTyVars );
    11251140                        passAdapters( appExpr, function, exprTyVars );
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