Changeset 70a1c3ae

Jan 29, 2019, 4:09:59 PM (6 years ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>

Starting to remove std::list to see if it affects performance, started with List of attributes

33 edited


  • TabularUnified src/CodeGen/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    129129        }
    131         void CodeGenerator::genAttributes( list< Attribute * > & attributes ) {
     131        void CodeGenerator::genAttributes( vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) {
    132132          if ( attributes.empty() ) return;
    133133                output << "__attribute__ ((";
    134                 for ( list< Attribute * >::iterator attr( attributes.begin() );; ) {
     134                for ( vector< Attribute * >::iterator attr( attributes.begin() );; ) {
    135135                        output << (*attr)->name;
    136136                        if ( ! (*attr)->parameters.empty() ) {
  • TabularUnified src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.h

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    118118                void postvisit( ImplicitCtorDtorStmt * );
    120                 void genAttributes( std::list< Attribute * > & attributes );
     120                void genAttributes( std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes );
    122122                template< class Iterator > void genCommaList( Iterator begin, Iterator end );
  • TabularUnified src/ControlStruct/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    167167                        new BasicType( noQualifiers, BasicType::Bool ),
    168168                        /*init*/ NULL,
    169                         std::list<Attribute *>{ new Attribute( "unused" ) }
     169                        std::vector< Attribute * >{ new Attribute( "unused" ) }
    170170                        );
    171171                ObjectDecl voidptr_obj(
    179179                                        noQualifiers
    180180                                        ),
    181                                 std::list<Attribute *>{ new Attribute( "unused" ) }
     181                                std::vector< Attribute * >{ new Attribute( "unused" ) }
    182182                                ),
    183183                        NULL
    491491                // __cfaabi_ehm__try_resume_setup( &__resume_node, resume_handler );
    493                 std::list< Attribute * > attributes;
     493                std::vector< Attribute * > attributes;
    494494                {
    495495                        std::list< Expression * > attr_params;
    544544                // Make Cleanup Attribute.
    545                 std::list< Attribute * > attributes;
     545                std::vector< Attribute * > attributes;
    546546                {
    547547                        std::list< Expression * > attr_params;
  • TabularUnified src/GenPoly/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    298298                                                                                                         functionNesting > 0 ? Type::StorageClasses() : Type::StorageClasses( Type::Static ),
    299299                                                                                                         LinkageSpec::AutoGen, layoutFnType, new CompoundStmt(),
    300                                                                                                          std::list< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers( Type::Inline ) );
     300                                                                                                         std::vector< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers( Type::Inline ) );
    301301                layoutDecl->fixUniqueId();
    302302                return layoutDecl;
    14851485                        Attribute * aligned = new Attribute( "aligned", std::list<Expression*>{ new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_int(8) ) } );
    14861486                        return new ArrayType( Type::Qualifiers(), charType, size,
    1487                                 true, false, std::list<Attribute *>{ aligned } );
     1487                                true, false, std::vector< Attribute * >{ aligned } );
    14881488                }
    17651765                Expression *PolyGenericCalculator::postmutate( SizeofExpr *sizeofExpr ) {
    1766                         Type *ty = sizeofExpr->get_isType() ? 
     1766                        Type *ty = sizeofExpr->get_isType() ?
    17671767                                sizeofExpr->get_type() : sizeofExpr->get_expr()->get_result();
    17691769                        Expression * gen = genSizeof( ty );
    17701770                        if ( gen ) {
  • TabularUnified src/InitTweak/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    824824                                                        // create a new object which is never used
    825825                                                        static UniqueName dummyNamer( "_dummy" );
    826                                                         ObjectDecl * dummy = new ObjectDecl( dummyNamer.newName(), Type::StorageClasses( Type::Static ), LinkageSpec::Cforall, 0, new PointerType( Type::Qualifiers(), new VoidType( Type::Qualifiers() ) ), 0, std::list< Attribute * >{ new Attribute("unused") } );
     826                                                        ObjectDecl * dummy = new ObjectDecl( dummyNamer.newName(), Type::StorageClasses( Type::Static ), LinkageSpec::Cforall, 0, new PointerType( Type::Qualifiers(), new VoidType( Type::Qualifiers() ) ), 0, std::vector< Attribute * >{ new Attribute("unused") } );
    827827                                                        delete ctorInit;
    828828                                                        return dummy;
  • TabularUnified src/InitTweak/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    230230                                static UniqueName targetLabel( "L__autogen__" );
    231                                 Label switchLabel( targetLabel.newName(), 0, std::list< Attribute * >{ new Attribute("unused") } );
     231                                Label switchLabel( targetLabel.newName(), 0, std::vector< Attribute * >{ new Attribute("unused") } );
    232232                                for ( Initializer * init : *listInit ) {
    233233                                        Expression * condition;
  • TabularUnified src/Parser/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    510510        for ( Attribute *attr: reverseIterate( q->attributes ) ) {
    511                 attributes.push_front( attr->clone() );
     511                attributes.insert(attributes.begin(), attr->clone() );
    512512        } // for
    513513        return this;
    770770        if ( a ) {
    771771                for ( Attribute *attr: reverseIterate( a->attributes ) ) {
    772                         attributes.push_front( attr );
     772                        attributes.insert( attributes.begin(), attr );
    773773                } // for
    774774                a->attributes.clear();
  • TabularUnified src/Parser/ParseNode.h

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    344344        LinkageSpec::Spec linkage;
    345345        Expression * asmName = nullptr;
    346         std::list< Attribute * > attributes;
     346        std::vector< Attribute * > attributes;
    347347        InitializerNode * initializer = nullptr;
    348348        bool extension = false;
    375375        virtual StatementNode * add_label( const std::string * name, DeclarationNode * attr = nullptr ) {
    376                 stmt->get_labels().emplace_back( * name, nullptr, attr ? std::move( attr->attributes ) : std::list< Attribute * > {} );
     376                stmt->get_labels().emplace_back( * name, nullptr, attr ? std::move( attr->attributes ) : std::vector< Attribute * > {} );
    377377                delete attr;
    378378                delete name;
  • TabularUnified src/Parser/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    762 AggregateDecl * buildAggregate( const TypeData * td, std::list< Attribute * > attributes, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage ) {
     762AggregateDecl * buildAggregate( const TypeData * td, std::vector< Attribute * > attributes, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage ) {
    763763        assert( td->kind == TypeData::Aggregate );
    764764        AggregateDecl * at;
    792 ReferenceToType * buildComAggInst( const TypeData * type, std::list< Attribute * > attributes, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage ) {
     792ReferenceToType * buildComAggInst( const TypeData * type, std::vector< Attribute * > attributes, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage ) {
    793793        switch ( type->kind ) {
    794794          case TypeData::Enum: {
    850850        assert( td->kind == TypeData::AggregateInst );
    852         // ReferenceToType * ret = buildComAggInst( td->aggInst.aggregate, std::list< Attribute * >() );
     852        // ReferenceToType * ret = buildComAggInst( td->aggInst.aggregate, std::vector< Attribute * >() );
    853853        ReferenceToType * ret = nullptr;
    854854        TypeData * type = td->aggInst.aggregate;
    889 NamedTypeDecl * buildSymbolic( const TypeData * td, std::list< Attribute * > attributes, const string & name, Type::StorageClasses scs, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage ) {
     889NamedTypeDecl * buildSymbolic( const TypeData * td, std::vector< Attribute * > attributes, const string & name, Type::StorageClasses scs, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage ) {
    890890        assert( td->kind == TypeData::Symbolic );
    891891        NamedTypeDecl * ret;
    898898        buildList( td->symbolic.params, ret->get_parameters() );
    899899        buildList( td->symbolic.assertions, ret->get_assertions() );
    900         ret->base->attributes.splice( ret->base->attributes.end(), attributes );
     900        ret->base->attributes.insert( ret->base->attributes.end(), attributes.begin(), attributes.end() );
    901901        return ret;
    902902} // buildSymbolic
    905 EnumDecl * buildEnum( const TypeData * td, std::list< Attribute * > attributes, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage ) {
     905EnumDecl * buildEnum( const TypeData * td, std::vector< Attribute * > attributes, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage ) {
    906906        assert( td->kind == TypeData::Enum );
    907907        EnumDecl * ret = new EnumDecl( *td->, attributes, linkage );
    949 Declaration * buildDecl( const TypeData * td, const string &name, Type::StorageClasses scs, Expression * bitfieldWidth, Type::FuncSpecifiers funcSpec, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage, Expression *asmName, Initializer * init, std::list< Attribute * > attributes ) {
     949Declaration * buildDecl( const TypeData * td, const string &name, Type::StorageClasses scs, Expression * bitfieldWidth, Type::FuncSpecifiers funcSpec, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage, Expression *asmName, Initializer * init, std::vector< Attribute * > attributes ) {
    950950        if ( td->kind == TypeData::Function ) {
    951951                if ( td->function.idList ) {                                    // KR function ?
    10201020                                param->type = decl->type;                               // set copy declaration type to parameter type
    10211021                                decl->type = nullptr;                                   // reset declaration type
    1022                                 param->attributes.splice( param->attributes.end(), decl->attributes ); // copy and reset attributes from declaration to parameter
     1022                                param->attributes.insert( param->attributes.end(), decl->attributes.begin(), decl->attributes.end() ); // copy and reset attributes from declaration to parameter
    10231023                        } // if
    10241024                } // for
  • TabularUnified src/Parser/TypeData.h

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    1919#include <list>                  // for list
    2020#include <string>                // for string
     21#include <vector>
    2223#include "ParseNode.h"           // for DeclarationNode, DeclarationNode::Ag...
    120121ArrayType * buildArray( const TypeData * );
    121122ReferenceType * buildReference( const TypeData * );
    122 AggregateDecl * buildAggregate( const TypeData *, std::list< Attribute * > );
    123 ReferenceToType * buildComAggInst( const TypeData *, std::list< Attribute * > attributes, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage );
     123AggregateDecl * buildAggregate( const TypeData *, std::vector< Attribute * > );
     124ReferenceToType * buildComAggInst( const TypeData *, std::vector< Attribute * > attributes, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage );
    124125ReferenceToType * buildAggInst( const TypeData * );
    125126TypeDecl * buildVariable( const TypeData * );
    126 EnumDecl * buildEnum( const TypeData *, std::list< Attribute * >, LinkageSpec::Spec );
     127EnumDecl * buildEnum( const TypeData *, std::vector< Attribute * >, LinkageSpec::Spec );
    127128TypeInstType * buildSymbolicInst( const TypeData * );
    128129TupleType * buildTuple( const TypeData * );
    129130TypeofType * buildTypeof( const TypeData * );
    130131Declaration * buildDecl( const TypeData *, const std::string &, Type::StorageClasses, Expression *, Type::FuncSpecifiers funcSpec, LinkageSpec::Spec, Expression * asmName,
    131                                                  Initializer * init = nullptr, std::list< class Attribute * > attributes = std::list< class Attribute * >() );
     132                                                 Initializer * init = nullptr, std::vector< Attribute * > attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() );
    132133FunctionType * buildFunction( const TypeData * );
    133134void buildKRFunction( const TypeData::Function_t & function );
  • TabularUnified src/SymTab/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    264264                LinkageSpec::Spec spec = isIntrinsic ? LinkageSpec::Intrinsic : LinkageSpec::AutoGen;
    265265                FunctionDecl * decl = new FunctionDecl( fname, scs, spec, ftype, new CompoundStmt(),
    266                                                                                                 std::list< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers( Type::Inline ) );
     266                                                                                                std::vector< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers( Type::Inline ) );
    267267                decl->fixUniqueId();
    268268                return decl;
    692692                                        TypeInstType * inst = new TypeInstType( Type::Qualifiers(), newDecl->get_name(), newDecl );
    693693                                        newDecl->get_assertions().push_back( new FunctionDecl( "?=?", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, genAssignType( inst ), nullptr,
    694                                                                                                                                                    std::list< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers( Type::Inline ) ) );
     694                                                                                                                                                   std::vector< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers( Type::Inline ) ) );
    695695                                        newDecl->get_assertions().push_back( new FunctionDecl( "?{}", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, genDefaultType( inst ), nullptr,
    696                                                                                                                                                    std::list< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers( Type::Inline ) ) );
     696                                                                                                                                                   std::vector< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers( Type::Inline ) ) );
    697697                                        newDecl->get_assertions().push_back( new FunctionDecl( "?{}", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, genCopyType( inst ), nullptr,
    698                                                                                                                                                    std::list< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers( Type::Inline ) ) );
     698                                                                                                                                                   std::vector< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers( Type::Inline ) ) );
    699699                                        newDecl->get_assertions().push_back( new FunctionDecl( "^?{}", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, genDefaultType( inst ), nullptr,
    700                                                                                                                                                    std::list< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers( Type::Inline ) ) );
     700                                                                                                                                                   std::vector< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers( Type::Inline ) ) );
    701701                                        typeParams.push_back( newDecl );
    702702                                        done.insert( ty->get_baseType() );
  • TabularUnified src/SymTab/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    912912                        // attributes are not carried over from typedef to function parameters/return values
    913913                        if ( ! inFunctionType ) {
    914                                 ret->attributes.splice( ret->attributes.end(), typeInst->attributes );
     914                                ret->attributes.insert( ret->attributes.end(), typeInst->attributes.begin(), typeInst->attributes.end() );
    915915                        } else {
    916916                                deleteAll( ret->attributes );
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    27 AggregateDecl::AggregateDecl( const std::string &name, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage ) : Parent( name, Type::StorageClasses(), linkage ), body( false ), attributes( attributes ) {
     27AggregateDecl::AggregateDecl( const std::string &name, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage ) : Parent( name, Type::StorageClasses(), linkage ), body( false ), attributes( attributes ) {
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    26 ArrayType::ArrayType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Type *base, Expression *dimension, bool isVarLen, bool isStatic, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes )
     26ArrayType::ArrayType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Type *base, Expression *dimension, bool isVarLen, bool isStatic, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes )
    2727        : Type( tq, attributes ), base( base ), dimension( dimension ), isVarLen( isVarLen ), isStatic( isStatic ) {
    2828        base->set_lvalue( false );
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    27 AttrType::AttrType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::string &name, Expression *expr, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes )
     27AttrType::AttrType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::string &name, Expression *expr, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes )
    2828        : Type( tq, attributes ), name( name ), expr( expr ), type( 0 ), isType( false ) {
    31 AttrType::AttrType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::string &name, Type *type, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes )
     31AttrType::AttrType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::string &name, Type *type, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes )
    3232        : Type( tq, attributes ), name( name ), expr( 0 ), type( type ), isType( true ) {
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/Attribute.h

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    1919#include <list>    // for list
    2020#include <string>  // for string, operator==
     21#include <vector>
    2223#include "BaseSyntaxNode.h"
    56 const std::list< Attribute * > noAttributes;
     57const std::vector< Attribute * > noAttributes;
    5859// Local Variables: //
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    2222class Attribute;
    24 BasicType::BasicType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Kind bt, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ), kind( bt ) {}
     24BasicType::BasicType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Kind bt, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ), kind( bt ) {}
    2626void BasicType::print( std::ostream &os, Indenter indent ) const {
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/Declaration.h

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    2020#include <list>                  // for list
    2121#include <string>                // for string, operator+, allocator, to_string
     22#include <vector>
    2324#include "BaseSyntaxNode.h"      // for BaseSyntaxNode
    8485        Expression *asmName;
    85         std::list< Attribute * > attributes;
     86        std::vector< Attribute * > attributes;
    8687        bool isDeleted = false;
    88         DeclarationWithType( const std::string &name, Type::StorageClasses scs, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes, Type::FuncSpecifiers fs );
     89        DeclarationWithType( const std::string &name, Type::StorageClasses scs, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes, Type::FuncSpecifiers fs );
    8990        DeclarationWithType( const DeclarationWithType &other );
    9091        virtual ~DeclarationWithType();
    101102        DeclarationWithType * set_asmName( Expression *newValue ) { asmName = newValue; return this; }
    103         std::list< Attribute * >& get_attributes() { return attributes; }
    104         const std::list< Attribute * >& get_attributes() const { return attributes; }
     104        std::vector< Attribute * >& get_attributes() { return attributes; }
     105        const std::vector< Attribute * >& get_attributes() const { return attributes; }
    106107        Type::FuncSpecifiers get_funcSpec() const { return fs; }
    126127        ObjectDecl( const std::string &name, Type::StorageClasses scs, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage, Expression *bitfieldWidth, Type *type, Initializer *init,
    127                                 const std::list< Attribute * > attributes = std::list< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers fs = Type::FuncSpecifiers() );
     128                                const std::vector< Attribute * > attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers fs = Type::FuncSpecifiers() );
    128129        ObjectDecl( const ObjectDecl &other );
    129130        virtual ~ObjectDecl();
    156157        FunctionDecl( const std::string &name, Type::StorageClasses scs, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage, FunctionType *type, CompoundStmt *statements,
    157                                   const std::list< Attribute * > attributes = std::list< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers fs = Type::FuncSpecifiers() );
     158                                  const std::vector< Attribute * > attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >(), Type::FuncSpecifiers fs = Type::FuncSpecifiers() );
    158159        FunctionDecl( const FunctionDecl &other );
    159160        virtual ~FunctionDecl();
    265266        std::list<TypeDecl*> parameters;
    266267        bool body;
    267         std::list< Attribute * > attributes;
     268        std::vector< Attribute * > attributes;
    268269        AggregateDecl * parent = nullptr;
    270         AggregateDecl( const std::string &name, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< class Attribute * >(), LinkageSpec::Spec linkage = LinkageSpec::Cforall );
     271        AggregateDecl( const std::string &name, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >(), LinkageSpec::Spec linkage = LinkageSpec::Cforall );
    271272        AggregateDecl( const AggregateDecl &other );
    272273        virtual ~AggregateDecl();
    275276        std::list<TypeDecl*>& get_parameters() { return parameters; }
    277         std::list< Attribute * >& get_attributes() { return attributes; }
    278         const std::list< Attribute * >& get_attributes() const { return attributes; }
     278        std::vector< Attribute * >& get_attributes() { return attributes; }
     279        const std::vector< Attribute * >& get_attributes() const { return attributes; }
    280281        bool has_body() const { return body; }
    290291        typedef AggregateDecl Parent;
    291292  public:
    292         StructDecl( const std::string &name, DeclarationNode::Aggregate kind = DeclarationNode::Struct, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< class Attribute * >(), LinkageSpec::Spec linkage = LinkageSpec::Cforall ) : Parent( name, attributes, linkage ), kind( kind ) {}
     293        StructDecl( const std::string &name, DeclarationNode::Aggregate kind = DeclarationNode::Struct, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >(), LinkageSpec::Spec linkage = LinkageSpec::Cforall ) : Parent( name, attributes, linkage ), kind( kind ) {}
    293294        StructDecl( const StructDecl &other ) : Parent( other ), kind( other.kind ) {}
    308309        typedef AggregateDecl Parent;
    309310  public:
    310         UnionDecl( const std::string &name, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< class Attribute * >(), LinkageSpec::Spec linkage = LinkageSpec::Cforall ) : Parent( name, attributes, linkage ) {}
     311        UnionDecl( const std::string &name, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >(), LinkageSpec::Spec linkage = LinkageSpec::Cforall ) : Parent( name, attributes, linkage ) {}
    311312        UnionDecl( const UnionDecl &other ) : Parent( other ) {}
    321322        typedef AggregateDecl Parent;
    322323  public:
    323         EnumDecl( const std::string &name, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< class Attribute * >(), LinkageSpec::Spec linkage = LinkageSpec::Cforall ) : Parent( name, attributes, linkage ) {}
     324        EnumDecl( const std::string &name, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >(), LinkageSpec::Spec linkage = LinkageSpec::Cforall ) : Parent( name, attributes, linkage ) {}
    324325        EnumDecl( const EnumDecl &other ) : Parent( other ) {}
    337338        typedef AggregateDecl Parent;
    338339  public:
    339         TraitDecl( const std::string &name, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage ) : Parent( name, attributes, linkage ) {
     340        TraitDecl( const std::string &name, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage ) : Parent( name, attributes, linkage ) {
    340341                assertf( attributes.empty(), "attribute unsupported for traits" );
    341342        }
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    2424#include "Type.h"                // for Type, Type::FuncSpecifiers, Type::St...
    26 DeclarationWithType::DeclarationWithType( const std::string &name, Type::StorageClasses scs, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes, Type::FuncSpecifiers fs )
     26DeclarationWithType::DeclarationWithType( const std::string &name, Type::StorageClasses scs, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes, Type::FuncSpecifiers fs )
    2727        : Declaration( name, scs, linkage ), asmName( nullptr ), attributes( attributes ), fs( fs ) {
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    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    3030extern bool translation_unit_nomain;
    32 FunctionDecl::FunctionDecl( const std::string &name, Type::StorageClasses scs, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage, FunctionType *type, CompoundStmt *statements, std::list< Attribute * > attributes, Type::FuncSpecifiers fs )
     32FunctionDecl::FunctionDecl( const std::string &name, Type::StorageClasses scs, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage, FunctionType *type, CompoundStmt *statements, std::vector< Attribute * > attributes, Type::FuncSpecifiers fs )
    3333        : Parent( name, scs, linkage, attributes, fs ), type( type ), statements( statements ) {
    3434        // hack forcing the function "main" to have Cforall linkage to replace main even if it is inside an extern
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    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    2525class Attribute;
    27 FunctionType::FunctionType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, bool isVarArgs, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ), isVarArgs( isVarArgs ) {
     27FunctionType::FunctionType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, bool isVarArgs, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ), isVarArgs( isVarArgs ) {
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/Label.h

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    1919#include <list>
    2020#include <iostream>
     21#include <vector>
    2122#include "SynTree.h"
    2324class Label {
    2425  public:
    25         Label( const std::string & name = "", Statement * labelled = 0, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() ) : name( name ), labelled( labelled ), attributes( attributes ) {}
     26        Label( const std::string & name = "", Statement * labelled = 0, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() ) : name( name ), labelled( labelled ), attributes( attributes ) {}
    2627        Label( const char * name, Statement * labelled = 0 ) : name( name ), labelled( labelled ) {}
    3132        Statement * get_statement() const { return labelled; }
    3233        void set_statement( Statement * newValue ) { labelled = newValue; }
    33         std::list< Attribute * >& get_attributes() { return attributes; }
     34        std::vector< Attribute * >& get_attributes() { return attributes; }
    3536        operator std::string() const { return name; }
    3839        std::string name;
    3940        Statement * labelled;
    40         std::list< Attribute * > attributes;
     41        std::vector< Attribute * > attributes;
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    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    2626#include "Type.h"                // for Type, Type::StorageClasses, Type::Fu...
    28 ObjectDecl::ObjectDecl( const std::string &name, Type::StorageClasses scs, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage, Expression *bitfieldWidth, Type *type, Initializer *init, const std::list< Attribute * > attributes, Type::FuncSpecifiers fs )
     28ObjectDecl::ObjectDecl( const std::string &name, Type::StorageClasses scs, LinkageSpec::Spec linkage, Expression *bitfieldWidth, Type *type, Initializer *init, const std::vector< Attribute * > attributes, Type::FuncSpecifiers fs )
    2929        : Parent( name, scs, linkage, attributes, fs ), type( type ), init( init ), bitfieldWidth( bitfieldWidth ) {
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    2323class Attribute;
    25 PointerType::PointerType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Type *base, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes )
     25PointerType::PointerType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Type *base, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes )
    2626        : Type( tq, attributes ), base( base ), dimension( 0 ), isVarLen( false ), isStatic( false ) {
    29 PointerType::PointerType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Type *base, Expression *dimension, bool isVarLen, bool isStatic, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes )
     29PointerType::PointerType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Type *base, Expression *dimension, bool isVarLen, bool isStatic, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes )
    3030        : Type( tq, attributes ), base( base ), dimension( dimension ), isVarLen( isVarLen ), isStatic( isStatic ) {
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    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    2727class Attribute;
    29 ReferenceToType::ReferenceToType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::string &name, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ), name( name ), hoistType( false ) {
     29ReferenceToType::ReferenceToType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::string &name, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ), name( name ), hoistType( false ) {
    5959} // namespace
    61 StructInstType::StructInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, StructDecl * baseStruct, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) :
     61StructInstType::StructInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, StructDecl * baseStruct, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) :
    6262                Parent( tq, baseStruct->name, attributes ), baseStruct( baseStruct ) {}
    104 UnionInstType::UnionInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, UnionDecl * baseUnion, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) :
     104UnionInstType::UnionInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, UnionDecl * baseUnion, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) :
    105105                Parent( tq, baseUnion->name, attributes ), baseUnion( baseUnion ) {}
    147 EnumInstType::EnumInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, EnumDecl * baseEnum, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) :
     147EnumInstType::EnumInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, EnumDecl * baseEnum, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) :
    148148                Parent( tq, baseEnum->get_name(), attributes ), baseEnum( baseEnum ) {}
    167167std::string TraitInstType::typeString() const { return "trait"; }
    169 TraitInstType::TraitInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, TraitDecl * baseTrait, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Parent( tq, baseTrait->name, attributes ), baseTrait( baseTrait ) {}
     169TraitInstType::TraitInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, TraitDecl * baseTrait, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Parent( tq, baseTrait->name, attributes ), baseTrait( baseTrait ) {}
    171171TraitInstType::TraitInstType( const TraitInstType &other ) : Parent( other ), baseTrait( other.baseTrait ) {
    177177bool TraitInstType::isComplete() const { assert( false ); }
    179 TypeInstType::TypeInstType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::string &name, TypeDecl *baseType, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Parent( tq, name, attributes ) {
     179TypeInstType::TypeInstType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::string &name, TypeDecl *baseType, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Parent( tq, name, attributes ) {
    180180        set_baseType( baseType );
    183 TypeInstType::TypeInstType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::string &name, bool isFtype, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Parent( tq, name, attributes ), baseType( 0 ), isFtype( isFtype ) {
     183TypeInstType::TypeInstType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::string &name, bool isFtype, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Parent( tq, name, attributes ), baseType( 0 ), isFtype( isFtype ) {
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    1919#include "Common/utility.h"
    21 ReferenceType::ReferenceType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Type *base, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes )
     21ReferenceType::ReferenceType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Type *base, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes )
    2222        : Type( tq, attributes ), base( base ) {
    2323        assertf( base, "Reference Type with a null base created." );
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    2525class Attribute;
    27 TupleType::TupleType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::list< Type * > & types, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ), types( types ) {
     27TupleType::TupleType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::list< Type * > & types, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ), types( types ) {
    2828        for ( Type * t : *this ) {
    2929                // xxx - this is very awkward. TupleTypes should contain objects so that members can be named, but if they don't have an initializer node then
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    58 Type::Type( const Qualifiers &tq, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) : tq( tq ), attributes( attributes ) {}
     58Type::Type( const Qualifiers &tq, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) : tq( tq ), attributes( attributes ) {}
    6060Type::Type( const Type &other ) : BaseSyntaxNode( other ), tq( other.tq ) {
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/Type.h

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    2121#include <ostream>           // for ostream, operator<<, basic_ostream
    2222#include <string>            // for string
     23#include <vector>
    2425#include "BaseSyntaxNode.h"  // for BaseSyntaxNode
    137138        Qualifiers tq;
    138139        ForallList forall;
    139         std::list< Attribute * > attributes;
    141         Type( const Qualifiers & tq, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes );
     140        std::vector< Attribute * > attributes;
     142        Type( const Qualifiers & tq, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes );
    142143        Type( const Type & other );
    143144        virtual ~Type();
    159160        ForallList& get_forall() { return forall; }
    161         std::list< Attribute * >& get_attributes() { return attributes; }
    162         const std::list< Attribute * >& get_attributes() const { return attributes; }
     162        std::vector< Attribute * >& get_attributes() { return attributes; }
     163        const std::vector< Attribute * >& get_attributes() const { return attributes; }
    164165        /// How many elemental types are represented by this type
    194195class VoidType : public Type {
    195196  public:
    196         VoidType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() );
     197        VoidType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() );
    198199        virtual unsigned size() const override { return 0; };
    238239        static const char *typeNames[];                                         // string names for basic types, MUST MATCH with Kind
    240         BasicType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Kind bt, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() );
     241        BasicType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Kind bt, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() );
    242243        Kind get_kind() { return kind; }
    260261        bool isStatic;
    262         PointerType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Type *base, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() );
    263         PointerType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Type *base, Expression *dimension, bool isVarLen, bool isStatic, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() );
     263        PointerType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Type *base, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() );
     264        PointerType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Type *base, Expression *dimension, bool isVarLen, bool isStatic, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() );
    264265        PointerType( const PointerType& );
    265266        virtual ~PointerType();
    291292        bool isStatic;
    293         ArrayType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Type *base, Expression *dimension, bool isVarLen, bool isStatic, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() );
     294        ArrayType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Type *base, Expression *dimension, bool isVarLen, bool isStatic, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() );
    294295        ArrayType( const ArrayType& );
    295296        virtual ~ArrayType();
    334335        Type *base;
    336         ReferenceType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Type *base, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() );
     337        ReferenceType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Type *base, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() );
    337338        ReferenceType( const ReferenceType & );
    338339        virtual ~ReferenceType();
    367368        bool isVarArgs;
    369         FunctionType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, bool isVarArgs, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() );
     370        FunctionType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, bool isVarArgs, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() );
    370371        FunctionType( const FunctionType& );
    371372        virtual ~FunctionType();
    391392        bool hoistType;
    393         ReferenceToType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes );
     394        ReferenceToType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes );
    394395        ReferenceToType( const ReferenceToType & other );
    395396        virtual ~ReferenceToType();
    418419        StructDecl *baseStruct;
    420         StructInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  ) : Parent( tq, name, attributes ), baseStruct( 0 ) {}
    421         StructInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, StructDecl * baseStruct, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  );
     421        StructInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  ) : Parent( tq, name, attributes ), baseStruct( 0 ) {}
     422        StructInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, StructDecl * baseStruct, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  );
    422423        StructInstType( const StructInstType & other ) : Parent( other ), baseStruct( other.baseStruct ) {}
    455456        UnionDecl *baseUnion;
    457         UnionInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  ) : Parent( tq, name, attributes ), baseUnion( 0 ) {}
    458         UnionInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, UnionDecl * baseUnion, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  );
     458        UnionInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  ) : Parent( tq, name, attributes ), baseUnion( 0 ) {}
     459        UnionInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, UnionDecl * baseUnion, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  );
    459460        UnionInstType( const UnionInstType & other ) : Parent( other ), baseUnion( other.baseUnion ) {}
    492493        EnumDecl *baseEnum = nullptr;
    494         EnumInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  ) : Parent( tq, name, attributes ) {}
    495         EnumInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, EnumDecl * baseEnum, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  );
     495        EnumInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  ) : Parent( tq, name, attributes ) {}
     496        EnumInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, EnumDecl * baseEnum, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  );
    496497        EnumInstType( const EnumInstType & other ) : Parent( other ), baseEnum( other.baseEnum ) {}
    519520        TraitDecl * baseTrait = nullptr;
    521         TraitInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() ) : Parent( tq, name, attributes ) {}
    522         TraitInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, TraitDecl * baseTrait, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() );
     522        TraitInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() ) : Parent( tq, name, attributes ) {}
     523        TraitInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, TraitDecl * baseTrait, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() );
    523524        TraitInstType( const TraitInstType & other );
    524525        ~TraitInstType();
    541542        bool isFtype;
    543         TypeInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, TypeDecl *baseType, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  );
    544         TypeInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, bool isFtype, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  );
     544        TypeInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, TypeDecl *baseType, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  );
     545        TypeInstType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, bool isFtype, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  );
    545546        TypeInstType( const TypeInstType & other );
    546547        ~TypeInstType();
    566567        std::list<Declaration *> members;
    568         TupleType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::list< Type * > & types, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  );
     569        TupleType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::list< Type * > & types, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  );
    569570        TupleType( const TupleType& );
    570571        virtual ~TupleType();
    601602        bool is_basetypeof;  ///< true iff is basetypeof type
    603         TypeofType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Expression *expr, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() );
    604         TypeofType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Expression *expr, bool is_basetypeof, 
    605                 const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() );
     604        TypeofType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Expression *expr, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() );
     605        TypeofType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, Expression *expr, bool is_basetypeof,
     606                const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() );
    606607        TypeofType( const TypeofType& );
    607608        virtual ~TypeofType();
    625626        bool isType;
    627         AttrType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, Expression *expr, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >() );
    628         AttrType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, Type *type, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  );
     628        AttrType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, Expression *expr, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >() );
     629        AttrType( const Type::Qualifiers & tq, const std::string & name, Type *type, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  );
    629630        AttrType( const AttrType& );
    630631        virtual ~AttrType();
    651652  public:
    652653        VarArgsType();
    653         VarArgsType( Type::Qualifiers tq, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  );
     654        VarArgsType( Type::Qualifiers tq, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  );
    655656        virtual bool isComplete() const override{ return true; } // xxx - is this right?
    665666  public:
    666667        ZeroType();
    667         ZeroType( Type::Qualifiers tq, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  );
     668        ZeroType( Type::Qualifiers tq, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  );
    669670        virtual ZeroType *clone() const override { return new ZeroType( *this ); }
    677678  public:
    678679        OneType();
    679         OneType( Type::Qualifiers tq, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes = std::list< Attribute * >()  );
     680        OneType( Type::Qualifiers tq, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes = std::vector< Attribute * >()  );
    681682        virtual OneType *clone() const override { return new OneType( *this ); }
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    2323class Attribute;
    25 TypeofType::TypeofType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Expression *expr, 
    26         const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes )
     25TypeofType::TypeofType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Expression *expr,
     26        const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes )
    2727: Type( tq, attributes ), expr( expr ), is_basetypeof(false) {}
    29 TypeofType::TypeofType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Expression *expr, bool is_basetypeof, 
    30         const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes )
     29TypeofType::TypeofType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, Expression *expr, bool is_basetypeof,
     30        const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes )
    3131: Type( tq, attributes ), expr( expr ), is_basetypeof( is_basetypeof ) {}
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    2121class Attribute;
    23 VarArgsType::VarArgsType() : Type( Type::Qualifiers(), std::list< Attribute * >() ) {}
     23VarArgsType::VarArgsType() : Type( Type::Qualifiers(), std::vector< Attribute * >() ) {}
    25 VarArgsType::VarArgsType( Type::Qualifiers tq, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ) {}
     25VarArgsType::VarArgsType( Type::Qualifiers tq, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ) {}
    2727void VarArgsType::print( std::ostream &os, Indenter indent ) const {
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    2121class Attribute;
    23 VoidType::VoidType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ) {
     23VoidType::VoidType( const Type::Qualifiers &tq, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ) {
  • TabularUnified src/SynTree/

    rede87c6 r70a1c3ae  
    2121class Attribute;
    23 ZeroType::ZeroType() : Type( Type::Qualifiers(), std::list< Attribute * >() ) {}
     23ZeroType::ZeroType() : Type( Type::Qualifiers(), std::vector< Attribute * >() ) {}
    25 ZeroType::ZeroType( Type::Qualifiers tq, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ) {}
     25ZeroType::ZeroType( Type::Qualifiers tq, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ) {}
    2727void ZeroType::print( std::ostream &os, Indenter ) const {
    31 OneType::OneType() : Type( Type::Qualifiers(), std::list< Attribute * >() ) {}
     31OneType::OneType() : Type( Type::Qualifiers(), std::vector< Attribute * >() ) {}
    33 OneType::OneType( Type::Qualifiers tq, const std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ) {}
     33OneType::OneType( Type::Qualifiers tq, const std::vector< Attribute * > & attributes ) : Type( tq, attributes ) {}
    3535void OneType::print( std::ostream &os, Indenter ) const {
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.