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  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/CFAenum.tex

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    1 \chapter{\CFA Enumeration}
    3 \CFA extends C-Style enumeration by adding a number of new features that bring enumerations inline with other modern programming languages.
    4 Any enumeration extensions must be intuitive to C programmers both in syntax and semantics.
    5 The following sections detail all of my new contributions to enumerations in \CFA.
    8 \section{Enumeration Syntax}
    10 \CFA extends the C enumeration declaration \see{\VRef{s:CEnumeration}} by parameterizing with a type (like a generic type), and adding Plan-9 inheritance \see{\VRef{s:EnumerationInheritance}} using an @inline@ to another enumeration type.
     1\chapter{\texorpdfstring{\CFA}{Cforall} Enumeration}
     3\CFA extends C-Style enumeration by adding a number of new features that bring enumerations in line with other modern programming languages.
     4Any enumeration extensions must be intuitive to C programmers in syntax and semantics.
     5The following sections detail my new contributions to enumerations in \CFA.
     10\CFA extends the C enumeration declaration \see{\VRef{s:CEnumeration}} by parameterizing with a type (like a generic type) and adding Plan-9 inheritance \see{\VRef{s:CFAInheritance}} using an @inline@ to another enumeration type.
    1212$\it enum$-specifier:
    26 \section{Enumeration Operations}
    2828\CFA enumerations have access to the three enumerations properties \see{\VRef{s:Terminology}}: label, order (position), and value via three overloaded functions @label@, @posn@, and @value@ \see{\VRef{c:trait} for details}.
    4343A A @0@ 3
    45 Finally, there is an additional enumeration routine @countof@ (like @sizeof@, @typeof@) that returns the number of enumerators in an enumeration.
    46 \begin{cfa}
    47 enum(int) E { A, B, C, D };
    48 countof( E );  // 4
    49 \end{cfa}
    50 This auto-generated function replaces the C idiom for automatically computing the number of enumerators \see{\VRef{s:Usage}}.
     45Finally, \CFA introduces an additional enumeration pseudo-function @countof@ (like @sizeof@, @typeof@) that returns the number of enumerators in an enumeration.
     47enum(int) E { A, B, C, D } e;
     48countof( E );  // 4, type argument
     49countof( e );  // 4, variable argument
     51This built-in function replaces the C idiom for automatically computing the number of enumerators \see{\VRef{s:Usage}}.
    5253enum E { A, B, C, D, @N@ };  // N == 4
    5556The underlying representation of \CFA enumeration object is its position, saved as an integral type.
    5657Therefore, the size of a \CFA enumeration is consistent with a C enumeration.
    57 Attribute function @posn@ performs type substitution on an expression from \CFA type to integral type.
    58 The label and value of an enumerator is stored in a global data structure for each enumeration, where attribute functions @label@/@value@ map an \CFA enumeration object to the corresponding data.
    59 These operations do not apply to C Enums because backwards compatibility means the necessary backing data structures cannot be supplied.
     58Attribute function @posn@ performs type substitution on an expression from \CFA type to an integral type.
     59The label and value of an enumerator are stored in a global data structure for each enumeration, where attribute functions @label@/@value@ map an \CFA enumeration object to the corresponding data.
     60These operations do not apply to C Enums because backward compatibility means the necessary backing data structures cannot be supplied.
    6163\section{Opaque Enumeration}
    64 When an enumeration type is empty is it an \newterm{opaque} enumeration.
     66When an enumeration type is empty. it is an \newterm{opaque} enumeration.
    6668enum@()@ Mode { O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_CREAT, O_TRUNC, O_APPEND };
    68 Here, the internal representation is chosen by the compiler and hidden, so the enumerators cannot be initialized.
    69 Compared to the C enum, opaque enums are more restrictive in terms of typing and cannot be implicitly converted to integers.
     70Here, the compiler chooses the internal representation, which is hidden, so the enumerators cannot be initialized.
     71Compared to the C enum, opaque enums are more restrictive regarding typing and cannot be implicitly converted to integers.
    7173Mode mode = O_RDONLY;
    7274int www @=@ mode;                                               $\C{// disallowed}$
    74 Opaque enumerations have only two attribute properties @label@ and @posn@.
     76Opaque enumerations have only two attribute properties, @label@ and @posn@.
    7678char * s = label( O_TRUNC );                    $\C{// "O\_TRUNC"}$
    7779int open = posn( O_WRONLY );                    $\C{// 1}$
    79 The equality and relational operations are available.
     81Equality and relational operations are available.
    8183if ( mode @==@ O_CREAT ) ...
    89 When an enumeration type is specified, all enumerators have that type and can be initialized with constants of that type or compile-time convertable to that type.
    90 Figure~\ref{f:EumeratorTyping} shows a series of examples illustrating that all \CFA types can be use with an enumeration and each type's values used to set the enumerator constants.
    91 Note, the use of the synonyms @Liz@ and @Beth@ in the last declaration.
     91When an enumeration type is specified, all enumerators have that type and can be initialized with constants of that type or compile-time convertible to that type.
     92Figure~\ref{f:EumeratorTyping} shows a series of examples illustrating that all \CFA types can be used with an enumeration, and each type's values are used to set the enumerator constants.
     93Note the use of the synonyms @Liz@ and @Beth@ in the last declaration.
    9294Because enumerators are constants, the enumeration type is implicitly @const@, so all the enumerator types in Figure~\ref{f:EumeratorTyping} are logically rewritten with @const@.
    132 Note, the enumeration type can be a structure (see @Person@ in Figure~\ref{f:EumeratorTyping}), so it is possible to have the equivalent of multiple arrays of companion data using an array of structures.
     134Note that the enumeration type can be a structure (see @Person@ in Figure~\ref{f:EumeratorTyping}), so it is possible to have the equivalent of multiple arrays of companion data using an array of structures.
    134136While the enumeration type can be any C aggregate, the aggregate's \CFA constructors are \emph{not} used to evaluate an enumerator's value.
    162164bar( x );                                       $\C{// costs (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) or (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)}$
    164 Here, candidate (1) has a value conversion cost to convert to the base type, while candidate (2) has an unsafe conversion from @double@ to @int@.
     166Here, the candidate (1) has a @value@ conversion cost to convert to the base type, while the candidate (2) has an @unsafe@ conversion from @double@ to @int@,
     167which is a more expensive conversion.
    165168Hence, @bar( x )@ resolves @x@ as type @Math@.
    177180\section{Auto Initialization}
    179 A partially implemented feature is auto-initialization, which works for the C integral type with constant expressions.
    180 \begin{cfa}
    181 enum Week { Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu@ = 10@, Fri, Sat, Sun }; // 0-2, 10-13
    182 \end{cfa}
    183 The complexity of the constant expression depends on the level of computation the compiler implements, \eg \CC \lstinline[language={[GNU]C++}]{constexpr} provides complex compile-time computation across multiple types, which blurs the compilation/runtime boundary.
    185 If \CFA had powerful compilation expression evaluation, auto initialization would be implemented as follows.
    186 \begin{cfa}
    187 enum E(T) { A, B, C };
    188 \end{cfa}
     181\CFA extends C's auto-initialization scheme to \CFA enumeration. For an enumeration type with base type T, the initialization scheme is the following:
    190 \item the first enumerator, @A@, is initialized with @T@'s @zero_t@.
    191 \item otherwise, the next enumerator is initialized with the previous enumerator's value using operator @?++@, where @?++( T )@ can be overloaded for any type @T@.
     183\item the first enumerator is initialized with @T@'s @zero_t@.
     184\item Every other enumerator is initialized with its previous enumerator's value "+1", where "+1" is defined in terms of overloaded operator @?+?(T, one_t)@.
    194 Unfortunately, constant expressions in C are not powerful and \CFA is only a transpiler, relying on generated C code to perform the detail work.
    195 It is currently beyond the scope of the \CFA project to implement a complex runtime interpreter in the transpiler to evaluate complex expressions across multiple builtin and user-defined type.
    196 Nevertheless, the necessary language concepts exist to support this feature.
    199 \section{Enumeration Inheritance}
    200 \label{s:EnumerationInheritance}
     188struct S { int i; };
     189S ?+?( S & s, one_t ) { return s.i++; }
     190void ?{}( S & s, zero_t ) { s.i = 0; }
     191enum(S) E { A, B, C, D };
     196An enumeration's type can be another enumeration.
     198enum( char ) Letter { A = 'A', ..., Z = 'Z' };
     199enum( @Letter@ ) Greek { Alph = @A@, Beta = @B@, Gamma = @G@, ..., Zeta = @Z@ }; // alphabet intersection
     201Enumeration @Greek@ may have more or less enumerators than @Letter@, but its enumerator values \emph{must} be from @Letter@.
     202Therefore, the set of @Greek@ enumerator values in a subset of the @Letter@ enumerator values.
     203@Letter@ is type compatible with enumeration @Letter@ because value conversions are inserted whenever @Letter@ is used in place of @Greek@.
     205Letter l = A;                                           $\C{// allowed}$
     206Greek g = Alph;                                         $\C{// allowed}$
     207l = Alph;                                                       $\C{// allowed, conversion to base type}$
     208g = A;                                                          $\C{// {\color{red}disallowed}}$
     209void foo( Letter );
     210foo( Beta );                                            $\C{// allowed, conversion to base type}$
     211void bar( Greek );
     212bar( A );                                                       $\C{// {\color{red}disallowed}}$
     214Hence, @Letter@ enumerators are not type-compatible with the @Greek@ enumeration, but the reverse is true.
    202220\CFA Plan-9 inheritance may be used with \CFA enumerations, where Plan-9 inheritance is containment inheritance with implicit unscoping (like a nested unnamed @struct@/@union@ in C).
    203221Containment is nominative: an enumeration inherits all enumerators from another enumeration by declaring an @inline statement@ in its enumerator lists.
    205 enum( char * ) Names { /* $\see{\VRef[Figure]{s:EnumerationInheritance}}$ */ };
     223enum( char * ) Names { /* $\see{\VRef[Figure]{f:EumeratorTyping}}$ */ };
    206224enum( char * ) Names2 { @inline Names@, Jack = "JACK", Jill = "JILL" };
    207225enum( char * ) Names3 { @inline Names2@, Sue = "SUE", Tom = "TOM" };
    217235Inheritance can be nested, and a \CFA enumeration can inline enumerators from more than one \CFA enumeration, forming a tree-like hierarchy.
    218 However, the uniqueness of enumeration name applies to enumerators, including those from supertypes, meaning an enumeration cannot name enumerator with the same label as its subtype's members, or inherits
    219 from multiple enumeration that has overlapping enumerator label. As a consequence, a new type cannot inherits from both an enumeration and its supertype, or two enumerations with a
    220 common supertype (the diamond problem), since such would unavoidably introduce duplicate enumerator labels.
     236However, the uniqueness of the enumeration name applies to enumerators, including those from supertypes, meaning an enumeration cannot name an enumerator with the same label as its subtype's members or inherits
     237from multiple enumeration that has overlapping enumerator labels. Consequently, a new type cannot inherit from an enumeration and its supertype or two enumerations with a
     238common supertype (the diamond problem) since such would unavoidably introduce duplicate enumerator labels.
    222240The base type must be consistent between subtype and supertype.
    223 When an enumeration inherits enumerators from another enumeration, it copies the enumerators' @value@ and @label@, even if the @value@ is auto initialized.
     241When an enumeration inherits enumerators from another enumeration, it copies the enumerators' @value@ and @label@, even if the @value@ is auto-initialized.
    224242However, the position of the underlying representation is the order of the enumerator in the new enumeration.
    226 enum() E1 { A };
    227 enum() E2 { B, C };
    228 enum() E3 { inline E1, inline E2, D };
    229 \end{cfa}
    230 Here, @A@ has position 0 in @E1@ and @E3@.
    231 @B@ has position 0 in @E2@ and 1 in @E3@.
    232 @C@ has position 1 in @E2@ and position 2 in @E3@.
    233 @D@ has position 3 in @E3@.
    235 A subtype enumeration can be casted, or implicitly converted into its supertype, with a @safe@ cost.
     244enum() E1 { B };                                                                        $\C{// B}$                                             
     245enum() E2 { C, D };                                             $\C{// C D}$
     246enum() E3 { inline E1, inline E2, E };  $\C{// {\color{red}[\(_{E1}\)} B {\color{red}]} {\color{red}[\(_{E2}\)} C D {\color{red}]} E}$
     247enum() E4 { A, inline E3, F};                   $\C{// A {\color{blue}[\(_{E3}\)} {\color{red}[\(_{E1}\)} B {\color{red}]} {\color{red}[\(_{E2}\)} C D {\color{red}]} E {\color{blue}]} F}$
     249In the example, @B@ is at position 0 in @E1@ and @E3@, but position 1 in @E4@ as @A@ takes position 0 in @E4@.
     250@C@ is at position 0 in @E2@, 1 in @E3@, and 2 in @E4@.
     251@D@ is at position 1 in @E2@, 2 in @E3@, and 3 in @E4@.
     253A subtype enumeration can be casted, or implicitly converted into its supertype, with a @safe@ cost, called \newterm{enumeration conversion}.
    237255enum E2 e2 = C;
    238 posn( e2 );                     $\C[1.75in]{// 1}$
    239 enum E3 e3 = e2;
    240 posn( e2 );                     $\C{// 2}$
     256posn( e2 );                     $\C[1.75in]{// 0}$
     257enum E3 e3 = e2;        $\C{// Assignment with enumeration conversion E2 to E3}$
     258posn( e2 );                     $\C{// 1 cost}$
    241259void foo( E3 e );
    242 foo( e2 );
    243 posn( (E3)e2 );         $\C{// 2}$
    244 E3 e31 = B;
    245 posn( e31 );            $\C{// 1}\CRT$
     260foo( e2 );                      $\C{// Type compatible with enumeration conversion E2 to E3}$
     261posn( (E3)e2 );         $\C{// Explicit cast with enumeration conversion E2 to E3}$
     262E3 e31 = B;                     $\C{// No conversion: E3.B}$
     263posn( e31 );            $\C{// 0 cost}\CRT$
    247265The last expression is unambiguous.
    248 While both @E2.B@ and @E3.B@ are valid candidate, @E2.B@ has an associated safe cost and \CFA selects the zero cost candidate @E3.B@.
    249 Hence, as discussed in \VRef{s:OpaqueEnum}, \CFA chooses position as a representation of the \CFA enum.
    250 Therefore, conversion involves both a change of type and possibly position.
    252 When converting a subtype to a supertype, its position can only be a larger value.
    253 The difference between the position in the subtype and in the supertype is its \newterm{offset}.
    254 \VRef[Figure]{s:OffsetSubtypeSuperType} show the algorithm to determine the offset for an subtype enumerator to its super type.
    255 \PAB{You need to explain the algorithm.}
    257 \begin{figure}
    258 \begin{cfa}
    259 struct Enumerator;
    260 struct CFAEnum {
    261         vector<variant<CFAEnum, Enumerator>> members;
    262 };
    263 pair<bool, int> calculateEnumOffset( CFAEnum dst, Enumerator e ) {
    264         int offset = 0;
    265         for ( auto v: dst.members ) {
    266                 if ( v.holds_alternative<Enumerator>() ) {
    267                         auto m = v.get<Enumerator>();
    268                         if ( m == e ) return make_pair( true, 0 );
    269                         offset++;
    270                 } else {
    271                         auto p = calculateEnumOffset( v, e );
    272                         if ( p.first ) return make_pair( true, offset + p.second );
    273                         offset += p.second;
    274                 }
    275         }
    276         return make_pair( false, offset );
    277 }
    278 \end{cfa}
    279 \caption{Compute Offset from Subtype Enumerator to Super Type}
    280 \label{s:OffsetSubtypeSuperType}
    281 \end{figure}
     266While both @E2.B@ and @E3.B@ are valid candidates, @E2.B@ has an associated safe cost and @E3.B@ needs no conversion (@zero@ cost).
     267\CFA selects the lowest cost candidate @E3.B@.
    283269For the given function prototypes, the following calls are valid.
    304 \section{Enumerator Control Structures}
     290\subsection{Offset Calculation}
     292As discussed in \VRef{s:OpaqueEnum}, \CFA chooses position as a representation of a \CFA enumeration variable.
     293When a cast or implicit conversion moves an enumeration from subtype to supertype, the position can be unchanged or increase.
     294\CFA determines the position offset with an \newterm{offset calculation} function.
     298struct Enumerator;
     299struct CFAEnum { vector<variant<CFAEnum, Enumerator>> members; string name; };
     300inline static bool operator==(CFAEnum& lhs, CFAEnum& rhs) { return ==; }
     301pair<bool, int> calculateEnumOffset(CFAEnum src, CFAEnum dst) {
     302        int offset = 0;
     303        if ( src == dst ) return make_pair(true, 0);
     304        for ( auto v : dst.members ) {
     305                if ( holds_alternative<Enumerator>(v) ) {
     306                        offset++;
     307                } else {
     308                        auto m = get<CFAEnum>(v);
     309                        if ( m == src ) @return@ make_pair( true, offset );
     310                        auto dist = calculateEnumOffset( src, m );
     311                        if ( dist.first ) {
     312                                @return@ make_pair( true, offset + dist.second );
     313                        } else {
     314                                offset += dist.second;
     315                        }
     316                }
     317        }
     318        @return@ make_pair( false, offset );
     321\caption{Compute Offset from Subtype Enumeration to a Supertype}
     325Figure~\ref{s:OffsetSubtypeSuperType} shows an outline of the offset calculation in \CC.
     326Structure @CFAEnum@ represents the \CFA enumeration with a vector of variants of @CFAEnum@ or @Enumerator@.
     327The algorithm takes two @CFAEnums@ parameters, @src@ and @dst@, with @src@ being the type of expression the conversion applies to, and @dst@ being the type the expression is cast to.
     328The algorithm iterates over the members in @dst@ to find @src@.
     329If a member is an enumerator of @dst@, the positions of all subsequent members are incremented by one.
     330If the current member is @dst@, the function returns true indicating \emph{found} and the accumulated offset.
     331Otherwise, the algorithm recurses into the current @CFAEnum@ @m@ to check if its @src@ is convertible to @m@.
     332If @src@ is convertible to the current member @m@, this means @src@ is a subtype-of-subtype of @dst@.
     333The offset between @src@ and @dst@ is the sum of the offset of @m@ in @dst@ and the offset of @src@ in @m@.
     334If @src@ is not a subtype of @m@, the loop continues but with the offset shifted by the size of @m@.
     335If the loop ends, than @src@ is not convertible to @dst@, and false is returned.
     338\section{Control Structures}
    306340Enumerators can be used in multiple contexts.
    394 \section{Enumeration Dimension}
    396430\VRef{s:EnumeratorTyping} introduces the harmonizing problem between an enumeration and secondary information.
    409443\footnotetext{C uses symbol \lstinline{'='} for designator initialization, but \CFA changes it to \lstinline{':'} because of problems with tuple syntax.}
    410444This approach is also necessary for a predefined typed enumeration (unchangeable), when additional secondary-information need to be added.
    412445The array subscript operator, namely @?[?]@, is overloaded so that when a \CFA enumerator is used as an array index, it implicitly converts to its position over value to sustain data harmonization.
    413446This behaviour can be reverted by explicit overloading:
    415448float ?[?]( float * arr, E2 index ) { return arr[ value( index ) ]; }
    417 When an enumeration type is being used as an array dimension, \CFA adds the enumeration type to the initializer's context.
    418 As a result, @H2@'s array destinators @A@, @B@ and @C@ are resolved unambiguously to type @E2@.
    419 (@H1@'s destinators are also resolved unambiguously to @E1@ because @E2@ has a @value@ cost.)
    422 \section{Enumeration I/O}
    424 As seen in multiple examples, enumerations can be printed and the default property printed is the enumerator's label, which is similar in other programming languages.
     450While enumerator labels @A@, @B@ and @C@ are being defined twice in different enumerations, they are unambiguous within the context.
     451Designators in @H1@ are unambiguous becasue @E2@ has a @value@ cost to @int@, which is more expensive than @safe@ cost from C-Enum @E1@ to @int@.
     452Designators in @H2@ are resolved as @E2@ because when a \CFA enumeration type is being used as an array dimension, \CFA adds the enumeration type to the initializer's resolution context.
     457As seen in multiple examples, \CFA enumerations can be printed and the default property printed is the enumerator's label, which is similar in other programming languages.
    425458However, very few programming languages provide a mechanism to read in enumerator values.
    426459Even the @boolean@ type in many languages does not have a mechanism for input using the enumerators @true@ or @false@.
    427460\VRef[Figure]{f:EnumerationI/O} show \CFA enumeration input based on the enumerator labels.
    428461When the enumerator labels are packed together in the input stream, the input algorithm scans for the longest matching string.
    429 For basic types in \CFA, the rule is that the same constants used to initialize a variable in a program are available to initialize a variable using input, where strings constants can be quoted or unquoted.
     462For basic types in \CFA, the rule is that the same constants used to initialize a variable in a program are available to initialize a variable using input, where string constants can be quoted or unquoted.
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/Cenum.tex

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    1 \chapter{C Enumeration in \CFA}
     1\chapter{C Enumeration in \texorpdfstring{\CFA}{Cforall}}
    3 \CFA supports legacy C enumeration using the same syntax for backwards compatibility.
     3\CFA supports legacy C enumeration using the same syntax for backward compatibility.
    44A C-style enumeration in \CFA is called a \newterm{C Enum}.
    55The semantics of the C Enum is mostly consistent with C with some restrictions.
    9 \section{Enumerator Visibility}
    10 \label{s:EnumeratorVisibility}
    1212In C, unscoped enumerators present a \newterm{naming problem} when multiple enumeration types appear in the same scope with duplicate enumerator names.
    1515enum E2 { @Fourth@, @Third@, @Second@, @First@ }; $\C{// same enumerator names}$
    17 There is no mechanism in C to resolve these naming conflicts other than renaming one of the duplicates, which may be impossible if the conflict comes from system include files.
     17There is no mechanism in C to resolve these naming conflicts other than renaming one of the duplicates, which may be impossible if the conflict comes from system include-files.
    1919The \CFA type-system allows extensive overloading, including enumerators.
    44 \section{Enumerator Scoping}
    4646A C Enum can be scoped, using @'!'@, so the enumerator constants are not projected into the enclosing scope.
    66 As in Section~\ref{s:EnumeratorVisibility}, opening multiple scoped enumerations in a @with@ can result in duplicate enumeration names, but \CFA implicit type resolution and explicit qualification/casting handle this localized scenario.
    68 A partially implemented extension to enumerator scoping is providing a combination of scoped and unscoped enumerators, using individual denotations, where @'^'@ means unscoped.
    69 \begin{cfa}
    70 enum E1 { @!@A, @^@B, C };
    71 enum E2 @!@ { @!@A, @^@B, C };
    72 \end{cfa}
    73 For @E1@, @A@ is scoped; @B@ and @C@ are unscoped.
    74 For @E2@, @A@ and @C@ are scoped; @B@ is unscoped.
    75 Finding a use case is important to justify completing this extension.
     66As in Section~\ref{s:CVisibility}, opening multiple scoped enumerations in a @with@ can result in duplicate enumeration names, but \CFA implicit type resolution and explicit qualification/casting handle this localized scenario.
    7869\section{Type Safety}
    8072As in Section~\ref{s:Usage}, C's implicit bidirectional conversion between enumeration and integral type raises a safety concern.
    8173In \CFA, the conversion is changed to unidirectional: an enumeration can be implicitly converted into an integral type, with an associated @safe@ conversion cost.
    82 But an integral type cannot be implicitly converted into a C enumeration because the conversion cost is set to @infinity@.
     74However, an integral type cannot be implicitly converted into a C enumeration because the conversion cost is set to @infinity@.
    8476enum Bird { Penguin, Robin, Eagle };
    110102\item[How widely used:] Common.
    113 \begin{comment}
    114 \begin{description}[parsep=0pt]
    115 \item[Change:] In \CC, the type of an enumerator is its enumeration.
    116 In C, the type of an enumerator is @int@.
    117 Example:
    118 \begin{cfa}
    119 enum e { A };
    120 sizeof(A) == sizeof(int)        $\C{// in C}$
    121 sizeof(A) == sizeof(e)          $\C{// in \CC}$
    122 /* and sizeof(int) is not necessary equal to sizeof(e) */
    123 \end{cfa}
    124 \item[Rationale:] In \CC, an enumeration is a distinct type.
    125 \item[Effect on original feature:] Change to semantics of well-defined feature.
    126 \item[Difficulty of converting:] Semantic transformation.
    127 \item[How widely used:] Seldom. The only time this affects existing C code is when the size of an enumerator is
    128 taken. Taking the size of an enumerator is not a common C coding practice.
    129 \end{description}
    130 \end{comment}
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/background.tex

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    3 This chapter covers background material for C enumerations and \CFA features used in later discussion.
     3This chapter covers background material for C enumerations and \CFA features used in later discussions.
    16 For @#define@, the programmer has to explicitly manage the constant name and value.
    17 Furthermore, these C preprocessor macro names are outside of the C type-system and can incorrectly change random text in a program.
     16For @#define@, the programmer must explicitly manage the constant name and value.
     17Furthermore, these C preprocessor macro names are outside the C type system and can incorrectly change random text in a program.
    1919The same explicit management is true for the @const@ declaration, and the @const@ variable cannot appear in constant-expression locations, like @case@ labels, array dimensions,\footnote{
    20 C allows variable-length array-declarations (VLA), so this case does work, but it fails in \CC, which does not support VLAs, unless it is \lstinline{g++}.} immediate oper\-ands of assembler instructions, and occupies storage.
     20C allows variable-length array declarations (VLA), so this case does work. Still, it fails in \CC, which does not support VLAs, unless it is \lstinline{g++}.} immediate oper\-ands of assembler instructions and occupies storage.
    2222$\$$ nm test.o
    30 \subsection{C \lstinline{const}}
     30\subsection{C \texorpdfstring{\lstinline{const}}{const}}
    8787enum { Size = 20, Max = 10, MaxPlus10 = Max + 10, @Max10Plus1@, Fred = -7 };
    89 Here, the aliased constants are: 20, 10, 20, 21, and -7.
    90 Direct initialization is by a compile-time expression generating a constant value.
    91 Indirect initialization (without initializer, @Max10Plus1@) is called \newterm{auto-initialization}, where enumerators are assigned values from left to right, starting at zero or the next explicitly initialized constant, incrementing by @1@.
     89Here, the aliased constants are 20, 10, 20, 21, and -7.
     90Direct initialization is achieved by a compile-time expression that generates a constant value.
     91Indirect initialization (without an initializer, @Max10Plus1@) is called \newterm{auto-initialization}, where enumerators are assigned values from left to right, starting at zero or the next explicitly initialized constant, incrementing by @1@.
    9292Because multiple independent enumerators can be combined, enumerators with the same values can occur.
    93 The enumerators are rvalues, so assignment is disallowed.
     93The enumerators are @rvalues@, so the assignment is disallowed.
    9494Finally, enumerators are \newterm{unscoped}, \ie enumerators declared inside of an @enum@ are visible (projected) outside into the enclosing scope of the @enum@ type.
    95 For unnamed enumerations, this semantic is required because there is no type name for scoped qualification.
    97 As noted, this kind of aliasing declaration is not an enumeration, even though it is declared using an @enum@ in C.
     95This semantic is required for unnamed enumerations because there is no type name for scoped qualification.
     97As noted, this aliasing declaration is not an enumeration, even though it is declared using an @enum@ in C.
    9898While the semantics is misleading, this enumeration form matches with aggregate types:
    112112enum @Week@ { Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu@ = 10@, Fri, Sat, Sun };
    114 and adopts the same semantics with respect to direct and auto intialization.
     114and adopts the same semantics as direct and auto initialization.
    115115For example, @Mon@ to @Wed@ are implicitly assigned with constants @0@--@2@, @Thu@ is explicitly set to constant @10@, and @Fri@ to @Sun@ are implicitly assigned with constants @11@--@13@.
    116116As well, initialization may occur in any order.
    123 Note, the comma in the enumerator list can be a terminator or a separator, allowing the list to end with a dangling comma.\footnote{
     123Note the comma in the enumerator list can be a terminator or a separator, allowing the list to end with a dangling comma.\footnote{
    124124A terminating comma appears in other C syntax, \eg the initializer list.}
    125 This feature allow enumerator lines to be interchanged without moving a comma.
     125This feature allows enumerator lines to be interchanged without moving a comma.
    126126Named enumerators are also unscoped.
    132 In theory, a C enumeration \emph{variable} is an implementation-defined integral type large enough to hold all enumerator values.
     132Theoretically, a C enumeration \emph{variable} is an implementation-defined integral type large enough to hold all enumerator values.
    133133In practice, C defines @int@~\cite[\S~]{C11} as the underlying type for enumeration variables, restricting initialization to integral constants, which have type @int@ (unless qualified with a size suffix).
    134134However, type @int@ is defined as:
    136136A ``plain'' @int@ object has the natural size suggested by the architecture of the execution environment (large enough to contain any value in the range @INT_MIN@ to @INT_MAX@ as defined in the header @<limits.h>@).~\cite[\S~6.2.5(5)]{C11}
    138 However, @int@ means a 4 bytes on both 32/64-bit architectures, which does not seem like the ``natural'' size for a 64-bit architecture.
    139 Whereas, @long int@ means 4 bytes on a 32-bit and 8 bytes on 64-bit architectures, and @long long int@ means 8 bytes on both 32/64-bit architectures, where 64-bit operations are simulated on 32-bit architectures.
    140 \VRef[Figure]{f:gccEnumerationStorageSize} shows both @gcc@ and @clang@ partially ignore this specification and type the integral size of an enumerator based its initialization.
    141 Hence, initialization in the range @INT_MIN@..@INT_MAX@ results in a 4-byte enumerator, and outside this range the enumerator is 8 bytes.
     138However, @int@ means 4 bytes on both 32/64-bit architectures, which does not seem like the ``natural'' size for a 64-bit architecture.
     139Whereas @long int@ means 4 bytes on a 32-bit and 8 bytes on 64-bit architectures, and @long long int@ means 8 bytes on both 32/64-bit architectures, where 64-bit operations are simulated on 32-bit architectures.
     140\VRef[Figure]{f:gccEnumerationStorageSize} shows both @gcc@ and @clang@ partially ignore this specification and type the integral size of an enumerator based on its initialization.
     141Hence, initialization in the range @INT_MIN@..@INT_MAX@ results in a 4-byte enumerator, and outside this range, the enumerator is 8 bytes.
    142142Note that @sizeof( typeof( IMin ) ) != sizeof( E )@, making the size of an enumerator different than is containing enumeration type, which seems inconsistent, \eg @sizeof( typeof( 3 ) ) == sizeof( int )@.
    170 C proves an implicit \emph{bidirectional} conversion between an enumeration and its integral type, and between two different enumerations.
     170C proves an implicit \emph{bidirectional} conversion between an enumeration and its integral type and between two different enumerations.
    172172enum Week week = Mon;                           $\C{// week == 0}$
    178178@week = Winter;@                                        $\C{// UNDEFINED! implicit conversion to Week}$
    180 While converting an enumerator to its underlying type is useful, the implicit conversion from the base or another enumeration type to an enumeration is a common source of error.
     180While converting an enumerator to its underlying type is sound, the implicit conversion from the base or another enumeration type to an enumeration is a common source of error.
    182182Enumerators can appear in @switch@ and looping statements.
    195195For iterating using arithmetic to make sense, the enumerator values \emph{must} have a consecutive ordering with a fixed step between values.
    196 For example, a previous gap introduced by @Thu = 10@, results in iterating over the values 0--13, where values 3--9 are not @Week@ values.
    197 Note, it is the bidirectional conversion that allows incrementing @day@: @day@ is converted to @int@, integer @1@ is added, and the result is converted back to @Week@ for the assignment to @day@.
     196For example, a previous gap introduced by @Thu = 10@ results in iterating over the values 0--13, where values 3--9 are not @Week@ values.
     197Note that the bidirectional conversion allows incrementing @day@: @day@ is converted to @int@, integer @1@ is added, and the result is converted back to @Week@ for the assignment to @day@.
    198198For safety, \CC does not support the bidirectional conversion, and hence, an unsafe cast is necessary to increment @day@: @day = (Week)(day + 1)@.
    200 There is a C idiom to automatically compute the number of enumerators in an enumeration.
     200There is a C idiom that computes the number of enumerators in an enumeration automatically.
    202202enum E { A, B, C, D, @N@ };  // N == 4
    203203for ( enum E e = A; e < @N@; e += 1 ) ...
    205 Here, serendipitously the auto-incrementing counts the number of enumerators and puts the total into the last enumerator @N@.
    206 This @N@ is often used as the dimension for an array assocated with the enumeration.
     205Serendipitously, the auto-incrementing counts the number of enumerators and puts the total into the last enumerator @N@.
     206This @N@ is often used as the dimension for an array associated with the enumeration.
    208208E array[@N@];
    227227However, the companion idiom results in the \emph{harmonizing} problem because an update to the enumeration @Integral_Type@ often requires a corresponding update to the companion array \snake{Integral_Name}.
    228 The requirement to harmonize is at best indicated by a comment before the enumeration.
     228The requirement to harmonize is, at best, indicated by a comment before the enumeration.
    229229This issue is exacerbated if enumeration and companion array are in different translation units.
    232 While C provides a true enumeration, it is restricted, has unsafe semantics, and does not provide useful/advanced enumeration features found in other programming languages.
    234 \section{\CFA Polymorphism}
    236 \subsection{Function Overloading}
    237 Function overloading is programming languages feature wherein functions may share the same name, but with different function signatures. In both C++ and \CFA, function names can be overloaded
    238 with different entities as long as they are different in terms of the number and type of parameters.
    240 \section{\CFA}
    242 \CFA in \emph{not} an object-oriented programming-language, \ie functions cannot be nested in aggregate types, and hence, there is no \newterm{receiver} notation for calling functions, \eg @obj.method(...)@, where the first argument proceeds the call and becomes an  implicit first (\lstinline[language=C++]{this}) parameter.
     232While C provides a true enumeration, it is restricted, has unsafe semantics, and does not provide helpful/advanced enumeration features in other programming languages.
     237\CFA in \emph{not} an object-oriented programming language, \ie functions cannot be nested in aggregate types, and hence, there is no \newterm{receiver} notation for calling functions, \eg @obj.method(...)@, where the first argument proceeds the call and becomes an implicit first (\lstinline[language=C++]{this}) parameter.
    243238The following sections provide short descriptions of \CFA features needed further in the thesis.
    244 Other \CFA features are presented in-situ with short explanations, or no explanation because the feature is obvious to C programmers.
     239Other \CFA features are presented in situ with short or no explanation because the feature is obvious to C programmers.
    249 Overloading allows programmers to use the most meaningful names without fear of name clashes within a program or from external sources, like include files.
     244Overloading allows programmers to use the most meaningful names without fear of name clashes within a program or from external sources like included files.
    251246There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. --- Phil Karlton
    253248Experience from \CC and \CFA developers is that the type system implicitly and correctly disambiguates the majority of overloaded names, \ie it is rare to get an incorrect selection or ambiguity, even among hundreds of overloaded (variables and) functions.
    254249In many cases, a programmer has no idea there are name clashes, as they are silently resolved, simplifying the development process.
    255 Depending on the language, ambiguous cases are resolved using some form of qualification or casting.
     250Depending on the language, ambiguous cases are resolved using some form of qualification and/or casting.
    268263s1 = @?+?@( s1, s2 );   $\C{// direct call}\CRT$
    270 The type system examines each call size and selects the best matching overloaded function based on the number and types of the arguments.
    271 If there are intermixed operands, @2 + 3.5@, the type system attempts (safe) conversions changing the arguments to one or more of the parameter type(s).
     265The type system examines each call size and selects the best matching overloaded function based on the number and types of arguments.
     266If there are mixed-mode operands, @2 + 3.5@, the type system, like in C/\CC, attempts (safe) conversions, converting the argument type(s) to the parameter type(s).
    274269\subsection{Function Overloading}
    276 Both \CFA and \CC allow function names to be overloaded, as long as their prototypes differ in the number and type of parameters and returns.
     271Both \CFA and \CC allow function names to be overloaded as long as their prototypes differ in the number and type of parameters and returns.
    278273void f( void );                 $\C[1.75in]{// (1): no parameter}$
    283278In this case, the name @f@ is overloaded depending on the number and parameter types.
    284 The type system examines each call size and selects the best matching based on the number and types of the arguments.
    285 Here, there is a perfect match for the call, @f( 'A' )@ with the number and parameter type of function (2).
    287 Ada, Scala, and \CFA type-systems also use the return type in resolving a call, to pinpoint the best overloaded name.
     279The type system examines each call size and selects the best match based on the number and types of arguments.
     280Here, the call @f( 'A' )@ is a perfect match for the number and parameter type of function (2).
     282Ada, Scala, and \CFA type-systems also use the return type to pinpoint the best-overloaded name in resolving a call.
    289284int f( void );                  $\C[1.75in]{// (4); overloaded on return type}$
    309 The \CFA type system simply treats overloaded variables as an overloaded function returning a value with no parameters.
     304The \CFA type system treats overloaded variables as an overloaded function returning a value with no parameters.
    310305Hence, no significant effort is required to support this feature.
    313308\subsection{Constructor and Destructor}
    315 While \CFA in not object oriented, it adopts many language features commonly used in object-oriented languages;
    316 these features are independent from object-oriented programming.
     310While \CFA is not object-oriented, it adopts many language features commonly used in object-oriented languages;
     311these features are independent of object-oriented programming.
    318313All objects in \CFA are initialized by @constructors@ \emph{after} allocation and de-initialized \emph{before} deallocation.
    319 \CC cannot have constructors for basic-types because they have no aggregate type \lstinline[language=C++]{struct/class} in which to insert a constructor definition.
     314\CC cannot have constructors for basic types because they have no aggregate type \lstinline[language=C++]{struct/class} in which to insert a constructor definition.
    320315Like \CC, \CFA has multiple auto-generated constructors for every type.
    322317The prototype for the constructor/destructor are @void ?{}( T &, ... )@ and @void ^?{}( T &, ... )@, respectively.
    323 The first parameter is logically, the \lstinline[language=C++]{this} or \lstinline[language=Python]{self} in other object-oriented languages, and implicitly passed.
     318The first parameter is logically the \lstinline[language=C++]{this} or \lstinline[language=Python]{self} in other object-oriented languages and implicitly passed.
    324319\VRef[Figure]{f:CFAConstructorDestructor} shows an example of creating and using a constructor and destructor.
    325320Both constructor and destructor can be explicitly called to reuse a variable.
    356351The C constants @0@ and @1@ have special meaning.
    357 @0@ is the null pointer and used in conditional expressions, where @if ( p )@ is rewritten @if ( p != 0 )@;
     352@0@ is the null pointer and is used in conditional expressions, where @if ( p )@ is rewritten @if ( p != 0 )@;
    358353@1@ is an additive identity in unary operators @++@ and @--@.
    359354Aware of their significance, \CFA provides a special type @zero_t@ and @one_t@ for custom types.
    383378At the call size, the type parameter @T@ is bounded to @int@ from the argument @42@.
    385 For polymorphic functions to be useful, the @forall@ clause needs \newterm{type assertion}s that restricts the polymorphic types it accepts.
     380For polymorphic functions to be useful, the @forall@ clause needs \newterm{type assertion}s that restrict the polymorphic types it accepts.
    387382forall( T @| { void foo( T ); }@ ) void bar( T t ) { @foo( t );@ }
    390385bar( s );
    392 The assertion on @T@ restricts the range of types that can be manipulated by @bar@ to only those that have an implementation of @foo@ with the matching signature, allowing @bar@'s call to @foo@ in its body.
     387The assertion on @T@ restricts the range of types that can be manipulated by @bar@ to only those that implement @foo@ with the matching signature, allowing @bar@'s call to @foo@ in its body.
     388Unlike templates in \CC, which are macro expansions at the call site, \CFA polymorphic functions are compiled, passing the call-site assertion functions as hidden parameters.
    395 A @forall@ clause can asserts on multiple types and with multiple asserting functions. A common practice in \CFA is to group
    396 the asserting functions in to a named \newterm{trait}.
    398 \subsection{Trait}
    400393A @forall@ clause can assert many restrictions on multiple types.
    401 A common practice is to refactor the assertions into a named \newterm{trait}.
     394A common practice is refactoring the assertions into a named \newterm{trait}, similar to other languages like Go and Rust.
    403396forall(T) trait @Bird@ {
    414407bird_fly( 23, robin );
    416 Grouping type assertions into a named trait effectively creates a reusable interface for parametric-polymorphic types.
     409Grouping type assertions into a named trait effectively creates a reusable interface for parametric polymorphic types.
    423416When multiple best matches exist, the resolution is ambiguous.
    425 The \CFA resolver attempts to identity a best candidate based on: first, the number of parameters and types, and second, when no exact match exists, the fewest implicit conversions and polymorphic variables.
    426 Finding an exact match is not discussed here, because the mechanism is fairly straightforward, even when the search space is large;
     418The \CFA resolver attempts to identify the best candidate based on: first, the number of parameters and types, and second, when no exact match exists, the fewest implicit conversions and polymorphic variables.
     419Finding an exact match is not discussed here, because the mechanism is fairly straightforward, even when the search space is ample;
    427420only finding a non-exact match is discussed in detail.
    433426Most programming languages perform some implicit conversions among basic types to facilitate mixed-mode arithmetic;
    434 otherwise, the program becomes littered with many explicit casts, which is not match programmer expectation.
    435 C is an aggressive language as it provides conversions among almost all of the basic types, even when the conversion is potentially unsafe or not meaningful, \ie @float@ to @bool@.
     427otherwise, the program becomes littered with many explicit casts which do not match the programmer's expectations.
     428C is an aggressive language, providing conversions among almost all basic types, even when the conversion is potentially unsafe or not meaningful, \ie @float@ to @bool@.
    436429C defines the resolution pattern as ``usual arithmetic conversion''~\cite[\S~]{C11}, in which C looks for a \newterm{common type} between operands, and converts one or both operands to the common type.
    437 Loosely defined, a common type is a the smallest type in terms of size of representation that both operands can be converted into without losing their precision, called a \newterm{widening} or \newterm{safe conversion}.
     430A common type is the smallest type in terms of the size of representation that both operands can be converted into without losing their precision, called a \newterm{widening} or \newterm{safe conversion}.
    439432\CFA generalizes ``usual arithmetic conversion'' to \newterm{conversion cost}.
    445438@poly@ is the number of polymorphic function parameters, and
    447 @safe@ is sum of the degree of safe (widening) conversions.
     440@safe@ is the sum of the degree of safe (widening) conversions.
    449442Sum of degree is a method to quantify C's integer and floating-point rank.
    450 Every pair of widening conversion types is assigned a \newterm{distance}, and distance between the two same type is 0.
    451 For example, the distance from @char@ to @int@ is 2, distance from @int@ to @long@ is 1, and distance from @int@ to @long long int@ is 2.
     443Every pair of widening conversion types is assigned a \newterm{distance}, and the distance between the two same types is 0.
     444For example, the distance from @char@ to @int@ is 2, from @int@ to @long@ is 1, and from @int@ to @long long int@ is 2.
    452445This distance does not mirror C's rank system.
    453 For example, the rank of @char@ and @signed char@ are the same in C, but the distance from @char@ to @signed char@ is assigned 1.
    454 @safe@ cost is summing all pairs of argument to parameter safe conversion distances.
    455 Among the three costs in Bilson's model, @unsafe@ is the most significant cost and @safe@ is the least significant, with an implication that \CFA always choose a candidate with the lowest @unsafe@, if possible.
    457 For example, assume the overloaded function @foo@ is called with two @int@ parameter.
    458 The cost for every overloaded @foo@ has been list along:
     446For example, the @char@ and @signed char@ ranks are the same in C, but the distance from @char@ to @signed char@ is assigned 1.
     447@safe@ cost is summing all pairs of arguments to parameter safe conversion distances.
     448Among the three costs in Bilson's model, @unsafe@ is the most significant cost, and @safe@ is the least significant, implying that \CFA always chooses a candidate with the lowest @unsafe@, if possible.
     450For example, assume the overloaded function @foo@ is called with two @int@ parameters.
     451The cost for every overloaded @foo@ has been listed along with the following:
    460453void foo( char, char );                         $\C[2.5in]{// (1) (2, 0, 0)}$
    469462foo( i, j );                                            $\C{// convert j to long and call (8)}\CRT$
    471 The overloaded instances are ordered from the highest to the lowest cost, and \CFA select the last candidate (8).
     464The overloaded instances are ordered from the highest to the lowest cost, and \CFA selects the last candidate (8).
    473466In the next iteration of \CFA, Schluntz and Aaron~\cite{Moss18} expanded conversion cost to a 7-tuple with 4 additional categories, @(unsafe, poly, safe, sign, vars, specialization, reference)@, with the following interpretations:
    476469\item \textit{Poly}
    477470\item \textit{Safe}
    478 \item \textit{Sign} is the number of sign/unsign variable conversion.
    479 \item \textit{Vars} is the number of polymorphics type variable.
    480 \item \textit{Specialization} is negative value of the number of type assertion.
     471\item \textit{Sign} is the number of sign/unsign variable conversions.
     472\item \textit{Vars} is the number of polymorphic type variables.
     473\item \textit{Specialization} is the negative value of the number of type assertions.
    481474\item \textit{Reference} is number of reference-to-rvalue conversion.
    483476The extended conversion-cost model looks for candidates that are more specific and less generic.
    484477@vars@ disambiguates @forall( T, V ) foo( T, V )@ and @forall( T ) void foo( T, T )@, where the extra type parameter @V@ makes is more generic.
    485 A more generic type means less constraints on its parameter types.
     478A more generic type means fewer constraints on its parameter types.
    486479\CFA favours candidates with more restrictions on polymorphism, so @forall( T ) void foo( T, T )@ has lower cost.
    487480@specialization@ is an arbitrary count-down value starting at zero.
    488 For every type assertion in @forall@ clause (no assertions in the above example), \CFA subtracts one from @specialization@.
    489 More type assertions means more constraints on argument types, making the function less generic.
     481For every type assertion in the @forall@ clause (no assertions in the above example), \CFA subtracts one from @specialization@.
     482More type assertions mean more constraints on argument types, making the function less generic.
    491484\CFA defines two special cost values: @zero@ and @infinite@.
    492 A conversion cost is @zero@ when argument and parameter has an exact match, and a conversion cost is @infinite@ when there is no defined conversion between two types.
     485A conversion cost is @zero@ when the argument and parameter have an exact match, and a conversion cost is @infinite@ when there is no defined conversion between the two types.
    493486For example, the conversion cost from @int@ to a @struct S@ is @infinite@.
    495 In \CFA, the meaning of a C style cast is determined by its @Cast Cost@. For most cast expression resolution, a cast cost is equal to a conversion cost.
    496 Cast cost exists as an independent matrix for conversion that cannot happen implcitly, while being possible with an explicit cast. These conversions are often defined to have
    497 infinite conversion cost and non-infinite cast cost.
     488In \CFA, the meaning of a C-style cast is determined by its @Cast Cost@.
     489For most cast-expression resolutions, a cast cost equals a conversion cost.
     490Cast cost exists as an independent matrix for conversion that cannot happen implicitly while being possible with an explicit cast.
     491These conversions are often defined as having an infinite conversion cost and a non-infinite cast cost.
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/conclusion.tex

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    4 The goal of this thesis is to adapt enumeration in \CFA to be aligned with the analogous features in
    5 other languages while being backward-compatiable to C.
    6 The presented features are based off on tools and techniques that widely used in
    7 other languages but they were adapted to better fix \CFA's feature set. Additionally, the thesis provides
    8 an improvement on safety and productivity of C enumeration, including enumerator overloading,
    9 name scoping and type checking.
     4The goal of this work is to extend the simple and unsafe enumeration type in the C programming language into a complex and safe enumeration type in the \CFA programming language while maintaining backward compatibility with C.
     5Within this goal, the new \CFA enumeration should align with the analogous enumeration features in other languages to match modern programming expectations.
     6Hence, the \CFA enumeration features are borrowed from a number of programming languages, but engineered to work and play with \CFA's type system and feature set.
    11 To further explores the potential of enumerated types, this thesis presents a new \CFA enumeration
    12 that is independent on C enumeration. The \CFA enumeration aims to solve the data harmonization problem
    13 and have natural support to \CFA generic type, along with some new features that fit with \CFA's
    14 programming pattern, such as enumerator conctrol structures.
     8Strong type-checking of enumeration initialization and assignment provides additional safety, ensuring an enumeration only contains its enumerators.
     9Overloading and scoping of enumerators significantly reduces the naming problem, providing a better software-engineering environment, with fewer name clashes and the ability to disambiguate those that cannot be implicitly resolved.
     10Typed enumerations solve the data-harmonization problem increasing safety through better software engineering.
     11Moreover, integrating enumerations with existing control structures provides a consistent upgrade for programmers and a succinct and secure mechanism to enumerate with the new loop-range feature.
     12Generalization and reuse are supported by incorporating the new enumeration type using the \CFA trait system.
     13Enumeration traits define the meaning of an enumeration, allowing functions to be written that work on any enumeration, such as the reading and printing an enumeration.
     14Using advanced duck typing, existing C enumerations can be extended so they work with all of the enumeration features, providing for legacy C code to be moved forward into the modern \CFA programming domain.
     15Finally, I expanded the \CFA project's test-suite with multiple enumeration features tests with respect to implicit conversions, control structures, inheritance, interaction with the polymorphic types, and the features built on top of enumeration traits.
     16These tests ensure future \CFA work does not accidentally break the new enumeration system.
    16 The \CFA project's test suite has been expanded to test the enumerations with respect to its
    17 implicit conversions, inheritance, interaction with the polymorphic types, and the features
    18 built on top of enumeration traits.
     18The conclusion is that the new \CFA enumeration mechanisms achieve the initial goals, providing C programmers with an intuitive enumeration mechanism for handling modern programming requirements.
    20 The enumerated type is an attempt to adapt classic data types into \CFA unique type system. It brings
    21 valuable new feature to \CFA in its own right, but also serve as a motivation to adapt other data types
    22 in \CFA.
    24 % \section{Future Work}
     21\section{Future Work}
     23The following are ideas to improve and extend the work in this thesis.
     26There are still corner cases being found in the current \CFA enumeration implementation.
     27Fixing some of these corner cases requires changes to the \CFA resolver or extensions to \CFA. %, like compile-time constant-expression evaluation.
     28When these changes are made, it should be straightforward to update the \CFA enumeration implementation to work with them.
     30Currently, some aspects of the enumeration trait system require explicitly including the file @enum.hfa@, which can lead to problems.
     31It should be possible to have this file included implicitly by updating the \CFA prelude.
     33There are multiple \CFA features being developed in parallel with enumerations.
     34Two closely related features are iterator and namespace.
     35Enumerations may have to be modified to dovetail with these features.
     36For example, enumerating with range loops does not align with the current iterator design, so some changes will be necessary.
     38C already provides @const@-style aliasing using the \emph{unnamed} enumerator \see{\VRef{s:TypeName}}, even if the name @enum@ is misleading (@const@ would be better).
     39Given the existence of this form, it is conceivable to extend it with types other than @int@.
     41enum { Size = 20u, PI = 3.14159L, Jack = L"John" };
     43which matches with @const@ aliasing in other programming languages.
     44Here, the type of the enumerator is the type of the initialization constant, \eg @typeof( 20u )@ for @Size@ implies @unsigned int@.
     45Auto-initialization is restricted to the case where all constants are @int@, matching with C.
     46As seen in \VRef{s:EnumeratorTyping}, this feature is just a shorthand for multiple typed-enumeration declarations.
     48enum( unsigned int ) { Size = 20u };
     49enum( long double ) { PI = 3.14159L };
     50enum( wchar_t * ) { Jack = L"John" };
     53Currently enumeration scoping is all or nothing. In some cases, it might be useful to
     54increase the scoping granularity to individual enumerators.
     56enum E1 { @!@A, @^@B, C };
     57enum E2 @!@ { @!@A, @^@B, C };
     59Here, @'!'@ means the enumerator is scoped, and @'^'@ means the enumerator is unscoped.
     60For @E1@, @A@ is scoped; @B@ and @C@ are unscoped.
     61For @E2@, @A@, and @C@ are scoped; @B@ is unscoped.
     62Finding a use case is important to justify this extension.
     64An extension mentioned in \VRef{s:Ada} is using @typedef@ to create an enumerator alias.
     66enum(int) RGB { @Red@, @Green@, Blue };
     67enum(int) Traffic_Light { @Red@, Yellow, @Green@ };
     68typedef RGB.Red OtherRed; // alias
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/intro.tex

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    3 All basic types in a programming language have a set of constants (symbols), and these constants represent computable values, \eg integer types have constants @-1@, @17@, @0xff@ representing whole numbers, floating-point types have constants @5.3@, @2.3E-5@, @0xff.ffp0@ representing  real numbers, character types have constants @'a'@, @"abc\n"@, \mbox{\lstinline{u8"}\texttt{\guillemotleft{na\"{i}ve}\guillemotright}\lstinline{"}} representing (human readable) text, \etc.
     3All basic types in a programming language have a set of constants (symbols), and these constants represent computable values, \eg integer types have constants @-1@, @17@, @0xff@ representing whole numbers, floating-point types have constants @5.3@, @2.3E-5@, @0xff.ffp0@ representing real numbers, character types have constants @'a'@, @"abc\n"@, \mbox{\lstinline{u8"}\texttt{\guillemotleft{na\"{i}ve}\guillemotright}\lstinline{"}} representing (human readable) text, \etc.
    44Constants can be overloaded among types, \eg @0@ is a null pointer for all pointer types, and the value zero for integer and floating-point types.
    55(In \CFA, the constants @0@ and @1@ can be overloaded for any type.)
    1212A constant's symbolic name is dictated by language syntax related to types, \eg @5.@ (double), @5.0f@ (float), @5l@ (long double).
    1313In general, the representation of a constant's value is \newterm{opaque}, so the internal representation can be chosen arbitrarily, \eg two's complement, IEEE floating-point.
    14 In theory, there are an infinite set of constant names per type representing an infinite set of values.
     14In theory, there is an infinite set of constant names per type representing an infinite set of values.
    1616It is common in mathematics, engineering, and computer science to alias new constants to existing constants so they have the same value, \eg $\pi$, $\tau$ (2$\pi$), $\phi$ (golden ratio), K(k), M, G, T for powers of 2\footnote{Overloaded with SI powers of 10.} often prefixing bits (b) or bytes (B), \eg Gb, MB, and in general situations, \eg specific times (noon, New Years), cities (Big Apple), flowers (Lily), \etc.
    2323Because an aliased name is a constant, it cannot appear in a mutable context, \eg \mbox{$\pi$ \lstinline{= 42}} is meaningless, and a constant has no address, \ie it is an \newterm{rvalue}\footnote{
    2424The term rvalue defines an expression that can only appear on the right-hand side of an assignment expression.}.
    25 In theory, there are an infinite set of possible aliasing, in practice, the number of aliasing per program is finite and small.
     25In theory, there is an infinite set of possible aliasing; in practice, the number of aliasing per program is finite and small.
    2727Aliased constants can form an (ordered) set, \eg days of a week, months of a year, floors of a building (basement, ground, 1st), colours in a rainbow, \etc.
    61 The alias names are constants, which follows transitively from their binding to other constants.
     61The alias names are constants, which follow transitively from their binding to other constants.
    6363Defines a type for generating instants (variables).
    141141For these reasons, aliasing is sometimes called an enumeration.
    142 However, there is no type to create a type-checked instance or iterator cursor, so there is no ability for enumerating.
     142However, there is no type to create a type-checked instance or iterator cursor, so there is no ability to enumerate.
    143143Hence, there are multiple enumeration aspects not provided by aliasing, justifying a separate enumeration type in a programming language.
    158158the ADT has three variants (constructors), @A@, @B@, @C@, with associated types @Int@, @Double@, and @S@.
    159159The constructors create an initialized value of the specific type that is bound to the immutable variables @foo@, @bar@, and @baz@.
    160 Hence, the ADT @Foo@ is like a union containing values of the associated types, and a constructor name is used to intialize and access the value using dynamic pattern-matching.
     160Hence, the ADT @Foo@ is like a union containing values of the associated types, and a constructor name is used to initialize and access the value using dynamic pattern-matching.
    194194baz = Z 5;
    196 Here, the constructor name gives different meaning to the values in the common \lstinline[language=Haskell]{Int} type, \eg the value @3@ has different interpretations depending on the constructor name in the pattern matching.
     196Here, the constructor name gives different meanings to the values in the common \lstinline[language=Haskell]{Int} type, \eg the value @3@ has different interpretations depending on the constructor name in the pattern matching.
    198198Note, the term \newterm{variant} is often associated with ADTs.
    199199However, there are multiple languages with a @variant@ type that is not an ADT \see{Algol68~\cite{Algol68} or \CC \lstinline{variant}}.
    200 Here, the type (and possibly the position for equivalent types) is used to discriminant the specific \emph{variant} within the variant instance.
     200Here, the type (and possibly the position for equivalent types) is used to discriminate the specific \emph{variant} within the variant instance.
    201201For example, \VRef[Figure]{f:C++variant} shows the \CC equivalent of the two Haskell ADT types using variant types.
    202202In these languages, the variant cannot be used to simulate an enumeration.
    246246data Week = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun deriving(Enum, Eq, Show)
    248 the default type for each constructor is the unit type, and deriving from @Enum@ enforces no other associated types, @Eq@ allows equality comparison, and @Show@ is for printing.
    249 The nullary constructors for the unit types are numbered left-to-right from $0$ to @maxBound@$- 1$, and provides enumerating operations @succ@, @pred@, @enumFrom@, @enumFromTo@.
     248the default type for each constructor is the unit type, and deriving from @Enum@ enforces no other associated types. The @Eq@ allows equality comparison, and @Show@ is for printing.
     249The nullary constructors for the unit types are numbered left-to-right from $0$ to @maxBound@$- 1$, and provide enumerating operations @succ@, @pred@, @enumFrom@, @enumFromTo@.
    250250\VRef[Figure]{f:HaskellEnumeration} shows enumeration comparison and iterating (enumerating).
    296296However, when extended with advanced features, enumerations become complex for both the type system and the runtime implementation.
    298 The contribution of this work are:
     298The contributions of this work are:
    301 overloading: provides a pattern to overload functions, literal, and variable for polymorphic enumerations.
    302 \item
    303 scoping: adds name space for enumerations.
    304 \item
    305 safety: defines a safe enumeration conversion scheme.
    306 \item
    307 harmonization: allows enumeration to be mapped with data.
    308 \item
    309 inheritance: implements containment inheritance for enumerations.
     301safety: Define a safe enumeration conversion scheme, both for C and \CFA, and replace ad-hoc C idioms with safer software-engineering approaches.
     303overloading: Provide a pattern to overload functions, literals, and variables for polymorphic enumerations using the \CFA type system.
     305scoping: Add a namespace for enumerations and qualified access into the namespace to deal with the naming problem.
     307generalization: Support all language types for enumerators with associated values providing enumeration constants for any type.
     309reuse: Implement subset and containment inheritance for enumerations.
     311control flow: Extend control-flow structures making it safer and easier to enumerate over an enumeration.
     313I/O: Provide input and output of enumerations based on enumerator names.
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/relatedwork.tex

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    20 Enumeration-like features exist in many popular programming languages, both past and present, \eg Pascal~\cite{Pascal}, Ada~\cite{Ada}, \Csharp~\cite{Csharp}, OCaml~\cite{OCaml} \CC, Go~\cite{Go}, Haskell~\cite{Haskell}, Java~\cite{Java}, Rust~\cite{Rust}, Swift~\cite{Swift}, Python~\cite{Python}.
    21 Among theses languages, there are a large set of overlapping features, but each language has its own unique extensions and restrictions.
     20Enumeration-like features exist in many popular programming languages, both past and present, \eg Pascal~\cite{Pascal}, Ada~\cite{Ada}, \Csharp~\cite{Csharp}, OCaml~\cite{OCaml} \CC, Go~\cite{Go}, Haskell~\cite{Haskell} \see{discussion in \VRef{s:AlgebraicDataType}}, Java~\cite{Java}, Rust~\cite{Rust}, Swift~\cite{Swift}, Python~\cite{Python}.
     21Among these languages, there is a large set of overlapping features, but each language has its own unique extensions and restrictions.
    4040Object initialization and assignment are restricted to the enumerators of this type.
    41 Enumerators are auto-initialized from left to right, starting at zero, incrementing by 1.
     41Enumerators are auto-initialized from left to right, starting at zero and incrementing by 1.
    4242Enumerators \emph{cannot} be explicitly initialized.
    4343Pascal provides a predefined type \lstinline[language=Pascal]{Boolean} defined as:
    58 Pascal provides \emph{consecutive} subtyping of an enumeration using subrange type.
     58Pascal provides \emph{consecutive} subsetting of an enumeration using a subrange type.
    6060type Week = ( Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun );
    61                                 Weekday = @Mon..Fri@;
    62                                 Weekend = @Sat..Sun@;
     61           Weekday = @Mon..Fri@;   { subtype }
     62           Weekend = @Sat..Sun@;
    6363var day : Week;
    64           wday : Weekday;
    65           wend : Weekend;
     64         wday : Weekday;
     65         wend : Weekend;
    6767Hence, the ordering of the enumerators is crucial to provide the necessary ranges.
    68 There is bidirectional assignment between the enumeration and its subranges.
     68There is a bidirectional assignment between the enumeration and its subranges.
    7070day := Sat;
    7777day := wend;                    $\C{\{ no check \}}\CRT$
    79 There should be a static/dynamic range check to verify values assigned to subtypes.
     79A static/dynamic range check should be performed to verify the values assigned to subtypes.
    8080(Free Pascal does not check and aborts in certain situations, like writing an invalid enumerator.)
     87day := Mon;
    8788if @day@ = wday then
    8889        Writeln( day );
    8990if @day@ <= Fri then
    9091        Writeln( 'weekday');
    9698case @day@ of
    9799  Mon..Fri :
    100102        Writeln( 'weekend')
    109 day := Mon;
    110 while day <= Sat do begin
     112while day <= Sun do begin
    111113        Write( day, ' ' );
    112114        day := succ( day );
    114 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
     116Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
    119 for day := Mon to Sat do begin
     120for day := Mon to Sun do begin
    120121        Write( day, ' ' );
    123 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
     124Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
    127 Note, subtype @Weekday@ and @Weekend@ cannot be used to define a case or loop range.
     128Note that subtypes @Weekday@ and @Weekend@ cannot be used to define a case or loop range.
    129130An enumeration type can be used as an array dimension and subscript.
    151 The underlying type is an implementation-defined integral-type large enough to hold all enumerated values; it does not have to be the smallest possible type.
     152The underlying type is an implementation-defined integral type large enough to hold all enumerated values; it does not have to be the smallest possible type.
    152153The integral size can be explicitly specified using compiler directive @$PACKENUM@~$N$, where $N$ is the number of bytes, \eg:
    163165An Ada enumeration type is a set of ordered, unscoped identifiers (enumerators) bound to \emph{unique} \newterm{literals}.\footnote{%
    172174type Traffic_Light is ( @Red@, Yellow, @Green@ );
    174 Like \CFA, Ada uses a type-resolution algorithm including the left-hand side of assignmente to disambiguate among overloaded identifiers.
    175 \VRef[Figure]{f:AdaEnumeration} shows how ambiguity is handled using a cast, \ie \lstinline[language=ada]{RGB'(Red)}.
     176Like \CFA, Ada uses a type-resolution algorithm, including the left-hand side of the assignment, to disambiguate among overloaded identifiers.
     177\VRef[Figure]{f:AdaEnumeration} shows how ambiguity is handled using a cast, \eg \lstinline[language=ada]{RGB'(Red)}.
    195197\caption{Ada Enumeration Overload Resolution}
    196 \label{f:AdaEnumeration} 
    202204type Week is ( Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun );
    203 for Week use ( Mon => 0, Tue => 1, Wed => 2, Thu => @10@, Fri => 11, Sat => 14, Sun => 15 );
    204 \end{ada}
    205 The enumeration operators are the equality and relational operators, @=@, @/=@, @<@, @<=@, @=@, @/=@, @>=@, @>@, where the ordering relationship is given implicitly by the sequence of acsending enumerators.
     205        for Week use ( Mon => 0, Tue => 1, Wed => 2, Thu => @10@, Fri => 11, Sat => 14, Sun => 15 );
     207The enumeration operators are the equality and relational operators, @=@, @/=@, @<@, @<=@, @=@, @/=@, @>=@, @>@, where the ordering relationship is given implicitly by the sequence of ascending enumerators.
    207209Ada provides an alias mechanism, \lstinline[language=ada]{renames}, for aliasing types, which is useful to shorten package identifiers.
    259261if @Flag@ then ...    -- conditional
    261 Since only types derived from @Boolean@ can be a conditional, @Boolean@ is essentially a builtin type.
    263 Ada provides \emph{consecutive} subtyping of an enumeration using \lstinline[language=ada]{range}.
     263Since only types derived from @Boolean@ can be conditional, @Boolean@ is essentially a builtin type.
     265Ada provides \emph{consecutive} subsetting of an enumeration using \lstinline[language=ada]{range}.
    265267type Week is ( Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun );
    327 \CC enumeration is largely backwards compatible with C, so it inherited C's enumerations with some modifications and additions.
     329\CC enumeration is largely backward compatible with C, so it inherited C's enumerations with some modifications and additions.
    329331\CC has aliasing using @const@ declarations, like C \see{\VRef{s:Cconst}}, with type inferencing, plus static/dynamic initialization.
    351353whereas C @const@ declarations without @static@ are marked @R@.
    353 The following \CC non-backwards compatible changes are made \see{\cite[\S~7.2]{ANSI98:c++}}.
    354 \begin{cquote}
    355 Change: \CC objects of enumeration type can only be assigned values of the same enumeration type.
    356 In C, objects of enumeration type can be assigned values of any integral type. \\
    357 Example:
    358 \begin{c++}
    359 enum color { red, blue, green };
    360 color c = 1;                                                    $\C{// valid C, invalid c++}$
    361 \end{c++}
    362 \textbf{Rationale}: The type-safe nature of \CC. \\
    363 \textbf{Effect on original feature}: Deletion of semantically well-defined feature. \\
    364 \textbf{Difficulty of converting}: Syntactic transformation. (The type error produced by the assignment can be automatically corrected by applying an explicit cast.) \\
    365 \textbf{How widely used}: Common.
    366 \end{cquote}
    368 \begin{cquote}
    369 Change: In \CC, the type of an enumerator is its enumeration.
    370 In C, the type of an enumerator is @int@. \\
     355The following \CC non-backward compatible change is made~\cite[C.]{C++}, plus the safe-assignment change shown in~\VRef{s:TypeSafety}.
     357\item[Change:] In \CC, the type of an enumerator is its enumeration.
     358In C, the type of an enumerator is @int@.
    373361enum e { A };
    374362sizeof(A) == sizeof(int)                                $\C{// in C}$
    375 sizeof(A) == sizeof(e)                                  $\C{// in c++}$
     363sizeof(A) == sizeof(e)                                  $\C{// in \CC}$
    376364/* and sizeof(int) is not necessary equal to sizeof(e) */
    378 \textbf{Rationale}: In \CC, an enumeration is a distinct type. \\
    379 \textbf{Effect on original feature}: Change to semantics of well-defined feature. \\
    380 \textbf{Difficulty of converting}: Semantic transformation. \\
    381 \textbf{How widely used}: Seldom. The only time this affects existing C code is when the size of an enumerator is taken.
     366\item[Rationale:] In \CC, an enumeration is a distinct type.
     367\item[Effect on original feature:] Change to semantics of well-defined feature.
     368\item[Difficulty of converting:] Semantic transformation.
     369\item[How widely used:] Seldom. The only time this affects existing C code is when the size of an enumerator is taken.
    382370Taking the size of an enumerator is not a common C coding practice.
    383 \end{cquote}
    384372Hence, the values in a \CC enumeration can only be its enumerators (without a cast).
    385374While the storage size of an enumerator is up to the compiler, there is still an implicit cast to @int@.
    4444330 1 2 @3 4 5 6 7 8 9@ 10 11 12 13
     435As a consequence, there is no meaningful enumerating mechanism.
    446437An enumeration type cannot declare an array dimension but an enumerator can be used as a subscript.
    447 There is no mechanism to subtype or inherit from an enumeration.
    450 \section{C\raisebox{-0.7ex}{\LARGE$^\sharp$}\xspace} % latex bug: cannot use \relsize{2} so use \LARGE
     438There is no mechanism to subset or inherit from an enumeration.
     441\section{C\texorpdfstring{\raisebox{-0.7ex}{\LARGE$^\sharp$}\xspace}{Csharp}} % latex bug: cannot use \relsize{2} so use \LARGE
    457 \Csharp is a dynamically-typed programming-language with a scoped, integral enumeration similar to \CC \lstinline[language=C++]{enum class}.
     448\Csharp is a dynamically-typed programming language with a scoped, integral enumeration similar to \CC \lstinline[language=C++]{enum class}.
    459 enum Week : @long@ { Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu@ = 10@, Fri, Sat, Sun@,@ } // terminating comma
     450enum Week : @long@ { Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu@ = 10@, Fri, Sat, Sun }
    460451enum RGB { Red, Green, Blue }
    462 The default underlying integral type is @int@ (no @char@), with auto-incrementing, implicit/explicit initialization, and terminating comma.
     453The default underlying integral type is @int@, with auto-incrementing and implicit/explicit initialization.
    463454A method cannot be defined in an enumeration type (extension methods are possible).
    464455There is an explicit bidirectional conversion between an enumeration and its integral type, and an implicit conversion to the enumerator label in display contexts.
    471462Console.WriteLine( Week.Fri );          $\C{// print label Fri}$
    473 The majority of the integral operators (relational and arithmetic) work with enumerations, except @*@ and @/@.
     464% The majority of the integral operators (relational and arithmetic) work with enumerations, except @*@ and @/@.
     465% Relational and arithmetic operators are defined in terms of its numeric value only.
     466% Therefore, enumerators are not ordered and not enumerable like \CC.
     467Like \CC, \Csharp defines enumeration relational and arithmetic operators in terms of value.
     468Enumerators have no defined positional meaning.
    475 day = day++ - 5;                                        $\C{// unsafe}$
     470day = day++ - 5;                                        $\C{// value manipulation}$
    476471day = day & day;
     474for ( Week d = Mon; d <= Sun; @d += 1@ ) {
     475        Console.Write( d + " " );
     477Mon Tue Wed @3 4 5 6 7 8 9@ Thu Fri Sat Sun
     479As a consequence, there is no direct meaningful enumerating mechanism.
    479481An enumeration can be used in the @if@ and @switch@ statements.
    504 However, there is no mechanism to iterate through an enumeration without an unsafe cast to increment and positions versus values is not handled.
    505 \begin{csharp}
    506 for ( Week d = Mon; d <= Sun; @d += 1@ ) {
    507         Console.Write( d + " " );
    508 }
    509 Mon Tue Wed @3 4 5 6 7 8 9@ Thu Fri Sat Sun
    510 \end{csharp}
    511 The @Enum.GetValues@ pseudo-method retrieves an array of the enumeration constants for looping over an enumeration type or variable (expensive operation).
     507To indirectly enumerate, \Csharp's Enum library has @Enum.GetValues@, a pseudo-method that retrieves an array of the enumeration constants for looping over an enumeration type or variable (expensive operation).
    513509foreach ( Week d in @Enum.GetValues@( typeof(Week) ) ) {
    516512Mon 0, Tue 1, Wed 2, Thu 10, Fri 11, Sat 12, Sun 13,
    518 Hence, enumerating is not supplied directly by the enumeration, but indirectly through another enumerable type, array.
     514Hence, enumerating is not supplied directly by the enumeration, but indirectly through the enumerable array type.
    520516An enumeration type cannot declare an array dimension but an enumerator can be used as a subscript.
    521 There is no mechanism to subtype or inherit from an enumeration.
     517There is no mechanism to subset or inherit from an enumeration.
    523519The @Flags@ attribute creates a bit-flags enumeration, making bitwise operators @&@, @|@, @~@ (complement), @^@ (xor) sensible.
    535 \section{Golang}
    536 \label{s:Golang}
    538 Golang has a no enumeration.
     534Go has a no enumeration.
    539535It has @const@ aliasing declarations, similar to \CC \see{\VRef{s:C++RelatedWork}}, for basic types with type inferencing and static initialization (constant expression).
    545541const V = 3.1;  const W = 3.1;
    547 Since these declarations are unmutable variables, they are unscoped and Golang has no overloading.
    549 Golang provides an enumeration-like feature to group together @const@ declaration into a block and introduces a form of auto-initialization.
     543Since these declarations are immutable variables, they are unscoped and Go has no overloading.
     545Go provides an enumeration-like feature to group together @const@ declaration into a block and introduces a form of auto-initialization.
    551547const ( R = 0; G; B )                                   $\C{// implicit initialization: 0 0 0}$
    575571const ( Mon = iota; Tue; Wed; // 0, 1, 2
    576                 @Thu = 10@; Fri; Sat; Sun = itoa ) // 10, 10, 10, 6
     572                @Thu = 10@; Fri; Sat; @Sun = itoa@ ) $\C{// 10, 10, 10, {\color{red}6}}$
    578 Auto-initialization from \lstinline[language=Go]{iota} is restarted and \lstinline[language=Go]{iota} reinitialized with an expression containing as most \emph{one} \lstinline[language=Go]{iota}.
     574Auto-initialization from \lstinline[language=Go]{iota} is restarted and \lstinline[language=Go]{iota} reinitialized with an expression containing at most \emph{one} \lstinline[language=Go]{iota}.
    580576const ( V1 = iota; V2; @V3 = 7;@ V4 = @iota@ + 1; V5 ) // 0 1 7 4 5
    581577const ( Mon = iota; Tue; Wed; // 0, 1, 2
    582                 @Thu = 10;@ Fri = @iota - Wed + Thu - 1@; Sat; Sun ) // 10, 11, 12, 13
     578                @Thu = 10;@ Fri = @iota@ - Wed + Thu - 1; Sat; Sun ) // 10, 11, 12, 13
    584 Here, @V4@ and @Fri@ restart auto-incrementing from \lstinline[language=Go]{iota} and reset \lstinline[language=Go]{iota} to 4 and 11, respectively, because of the intialization expressions containing \lstinline[language=Go]{iota}.
     580Here, @V4@ and @Fri@ restart auto-incrementing from \lstinline[language=Go]{iota} and reset \lstinline[language=Go]{iota} to 4 and 11, respectively, because of the initialization expressions containing \lstinline[language=Go]{iota}.
    585581Note, because \lstinline[language=Go]{iota} is incremented for an explicitly initialized identifier or @_@,
    586582at @Fri@ \lstinline[language=Go]{iota} is 4 requiring the minus one to compute the value for @Fri@.
    625621A basic Java enumeration is an opaque enumeration, where the enumerators are constants.
    627 enum Week {
    628         Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun;
    629 }
     623enum Week { Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun; }
    630624Week day = Week.Sat;
    632 The enumerators members are scoped and cannot be made \lstinline[language=java]{public}, hence require qualification.
     626The enumerator's members are scoped and cannot be made \lstinline[language=java]{public}, hence requiring qualification.
    633627The value of an enumeration instance is restricted to its enumerators.
    635 The position (ordinal) and label are accessible but there is no value.
     629The position (ordinal) and label (name) are accessible but there is no value property.
    637631System.out.println( day.!ordinal()! + " " + !day! + " " + day.!name()! );
    640634Since @day@ has no value, it prints its label (name).
    641 The member @valueOf@ is the inverse of @name@ converting a string to enumerator.
     635The member @valueOf@ is the inverse of @name@ converting a string to an enumerator.
    643637day = Week.valueOf( "Wed" );
    693687Notice enumerators in the @switch@ statement do not require qualification.
    695 There are no arithemtic operations on enumerations, so there is no arithmetic way to iterate through an enumeration without making the implementation type \lstinline[language=Java]{public}.
     689There are no arithmetic operations on enumerations, so there is no arithmetic way to iterate through an enumeration without making the implementation type \lstinline[language=Java]{public}.
    696690Like \Csharp, looping over an enumeration is done using method @values@, which returns an array of enumerator values (expensive operation).
    783777enum ADT {
    784         I(isize) @= 5@,  // ???
     778        I(isize) @= 5@,
    785779        F(f64) @= 10@,
    786780        S(S) @= 0@,
    791785Through this integral tag, it is possible to enumerate, and when all tags represent the unit type, it behaves like \CC \lstinline[language=C++]{enum class}.
    792786When tags represent non-unit types, Rust largely precludes accessing the tag because the semantics become meaningless.
    793 Hence, the two mechanisms are largely disjoint, and ony the enumeration component is discussed.
    795 In detail, the @enum@ type has an implicit integer tag (discriminant), with a unique value for each variant type.
    796 Direct initialization is by a compile-time expression generating a constant value.
     787Hence, the two mechanisms are largely disjoint, and only the enumeration component is discussed.
     789In detail, the @enum@ type has an implicit integer tag (discriminant) with a unique value for each variant type.
     790Direct initialization is achieved by a compile-time expression that generates a constant value.
    797791Indirect initialization (without initialization, @Fri@/@Sun@) is auto-initialized: from left to right, starting at zero or the next explicitly initialized constant, incrementing by @1@.
    798792There is an explicit cast from the tag to integer.
    830824An enumeration type cannot declare an array dimension nor as a subscript.
    831 There is no mechanism to subtype or inherit from an enumeration.
     825There is no mechanism to subset or inherit from an enumeration.
    880 (Note, after an @adt@'s type is know, the enumerator is inferred without qualification, \eg @.I(3)@.)
     874Note, after an @adt@'s type is know, the enumerator is inferred without qualification, \eg @.I(3)@.
    882876An enumeration is created when \emph{all} the enumerators are unit-type, which is like a scoped, opaque enumeration.
    884 enum Week {
    885         case Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun // unit-type
    886 };
     878enum Week { case Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun }; // unit-type
    887879var week : Week = @Week.Mon@;
    911903An enumeration can have methods.
    913 enum Week: Comparable {
     905enum Week: @Comparable@ {
    914906        case Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun // unit-type
    915         func @isWeekday() -> Bool@ { return self <= .Fri }    // method
    916         func @isWeekend() -> Bool@ { return .Sat <= self }  // method
     907        func @isWeekday() -> Bool@ { return self <= .Fri }  // methods
     908        func @isWeekend() -> Bool@ { return .Sat <= self }
    941932Enumerating is accomplished by inheriting from @CaseIterable@ without any associated values.
    944935        case Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun // unit-type
    946 var weeki : Week = Week.Mon;
    947 if weeki <= .Fri {
    948         print( "weekday" );
    949 }
    950937for day in Week@.allCases@ {
    951938        print( day, terminator:" " )
    953 weekday
    954940Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
    956942The @enum.allCases@ property returns a collection of all the cases for looping over an enumeration type or variable (expensive operation).
    958 A typed enumeration is accomplished by inheriting from any Swift type, and accessing the underlying enumerator value is done with attribute @rawValue@.
    959 Type @Int@ has auto-incrementing from previous enumerator;
     944A typed enumeration is accomplished by inheriting from any Swift type, and accessing the underlying enumerator value is done with the attribute @rawValue@.
     945Type @Int@ has auto-incrementing from the previous enumerator;
    960946type @String@ has auto-incrementing of the enumerator label.
    988 There is a bidirectional conversion from typed enumerator to @rawValue@ and vise versa.
     974There is a bidirectional conversion from typed enumerator to @rawValue@ and vice versa.
    990976var weekInt : WeekInt = WeekInt.Mon;
    1003989Python is a dynamically-typed reflexive programming language with multiple incompatible versions.
    1004 The generality of the language makes it is possible to extend existing or build new language features.
    1005 As a result, discussing Python enumerations is a moving target, because if a features does not exist, it can often be created with varying levels of complexity within the language.
     990The generality of the language makes it possible to extend existing or build new language features.
     991As a result, discussing Python enumerations is a moving target, because if a feature does not exist, it can often be created with varying levels of complexity within the language.
    1006992Therefore, the following discussion is (mostly) restricted to the core enumeration features in Python 3.13.
    1008994A Python enumeration is not a basic type;
    1009995it is a @class@ inheriting from the @Enum@ class.
    1010 The @Enum@ class presents a set of scoped enumerators, where each enumerator is a pair object with a \emph{constant} string name and arbitrary value.
     996The @Enum@ class presents a set of scoped enumerators, where each enumerator is a pair object with a \emph{constant} string name and an arbitrary value.
    1011997Hence, an enumeration instance is a fixed type (enumeration pair), and its value is the type of one of the enumerator pairs.
    10151001class Week(!Enum!): Mon = 1; Tue = 2; Wed = 3; Thu = 4; Fri = 5; Sat = 6; Sun = 7
    1017 and/or explicitly auto initialized, \eg:
     1003and/or explicitly auto-initialized, \eg:
    10191005class Week(Enum): Mon = 1; Tue = 2; Wed = 3; Thu = 10; Fri = !auto()!; Sat = 4; Sun = !auto()!
    10201006Mon : 1 Tue : 2 Wed : 3 Thu : 10 Fri : !11! Sat : 4 Sun : !12!
    1022 where @auto@ increments by 1 from the previous @auto@ value \see{Golang \lstinline[language=Go]{iota}, \VRef{s:Golang}}.
     1008where @auto@ increments by 1 from the previous @auto@ value \see{Go \lstinline[language=Go]{iota}, \VRef{s:Go}}.
    10231009@auto@ is controlled by member @_generate_next_value_()@, which can be overridden:
    1030 There is no direct concept of restricting the enumerators in an enumeration \emph{instance} because the dynamic typing changes the type.
     1016There is no direct concept of restricting the enumerators in an enumeration \emph{instance} because dynamic typing changes the type.
    10321018class RGB(Enum): Red = 1; Green = 2; Blue = 3
    10861072class Week(!OrderedEnum!):
    10871073        Mon = 1; Tue = 2; Wed = 3; Thu = 4; Fri = 5; Sat = 6; Sun = 7
    1088         def !isWeekday(self)!:          # method
     1074        def !isWeekday(self)!:          # methods
    10891075                return Week(self.value) !<=! Week.Fri
    1090         def !isWeekend(self)!:          # method
     1076        def !isWeekend(self)!:
    10911077                return Week.Sat !<=! Week(self.value)
    11371123class WeekEnd(WeekE): Sat = 6; Sun = 7
    1139 Here, type @WeekE@ is an abstract type because the dynamic typing never uses it.
     1125Here, type @WeekE@ is an abstract type because dynamic typing never uses it.
    11651151@Flag@ is the same as @IntFlag@ but cannot be combined with, nor compared against, any other @Flag@ enumeration, nor @int@.
    11661152Auto increment for @IntFlag@ and @Flag@ is by powers of 2.
    1167 Enumerators that are a combinations of single bit enumerators are aliases, and hence, invisible.
     1153Enumerators that are combinations of single-bit enumerators are aliases and, hence, invisible.
    11681154The following is an example for @Flag@.
    12491235(Note, after an @adtv@'s type is know, the enumerator is inferred without qualification, \eg @I(3)@.)
    1250 The type names are independent from the type value, and mapped to an opaque, ascending, integral tag, starting from 0, supporting relational operators @<@, @<=@, @>@, and @>=@.
     1236The type names are independent of the type value and mapped to an opaque, ascending, integral tag, starting from 0, supporting relational operators @<@, @<=@, @>@, and @>=@.
    12881274As seen, a type tag can be used in the @if@ and \lstinline[language=ocaml]{match} statements, where \lstinline[language=ocaml]{match} must be exhaustive or have a default case.
    1290 Enumerating is accomplished by deriving from @enumerate@.
    1292 Enumeration subtyping is allowed but inheritance is restricted to classes not types.
     1276While OCaml enumerators have an ordering following the definition order, they are not enumerable.
     1277To iterate over all enumerators, an OCaml type needs to derive from the @enumerate@ preprocessor, which appends a list of all enumerators to the program abstract syntax tree (AST).
     1278However, the list of values may not persist in the defined ordering.
     1279As a consequence, there is no meaningful enumerating mechanism.
     1281Enumeration subsetting is allowed but inheritance is restricted to classes not types.
    12941283type weekday = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri
    1520 \VRef[Table]{t:FeatureLanguageComparison} shows a comparison of enumeration features and programming languages.
    1521 The features are high level and may not capture nuances within a particular language
    1522 The @const@ feature is simple macros substitution and not a typed enumeration.
     1509\VRef[Table]{t:FeatureLanguageComparison} shows a comparison of enumeration features and programming languages with the explaination of categories below.
     1510The features are high-level and may not capture nuances within a particular language.
    1531                                 &Pascal & Ada   &\Csharp& OCaml & Java  &Modula-3&Golang& Rust  & Swift & Python& C             & \CC   & \CFA  \\
     1519                                &Pascal & Ada                   &\Csharp   & OCaml  & Java      &Golang   & Rust                & Swift                 & Python& C             & \CC   & \CFA  \\
    1533 @const@                 & \CM   &               &               &               &               &               & \CM   &               &               &               &               & \CM   &               \\
     1521enum                    &Dialect& \CM                   & \CM      & ADT    & \CM   & @const@ &ADT/\CM      &ADT/\CM            & \CM   &\CM    &\CM   &\CM\\
    1536 opaque                  &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & \CM   \\
     1524opaque                  & \CM    &                              &                  & \CM    & \CM   &             & \CM         & \CM                   &               &               &               & \CM   \\
    1538 typed                   &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & @int@ & integral      & @T@   \\
     1526typed                   & Int    & Int                  & Integral  & H     & U     & H       & U/H         & U/H           & H     & Int       & Integral& U   \\
    1540 safe                    &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & \CM   & \CM   \\
     1528safety          & \CM   & \CM                   &          & \CM        & \CM   &                 & \CM                 & \CM                   &               &               & \CM   & \CM   \\
    1542 ordered                 &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & \CM   & \CM   & \CM   \\
     1530posn ordered    & Implied & Implied     &          & \CM    &       &             &                         &                   &       &           &       & \CM       \\
    1544 dup. values             &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & alias & \CM   & \CM   & \CM   \\
     1532unique values   & \CM   & \CM           &           &           &       &      &                            & \CM               &       &           &       &     \\
    1546 setable                 &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & \CM   & \CM   & \CM   \\
     1534auto-init               & \CM   & all or none   & \CM      &      &       & \CM     & \CM           & \CM               & \CM   & \CM   & \CM   & \CM   \\
    1548 auto-init               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & \CM   & \CM   & \CM   \\
     1536(Un)Scoped              & U     & U                     & S        & S      & S         & U       & S               & S                         & S     & U             & U/S   & U/S   \\
    1550 (Un)Scoped              &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & U             & U/S   & U/S   \\
     1538overload                &               & \CM                   &              &            &      &              &                 &                       &      &            &       & \CM   \\
    1552 overload                &               & \CM   &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & \CM   & \CM   \\
     1540loop                    & \CM   & \CM                   &                  &            &               &                 &                         &                   & \CM   &               &               & \CM   \\
    1554 switch                  &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & \CM   & \CM   & \CM   \\
     1542arr. dim.               & \CM   & \CM           &                  &              &                 &           &                 &                         &            &      &               & \CM \\
    1556 loop                    &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & \CM   \\
     1544subset                  & \CM   & \CM                   &         & \CM     &           &                 &                         &                   &               &               &               & \CM   \\
    1558 array/subscript &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & \CM   &               & \CM   \\
    1559 \hline
    1560 subtype                 &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & \CM   \\
    1561 \hline
    1562 inheritance             &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               &               & \CM   \\
     1546superset                &               &                               &                 &                 &           &                 &                         &               &           &               &               & \CM   \\
     1551\item opaque: an enumerator cannot be used as its underlying representation or implemented in terms of an ADT.
     1552\item typed: H $\Rightarrow$ heterogeneous, \ie enumerator values may be different types. \\
     1553U $\Rightarrow$ homogenous, \ie enumerator values have the same type.
     1554\item safety: An enumeration variable can only hold a value from its defined enumerators.
     1555\item posn ordered: enumerators have defined ordering based on enumerator declaration order.
     1556Position ordered is implied if the enumerator values must be strictly increasingly.
     1557\item unique value: enumerators must have a unique value.
     1558\item auto-init: Values are auto-initializable by language specification, often being "+1" of the predecessor.
     1559\item (Un)Scoped: U $\Rightarrow$ enumerators are projected into the containing scope.
     1560S $\Rightarrow$ enumerators are contained in the enumeration scope and require qualification.
     1561\item overload: An enumerator label can be used without type qualification in a context where multiple enumerations have defined the label.
     1562\item loop: Enumerate without the need to convert an enumeration to another data structure.
     1563\item arr. dim: An enumeration can be used directly as an array dimension, and enumerators can be mapped to an array element (not a conversion to integer type).
     1564\item subset: Name a subset of enumerators as a new type.
     1565\item superset: Create a new enumeration that contains all enumerators from pre-defined enumerations.
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/test.adb

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    22-- with Ada.Standard; use Ada.Standard;
    33procedure test is
     4        type GBR is (  Green, Blue, Red );
    45        type RGB is ( Red, Green, Blue );
    5         for RGB use ( Red => 10, Green => 20, Blue => 30 );
     6        for RGB use ( Red => 10, Green => 20, Blue => 21 );
    67        Colour : RGB := Red;
    9697        if B then null; end if;
     99        B := False;
     100        Colour := Green;
     102        Put_Line ( Boolean'Image( B ) & " " );
     103        Put_Line ( RGB'Image( RGB'Enum_Val( 10 ) ) & " " );
    97104end test;
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    6161        eca[A] = EC::A;
    63         enum Week { Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu = 10, Fri, Sat, Sun };
     63        enum Week { Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu = 10, Fri, Sat = 8, Sun };
     64        if ( Fri < Sat ) cout << "hmm" << endl;
     65        else cout << "ahh" << std::endl;
    6466        Week day = Mon;
    6567        if ( day <= Fri ) cout << "weekday" << endl;
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/test.go

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    22 const ( R = 0; G = 3; B ) // implicit: 0 0 0
     22const ( R = 0; G = 3; B = 3; TT = 3 ) // implicit: 0 3 3
    2323const ( Fred = "Fred"; Mary = "Mary"; Jane = "Jane" ) // Fred Mary Jane
    2424const ( H = 0; Jack = "Jack"; J; K = 0; I ) // type change, implicit: 0 Jack Jack
    2525const ( C = iota + G; M = iota; Y )
    2626const ( Mon = iota; Tue; Wed; // 0, 1, 2
    27         Thu = 10; Fri = iota - Wed + Thu - 1; Sat; Sun = iota ) // 10, 11, 12, 13
     27        Thu = 10; Fri = iota - Wed + Thu - 1; Sat; Sun = 0 ) // 10, 11, 12, 13
    2828const ( O1 = iota + 1; _; O3; _; O5 ) // 1, 3, 5
    2929const ( V1 = iota; V2; V3 = 7; V4 = iota + 1; V5 )
    3535func main() {
     36        fmt.Println( "Go:")
    3637        if 3 == R {};
    3738        fmt.Println( R, G, B )
    4647        day := Mon;
     48        day = Sun;
    4750        switch day {
    4851          case Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri:
    4952                fmt.Println( "weekday" );
    50           case Sat, Sun:
     53          case Sat:
    5154                fmt.Println( "weekend" );
    5255        }
    5457            fmt.Println( i )
    5558        }
     59        fmt.Println(B < TT);
     60} // main
    57         var ar[Sun] int
    58         ar[Mon] = 3
    59 } // main
     62// go build test.go
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/test.pas

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    44        Weekday = Mon..Fri;
    55        Weekend = Sat..Sun;
    6 type Count = ( Zero, One, Two, Ten = 10, Eleven );
     6type Count = ( Zero, One, Two, Ten = 10, Eleven=10 );
     7type RR = ( A, B, C );
    79var day   : Week;
    810        wday  : Weekday;
    1012        lunch : array[Week] of Integer;
    1113        cnt       :  Count;
     14// procedure P1(v:Week);
     15// begin
     16//      Writeln('Week');
     17// end;
     18procedure P1(v:Weekday);
     20        Writeln('Weekday');
     22procedure P1(v:RR);
     24        Writeln('RR');
    1327        day := Sat;
    4054        Writeln();
    4155        for day := Mon to Sat do
     56                lunch[day] := ord(day) * 10;
     57        for day := Mon to Sun do
    4258                Write( lunch[day], ' ' );
    4359        Writeln();
    4561                Write( ord( cnt ), ' ' );
    4662        end;
     63        day := Tue;
     64        P1( day );
    4765        Writeln();
     67        case (day) of
     68                Mon: writeln('Excellent!' );
     69                Tue: writeln('Well done' );
     70        end;
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    2525#       Mon = 1; Tue = 2; Wed = 3; Thu = 10; Fri = 10; Sat = 16; Sun = 17
    2626class Week(OrderedEnum):
    27         Mon = 1; Tue = 2; Wed = 3; Thu = 4; Fri = 5; Sat = 6; Sun = 7
     27        Mon = 1; Tue = 2; Wed = 3; Thu = 4; Fri = 5; Sat = 6; Sun = 0
    2828        def isWeekday(self):
    2929                return Week(self.value) <= Week.Fri
    3434                return cls(date.isoweekday())
    36 day : Week = Week.Tue;
     36day : Week = Week.Tue
    3737print( "weekday:", day.isWeekday() )
    3838print( "weekend:", day.isWeekend() )
    3939print( "today:",
    41 print( Week.Thu.value == 4 );
    42 print( == "Thu" );
    43 print( Week( 4 ) == Week.Thu );
    44 print( Week["Thu"].value == 4 );
     41print( Week.Thu.value == 4 )
     42print( == "Thu" )
     43print( Week( 4 ) == Week.Thu )
     44print( Week["Thu"].value == 4 )
    4646if day <= Week.Fri :
    47         print( "weekday" );
     47        print( "weekday" )
    4848match day:
    4949        case Week.Mon | Week.Tue | Week.Wed | Week.Thu | Week.Fri:
    50                 print( "weekday" );
     50                print( "weekday" )
    5151        case Week.Sat | Week.Sun:
    52                 print( "weekend" );
     52                print( "weekend" )
    5454for day in Week:
    8080print( isinstance(Week.Fri, Week) )
    82 class WeekE(OrderedEnum): pass;
     82class WeekE(OrderedEnum): pass
    8383class WeekDay(WeekE): Mon = 1; Tue = 2; Wed = 3; Thu = 4; Fri = 5;
    8484class WeekEnd(WeekE): Sat = 6; Sun = 7
    121121      Weekend = Sat | Sun
    122122print( f"0x{repr(WeekF.Weekday.value)} 0x{repr(WeekF.Weekend.value)}" )
    123 day : WeekF = WeekF.Mon | WeekF.Tue;
     123day : WeekF = WeekF.Mon | WeekF.Tue
    124124print( type(day) )
    125125for day in WeekF:
    164164match diffval:
    165165        case Diff.Int:
    166                 print( "diffval", diffval.value );
     166                print( "diffval", diffval.value )
    167167        case Diff.Float:
    168                 print( "diffval", diffval.value );
     168                print( "diffval", diffval.value )
    169169        case Diff.Str:
    170                 print( "diffval", diffval.value );
     170                print( "diffval", diffval.value )
    171171for i in Diff:
    172172        print( f"Diff type {type(i)}, {i}, {}, {i.value} : " )
    197197                return G * self.mass / (self.radius * self.radius)
    198198        def surfaceWeight(self, otherMass):
    199                 return otherMass * self.surfaceGravity();
     199                return otherMass * self.surfaceGravity()
     201class Cats(Enum):
     202        pass
    201205earthWeight : float = 100
    202 earthMass : float = earthWeight / ( Planet.EARTH.surfaceGravity() );
     206earthMass : float = earthWeight / ( Planet.EARTH.surfaceGravity() )
    204208p = by_position( Planet, random.randrange(8) ) # select a random orbiting body
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/test.swift

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    6060enum WeekInt: Int, CaseIterable {
    61         case Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu = 10, Fri,
     61        case Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu = 10, Fri = 14,
    6262                        Sat = 4, Sun // auto-incrementing
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    11#include <fstream.hfa>                                                                  // sout
    22#include <stdlib.hfa>                                                                   // ato
     3#include <enum.hfa>
    45// integral
    910enum( Letter ) Greek { Alph = A, Beta = B, Gamma = G, /* more enums */ Zeta = Z }; // alphabet intersection
     12// integral
    1113enum( char ) Currency { Dollar = '$', Cent = '¢', Yen = '¥', Pound = '£', Euro = 'E' }; // iso-latin-1
    1214enum( Currency ) Europe { Euro = Currency.Euro, Pound = Currency.Pound };
    3436enum() Mode { O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_CREAT, O_TRUNC, O_APPEND };
    35 Mode iomode = O_RDONLY;
    36 //bool b = iomode == O_RDONLY || iomode < O_APPEND;     // disallowed
    37 //int www = iomode;     // disallowed
     37Mode mode = O_RDONLY;
     38void opaque() {
     39bool b = mode == O_RDONLY || mode < O_APPEND;   // disallowed
     40//int www = mode;       // disallowed
    3943enum( char * ) Colour { Red = "red", Green = "green", Blue = "blue"  };
     45enum E1 { A1, B1, C1 = A1, D1 = B1 };
     46enum(float) E2 { A2 = 3.5, B2 = 4.5, C2 = A, D2 = B };
    4148void fred() {
    4552//greek = A;                                                            // disallowed
    47         for ( Greek l = Alph; posn(l) <= posn(Gamma); l = succ( l ) ) {
     54        for ( Greek l = Alph; posn(l) < posn(Gamma); l = succ( l ) ) {
    4855                printf( "%s %c %d\n", label( l ), value( l ), posn( l ) );
    4956        }
    50         for ( Currency c = Dollar; posn(c) <= posn(Currency.Euro); c = succ( c ) ) {
     57        for ( Currency c = Dollar; posn(c) < posn(Currency.Euro); c = succ( c ) ) {
    5158                printf( "%s %c %d\n", label( c ), value( c ), posn( c ) );
    5259        }
    56 enum( char * ) Names { Fred = "FRED", Mary = "MARY", Jane = "JANE" };
    57 enum( char * ) Names2 { inline Names, Jack = "JACK", Jill = "JILL" };
    58 enum( char * ) Names3 { inline Names2, Sue = "SUE", Tom = "TOM" };
     62enum( const char * ) Names { Fred = "FRED", Mary = "MARY", Jane = "JANE" };
     63enum( const char * ) Names2 { inline Names, Jack = "JACK", Jill = "JILL" };
     64enum( const char * ) Names3 { inline Names2, Sue = "SUE", Tom = "TOM" };
     65void bar() {
     66        Names fred = Names.Fred;
     67        (Names2)fred;  (Names3)fred;  (Names3)Names2.Jack;  // cast to super type
     68        Names2 fred2 = fred;  Names3 fred3 = fred2; // assign to super type
     69        const char * name = fred;
     70        Names name = Fred;
     71        sout | name | label( name ) | posn( name ) | value( name );
    6073void f( Names n ) { sout | "Name" | posn( n ); }
    6174void g( Names2 );
    6376void j( char * );
    65 enum color { red, blue, green };
    66 //color c = 0;
    67 //color c = 1;
    68 color c = 2;
    69 int w = red;
     78enum CColour { Red, Blue, Green };
     79CColour c0 = 0;
     80CColour c1 = 1;
     81CColour c = 2;
     82int w = Red;
     84void coo() {
     85        enum(int) Color { Red, Blue, Green };
     86        Colour c = Red;
     87        sout | countof( Colour ) | Countof( c );
     88//      sout | Countof( Colour );
     89        sout | countof( c );
    7192// enum(int) Week ! { Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu = 10, Fri, Sat, Sun };
    79100// }
     102void baz() {
     103        enum(int) Count { First, Second, Third/* = First*/, Fourth/* = Second*/ };
     104        enum CCount { First, Second, Third/* = First*/, Fourth/* = Second*/ };
     105        Count cnt = Second;
     106        CCount ccnt = Second;
     107        if ( cnt < Third ) sout | "less than Third";
     108        if ( cnt ) sout | "XXX";
     109        if ( ccnt ) sout | "YYY";
     110        enum(float) F {WWW = 0.0};
     111        F f;
     112        if ( f ) sout | "FFF";
     113        bool ?!=?( Name n, zero_t ) { sout | "DDD";  return n != Fred; }
     114        Name n = Mary;
     115        if ( n ) sout | "NAME";
     116        choose( cnt ) {
     117                case First: sout | "First";
     118                case Second: sout | "Second";
     119                case Third: sout | "Third";
     120                case Fourth: sout | "Fourth";
     121        }
     122//      for (d; Week) { sout | d; }
     123//      for (p; +~=Planet) { sout | p; }
     124        for ( cx; Count ) { sout | cx | nonl; } sout | nl;
     125        for ( cx; +~= Count ) { sout | cx | nonl; } sout | nl;
     126        for ( cx; -~= Count ) { sout | cx | nonl; } sout | nl;
     127        for ( Count cx = lowerBound();; ) {
     128                sout | cx | nonl;
     129          if ( cx == upperBound() ) break;
     130                cx = succ( cx );
     131        }
     132        sout | nl;
    81135int main() {
    82136        fred();
    83         Names name = Fred;
     137        Names name = Names.Fred;
    84138//      f( name );
    86140        int jane_pos = posn( Names.Jane );
    87         char * jane_value = value( Names.Jane );
    88         char * jane_label = label( Names.Jane );
     141        const char * jane_value = value( Names.Jane );
     142        const char * jane_label = label( Names.Jane );
    89143        sout | Names.Jane | posn( Names.Jane) | label( Names.Jane ) | value( Names.Jane );
     145        bar();
     146        baz();
     147        coo();
     149        enum Ex { Ax, Bx, Cx, Nx };
     150        float H1[Nx] = { [Ax] : 3.4, [Bx] : 7.1, [Cx] : 0.01 }; // C
     151//      float H2[Ex] = { [Ax] : 3.4, [Bx] : 7.1, [Cx] : 0.01 }; // CFA
     153        enum(int) E { A = 3 } e = A;
     154        sout | A | label( A ) | posn( A ) | value( A );
     155        sout | e | label( e ) | posn( e ) | value( e );
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    33public class test1 {
    44        enum Weekday {
    5                 Mon(7), Tue(6), Wed(5), Thu(3), Fri(3), Sat(3), Sun(1); // must appear first
     5                Mon(7), Tue(6), Wed(5), Thu(3), Fri(4), Sat(3), Sun(7); // must appear first
    66                private long day;
    77                private Weekday( long d ) { day = d; }
    2727                }
    2828                for ( Weekday icday : Weekday.values() ) { // position
    29                         System.out.print( icday + " " + icday.ordinal() + " " + + " " + + ",  " ); // label
     29                        System.out.println( icday + " " + icday.ordinal() + " " + + " " + + ",  " ); // label
    3030                }
    3131                System.out.println();
     33                if (Weekday.Fri == Weekday.Sat) {
     34                        System.out.println( "Alias ");
     35                }
    3236        }
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/trait.tex

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    4 % Despite parametric polymorphism being a pivotal feature of \CFA, for a long time, there was not
    5 % a technique to write functions being polymorphic over enumerated types.
    6 \CC introduced @std::is_enum@ trait on \CC{11} and @concepts@ on \CC{20}; with the combination, users can
    7 write function polymorphic over enumerated type in \CC:
    8 \begin{cfa}
     4\CC introduced the @std::is_enum@ trait in \CC{11} and concept feature in \CC{20}.
     5With this combination, it is possible to write a polymorphic function over an enumerated type.
    97#include <type_traits>
    11 template<typename T>
    12 @concept Enumerable = std::is_enum<T>::value;@
    14 template<@Enumerable@ T>
    15 void f(T) {}
    16 \end{cfa}
    17 The @std::is_enum@ and other \CC @traits@ are a compile-time interfaces to query type information.
    18 While named the same as @trait@, it is orthogonal to \CFA trait, as the latter being defined as
    19 a collection of assertion to be satisfied by a polymorphic type.
    21 \CFA provides @CfaEnum@ and @TypedEnum@ traits to supports polymorphic functions for \CFA enumeration:
    22 \begin{cfa}
    23 forall(T | @CfaEnum(T)@)
    24 void f(T) {}
    25 \end{cfa}
    27 \section{CfaEnum and TypedEnum}
    28 \CFA defines attribute functions @label()@ and @posn()@ for all \CFA enumerations,
    29 and therefore \CFA enumerations fulfills the type assertions with the combination.
    30 With the observation, we define trait @CfaEnum@:
     8template<typename T>  @concept Enumerable@  =  std::is_enum<T>::value;
     9template<@Enumerable@ E>  E  f( E e ) { $\C{// constrainted type}$
     10        E w = e;                                                        $\C{// alloction and copy}$
     11        cout << e << ' ' << w << endl;          $\C{// value}$
     12        return w;                                                       $\C{// copy}$
     14int main() {
     15        enum E { A = 42, B, C } e = C;
     16        e = f( e );
     1844 44
     20The @std::is_enum@ and other \CC @traits@ are a compile-time interfaces to query type information.
     21While named the same as @trait@ in other programming languages, it is orthogonal to the \CFA trait, with the latter being defined as a collection of assertion to be satisfied by a polymorphic type.
     23The following sections cover the underlying implementation features I created to generalize and restrict enumerations in the \CFA type-system using the @trait@ mechanism.
     26\section{Traits \texorpdfstring{\lstinline{CfaEnum}{CfaEnum}} and \texorpdfstring{\lstinline{TypedEnum}}{TypedEnum}}
     28Traits @CfaEnum@ and @TypedEnum@ define the enumeration attributes: @label@, @posn@, @value@, and @Countof@.
     29These traits support polymorphic functions for \CFA enumeration, \eg:
     31forall( E ) | @CfaEnum( E )@ )
     32void f( E e ) {
     33        // access enumeration properties for e
     37Trait @CfaEnum@ defines attribute functions @label@ and @posn@ for all \CFA enumerations, and internally \CFA enumerations fulfills this assertion.
    3239forall( E ) trait CfaEnum {
    38 % The trait @TypedEnum@ extends @CfaEnum@ with an additional value() assertion:
    39 Typed enumerations are \CFA enumeration with an additional @value@ attribute. Extending
    40 CfaEnum traits, TypedEnum is a subset of CFAEnum that implements attribute function @value()@,
    41 which includes all typed enumerations.
     44This trait covers opaque enumerations that do not have an explicit @value@.
     46The trait @TypedEnum@ extends @CfaEnum@ with the @value@ assertion for typed enumerations.
    4348forall( E, V | CfaEnum( E ) ) trait TypedEnum {
    47 Type parameter V of TypedEnum trait binds to return type of @value()@, which is also the base
    48 type for typed enumerations. CfaEnum and TypedEnum triats constitues a CfaEnum function interfaces, as well a way to define functions
    49 over all CfaEnum enumerations.
    50 \begin{cfa}
    51 // for all type E that implements value() to return type T, where T is a type that convertible to string
    52 forall(  E, T | TypedEnum( E, T ) | { ?{}(string &, T ); } )
    53 string format_enum( E e ) { return label(E) + "(" + string(value(e)) + ")"; }
    55 // int is convertible to string; implemented in the standard library
    56 enum(int) RGB { Red = 0xFF0000, Green = 0x00FF00, Blue = 0x0000FF };
    58 struct color_code { int R; int G; int B };
    59 // Implement color_code to string conversion
    60 ?{}(string & this, struct color_code p ) {
    61         this = string(p.R) + ',' + string(p.G) + ',' + string(p.B);
    62 }
     52Here, the associate type-parameter @V@ is the base type of the typed enumeration, and hence, the return type of @value@.
     53These two traits provide a way to define functions over all \CFA enumerations.
     55For example, \VRef[Figure]{f:GeneralizedEnumerationFormatter} shows a generalized enumeration formatter for any enumeration type.
     56The formatter prints an enumerator name and its value in the form @"label( value )"@.
     57The trait for @format_enum@ requires a function named @str@ for printing the value (payload) of the enumerator.
     58Hence, enumeration defines how its value appear and @format_enum@ displays this value within the label name.
     62forall( @E, V | TypedEnum( E, V )@ | { string str( V ); } ) $\C{// format any enumeration}$
     63string format_enum( E e ) {
     64        return label( e ) + '(' + str( value( e ) ) + ')'; $\C{// "label( value )"}$
     66enum(size_t) RGB { Red = 0xFF0000, Green = 0x00FF00, Blue = 0x0000FF };
     67// string library has conversion function str from size_t to string
     69struct color_code { int R, G, B; };
    6370enum(color_code) Rainbow {
    64         Red = {255, 0, 0}, Orange = {255, 127, 0}, Yellow = {255, 255, 0}, Green = {0, 255, 0},
    65         Blue = {0, 0, 255}, Indigo = {75, 0, 130}, Purple = {148, 0, 211}
    66 };
    68 format_enum(RGB.Green); // "Green(65280)"
    69 format_enum(Rainbow.Green); // "Green(0,255,0)"
    70 \end{cfa}
    73 % Not only CFA enumerations can be used with CfaEnum trait, other types that satisfy
    74 % CfaEnum assertions are all valid.
    75 Types does not need be defined as \CFA enumerations to work with CfaEnum traits. CfaEnum applies to any type
    76 with @label()@ and @value()@ being properly defined.
    77 Here is an example on how to extend a C enumeration to comply CfaEnum traits:
    78 \begin{cfa}
    79 enum Fruit { Apple, Banana, Cherry };                   $\C{// C enum}$
    80 const char * label( Fruit f ) {
    81         choose( f ) {
    82                 case Apple: return "Apple";
    83                 case Banana: return "Banana";
    84                 case Cherry: return "Cherry";
    85         }
    86 }
    87 unsigned posn( Fruit f ) { return f; }
    88 char value( Fruit f ) {
    89         choose(f)  {
    90                 case Apple: return 'a';
    91                 case Banana: return 'b';
    92                 case Cherry: return 'c';
    93         }
    94 }
    96 format_enum(Cherry); // "Cherry(c)"
    97 \end{cfa}
    99 \section{Discussion: Static Type Information}
    100 @CfaEnum@ and @TypedEnum@ are approximations to \CFA Enumerations and Typed Enumerations: they are not
    101 assertions on a type being an enumerated type,
    102 but rather types being shared an interfaces with \CFA enumerations.
    103 \CC's @type_traits@ is fundamentally different than \CFA's traits: \CC's @type_traits@ are descriptions
    104 of compile time type information
    105 \footnote{Concepts can check if a \CC class implement a certain method,
    106 but it is to probe a static type information of a class having a such member.}
    107 , while \CFA's trait describe how a type can be used,
    108 which is a closer paradigm to a trait system in languages such as Scala and Rust.
    109 However, Scala and Rust's traits are nominative:
    110 a type explicitly declare a named traits to be of its type; while in \CFA,
    111 type implements all functions declares in a trait to implicitly be of the trait type.
    113 If to support static type information, \CFA needs new piece of syntax to distinguish static type
    114 query from function calls, for example:
    115 \begin{cfa}
    116 forall(T | { T::is_enum; });
    117 \end{cfa}
    118 When to call a polymorphic function @foo(T)@ with assertions set @S@ and function call argument @a@, \CFA
    119 determines if there is an overloaded name @a@ that has non-zero conversion cost to all assertions in @S@.
    120 As a consequence, @is_enum@ can be a \CFA directive that immediately trim down the search space of @a@ to
    121 be some enumerated types. In fact, because \CFA stores symbols maps to enumeration in a standalone data structure.
    122 Limiting search space to enumeration improve on \CFA resolution speed.
    124 While assertion on static type information seems improvement on expressivity, it is a challenge to
    125 extend its capability without a fully functional pre-processsor that evaluate constant expression as \CC
    126 compilers does. The described @is_enum@ manipulate compiler behaviour, which cannot be easily extended to
    127 other usage cases. Therefore, \CFA currently does not support @is_enum@ and utalizes traits as a workaround.
     71        Red = {255, 0, 0}, Orange = {255, 127, 0}, Yellow = {255, 255, 0}, Green = {0, 255, 0}, // ...
     73string str( color_code cc ) with( cc ) {        $\C{// format payload, "ddd,ddd,ddd"}$
     74        return str( R ) + ',' + str( G ) + ',' + str( B ); $\C{// "R,G,B"}$
     76int main() {
     77        sout | format_enum( RGB.Green );                $\C{// "Green(65280)"}$
     78        sout | format_enum( Rainbow.Green );    $\C{// "Green(0,255,0)"}$
     81\caption{Generalized Enumeration Formatter}
     85Other types may work with traits @CfaEnum@ and @TypedEnum@, by supplying appropriate @label@, @posn@, and @value@ functions.
     86For example, \VRef[Figure]{f:ExtendCEnumeration} extends a (possibly predefined) C enumeration to work with all the \CFA extensions.
     90enum Fruit { Apple, Banana, Cherry };           $\C{// C enum}$
     91const char * @label@( Fruit f ) {
     92        static const char * labels[] = { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry" };
     93        return labels[f];
     95int @posn@( Fruit f ) { return f; }
     96int @value@( Fruit f ) {
     97        static const char values[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
     98        return values[f];
     100sout | format_enum( Cherry );                           $\C{// "Cherry(c)"}$
     102\caption{Extend C Enumeration to \CFA Enumeration}
     107\section{Discussion: Genericity}
     109At the start of this chapter, the \CC concept is introduced to constraint template types, \eg:
     111concept Enumerable = std::is_enum<T>::value;
     113Here, @concept@ is referring directly to types with kind @enum@;
     114other @concept@s can refer to all types with kind @int@ with @long@ or @long long@ qualifiers, \etc.
     115Hence, the @concept@ is a first level of restriction allowing only the specified kinds of types and rejecting others.
     116The template expansion is the second level of restriction verifying if the type passing the @concept@ test provides the necessary functionality.
     117Hence, a @concept@ is querying precise aspects of the programming language set of types.
     119Alternatively, languages using traits, like \CFA, Scala, Go, and Rust, are defining a restriction based on a set of operations, variables, or structure fields that must exist to match with usages in a function or aggregate type.
     120Hence, the \CFA enumeration traits never connected with the specific @enum@ kind.
     121Instead, anything that can look like the @enum@ kind is considered an enumeration (duck typing).
     122However, Scala, Go, and Rust traits are nominative: a type explicitly declares a named traits to be of its type, while in \CFA, any type implementing all requirements declared in a trait implicitly satisfy its restrictions.
     124One of the key differences between concepts and traits, which is leveraged heavily by \CFA, is the ability to apply new \CFA features to C legacy code.
     125For example, \VRef[Figure]{f:GeneralizedEnumerationFormatter} shows that pre-existing C enumerations can be upgraded to work and play with new \CFA enumeration facilities.
     126Another example is adding constructors and destructors to pre-existing C types by simply declaring them for the old C type.
     127\CC fails at certain levels of legacy extension because many of the new \CC features must appear \emph{within} an aggregate definition due to the object-oriented nature of he type system, where it is impossible to change legacy library types.
    130130\section{Bounded and Serial}
    131 A bounded type defines a lower bound and a upper bound.
     132A bounded trait defines a lower and upper bound for a type.
    133134forall( E ) trait Bounded {
    135136        E lowerBound();
    138 \end{cfa}
    139 Both Bounded functions are implement for \CFA enumerations, with @lowerBound()@ returning the first enumerator and @upperBound()@ returning
    140 the last enumerator.
    141 \begin{cfa}
    142 Workday day = lowerBound();                                     $\C{// Mon}$
    143 Planet outermost = upperBound();                                $\C{// NEPTUNE}$
    144 \end{cfa}
    146 The lowerBound() and upperBound() are functions overloaded on return type only, means their type resolution solely depend on the outer context,
    147 including expected type as a function argument, or the left hand size of an assignment expression.
    148 Calling either function without a context results in a type ambiguity, except in the rare case where the type environment has only one
    149 type overloads the functions, including \CFA enumerations, which has Bounded functions automatic defined.
    150 \begin{cfa}
    151 @lowerBound();@                 $\C{// ambiguous as both Workday and Planet implement Bounded}$
    152 sout | @lowerBound()@;
    153 Workday day = first();          $\C{// day provides type Workday}$
    154 void foo( Planet p );
    155 foo( last() );                      $\C{// argument provides type Planet}$
    156 \end{cfa}
    158 @Serial@ is a subset of @Bounded@, with functions maps elements against integers, as well implements a sequential order between members.
     139Both functions are necessary for the implementation of \CFA enumeration, with @lowerBound@ returning the first enumerator and @upperBound@ returning the last enumerator.
     141enum(int) Week { Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun };
     142enum(int) Fruit { Apple, Banana, Cherry };
     143Week first_day = lowerBound();                          $\C{// Mon}$
     144Fruit last_fruit = upperBound();                        $\C{// Cherry}$
     146The @lowerBound@ and @upperBound@ are functions overloaded on return type only, meaning their type resolution depends solely on the call-site context, such as the parameter type for a function argument or the left hand size of an assignment expression.
     147Calling either function without a context results in a type ambiguity, unless the type environment has only one type overloading the functions.
     149sout | @lowerBound()@;      $\C[2.5in]{// ambiguous as Week and Fruit implement Bounded}$
     150void foo( Fruit );
     151foo( lowerBound() );            $\C{// parameter provides type Fruit}$
     152Week day = upperBound();        $\C{// day provides type Week}\CRT$
     155Trait @Serial@ is a subset of @Bounded@, with functions mapping enumerators to integers, and implementing a sequential order between enumerators.
    160157forall( E | Bounded( E ) ) trait Serial {
    161         unsigned fromInstance( E e );
     158        int fromInstance( E e );
    162159        E fromInt( unsigned int i );
     160        E pred( E e );
    163161        E succ( E e );
    164         E pred( E e );
    165         unsigned Countof( E e );
    166 };
    167 \end{cfa}
    169 % A Serail type can project to an unsigned @int@ type, \ie an instance of type T has a corresponding integer value.
    170 Function @fromInstance()@ projects a @Bounded@ member to a number and @fromInt@ is the inverser. Function @succ()@ take an element, returns the "next"
    171 member in sequential order and @pred()@ returns the "last" member.
    173 A Serial type E may not be having a one-to-one mapping to integer because of bound. An integer that cannot be mapping to a member of E is called the member \newterm{out of bound}.
    174 Calling @succ()@ on @upperBound@ or @pred()@ on @lowerBound()@ results in out of bound.
    176 \CFA implements Serial interface for CFA enumerations with \newterm{bound check} on @fromInt()@, @succ()@ and @pred()@, and abort the program if the function call results in out of bound.
    177 Unlike a cast, conversion between \CFA enumeration and integer with @Serial@ interface is type safe.
    178 Specifically for @fromInt@, \CFA abort if input i smaller than @fromInstance(lowerBound())@ or greater than @fromInstance(upperBound())@
    180 Function @Countof@ takes an object as a parameter and returns the number of elements in the Serial type, which is @fromInstance( upper ) - fromInstance( lower ) + 1@.
    181 @Countof@ does not use its arugment as procedural input; it needs
    182 an argument to anchor its polymorphic type T.
    184 \CFA has an expression @countof@ (lower case) that returns the number of enumerators defined for enumerations.
    185 \begin{cfa}
    186 enum RGB {Red, Green, Blue};
    187 countof( RGB );
    188 countof( Red );
    189 \end{cfa}
    190 Both expressions from the previous example are converted to constant expression @3@ with no function call at runtime.
    191 @countof@ also works for any type T that defines @Countof@ and @lowerBound@, for which it turns into
    192 a function call @Countof( T )@. The resolution step on expression @countof(e)@ works as the following with priority ordered:
     162        unsigned Countof( E );
     165Function @fromInstance@ projects a @Bounded@ member to a number and @fromInt@ is the inverse.
     166Function @pred@ and @succ@ are advancement functions:
     167@pred@ takes an enumerator and returns the previous enumerator, if there is one, in sequential order, and @succ@ returns the next enumerator.
     169sout | fromInstance( Wed ) | fromInt( 2 ) | succ( Wed ) | pred( Wed );
     1702 Wed Thu Tue
     172Bound checking is provided for @fromInt@, @pred@, and @succ@, and the program is terminated if the lower or upper bound is exceeded, \eg:
     174fromInt( 100 );
     175Cforall Runtime error: call to fromInt has index 100 outside of enumeration range 0-6.
     177Function @fromInstance@ or a position cast using @(int)@ is always safe, \ie within the enumeration range.
     179Function @Countof@ is the generic counterpart to the builtin pseudo-function @countof@.
     180@countof@ only works on enumeration types and instances, so it is locked into the language type system;
     181as such, @countof( enum-type)@ becomes a compile-time constant.
     182@Countof@ works on an any type that matches the @Serial@ trait.
     183Hence, @Countof@ does not use its argument;
     184only the parameter type is needed to compute the range size.
     186int Countof( E ) {
     187        E upper = upperBound();
     188        E lower = lowerBound();
     189        return fromInstance( upper ) + fromInstance( lower ) + 1;
     193@countof@ also works for any type @E@ that defines @Countof@ and @lowerBound@, becoming a call to @Countof( E )@.
     194The resolution step on expression @countof( E )@ are:
    194 \item Looks for an enumeration named e, such as @enum e {... }@.
    195 If such an enumeration e exists, \CFA replace @countof(e)@  with constant expression with number of enumerator of e.
    196 \item Looks for a non-enumeration type named e that defines @Countof@ and @lowerBound@, including e being a polymorphic type, such as @forall(e)@.
    197 If type e exists, \CFA replaces it with @Countof(lowerBound())@, where lowerBound() is bounded to type e. 
    198 \item Looks for an enumerator e that defined in enumeration E. If such an enumeration e exists, \CFA replace @countof(e)@ with constant expression with number of enumerator of E.
    199 \item Looks for a name e in the context with expression type E. If such name e exists, \CFA replace @countof(e)@ with function call @Countof(e)@.
    200 \item If 1-4 fail, \CFA reports a type error on expression @countof(e)@.
     196\item Look for an enumeration named @E@, such as @enum E {... }@.
     197If such an enumeration @E@ exists, replace @countof( E )@  with the number of enumerators.
     198\item Look for a non-enumeration type named @E@ that defines @Countof@ and @lowerBound@, including @E@ being a polymorphic type, such as @forall( E )@.
     199If type @E@ exists, replaces it with @Countof(lowerBound())@, where @lowerBound@ is defined for type @E@.
     200\item Look for an enumerator @A@ defined in enumeration @E@.
     201If such an enumerator @A@ exists, replace @countof( A )@ with the number of enumerators in @E@.
     202\item Look for a name @A@ in the lexical context with type @E@.
     203If such name @A@ exists, replace @countof( A )@ with function call @Countof( E )@.
     204\item If 1-4 fail, report a type error on expression @countof( E )@.
    203 \section{Iterating Over An Enumeration}
    204 An fundamental aspect of an enumerated type is to be able to enumerate over its enumerators. \CFA supports \newterm{for} loops,
    205 \newterm{while} loop, and \newterm{range} loop. This section covers @for@ loops and @range@ loops for
    206 enumeration, but the concept transition to @while@ loop.
     210The fundamental aspect of an enumeration type is the ability to enumerate over its enumerators.
     211\CFA supports \newterm{for} loops, \newterm{while} loop, and \newterm{range} loop. This section covers @for@ loops and @range@ loops for enumeration, but the concept transition to @while@ loop.
    208214\subsection{For Loop}
    209 A for loop is constitued by a loop control and a loop body.
    210 A loop control is often a 3-tuple, separated by semicolons: initializers, condition, and an expression. It is a common practice to declare
    211 a variable, often in initializers, that be used in the condition and updated in the expression or loop body. Such variable is called \newterm{index}.
    213 % With implemented @Bounded@ and @Serial@ interface for \CFA enumeration, a @for@ loop that iterates over \CFA enumeration can be implemented as the following:
    214 A @for@ loop iterates an enumeration can be written with functions from @Bounded@ and @Serial@ interfaces:
    215 \begin{cfa}
    216 enum() Chars { A, B, C, D };
    217 for( unsigned i = 0; i < countof(E); i++ ) { sout | label(e); }         $\C{// (1) A B C D}$
    218 for( Chars e = lowerBound(); ; e = succ(e) ) { $\C{// (2)}$
    219         sout |label((Chars)fromInt(i)) |' ';
    220         if (e == upperBound()) break;
    221 }
    222 \end{cfa}
    224 A caveat in writing loop using finite number as index is that the number can unintentionally be out the range:
    225 \begin{cfa}
    226 for( unsigned i = countof(Chars) - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {}                          $\C{// 3}$
    227 for( Chars e = lowerBound(); e <= upperBound(); e = succ(e) ) {}        $\C{// 4}$
    228 for( Chars e = upperBound(); e >= lowerBound(); e = pred(e) ) {}        $\C{// 5}$
    229 \end{cfa}
    230 Loop (3) is a value underflow: when @i@ reaches to @0@, decrement statement will still execute and cause
    231 the @unsigned int@ value @i@ wraps to @UINT_MAX@, which fails to loop test and the loop cannot terminate.
    233 In loop (4) and (5), when @e@ is at the @Bound@ (@upperBound@/@lowerBound@) and @succ@/@pred@ will result in @out of bounded@, \CFA
    234 aborts its execution. Therefore, it is necessary to implement the condtional break within the loop body.
     216A for-loop consists of loop control and body.
     217The loop control is often a 3-tuple: initializers, stopping condition, and advancement.
     218It is a common practice to declare one or more loop-index variables in initializers, checked these variables for stopping iteration, and updated the variables in advancement.
     219Such a variable is called an \newterm{index} and is available for reading and writing within the loop body.
     220(Some languages make the index read-only in the loop body.)
     221This style of iteration can be written for an enumeration using functions from the @Bounded@ and @Serial@ traits:
     223enum() E { A, B, C, D };
     224for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < countof(E); i += 1 ) $\C{// (1)}$
     225        sout | label( fromInt( i ) ) | nonl;
     226sout | nl;
     227for ( E e = lowerBound(); ; e = succ(e) ) {     $\C{// (2)}$
     228        sout | label(e) | nonl;
     229  if (e == upperBound()) break;
     231sout | nl;
     232A B C D
     233A B C D
     236A caveat in writing loop control using @pred@ and @succ@ is unintentionally exceeding the range.
     238for ( E e = upperBound(); e >= lowerBound(); e = pred( e ) ) {}
     239for ( E e = lowerBound(); e <= upperBound(); e = succ( e ) ) {}
     241Both of these loops look correct but fail because these is an additional bound check within the advancement \emph{before} the conditional test to stop the loop, resulting in a failure at the endpoints of the iteration.
     242These loops must be restructured by moving the loop test to the end of the loop (@do-while@), as in loop (2) above, which is safe because an enumeration always at least one enumerator.
    237245\subsection{Range Loop}
    238 Instead of specifying condition, \CFA supports @range loops@, for which a user specifies a range of values.
    239 \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_functions_2]
    240 for ( Chars e; A ~= D ) { sout | label(e); }            $\C{// (6)}$
    241 for ( e; A ~= D ) { sout | label(e); }                          $\C{// (7)}$
    242 for ( Chars e; A -~= D ) { sout | label(e); }           $\C{// (8) D C B A}$
    243 for ( e; A -~=D ~ 2 ) { sout | label(e); }              $\C{// (9) D B }$
    244 \end{cfa}
    245 Every range loop above has an index declaration, and a @range@ bounded by \newterm{left bound} @A@ and \newterm{right bound} @D@.
    246 An index declaration can have an optional type declaration, without which \CFA
    247 implicitly declares index variable to be the type of the bounds (@typeof(A)@).
    248 If a range is joined by @~=@ (range up equal) operator, the index variable will be initialized by
    249 the @left bound@, and change incrementally until its position exceeds @right bound@.
    250 On the other hand, if a range is defined with @-~=@ (range down equal) operation, the index variable will
    251 have the value of the @right bound@. It change decrementally until its position is less than the @left bound@.
    252 A range can be suffixed by an positive integal \newterm{step}, joined by @~@. The loop @(9)@ declares a step size of 2 so that
    253 e updates @pred(pred(e))@ in every iteration.
    255 \CFA manipulates the position of the index variable and breaks the loop if an index update can result in @out of range@.
    257 \CFA provides a shorthand for range loop over a \CFA enumeration or a @Serial@:
    258 \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_functions_2]
    259 for ( e; Chars ) { sout | label(e); }           $\C{// (10) A B C D}$
    260 for ( e; E ) {                                                          $\C{// forall(E | CfaEnum(E) | Serial(E)) }$
    261     sout | label(e);
    262 }
    263 \end{cfa}
    264 The shorthand syntax has a type name expression (@Char@ and @E@) as its range. If the range expression does not name
    265 a \CFA enumeration or a @Serial@, \CFA reports a compile time error. When type name as range is a \CFA enumeration,
    266 it turns into a loop that iterates all enumerators of the type. If the type name is a @Serial@, the index variable
    267 will be initialized as the @lowerBound@. The loop control checks the index's position against the position of @upperBound@,
    268 and terminate the loop when the index has a position greater than the @upperBound@. \CFA does not update the index with
    269 @succ@ but manipulate its position directly to avoid @out of bound@.
     247Instead of writing the traditional 3-tuple loop control, \CFA supports a \newterm{range loop}.
     249for ( @E e; A ~= D@ ) { sout | label( e ) | nonl; } sout | nl;
     250for ( @e; A ~= D@ ) { sout | label( e ) | nonl; } sout | nl;
     251for ( @E e; A -~= D@ ) { sout | label( e ) | nonl; } sout | nl;
     252for ( @e; A -~= D ~ 2@ ) { sout | label( e ) | nonl; } sout | nl;
     254Every range loop above has an index declaration and a @range@ bounded by \newterm{left bound} @A@ and \newterm{right bound} @D@.
     255If the index declaration-type is omitted, the index type is the type of the lower bound (@typeof( A )@).
     256If a range is joined by @~=@ (range up equal) operator, the index variable is initialized by the left bound and advanced by 1 until it is greater than the right bound.
     257If a range is joined by @-~=@ (range down equal) operator, the index variable is initialized by the right bound and advanced by -1 until it is less than the left bound.
     258(Note, functions @pred@ and @succ@ are not used for advancement, so the advancement problem does not occur.)
     259A range can be suffixed by a positive \newterm{step}, \eg @~ 2@, so advancement is incremented/decremented by step.
     261Finally, a shorthand for enumerating over the entire set of enumerators (the most common case) is using the enumeration type for the range.
     263for ( e; @E@ ) sout | label( e ) | nonl; sout | nl; $\C{// A B C D}$
     264for ( e; @-~= E@ ) sout | label( e ) | nonl; sout | nl; $\C{// D C B A}$
     266For a \CFA enumeration, the loop enumerates over all enumerators of the enumeration.
     267For a type matching the @Serial@ trait: the index variable is initialized to @lowerBound@ and loop control checks the index's value for greater than the @upperBound@.
     268If the range type is not a \CFA enumeration or does not match trait @Serial@, it is compile-time error.
    271271\section{Overload Operators}
    272 % Finally, there is an associated trait defining comparison operators among enumerators.
    273 \CFA preemptively overloads comparison operators for \CFA enumeration with @Serial@ and @CfaEnum@.
    274 They defines that two enumerators are equal only if the are the same enumerator, and compartors are
    275 define for order comparison.
    276 \begin{cfa}
    277 forall( E | CfaEnum( E ) | Serial( E ) ) {
     273\CFA overloads the comparison operators for \CFA enumeration satisfying traits @Serial@ and @CfaEnum@.
     274These definitions require the operand types be the same and the appropriate comparison is made using the the positions of the operands.
     276forall( E | CfaEnum( E ) | Serial( E ) ) @{@ $\C{// distribution block}$
    278277        // comparison
    279278        int ?==?( E l, E r );           $\C{// true if l and r are same enumerators}$
    283282        int ?>?( E l, E r );            $\C{// true if l is an enumerator after r}$
    284283        int ?>=?( E l, E r );           $\C{// true if l after or the same as r}$
    285 }
    286 \end{cfa}
    288 \CFA implements few arithmetic operators for @CfaEnum@. Unlike update functions in @Serial@, these
    289 operator does not have bound checks, which rely on @upperBound@ and @lowerBound@. These operators directly manipulate
    290 position, the underlying representation of a \CFA enumeration.
    291 \begin{cfa}
    292 forall( E | CfaEnum( E ) | Serial( E ) ) {
     286(Note, all the function prototypes are wrapped in a distribution block, where all qualifiers preceding the block are distributed to each declaration with the block, which eliminated tedious repeated qualification.
     287Distribution blocks can be nested.)
     289\CFA implements a few arithmetic operators for @CfaEnum@.
     290Unlike advancement functions in @Serial@, these operators perform direct arithmetic, so there is no implicit bound checks.
     292forall( E | CfaEnum( E ) | Serial( E ) ) { $\C{// distribution block}$
    293293        // comparison
    294294        E ++?( E & l );
    305 Lastly, \CFA does not define @zero_t@ for \CFA enumeration. Users can define the boolean false for
    306 \CFA enumerations on their own. Here is an example:
    307 \begin{cfa}
    308 forall(E | CfaEnum(E))
    309 bool ?!=?(E lhs, zero_t) {
    310         return posn(lhs) != 0;
    311 }
    312 \end{cfa}
    313 which effectively turns the first enumeration as a logical false and true for others.
    315 % \begin{cfa}
    316 % Count variable_a = First, variable_b = Second, variable_c = Third, variable_d = Fourth;
    317 % p(variable_a); // 0
    318 % p(variable_b); // 1
    319 % p(variable_c); // "Third"
    320 % p(variable_d); // 3
    321 % \end{cfa}
    324 % \section{Iteration and Range}
    328 % % It is convenient to iterate over a \CFA enumeration value, \eg:
    329 % \CFA implements \newterm{range loop} for \CFA enumeration using the enumerated traits. The most basic form of @range loop@ is the follows:
    330 % \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_functions]
    331 % for ( Alphabet alph; Alphabet ) { sout | alph; }
    332 % >>> A B C ... D
    333 % \end{cfa}
    334 % % The @range loops@ iterates through all enumerators in the order defined in the enumeration.
    335 % % @alph@ is the iterating enumeration object, which returns the value of an @Alphabet@ in this context according to the precedence rule.
    336 % Enumerated @range loop@ extends the \CFA grammar as it allows a type name @Alphabet@
    338 % \textbullet\ \CFA offers a shorthand for iterating all enumeration constants:
    339 % \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_functions]
    340 % for ( Alphabet alph ) { sout | alph; }
    341 % >>> A B C ... D
    342 % \end{cfa}
    344 % The following are examples for constructing for-control using an enumeration. Note that the type declaration of the iterating variable is optional, because \CFA can infer the type as EnumInstType based on the range expression, and possibly convert it to one of its attribute types.
    346 % \textbullet\ H is implicit up-to exclusive range [0, H).
    347 % \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_function_1]
    348 % for ( alph; Alphabet.D ) { sout | alph; }
    349 % >>> A B C
    350 % \end{cfa}
    352 % \textbullet\ ~= H is implicit up-to inclusive range [0,H].
    353 % \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_function_2]
    354 % for ( alph; ~= Alphabet.D ) { sout | alph; }
    355 % >>> A B C D
    356 % \end{cfa}
    358 % \textbullet\ L ~ H is explicit up-to exclusive range [L,H).
    359 % \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_function_3]
    360 % for ( alph; Alphabet.B ~ Alphabet.D  ) { sout | alph; }
    361 % // for ( Alphabet alph = Alphabet.B; alph < Alphabet.D; alph += 1  ); 1 is one_t
    362 % >>> B C
    363 % \end{cfa}
    365 % \textbullet\ L ~= H is explicit up-to inclusive range [L,H].
    366 % \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_function_4]
    367 % for ( alph; Alphabet.B ~= Alphabet.D  ) { sout | alph; }
    368 % >>> B C D
    369 % \end{cfa}
    371 % \textbullet\ L -~ H is explicit down-to exclusive range [H,L), where L and H are implicitly interchanged to make the range down-to.
    372 % \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_function_5]
    373 % for ( alph; Alphabet.D -~ Alphabet.B  ) { sout | alph; }
    374 % >>> D C
    375 % \end{cfa}
    377 % \textbullet\ L -~= H is explicit down-to exclusive range [H,L], where L and H are implicitly interchanged to make the range down-to.
    378 % \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_function_6]
    379 % for ( alph; Alphabet.D -~= Alphabet.B  ) { sout | alph; }
    380 % >>> D C B
    381 % \end{cfa}
    383 % A user can specify the ``step size'' of an iteration. There are two different stepping schemes of enumeration for-loop.
    384 % \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_function_stepping]
    385 % enum(int) Sequence { A = 10, B = 12, C = 14, D = 16, D  = 18 };
    386 % for ( s; Sequence.A ~= Sequence.D ~ 1  ) { sout | alph; }
    387 % >>> 10 12 14 16 18
    388 % for ( s; Sequence.A ~= Sequence.D; s+=1  ) { sout | alph; }
    389 % >>> 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    390 % \end{cfa}
    391 % The first syntax is stepping to the next enumeration constant, which is the default stepping scheme if not explicitly specified. The second syntax, on the other hand, is to call @operator+=@ @one_type@ on the @value( s )@. Therefore, the second syntax is equivalent to
    392 % \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_function_stepping_converted]
    393 % for ( typeof( value(Sequence.A) ) s=value( Sequence.A ); s <= Sequence.D; s+=1  ) { sout | alph; }
    394 % >>> 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    395 % \end{cfa}
    397 % % \PAB{Explain what each loop does.}
    399 % It is also possible to iterate over an enumeration's labels, implicitly or explicitly:
    400 % \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_functions_label_implicit]
    401 % for ( char * alph; Alphabet )
    402 % \end{cfa}
    403 % This for-loop implicitly iterates every label of the enumeration, because a label is the only valid resolution to @ch@ with type @char *@ in this case.
    404 % If the value can also be resolved as the @char *@, you might iterate the labels explicitly with the array iteration.
    405 % \begin{cfa}[label=lst:range_functions_label_implicit]
    406 % for ( char * ch; labels( Alphabet ) )
    407 % \end{cfa}
     305Lastly, \CFA does not define @zero_t@ for \CFA enumeration.
     306Users can define the boolean @false@ for \CFA enumerations on their own, \eg:
     308forall( E | CfaEnum( E ) )
     309int ?!=?( E lhs, zero_t ) {
     310        return posn( lhs ) != 0;
     313which effectively turns the first enumeration to a logical @false@ and @true@ for the others.
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/uw-ethesis-frontpgs.tex

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    141141One of the key properties of an enumeration is the ability to enumerate (iterate) through the constants, and hence, access their values, if present.
    142142C restricts an enumeration to the integral type @signed int@, while \CC extends enumerations to all integral types, meaning enumeration names must bind to integer constants.
    143 Other modern programming languages provide bindings to any type and additional features to extend enumeration capabilities for better software-engineering practices.
    145 The \CFA (C-for-all) programming language is an evolutionary refinement of the C programing language.
    146 One of its distinctive feature is a parametric-polymorphic generic type.
    147 However, legacy data types from C, such as enumerations, do not adapt well into the \CFA generic type-system.
     143Other modern programming languages provide bindings to any type and additional features to extend enumeration capabilities for better software engineering practices.
     145The \CFA (C-for-all) programming language is an evolutionary refinement of the C programming language.
     146One of its distinctive features is a parametric-polymorphic generic type.
     147However, legacy data types from C, such as enumerations, do not adapt well to the \CFA generic type-system.
    149149This thesis extends the simple and unsafe enumeration type in the C programming language into a complex and safe enumeration type in the \CFA programming-language, while maintaining backwards compatibility with C.
    150150The major contribution is an adaptation of enumerated types with the \CFA type-system in a way that integrates naturally with the generic types.
    151 This thesis also presents a number of smaller refinement to the \CFA overload resolution rules for enumerated types, each of which improves the intuitive nature of enumeration name resolution by the compiler.
     151This thesis also presents several smaller refinements to the \CFA overload resolution rules for enumerated types, each of which improves the intuitive nature of enumeration name resolution by the compiler.
    152152Finally, this work adds other useful features to enumerations that better support software-engineering practices and simplify program development.
    166166Thanks to Gregor Richards and Yzihou Zhang for reading my thesis.
    168 Special thanks to Andrew James Beach for your insight on the theory development on the thesis.
     168Special thanks to Andrew James Beach for your insight on the theory development of the thesis.
    170170Thanks to Michael Brooks, Fangran Yu, Colby Parsons, Thierry Delisle, Mubeen Zulifiqar,
    171 and the entire \CFA team for development of the \CFA language, making it the best language it can be.
     171and the entire \CFA team for the development of the \CFA language, making it the best language it can be.
    173173Finally, a special thank you to Huawei Canada for funding this work.
  • libcfa/src/collections/string.hfa

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    1010// Created On       : Fri Sep 03 11:00:00 2021
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Mon Aug  5 23:06:14 2024
    13 // Update Count     : 128
     12// Last Modified On : Tue Aug  6 07:49:52 2024
     13// Update Count     : 130
    161161string ?+?( char c, const string & s );                                 // add a character to a copy of the string
    162162string ?+?( const string & s, const string & s2 );              // copy and concatenate both strings
    163 string ?+?( const char * s, char c );                                   // copy and concatenate both strings
    164 string ?+?( char c, const char * s );                                   // copy and concatenate both strings
    165 string ?+?( const char * s1, const char * s2 );                 // copy and concatenate both strings
    166 string ?+?( const char * s1, string & s2 );                             // copy and concatenate both strings
    167 string ?+?( const string & s, const char * c );                 // copy and concatenate with NULL-terminated string
     163string ?+?( const char * s, char c );                                   // add a character to a copy of the string
     164string ?+?( char c, const char * s );                                   // add a character to a copy of the string
     165string ?+?( const char * c, const char * s );                   // copy and add with two NULL-terminated string
     166string ?+?( const char * c, string & s );                               // copy and add with NULL-terminated string
     167string ?+?( const string & s, const char * c );                 // copy and add with NULL-terminated string
    169169static inline string & strcat( string & s, const string & s2 ) { s += s2; return s; }
    185185// Comparisons
    186 int strcmp ( const string &, const string &);
    187 bool ?==?( const string &, const string &);
    188 bool ?!=?( const string &, const string &);
    189 bool ?>? ( const string &, const string &);
    190 bool ?>=?( const string &, const string &);
    191 bool ?<=?( const string &, const string &);
    192 bool ?<? ( const string &, const string &);
    194 int strcmp( const string &, const char *);
    195 bool ?==?( const string &, const char *);
    196 bool ?!=?( const string &, const char *);
    197 bool ?>? ( const string &, const char *);
    198 bool ?>=?( const string &, const char *);
    199 bool ?<=?( const string &, const char *);
    200 bool ?<? ( const string &, const char *);
    202 int strcmp( const char *, const string &);
    203 bool ?==?( const char *, const string &);
    204 bool ?!=?( const char *, const string &);
    205 bool ?>? ( const char *, const string &);
    206 bool ?>=?( const char *, const string &);
    207 bool ?<=?( const char *, const string &);
    208 bool ?<? ( const char *, const string &);
     186int strcmp ( const string &, const string & );
     187bool ?==?( const string &, const string & );
     188bool ?!=?( const string &, const string & );
     189bool ?>? ( const string &, const string & );
     190bool ?>=?( const string &, const string & );
     191bool ?<=?( const string &, const string & );
     192bool ?<? ( const string &, const string & );
     194int strcmp( const string &, const char * );
     195bool ?==?( const string &, const char * );
     196bool ?!=?( const string &, const char * );
     197bool ?>? ( const string &, const char * );
     198bool ?>=?( const string &, const char * );
     199bool ?<=?( const string &, const char * );
     200bool ?<? ( const string &, const char * );
     202int strcmp( const char *, const string & );
     203bool ?==?( const char *, const string & );
     204bool ?!=?( const char *, const string & );
     205bool ?>? ( const char *, const string & );
     206bool ?>=?( const char *, const string & );
     207bool ?<=?( const char *, const string & );
     208bool ?<? ( const char *, const string & );
  • libcfa/src/

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    1111                // It is okay to overflow as overflow will be theoretically caught by the other bound
    1212                if ( i < fromInstance( lower ) || i > fromInstance( upper ) )
    13                         abort( "call to fromInt has index %d outside enumeration range %d-%d",
     13                        abort( "call to fromInt has index %d outside of enumeration range %d-%d.",
    1414                                   i, fromInstance( lower ), fromInstance( upper ) );
    1515                return fromInt_unsafe( i );
    1919                E upper = upperBound();
    2020                if ( fromInstance( e ) >= fromInstance( upper ) )
    21                         abort( "call to succ() exceeds enumeration upper bound of %d", fromInstance( upper ) );
     21                        abort( "call to succ() exceeds enumeration upper bound of %d.", fromInstance( upper ) );
    2222                return succ_unsafe(e);
    2323        }
    2626                E lower = lowerBound();
    2727                if ( fromInstance( e ) <= fromInstance(lower ) )
    28                         abort( "call to pred() exceeds enumeration lower bound of %d", fromInstance( lower ) );
     28                        abort( "call to pred() exceeds enumeration lower bound of %d.", fromInstance( lower ) );
    2929                return pred_unsafe( e );
    3030        }
    32         int Countof( __attribute__((unused)) E e ) {
     32        int Countof( E ) {
    3333                E upper = upperBound();
    3434                E lower = lowerBound();
  • libcfa/src/enum.hfa

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    1919        E succ( E e );
    2020        E pred( E e );
    21         int Countof( E e );
     21        int Countof( E );
  • libcfa/src/

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    1010// Created On       : Tue Dec 19 21:58:35 2017
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Sun Apr  7 21:54:29 2024
    13 // Update Count     : 1644
     12// Last Modified On : Wed Aug  7 10:14:47 2024
     13// Update Count     : 1646
    582582                        __cfaabi_bits_print_buffer( STDERR_FILENO, helpText, sizeof(helpText),
    583583                                                                                "CFA warning (UNIX pid:%ld) : program terminating with %td(%#tx) bytes of storage allocated but not freed.\n"
    584                                                                                 "Possible cause is unfreed storage allocated by the program or system/library routines called from the program.\n",
     584                                                                                "Possible cause is mismatched allocation/deallocation calls (malloc/free), direct constructor call without a direct destructor call, or system/library routines not freeing storage.\n",
    585585                                                                                (long int)getpid(), allocUnfreed, allocUnfreed ); // always print the UNIX pid
    586586                } // if
  • src/Validate/ImplementEnumFunc.cpp

    r2ca7fc2 r6abb6dc  
    210210                "value",
    211211                {new ast::ObjectDecl(getLocation(), "_i", new ast::EnumInstType(decl))},
    212                 {new ast::ObjectDecl(getLocation(), "_ret",
    213                                                         ast::deepCopy(decl->base))});
    214         // else
    215         //      return genQuasiValueProto();
     212                {new ast::ObjectDecl(getLocation(), "_ret", decl->base)});
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