Changeset 72b20c9 for doc

Feb 13, 2019, 3:16:08 PM (6 years ago)
Aaron Moss <a3moss@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum

thesis: Add charts and discussion of summary results for different algorithms

3 added
4 edited


  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/Makefile

    r9e43aff r72b20c9  
    3838GRAPHS = ${addsuffix .tex, \
    3939generic-timing \
     40tests-completed \
    6263        ${LATEX} ${BASE}
    64 ${GRAPHS} : generic-timing.dat ${BUILD}
     65generic-timing.tex : generic-timing.dat ${BUILD}
    6566        gnuplot -e BUILD="'${BUILD}/'" ${EVALDIR}/
     68tests-completed.tex : algo-summary.dat bu-summary.dat ${BUILD}
     69        gnuplot -e BUILD="'${BUILD}/'" ${EVALDIR}/
  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/evaluation/generic-timing.dat

    r9e43aff r72b20c9  
    88"clear\npair"   2840    773     748     3511
    99"pop\npair"     3025    5414    813     23867
  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/experiments.tex

    r9e43aff r72b20c9  
    104104The \textsc{bu-dca-bas} and \textsc{bu-dca-per} variants were able to run all 131 test inputs to completion under this restriction, with maximum memory usage of 70~MB and 78~MB, respectively, which validates its selection as an error threshold.
    105105However, this threshold did eliminate a significant number of algorithm-test variants, with the worst-performing variant, \textsc{td-imm-inc}, only completing 62 test inputs within the memory bound.
    106 Full results for tests completed by algorithm variant are presented in Figure~\TODO{}.
     106Full results for tests completed by algorithm variant are presented in Figure~\ref{tests-completed-fig}.
     111\caption[Tests completed for each algorithmic variant]{Number of tests completed for each algorithmic variant} \label{tests-completed-fig}
     114As can be seen from these results, traversal direction is clearly the dominant variable in memory usage, with the \textsc{bu-*} variants performing better than the \textsc{co-} variants, which in turn out-perform the \textsc{td-} variants.
     115It can also be seen that the incremental inheritance (\textsc{inc}) type environment consistently under-performs the other two environment data structures tested.
     117To provide a more holistic view of performance, I have considerered the results from the 56 test inputs which all algorithms are able to complete within the memory bound.
     118Limiting consideration to these algorithms provides an apples-to-apples comparison between algorithms, as the excluded inputs are harder instances which take more time and memory for the algorithms which are able to solve them.
     119Figures~\ref{avg-peak-mem-fig} and~\ref{avg-runtime-fig} show the mean peak memory and runtime, respectively, of each algorithm over the inputs in this data set.
     120These averages are not themselves meaningful, but do enable an overall comparison of relative performance of the different variants.
     121Selecting only these 56 ``easy'' test inputs does bias the average values downward, but has little effect on the relative trends; similar trends can be seen in the graphs of the \textsc{bu-*} algorithms over the 124 (of 131) test inputs which all complete, omitted to save space.
     126\caption[Average peak memory for each algorithmic variant]{Average peak resident set size for each algorithmic variant over the 56 test inputs all variants complete.} \label{avg-peak-mem-fig}
     132\caption[Average runtime for each algorithmic variant]{Average runtime for each algorithmic variant over the 56 test inputs all variants complete.} \label{avg-runtime-fig}
     135% \begin{figure}
     136% \centering
     137% \input{bu-peak-mem}
     138% \caption[Average peak memory for each \textsc{bu-*} variant]{Average peak resident set size for each \textsc{bu-*} variant over the 124 test inputs all \textsc{bu-*} variants complete.} \label{bu-peak-mem-fig}
     139% \end{figure}
     141% \begin{figure}
     142% \centering
     143% \input{bu-runtime}
     144% \caption[Average runtime for each \textsc{bu-*} variant]{Average runtime for each \textsc{bu-*} variant over the 124 test inputs all \textsc{bu-*} variants complete.} \label{bu-runtime-fig}
     145% \end{figure}
     147It can be seen from these results that that top-down immediate-assertion-satisfaction (\textsc{td-imm-*}) are particularly un-performant, as they check a significant number of assertions without filtering to determine if the arguments can be made to fit.
     148It is clear that the bottom-up (\textsc{bu-*}) traversal order is better than both top-down and the Bilson-style bottom-up-combined orders.
     150With regard to assertion satisfaction, immediate (\textsc{*-imm-*}) satisfaction is an inferior solution, though there is little performance difference between deferred (\textsc{*-def-*}) and deferred-cached (\textsc{*-dca-*}) for instances which they can both complete.
     151Since the \textsc{dca} algorithm can solve some particularly hard instances which \textsc{def} cannot, it is the recommended approach.
     153The \textsc{inc} type environment also often uses upwards of double the memory required by the other variants, in addition to being consistently slower on these easy tests; aside from \textsc{bu-imm-bas} performing worse than \textsc{bu-imm-inc} on average when larger tests are considered, these results hold for the other variants.
     154Aside from that, the persistent union-find (\textsc{per}) type environment generally performs better than the basic (\textsc{bas}) environment, with similar peak memory usage and an average speedup factor of nearly 2, though the requirements of the \textsc{per} environment for automatic garbage collection and a shared history for combination make retrofitting it into older code difficult.
    108156\section{Instance Difficulty}
  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/generic-types.tex

    r9e43aff r72b20c9  
    451 \caption{Benchmark timing results (smaller is better)} \label{generic-eval-fig}
     451\caption[Benchmark timing results]{Benchmark timing results (smaller is better)} \label{generic-eval-fig}
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