Changeset 6eb131c for doc/proposals

Jun 8, 2018, 3:46:40 PM (7 years ago)
Aaron Moss <a3moss@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, demangler, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, new-env, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum, with_gc

Proposal documents for user-defined conversions

  • pull Glen's old conversions document into working docs
  • update to reference new location
1 edited


  • TabularUnified doc/proposals/

    rbeefc34c r6eb131c  
    55There is also a set of _explicit_ conversions that are only allowed through a
    66cast expression.
    7 Based on Glen's notes on conversions [1], I propose that safe and unsafe
    8 conversions be expressed as constructor variants, though I make explicit
    9 (cast) conversions a constructor variant as well rather than a dedicated
    10 operator.
     7I propose that safe, unsafe, and explicit (cast) conversions be expressed as
     8constructor variants.
    119Throughout this article, I will use the following operator names for
    1210constructors and conversion functions from `From` to `To`:
    14         void ?{} ( To*, To );            // copy constructor
    15         void ?{} ( To*, From );          // explicit constructor
    16         void ?{explicit} ( To*, From );  // explicit cast conversion
    17         void ?{safe} ( To*, From );      // implicit safe conversion
    18         void ?{unsafe} ( To*, From );    // implicit unsafe conversion
    20 [1]
    22 Glen's design made no distinction between constructors and unsafe implicit
     12        void ?{} ( To&, To );            // copy constructor
     13        void ?{} ( To&, From );          // explicit constructor
     14        void ?{explicit} ( To&, From );  // explicit cast conversion
     15        void ?{safe} ( To&, From );      // implicit safe conversion
     16        void ?{unsafe} ( To&, From );    // implicit unsafe conversion
     18It has been suggested that all constructors would define unsafe implicit
    2319conversions; this is elegant, but interacts poorly with tuples.
    2420Essentially, without making this distinction, a constructor like the following
    2622multiplying the space of possible interpretations of all functions:
    28         void ?{}( Coord *this, int x, int y );
     24        void ?{}( Coord& this, int x, int y );
    3026That said, it would certainly be possible to make a multiple-argument implicit
    3228used infrequently:
    34         void ?{unsafe}( Coord *this, int x, int y );
     30        void ?{unsafe}( Coord& this, int x, int y );
    3632An alternate possibility would be to only count two-arg constructors
    37 `void ?{} ( To*, From )` as unsafe conversions; under this semantics, safe and
     33`void ?{} ( To&, From )` as unsafe conversions; under this semantics, safe and
    3834explicit conversions should also have a compiler-enforced restriction to
    3935ensure that they are two-arg functions (this restriction may be valuable
    4339is convertable to `To`.
    4440If user-defined conversions are not added to the language,
    45 `void ?{} ( To*, From )` may be a suitable representation, relying on
     41`void ?{} ( To&, From )` may be a suitable representation, relying on
    4642conversions on the argument types to account for transitivity.
    47 On the other hand, `To*` should perhaps match its target type exactly, so
    48 another assertion syntax specific to conversions may be required, e.g.
    49 `From -> To`.
     43Since `To&` should be an exact match on `To`, this should put all the implicit
     44conversions on the RHS.
     45On the other hand, under some models (like [1]), implicit conversions are not
     46allowed in assertion parameters, so another assertion syntax specific to
     47conversions may be required, e.g. `From -> To`.
     48It has also been suggested that, for programmer control, no implicit
     49conversions (except, possibly, for polymorphic specialization) should be
     50allowed in resolution of cast operators.
     52[1] ../working/
    5154### Constructor Idiom ###
    5356that we can use the full range of Cforall features for conversions, including
    55 Glen [1] defines a _constructor idiom_ that can be used to create chains of
    56 safe conversions without duplicating code; given a type `Safe` which members
    57 of another type `From` can be directly converted to, the constructor idiom
    58 allows us to write a conversion for any type `To` which `Safe` converts to:
    60         forall(otype To | { void ?{safe}( To*, Safe ) })
    61         void ?{safe}( To *this, From that ) {
     58In an earlier version of this proposal, Glen Ditchfield defines a
     59_constructor idiom_ that can be used to create chains of safe conversions
     60without duplicating code; given a type `Safe` which members of another type
     61`From` can be directly converted to, the constructor idiom allows us to write
     62a conversion for any type `To` which `Safe` converts to:
     64        forall(otype To | { void ?{safe}( To&, Safe ) })
     65        void ?{safe}( To& this, From that ) {
    6266                Safe tmp = /* some expression involving that */;
    63                 *this = tmp; // uses assertion parameter
     67                this{ tmp }; // initialize from assertion parameter
    6468        }
    6771unsafe conversions.
     73Glen's original suggestion said the copy constructor for `To` should also be
     74accepted as a resolution for `void ?{safe}( To&, Safe )` (`Safe` == `To`),
     75allowing this same code to be used for the single-step conversion as well.
     76This proposal does come at the cost of an extra copy initialization of the
     77target value, though.
     79Contrariwise, if a monomorphic conversion from `From` to `Safe` is written,
     82        void ?{safe}( Safe& this, From that ) {
     83                this{ /* some parameters involving that */ };
     84        }
     86Then the code for a transitive conversion from `From` to any `To` type
     87convertable from `Safe` is written:
     89        forall(otype To | { void ?{safe}( To&, Safe ) })
     90        void ?{safe}( To& this, From that ) {
     91                Safe tmp = that;  // uses monomorphic conversion
     92                this{ tmp };      // initialize from assertion parameter
     93        }
     95Given the entirely-boilerplate nature of this code, but negative performance
     96implications of the unmodified constructor idiom, it might be fruitful to have
     97transitive and single step conversion operators, and let CFA build the
     98transitive conversions; some possible names:
     100        void ?{safe}  (To&, From);    void ?{final safe} (To&, From);  // single-step
     101        void ?{safe*} (To&, From);    void ?{safe}       (To&, From);  // transitive
    69103What selective non-use of the constructor idiom gives us is the ability to
    70104define a conversion that may only be the *last* conversion in a chain of such.
    71 Constructing a conversion graph able to unambiguously represent the full
    72 hierarchy of implicit conversions in C is provably impossible using only
    73 single-step conversions with no additional information (see Appendix A), but
    74 this mechanism is sufficiently powerful (see [1], though the design there has
    75 some minor bugs; the general idea is to use the constructor idiom to define
    76 two chains of conversions, one among the signed integral types, another among
    77 the unsigned, and to use monomorphic conversions to allow conversions between
    78 signed and unsigned integer types).
     105One use for this is to solve the problem that `explicit` conversions were
     106added to C++ for, that of conversions to `bool` chaining to become conversions
     107to any arithmetic type.
     108Another use is to unambiguously represent the full hierarchy of implicit
     109conversions in C by making sign conversions non-transitive, allowing the
     110compiler to resolve e.g. `int -> unsigned long` as
     111`int -> long -> unsigned long` over `int -> unsigned int -> unsigned long`.
     112See [2] for more details.
     114[2] ../working/glen_conversions/index.html#usual
    80116### Appendix A: Partial and Total Orders ###
    153189convert from `int` to `unsigned long`, so we just put in a direct conversion
    154190and make the compiler smart enough to figure out the costs" - this is the
    155 approach taken by the existing compipler, but given that in a user-defined
     191approach taken by the existing compiler, but given that in a user-defined
    156192conversion proposal the users can build an arbitrary graph of conversions,
    157193this case still needs to be handled.
    160196exists a chain of conversions from `a` to `b` (see Appendix A for description
    161197of preorders and related constructs).
    162 This preorder corresponds roughly to a more usual type-theoretic concept of
     198This preorder roughly corresponds to a more usual type-theoretic concept of
    163199subtyping ("if I can convert `a` to `b`, `a` is a more specific type than
    164200`b`"); however, since this graph is arbitrary, it may contain cycles, so if
    192228and so is considered to be the nearer type.
    193229By transitivity, then, the conversion from `X` to `Y2` should be cheaper than
    194 the conversion from `X` to `W`, but in this case the `X` and `W` are
     230the conversion from `X` to `W`, but in this case the `Y2` and `W` are
    195231incomparable by the conversion preorder, so the tie is broken by the shorter
    196232path from `X` to `W` in favour of `W`, contradicting the transitivity property
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