Changeset 6726a3a

Jul 20, 2022, 2:37:57 PM (2 years ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>
ADT, ast-experimental, master, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum
6bf35d1, e6662f5
d677355 (diff), 2fd0de0 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' of

1 added
39 edited


  • doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/text/existing.tex

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    1515\section{Naming Convention}
    16 Scheduling has been studied by various communities concentrating on different incarnation of the same problems. As a result, there are no standard naming conventions for scheduling that is respected across these communities. This document uses the term \newterm{\Gls{at}} to refer to the abstract objects being scheduled and the term \newterm{\Gls{proc}} to refer to the concrete objects executing these \ats.
     16Scheduling has been studied by various communities concentrating on different incarnation of the same problems.
     17As a result, there are no standard naming conventions for scheduling that is respected across these communities.
     18This document uses the term \newterm{\Gls{at}} to refer to the abstract objects being scheduled and the term \newterm{\Gls{proc}} to refer to the concrete objects executing these \ats.
    1820\section{Static Scheduling}
    2628\section{Dynamic Scheduling}
    2729\newterm{Dynamic schedulers} determine \ats dependencies and costs during scheduling, if at all.
    28 Hence, unlike static scheduling, \ats dependencies are conditional and detected at runtime. This detection takes the form of observing new \ats(s) in the system and determining dependencies from their behaviour, including suspending or halting a \ats that dynamically detects unfulfilled dependencies.
     30Hence, unlike static scheduling, \ats dependencies are conditional and detected at runtime.
     31This detection takes the form of observing new \ats(s) in the system and determining dependencies from their behaviour, including suspending or halting a \ats that dynamically detects unfulfilled dependencies.
    2932Furthermore, each \ats has the responsibility of adding dependent \ats back into the system once dependencies are fulfilled.
    3033As a consequence, the scheduler often has an incomplete view of the system, seeing only \ats with no pending dependencies.
  • doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/text/io.tex

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    11\chapter{User Level \io}
    2 As mentioned in Section~\ref{prev:io}, user-Level \io requires multiplexing the \io operations of many \glspl{thrd} onto fewer \glspl{proc} using asynchronous \io operations.
     2As mentioned in Section~\ref{prev:io}, user-level \io requires multiplexing the \io operations of many \glspl{thrd} onto fewer \glspl{proc} using asynchronous \io operations.
    33Different operating systems offer various forms of asynchronous operations and, as mentioned in Chapter~\ref{intro}, this work is exclusively focused on the Linux operating-system.
    7373\paragraph{\lstinline{poll}} is the next oldest option, and takes as input an array of structures containing the FD numbers rather than their position in an array of bits, allowing a more compact input for interest sets that contain widely spaced FDs.
    74 (For small interest sets with densely packed FDs, the @select@ bit mask can take less storage, and hence, copy less information into the kernel.)
     74For small interest sets with densely packed FDs, the @select@ bit mask can take less storage, and hence, copy less information into the kernel.
    7575Furthermore, @poll@ is non-destructive, so the array of structures does not have to be re-initialize on every call.
    7676Like @select@, @poll@ suffers from the limitation that the interest set cannot be changed by other \gls{kthrd}, while a manager thread is blocked in @poll@.
    277277While this example is artificial, in the presence of many \glspl{thrd}, it is possible for this problem to arise ``in the wild''.
    278278Furthermore, this pattern is difficult to reliably detect and avoid.
    279 Once in this situation, the only escape is to interrupted the spinning \gls{thrd}, either directly or via some regular preemption (\eg time slicing).
     279Once in this situation, the only escape is to interrupted the spinning \gls{thrd}, either directly or via some regular preemption, \eg time slicing.
    280280Having to interrupt \glspl{thrd} for this purpose is costly, the latency can be large between interrupts, and the situation may be hard to detect.
    281 % However, a more important reason why interrupting the \gls{thrd} is not a satisfying solution is that the \gls{proc} is using the instance it is tied to.
    282 % If it were to use it, then helping could be done as part of the usage.
    283281Interrupts are needed here entirely because the \gls{proc} is tied to an instance it is not using.
    284282Therefore, a more satisfying solution is for the \gls{thrd} submitting the operation to notice that the instance is unused and simply go ahead and use it.
    301299Free SQEs, \ie, SQEs that are not currently being used to represent a request, can be written to safely and have a field called @user_data@ that the kernel only reads to copy to @cqe@s.
    302300Allocation also requires no ordering guarantee as all free SQEs are interchangeable.
    303 % This requires a simple concurrent bag.
    304301The only added complexity is that the number of SQEs is fixed, which means allocation can fail.
    311308Once an SQE is filled in, it is added to the submission ring buffer, an operation that is not thread-safe, and then the kernel must be notified using the @io_uring_enter@ system call.
    312 The submission ring buffer is the same size as the pre-allocated SQE buffer, therefore pushing to the ring buffer cannot fail because it is invalid to have the same \lstinline{sqe} multiple times in a ring buffer.
     309The submission ring buffer is the same size as the pre-allocated SQE buffer, therefore pushing to the ring buffer cannot fail because it would mean a \lstinline{sqe} multiple times in the ring buffer, which is undefined behaviour.
    313310However, as mentioned, the system call itself can fail with the expectation that it can be retried once some submitted operations complete.
    346343While instance borrowing looks similar to work sharing and stealing, I think it is different enough to warrant a different verb to avoid confusion.}
    348 In this approach, each cluster (see Figure~\ref{fig:system}) owns a pool of @io_uring@ instances managed by an \newterm{arbiter}.
     345In this approach, each cluster, see Figure~\ref{fig:system}, owns a pool of @io_uring@ instances managed by an \newterm{arbiter}.
    349346When a \gls{thrd} attempts to issue an \io operation, it ask for an instance from the arbiter and issues requests to that instance.
    350347This instance is now bound to the \gls{proc} the \gls{thrd} is running on.
    351348This binding is kept until the arbiter decides to revoke it, taking back the instance and reverting the \gls{proc} to its initial state with respect to \io.
    352349This tight coupling means that synchronization can be minimal since only one \gls{proc} can use the instance at a time, akin to the private instances approach.
    353 However, it differs in that revocation by the arbiter (an interrupt) means this approach does not suffer from the deadlock scenario described above.
     350However, it differs in that revocation by the arbiter means this approach does not suffer from the deadlock scenario described above.
    355352Arbitration is needed in the following cases:
    378375\paragraph{External Submissions} are handled by the arbiter by revoking the appropriate instance and adding the submission to the submission ring.
    379 However,  there is no need to immediately revoke the instance.
     376However, there is no need to immediately revoke the instance.
    380377External submissions must simply be added to the ring before the next system call, \ie, when the submission ring is flushed.
    381378This means whoever is responsible for the system call, first checks if the instance has any external submissions.
    456452The last important part of the \io subsystem is its interface.
    457453There are multiple approaches that can be offered to programmers, each with advantages and disadvantages.
  • src/AST/Expr.cpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    272272        // Adjust the length of the string for the terminator.
    273273        const Expr * strSize = from_ulong( loc, str.size() + 1 );
    274         const Type * strType = new ArrayType( charType, strSize, FixedLen, StaticDim );
     274        const Type * strType = new ArrayType( charType, strSize, FixedLen, DynamicDim );
    275275        const std::string strValue = "\"" + str + "\"";
    276276        return new ConstantExpr( loc, strType, strValue, std::nullopt );
  • src/CodeGen/

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // --
     7// -- Adjustments to typed declarations.
    99// Author           : Richard C. Bilson
    1010// Created On       : Mon May 18 07:44:20 2015
    1111// Last Modified By : Andrew Beach
    12 // Last Modified On : Fri Oct 29 15:49:00 2021
    13 // Update Count     : 23
     12// Last Modified On : Wed Jul 20 11:49:00 2022
     13// Update Count     : 24
    8888/// Does work with the main function and scopeLevels.
    89 class FixNames_new : public ast::WithGuards {
     89class FixNames_new final {
    9090        int scopeLevel = 1;
    104104        const ast::FunctionDecl *postvisit( const ast::FunctionDecl *functionDecl ) {
    105                 // This store is used to ensure a maximum of one call to mutate.
    106                 ast::FunctionDecl * mutDecl = nullptr;
     105                if ( FixMain::isMain( functionDecl ) ) {
     106                        auto mutDecl = ast::mutate( functionDecl );
    108                 if ( shouldSetScopeLevel( functionDecl ) ) {
    109                         mutDecl = ast::mutate( functionDecl );
    110                         mutDecl->scopeLevel = scopeLevel;
    111                 }
    113                 if ( FixMain::isMain( functionDecl ) ) {
    114                         if ( !mutDecl ) { mutDecl = ast::mutate( functionDecl ); }
     108                        if ( shouldSetScopeLevel( mutDecl ) ) {
     109                                mutDecl->scopeLevel = scopeLevel;
     110                        }
    116112                        int nargs = mutDecl->params.size();
    124120                                )
    125121                        );
     123                        return mutDecl;
     124                } else if ( shouldSetScopeLevel( functionDecl ) ) {
     125                        return ast::mutate_field( functionDecl, &ast::FunctionDecl::scopeLevel, scopeLevel );
     126                } else {
     127                        return functionDecl;
    126128                }
    127                 return mutDecl ? mutDecl : functionDecl;
    128129        }
    130131        void previsit( const ast::CompoundStmt * ) {
    131                 GuardValue( scopeLevel ) += 1;
     132                scopeLevel += 1;
     133        }
     135        void postvisit( const ast::CompoundStmt * ) {
     136                scopeLevel -= 1;
    132137        }
  • src/CodeGen/FixNames.h

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // FixNames.h --
     7// FixNames.h -- Adjustments to typed declarations.
    99// Author           : Richard C. Bilson
    2626        /// mangles object and function names
    2727        void fixNames( std::list< Declaration* > & translationUnit );
    28         void fixNames( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
     28/// Sets scope levels and fills in main's default return.
     29void fixNames( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
    2930} // namespace CodeGen
  • src/Concurrency/Keywords.h

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    2828        void implementThreadStarter( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit );
    30 /// Implement the sue-like keywords and the suspend keyword.
     30/// Implement the sue-like keywords and the suspend keyword. Pre-Autogen
    3131void implementKeywords( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
    32 /// Implement the mutex parameters and mutex statement.
     32/// Implement the mutex parameters and mutex statement. Post-Autogen
    3333void implementMutex( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
    34 /// Add the thread starter code to constructors.
     34/// Add the thread starter code to constructors. Post-Autogen
    3535void implementThreadStarter( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/ControlStruct/

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // --
     7// -- Handles declarations of exception types.
    99// Author           : Henry Xue
  • src/ControlStruct/ExceptDecl.h

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // ExceptDecl.h --
     7// ExceptDecl.h -- Handles declarations of exception types.
    99// Author           : Henry Xue
    1010// Created On       : Tue Jul 20 04:10:50 2021
    11 // Last Modified By : Henry Xue
    12 // Last Modified On : Tue Jul 20 04:10:50 2021
    13 // Update Count     : 1
     11// Last Modified By : Andrew Beach
     12// Last Modified On : Tue Jul 12 15:49:00 2022
     13// Update Count     : 2
    2020class Declaration;
     22namespace ast {
     23        class TranslationUnit;
    2226namespace ControlStruct {
    23         void translateExcept( std::list< Declaration *> & translationUnit );
     27/// Unfold exception declarations into raw structure declarations.
     28/// Also builds vtable declarations and converts vtable types.
     29void translateExcept( std::list< Declaration *> & translationUnit );
     30void translateExcept( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/ControlStruct/HoistControlDecls.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    2222namespace ControlStruct {
    23 // Hoist declarations out of control flow statements into compound statement.
     23/// Hoist declarations out of control flow statements into compound statement.
     24/// Must happen before auto-gen routines are added.
    2425void hoistControlDecls( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
    2526} // namespace ControlStruct
  • src/ControlStruct/MultiLevelExit.cpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    151 NullStmt * labelledNullStmt(
    152         const CodeLocation & cl, const Label & label ) {
     151NullStmt * labelledNullStmt( const CodeLocation & cl, const Label & label ) {
    153152        return new NullStmt( cl, vector<Label>{ label } );
    165164const CompoundStmt * MultiLevelExitCore::previsit(
    166         const CompoundStmt * stmt ) {
     165                const CompoundStmt * stmt ) {
    167166        visit_children = false;
    191 size_t getUnusedIndex(
    192         const Stmt * stmt, const Label & originalTarget ) {
     190size_t getUnusedIndex( const Stmt * stmt, const Label & originalTarget ) {
    193191        const size_t size = stmt->labels.size();
    212 const Stmt * addUnused(
    213         const Stmt * stmt, const Label & originalTarget ) {
     210const Stmt * addUnused( const Stmt * stmt, const Label & originalTarget ) {
    214211        size_t i = getUnusedIndex( stmt, originalTarget );
    215212        if ( i == stmt->labels.size() ) {
    357354// Mimic what the built-in push_front would do anyways. It is O(n).
    358 void push_front(
    359         vector<ptr<Stmt>> & vec, const Stmt * element ) {
     355void push_front( vector<ptr<Stmt>> & vec, const Stmt * element ) {
    360356        vec.emplace_back( nullptr );
    361357        for ( size_t i = vec.size() - 1 ; 0 < i ; --i ) {
    591587                ptr<Stmt> else_stmt = nullptr;
    592                 Stmt * loop_kid = nullptr;
     588                const Stmt * loop_kid = nullptr;
    593589                // check if loop node and if so add else clause if it exists
    594                 const WhileDoStmt * whilePtr = dynamic_cast<const WhileDoStmt *>(kid.get());
    595                 if ( whilePtr && whilePtr->else_) {
     590                const WhileDoStmt * whilePtr =<WhileDoStmt>();
     591                if ( whilePtr && whilePtr->else_ ) {
    596592                        else_stmt = whilePtr->else_;
    597                         WhileDoStmt * mutate_ptr = mutate(whilePtr);
    598                         mutate_ptr->else_ = nullptr;
    599                         loop_kid = mutate_ptr;
    600                 }
    601                 const ForStmt * forPtr = dynamic_cast<const ForStmt *>(kid.get());
    602                 if ( forPtr && forPtr->else_) {
     593                        loop_kid = mutate_field( whilePtr, &WhileDoStmt::else_, nullptr );
     594                }
     595                const ForStmt * forPtr =<ForStmt>();
     596                if ( forPtr && forPtr->else_ ) {
    603597                        else_stmt = forPtr->else_;
    604                         ForStmt * mutate_ptr = mutate(forPtr);
    605                         mutate_ptr->else_ = nullptr;
    606                         loop_kid = mutate_ptr;
     598                        loop_kid = mutate_field( forPtr, &ForStmt::else_, nullptr );
    607599                }
  • src/ControlStruct/

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    1717SRC += \
    1818        ControlStruct/ \
     19        ControlStruct/ExceptDeclNew.cpp \
    1920        ControlStruct/ExceptDecl.h \
    2021        ControlStruct/ExceptTranslateNew.cpp \
  • src/InitTweak/

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // --
     7// -- Generate initializers, and other stuff.
    99// Author           : Rob Schluntz
  • src/InitTweak/GenInit.h

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // GenInit.h --
     7// GenInit.h -- Generate initializers, and other stuff.
    99// Author           : Rodolfo G. Esteves
    2929        void genInit( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
    31         /// Converts return statements into copy constructor calls on the hidden return variable
     31        /// Converts return statements into copy constructor calls on the hidden return variable.
     32        /// This pass must happen before auto-gen.
    3233        void fixReturnStatements( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit );
    3334        void fixReturnStatements( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Tuples/

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // Tuples.h --
     7// -- A collection of tuple operations.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
  • src/Tuples/Tuples.h

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // Tuples.h --
     7// Tuples.h -- A collection of tuple operations.
    99// Author           : Rodolfo G. Esteves
  • src/Validate/Autogen.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    2222namespace Validate {
     24/// Generate routines for all data types in the translation unit.
     25/// A lot of passes have to happen either before or after this pass.
    2426void autogenerateRoutines( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Validate/CompoundLiteral.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    2424/// Use variables to implement compound literals.
     25/// Must happen after auto-gen routines are added.
    2526void handleCompoundLiterals( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Validate/EnumAndPointerDecay.cpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // EnumAndPointerDecay.cpp --
     7// EnumAndPointerDecay.cpp -- Normalizes enumerations and types in functions.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
  • src/Validate/EnumAndPointerDecay.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // EnumAndPointerDecay.hpp --
     7// EnumAndPointerDecay.hpp -- Normalizes enumerations and types in functions.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
    2222namespace Validate {
     24/// Fix the parameter and return types of functions. Also assigns types to
     25/// enumeration values. This must happen before Link Reference to Types,
     26/// it needs correct types for mangling, and before auto-gen.
    2427void decayEnumsAndPointers( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Validate/FindSpecialDecls.h

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // FindSpecialDeclarations.h --
     7// FindSpecialDeclarations.h -- Find special declarations used in the compiler.
    99// Author           : Rob Schluntz
    4343        void findSpecialDecls( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit );
    45 /// find and remember some of the special declarations that are useful for
     45/// Find and remember some of the special declarations that are useful for
    4646/// generating code, so that they do not have to be discovered multiple times.
    4747void findGlobalDecls( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Validate/FixQualifiedTypes.cpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // FixQualifiedTypes.cpp --
     7// FixQualifiedTypes.cpp -- Replace the qualified type with a direct type.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
    7676                                                        ret->qualifiers = type->qualifiers;
    7777                                                        ast::TypeSubstitution sub( aggr->params, instp->params );
    78                                                         // = parent->genericSubstitution();
    7978                                                        auto result = sub.apply(ret);
    8079                                                        return result.node.release();
  • src/Validate/FixQualifiedTypes.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // FixQualifiedTypes.hpp --
     7// FixQualifiedTypes.hpp -- Replace the qualified type with a direct type.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
    2222namespace Validate {
     24/// Replaces qualified types with an unqualified NamedTypeDecl.
     25/// Must happen after Link References To Types,
     26/// because aggregate members are accessed.
    2427void fixQualifiedTypes( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Validate/FixReturnTypes.cpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // FixReturnTypes.cpp --
     7// FixReturnTypes.cpp -- Unifies the representation of return types.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
  • src/Validate/FixReturnTypes.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // FixReturnTypes.hpp --
     7// FixReturnTypes.hpp -- Unifies the representation of return types.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
    2222namespace Validate {
    24 // This pass needs to happen early so that other passes can find tuple types
    25 // in the right places, especially for function return types.
     24/// This pass needs to happen early so that other passes can find tuple types
     25/// in the right places, especially for function return types.
     26/// Must happen before auto-gen.
    2627void fixReturnTypes( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Validate/ForallPointerDecay.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    2929/// Also checks that operator names are used properly on functions and
    3030/// assigns unique IDs. This is a "legacy" pass.
     31/// Must be after implement concurrent keywords; because uniqueIds must be
     32/// set on declaration before resolution.
     33/// Must happen before auto-gen routines are added.
    3134void decayForallPointers( ast::TranslationUnit & transUnit );
  • src/Validate/GenericParameter.cpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // GenericParameter.hpp --
     7// GenericParameter.hpp -- Generic parameter related passes.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
  • src/Validate/GenericParameter.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // GenericParameter.hpp --
     7// GenericParameter.hpp -- Generic parameter related passes.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
    2424/// Perform substutions for generic parameters and fill in defaults.
     25/// Check as early as possible, but it can't happen before Link References to
     26/// Types and observed failing when attempted before eliminate typedef.
    2527void fillGenericParameters( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Validate/HoistStruct.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    2222namespace Validate {
    24 /// Flattens nested type declarations.
     24/// Flattens nested type declarations. (Run right after Fix Qualified Types.)
    2525void hoistStruct( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Validate/HoistTypeDecls.cpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // HoistTypeDecls.cpp --
     7// HoistTypeDecls.cpp -- Hoists declarations of implicitly declared types.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
  • src/Validate/HoistTypeDecls.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // HoistTypeDecls.hpp --
     7// HoistTypeDecls.hpp -- Hoists declarations of implicitly declared types.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
    2222namespace Validate {
     24/// There are some places where a type can be declared but are usually only
     25/// referenced (with an *InstType). This inserts the declarations before
     26/// they are referenced.
    2427void hoistTypeDecls( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Validate/LabelAddressFixer.cpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // LabelAddressFixer.cpp --
     7// LabelAddressFixer.cpp -- Create label address expressions.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
  • src/Validate/LabelAddressFixer.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // LabelAddressFixer.hpp --
     7// LabelAddressFixer.hpp -- Create label address expressions.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
    2020namespace Validate {
     22/// Label addresses are not actually created in the parser, this pass finds
     23/// the patterns that represent the label address expression.
    2224void fixLabelAddresses( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Validate/LinkReferenceToTypes.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    2222namespace Validate {
     24/// Fills in the base value of various instance types, and some related
     25/// adjustments, such as setting the sized flag.
     26/// Because of the sized flag, it must happen before auto-gen.
    2427void linkReferenceToTypes( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Validate/ReplaceTypedef.cpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // ReplaceTypedef.cpp --
     7// ReplaceTypedef.cpp -- Fill in all typedefs with the underlying type.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
  • src/Validate/ReplaceTypedef.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // ReplaceTypedef.hpp --
     7// ReplaceTypedef.hpp -- Fill in all typedefs with the underlying type.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
    2222namespace Validate {
     24/// Uses of typedef are replaced with the type in the typedef.
    2425void replaceTypedef( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Validate/VerifyCtorDtorAssign.cpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // VerifyCtorDtorAssign.cpp --
     7// VerifyCtorDtorAssign.cpp -- Check the form of operators.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
  • src/Validate/VerifyCtorDtorAssign.hpp

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    55// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
    7 // VerifyCtorDtorAssign.hpp --
     7// VerifyCtorDtorAssign.hpp -- Check the form of operators.
    99// Author           : Andrew Beach
    2222namespace Validate {
     24/// Check that constructors, destructors and assignments all have the correct
     25/// form. Must happen before auto-gen or anything that examines operators.
    2426void verifyCtorDtorAssign( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
  • src/Virtual/Tables.h

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    1919#include "AST/Fwd.hpp"
    2020class Declaration;
     21class Expression;
     22class FunctionDecl;
     23class Initializer;
     24class ObjectDecl;
    2125class StructDecl;
    22 class Expression;
     26class StructInstType;
     27class Type;
    2429namespace Virtual {
  • src/

    rd677355 r6726a3a  
    1010// Created On       : Fri May 15 23:12:02 2015
    1111// Last Modified By : Andrew Beach
    12 // Last Modified On : Tue Jul 12 12:02:00 2022
    13 // Update Count     : 675
     12// Last Modified On : Mon Jul 18 11:08:00 2022
     13// Update Count     : 676
    330330                Stats::Time::StopBlock();
    332                 PASS( "Translate Exception Declarations", ControlStruct::translateExcept( translationUnit ) );
    333                 if ( exdeclp ) {
    334                         dump( translationUnit );
    335                         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    336                 } // if
    338                 CodeTools::fillLocations( translationUnit );
    340332                if( useNewAST ) {
    341                         CodeTools::fillLocations( translationUnit );
    343333                        if (Stats::Counters::enabled) {
    344334                                ast::pass_visitor_stats.avg = Stats::Counters::build<Stats::Counters::AverageCounter<double>>("Average Depth - New");
    349339                        forceFillCodeLocations( transUnit );
    351                         // Must happen before auto-gen, or anything that examines ops.
     341                        PASS( "Translate Exception Declarations", ControlStruct::translateExcept( transUnit ) );
     342                        if ( exdeclp ) {
     343                                dump( move( transUnit ) );
     344                                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     345                        }
    352347                        PASS( "Verify Ctor, Dtor & Assign", Validate::verifyCtorDtorAssign( transUnit ) );
    354348                        PASS( "Hoist Type Decls", Validate::hoistTypeDecls( transUnit ) );
    355349                        // Hoist Type Decls pulls some declarations out of contexts where
    360354                        PASS( "Replace Typedefs", Validate::replaceTypedef( transUnit ) );
    362                         // Must happen before auto-gen.
    363355                        PASS( "Fix Return Types", Validate::fixReturnTypes( transUnit ) );
    365                         // Must happen before Link Reference to Types, it needs correct
    366                         // types for mangling.
    367356                        PASS( "Enum and Pointer Decay", Validate::decayEnumsAndPointers( transUnit ) );
    369                         // Must happen before auto-gen, because it uses the sized flag.
    370358                        PASS( "Link Reference To Types", Validate::linkReferenceToTypes( transUnit ) );
    372                         // Must happen after Link References To Types,
    373                         // because aggregate members are accessed.
    374360                        PASS( "Fix Qualified Types", Validate::fixQualifiedTypes( transUnit ) );
    376361                        PASS( "Hoist Struct", Validate::hoistStruct( transUnit ) );
    377362                        PASS( "Eliminate Typedef", Validate::eliminateTypedef( transUnit ) );
    379                         // Check as early as possible. Can't happen before
    380                         // LinkReferenceToType, observed failing when attempted
    381                         // before eliminateTypedef
    382363                        PASS( "Validate Generic Parameters", Validate::fillGenericParameters( transUnit ) );
    384364                        PASS( "Translate Dimensions", Validate::translateDimensionParameters( transUnit ) );
    385365                        PASS( "Check Function Returns", Validate::checkReturnStatements( transUnit ) );
    387                         // Must happen before Autogen.
    388366                        PASS( "Fix Return Statements", InitTweak::fixReturnStatements( transUnit ) );
    390367                        PASS( "Implement Concurrent Keywords", Concurrency::implementKeywords( transUnit ) );
    392                         // Must be after implement concurrent keywords; because uniqueIds
    393                         //   must be set on declaration before resolution.
    394                         // Must happen before autogen routines are added.
    395368                        PASS( "Forall Pointer Decay", Validate::decayForallPointers( transUnit ) );
    397                         // Must happen before autogen routines are added.
    398369                        PASS( "Hoist Control Declarations", ControlStruct::hoistControlDecls( transUnit ) );
    400                         // Must be after enum and pointer decay.
    401                         // Must be before compound literals.
    402371                        PASS( "Generate Autogen Routines", Validate::autogenerateRoutines( transUnit ) );
    473442                        translationUnit = convert( move( transUnit ) );
    474443                } else {
     444                        PASS( "Translate Exception Declarations", ControlStruct::translateExcept( translationUnit ) );
     445                        if ( exdeclp ) {
     446                                dump( translationUnit );
     447                                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     448                        } // if
    475450                        // add the assignment statement after the initialization of a type parameter
    476451                        PASS( "Validate", SymTab::validate( translationUnit ) );
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