Changeset 72d1118 for doc/theses

Sep 20, 2022, 2:42:15 PM (2 years ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
ADT, ast-experimental, master, pthread-emulation

Finished final read

4 edited


  • TabularUnified doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/local.bib

    raa9f215 r72d1118  
    583583  title={Per-entity load tracking},
    584584  author={Corbet, Jonathan},
    585   journal={LWN article, available at:},
     585  journal={LWN article, available at: {\href{}{https://\\-Articles/\-531853}}},
    586586  year={2013}
    717717  title = {Scheduling Benchmarks},
    718718  author = {Thierry Delisle},
    719   howpublished = {\href{}{https://\\-cforall/\-SchedulingBenchmarks\_\-PhD22}},
     719  howpublished = {\href{}{https://\\-cforall/\-Scheduling\-Benchmarks\_\-PhD22}},
    832832  title      = "eventfd(2) Linux User's Manual",
    833833  year       = "2019",
    834   month      = "MArch",
     834  month      = "March",
    10601060  year = "2020",
    10611061  month = "June",
    1062   howpublished = "\href{}",
     1062  howpublished = "\href{}{https://\\-2318/}",
    10631063  note = "[Online; accessed 10-June-2020]"
    10691069  year = "2011",
    10701070  month = "June",
    1071   howpublished = "\href{}",
     1071  howpublished = "\href{}{https://\\-908/}",
    10721072  note = "[Online; accessed 25-August-2022]"
  • TabularUnified doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/text/eval_micro.tex

    raa9f215 r72d1118  
    187187Looking at the left column on AMD, Figures~\ref{fig:cycle:nasus:ops} and \ref{fig:cycle:nasus:ns} all 4 runtimes achieve very similar throughput and scalability.
    188188However, as the number of \procs grows higher, the results on AMD show notably more variability than on Intel.
    189 The different performance improvements and plateaus are due to cache topology and appear at the expected: \proc counts of 64, 128 and 192, for the same reasons as on Intel.
     189The different performance improvements and plateaus are due to cache topology and appear at the expected \proc counts of 64, 128 and 192, for the same reasons as on Intel.
    190190Looking next at the right column on AMD, Figures~\ref{fig:cycle:nasus:low:ops} and \ref{fig:cycle:nasus:low:ns}, Tokio and Go have the same throughput performance, while \CFA is slightly slower.
    191191This result is different than on Intel, where Tokio behaved like \CFA rather than behaving like Go.
    493 As mentioned in the churn benchmark, when \glslink{atsched}{unparking} a \at, it is possible to either \unpark to the local or remote ready-queue.\footnote{
    494 It is also possible to \unpark to a third unrelated ready-queue, but without additional knowledge about the situation, it is likely to degrade performance.}
     493As mentioned in the churn benchmark, when \glslink{atsched}{unparking} a \at, it is possible to either \unpark to the local or remote sub-queue.\footnote{
     494It is also possible to \unpark to a third unrelated sub-queue, but without additional knowledge about the situation, it is likely to degrade performance.}
    495495The locality experiment includes two variations of the churn benchmark, where a data array is added.
    496496In both variations, before @V@ing the semaphore, each \at calls a @work@ function which increments random cells inside the data array.
    721721In both variations, the experiment effectively measures how long it takes for all \ats to run once after a given synchronization point.
    722 In an ideal scenario where the scheduler is strictly FIFO, every thread would run once after the synchronization and therefore the delay between leaders would be given by, $(CSL + SL) / (NP - 1)$,
    723 where $CSL$ is the context-switch latency, $SL$ is the cost for enqueueing and dequeuing a \at, and $NP$ is the number of \procs.
     722In an ideal scenario where the scheduler is strictly FIFO, every thread would run once after the synchronization and therefore the delay between leaders would be given by, $NT(CSL + SL) / (NP - 1)$,
     723where $CSL$ is the context-switch latency, $SL$ is the cost for enqueueing and dequeuing a \at, $NT$ is the number of \ats, and $NP$ is the number of \procs.
    724724However, if the scheduler allows \ats to run many times before other \ats can run once, this delay increases.
    725725The semaphore version is an approximation of strictly FIFO scheduling, where none of the \ats \emph{attempt} to run more than once.
    736 \caption[Transfer Benchmark on Intel and AMD]{Transfer Benchmark on Intel and AMD\smallskip\newline Average measurement of how long it takes for all \ats to acknowledge the leader \at.
    737 DNC stands for ``did not complete'', meaning that after 5 seconds of a new leader being decided, some \ats still had not acknowledged the new leader.}
    738 \label{fig:transfer:res}
     752\caption[Transfer Benchmark on Intel and AMD]{Transfer Benchmark on Intel and AMD\smallskip\newline Average measurement of how long it takes for all \ats to acknowledge the leader \at.
     753DNC stands for ``did not complete'', meaning that after 5 seconds of a new leader being decided, some \ats still had not acknowledged the new leader.}
    769769Looking at the next two columns, the results for the yield variation on Intel, the story is very different.
    770 \CFA achieves better latencies, presumably due to no synchronization with the yield.
     770\CFA achieves better latencies, presumably due to the lack of synchronization with the yield.
    771771Go does complete the experiment, but with drastically higher latency:
    772772latency at 2 \procs is $350\times$ higher than \CFA and $70\times$ higher at 192 \procs.
    773 This difference is because Go has a classic work-stealing scheduler, but it adds coarse-grain preemption
    774 , which interrupts the spinning leader after a period.
     773This difference is because Go has a classic work-stealing scheduler, but it adds coarse-grain preemption, which interrupts the spinning leader after a period.
    775774Neither Libfibre nor Tokio complete the experiment.
    776775Both runtimes also use classical work-stealing scheduling without preemption, and therefore, none of the work queues are ever emptied so no load balancing occurs.
  • TabularUnified doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/text/io.tex

    raa9f215 r72d1118  
    2525\paragraph{\lstinline{select}} is the oldest of these options, and takes as input a contiguous array of bits, where each bit represents a file descriptor of interest.
    2626Hence, the array length must be as long as the largest FD currently of interest.
    27 On return, it outputs the set in place to identify which of the file descriptors changed state.
     27On return, it outputs the set motified in place to identify which of the file descriptors changed state.
    2828This destructive change means selecting in a loop requires re-initializing the array for each iteration.
    2929Another limit of @select@ is that calls from different \glspl{kthrd} sharing FDs are independent.
    3535\paragraph{\lstinline{poll}} is the next oldest option, and takes as input an array of structures containing the FD numbers rather than their position in an array of bits, allowing a more compact input for interest sets that contain widely spaced FDs.
    3636For small interest sets with densely packed FDs, the @select@ bit mask can take less storage, and hence, copy less information into the kernel.
    37 Furthermore, @poll@ is non-destructive, so the array of structures does not have to be re-initialized on every call.
     37However, @poll@ is non-destructive, so the array of structures does not have to be re-initialized on every call.
    3838Like @select@, @poll@ suffers from the limitation that the interest set cannot be changed by other \glspl{kthrd}, while a manager thread is blocked in @poll@.
    314314A simple approach to polling is to allocate a \at per @io_uring@ instance and simply let the poller \ats poll their respective instances when scheduled.
    316 With the pool of SEQ instances approach, the big advantage is that it is fairly flexible.
     316With the pool of SQE instances approach, the big advantage is that it is fairly flexible.
    317317It does not impose restrictions on what \ats submitting \io operations can and cannot do between allocations and submissions.
    318318It also can gracefully handle running out of resources, SQEs or the kernel returning @EBUSY@.
    320320The routing and allocation algorithm needs to keep track of which ring instances have available SQEs, block incoming requests if no instance is available, prevent barging if \ats are already queued up waiting for SQEs and handle SQEs being freed.
    321321The submission side needs to safely append SQEs to the ring buffer, correctly handle chains, make sure no SQE is dropped or left pending forever, notify the allocation side when SQEs can be reused, and handle the kernel returning @EBUSY@.
    322 Compared to the private-instance approach, all this synchronization has a significant cost this synchronization is entirely overhead.
     322Compared to the private-instance approach, all this synchronization has a significant cost and this synchronization is entirely overhead.
    324324\subsubsection{Instance borrowing}
  • TabularUnified doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/text/practice.tex

    raa9f215 r72d1118  
    101101This leaves too many \procs when there are not enough \ats for all the \procs to be useful.
    102102These idle \procs cannot be removed because their lifetime is controlled by the application, and only the application knows when the number of \ats may increase or decrease.
    103 While idle \procs can spin until work appears, this approach wastes energy, unnecessarily produces heat and prevents other applications from using the processor.
     103While idle \procs can spin until work appears, this approach wastes energy, unnecessarily produces heat and prevents other applications from using the \gls{hthrd}.
    104104Therefore, idle \procs are put into an idle state, called \newterm{Idle-Sleep}, where the \gls{kthrd} is blocked until the scheduler deems it is needed.
    107107First, a data structure needs to keep track of all \procs that are in idle sleep.
    108108Because idle sleep is spurious, this data structure has strict performance requirements, in addition to strict correctness requirements.
    109 Next, some mechanism is needed to block \glspl{kthrd}, \eg @pthread_cond_wait@ on a pthread semaphore.
     109Next, some mechanism is needed to block \glspl{kthrd}, \eg @pthread_cond_wait@ or a pthread semaphore.
    110110The complexity here is to support \at \glslink{atblock}{parking} and \glslink{atsched}{unparking}, user-level locking, timers, \io operations, and all other \CFA features with minimal complexity.
    111111Finally, the scheduler needs a heuristic to determine when to block and unblock an appropriate number of \procs.
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