Jun 12, 2023, 6:06:26 PM (15 months ago)
caparsons <caparson@…>
ast-experimental, master
24d6572 (diff), 38e266ca (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' into ast-experimental

4 edited


  • libcfa/src/concurrency/actor.hfa

    r24d6572 r62d62db  
    1313#endif // CFA_DEBUG
     15#define DEBUG_ABORT( cond, string ) CFA_DEBUG( if ( cond ) abort( string ) )
    1517// Define the default number of processors created in the executor. Must be greater than 0.
    4244struct executor;
    44 enum Allocation { Nodelete, Delete, Destroy, Finished }; // allocation status
    46 typedef Allocation (*__receive_fn)(actor &, message &);
     46enum allocation { Nodelete, Delete, Destroy, Finished }; // allocation status
     48typedef allocation (*__receive_fn)(actor &, message &);
    4749struct request {
    4850    actor * receiver;
    393395struct actor {
    394396    size_t ticket;                                          // executor-queue handle
    395     Allocation allocation_;                                         // allocation action
     397    allocation allocation_;                                         // allocation action
    396398    inline virtual_dtor;
    400402    // Once an actor is allocated it must be sent a message or the actor system cannot stop. Hence, its receive
    401403    // member must be called to end it
    402     verifyf( __actor_executor_, "Creating actor before calling start_actor_system() can cause undefined behaviour.\n" );
     404    DEBUG_ABORT( __actor_executor_ == 0p, "Creating actor before calling start_actor_system() can cause undefined behaviour.\n" );
    403405    allocation_ = Nodelete;
    404406    ticket = __get_next_ticket( *__actor_executor_ );
    431433struct message {
    432     Allocation allocation_;                     // allocation action
     434    allocation allocation_;                     // allocation action
    433435    inline virtual_dtor;
    437439    this.allocation_ = Nodelete;
    439 static inline void ?{}( message & this, Allocation allocation ) {
    440     memcpy( &this.allocation_, &allocation, sizeof(allocation) ); // optimization to elide ctor
    441     verifyf( this.allocation_ != Finished, "The Finished Allocation status is not supported for message types.\n");
     441static inline void ?{}( message & this, allocation alloc ) {
     442    memcpy( &this.allocation_, &alloc, sizeof(allocation) ); // optimization to elide ctor
     443    DEBUG_ABORT( this.allocation_ == Finished, "The Finished allocation status is not supported for message types.\n" );
    443445static inline void ^?{}( message & this ) with(this) {
    453455    } // switch
    455 static inline void set_allocation( message & this, Allocation state ) {
     457static inline void set_allocation( message & this, allocation state ) {
    456458    this.allocation_ = state;
    459461static inline void deliver_request( request & this ) {
     462    DEBUG_ABORT( this.receiver->ticket == (unsigned long int)MAX, "Attempted to send message to deleted/dead actor\n" );
    460463    this.receiver->allocation_ = this.fn( *this.receiver, *this.msg );
    461464    check_message( *this.msg );
    632635static inline void send( actor & this, request & req ) {
    633     verifyf( this.ticket != (unsigned long int)MAX, "Attempted to send message to deleted/dead actor\n" );
     636    DEBUG_ABORT( this.ticket == (unsigned long int)MAX, "Attempted to send message to deleted/dead actor\n" );
    634637    send( *__actor_executor_, req, this.ticket );
    680683// assigned at creation to __base_msg_finished to avoid unused message warning
    681684message __base_msg_finished @= { .allocation_ : Finished };
    682 struct __DeleteMsg { inline message; } DeleteMsg = __base_msg_finished;
    683 struct __DestroyMsg { inline message; } DestroyMsg = __base_msg_finished;
    684 struct __FinishedMsg { inline message; } FinishedMsg = __base_msg_finished;
    686 Allocation receive( actor & this, __DeleteMsg & msg ) { return Delete; }
    687 Allocation receive( actor & this, __DestroyMsg & msg ) { return Destroy; }
    688 Allocation receive( actor & this, __FinishedMsg & msg ) { return Finished; }
     685struct __delete_msg_t { inline message; } delete_msg = __base_msg_finished;
     686struct __destroy_msg_t { inline message; } destroy_msg = __base_msg_finished;
     687struct __finished_msg_t { inline message; } finished_msg = __base_msg_finished;
     689allocation receive( actor & this, __delete_msg_t & msg ) { return Delete; }
     690allocation receive( actor & this, __destroy_msg_t & msg ) { return Destroy; }
     691allocation receive( actor & this, __finished_msg_t & msg ) { return Finished; }
  • libcfa/src/concurrency/atomic.hfa

    r24d6572 r62d62db  
    1010// Created On       : Thu May 25 15:22:46 2023
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Thu May 25 15:24:45 2023
    13 // Update Count     : 1
     12// Last Modified On : Fri Jun  9 13:36:47 2023
     13// Update Count     : 46
    16 #define LOAD( lock ) (__atomic_load_n( &(lock), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST ))
    17 #define LOADM( lock, memorder ) (__atomic_load_n( &(lock), memorder ))
    18 #define STORE( lock, assn ) (__atomic_store_n( &(lock), assn, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST ))
    19 #define STOREM( lock, assn, memorder ) (__atomic_store_n( &(lock), assn, memorder ))
    20 #define CLR( lock ) (__atomic_clear( &(lock), __ATOMIC_RELEASE ))
    21 #define CLRM( lock, memorder ) (__atomic_clear( &(lock), memorder ))
    22 #define TAS( lock ) (__atomic_test_and_set( &(lock), __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE ))
    23 #define TASM( lock, memorder ) (__atomic_test_and_set( &(lock), memorder ))
    24 #define CAS( change, comp, assn ) ({typeof(comp) __temp = (comp); __atomic_compare_exchange_n( &(change), &(__temp), (assn), false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST ); })
    25 #define CASM( change, comp, assn, memorder... ) ({typeof(comp) * __temp = &(comp); __atomic_compare_exchange_n( &(change), &(__temp), (assn), false, memorder, memorder ); })
    26 #define CASV( change, comp, assn ) (__atomic_compare_exchange_n( &(change), &(comp), (assn), false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST ))
    27 #define CASVM( change, comp, assn, memorder... ) (__atomic_compare_exchange_n( &(change), &(comp), (assn), false, memorder, memorder ))
    28 #define FAS( change, assn ) (__atomic_exchange_n( &(change), (assn), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST ))
    29 #define FASM( change, assn, memorder ) (__atomic_exchange_n( &(change), (assn), memorder ))
    30 #define FAI( change, Inc ) (__atomic_fetch_add( &(change), (Inc), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST ))
    31 #define FAIM( change, Inc, memorder ) (__atomic_fetch_add( &(change), (Inc), memorder ))
     16#define LOAD( val ) (LOADM( val, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST))
     17#define LOADM( val, memorder ) (__atomic_load_n( &(val), memorder))
     19#define STORE( val, assn ) (STOREM( val, assn, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST))
     20#define STOREM( val, assn, memorder ) (__atomic_store_n( &(val), assn, memorder))
     22#define TAS( lock ) (TASM( lock, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE))
     23#define TASM( lock, memorder ) (__atomic_test_and_set( &(lock), memorder))
     25#define TASCLR( lock ) (TASCLRM( lock, __ATOMIC_RELEASE))
     26#define TASCLRM( lock, memorder ) (__atomic_clear( &(lock), memorder))
     28#define FAS( assn, replace ) (FASM(assn, replace, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST))
     29#define FASM( assn, replace, memorder ) (__atomic_exchange_n( &(assn), (replace), memorder))
     31#define FAI( assn, Inc ) (__atomic_fetch_add( &(assn), (Inc), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST))
     32#define FAIM( assn, Inc, memorder ) (__atomic_fetch_add( &(assn), (Inc), memorder))
     34// Use __sync because __atomic with 128-bit CAA can result in calls to pthread_mutex_lock.
     36// #define CAS( assn, comp, replace ) (CASM( assn, comp, replace, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST))
     37// #define CASM( assn, comp, replace, memorder... ) ({ \
     38//      typeof(comp) __temp = (comp); \
     39//      __atomic_compare_exchange_n( &(assn), &(__temp), (replace), false, memorder ); \
     40// })
     41#define CAS( assn, comp, replace ) (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap( &assn, comp, replace))
     42#define CASM( assn, comp, replace, memorder... ) _Static_assert( false, "memory order unsupported for CAS macro" );
     44// #define CASV( assn, comp, replace ) (__atomic_compare_exchange_n( &(assn), &(comp), (replace), false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST ))
     45// #define CASVM( assn, comp, replace, memorder... ) (__atomic_compare_exchange_n( &(assn), &(comp), (replace), false, memorder, memorder ))
     46#define CASV( assn, comp, replace ) ({ \
     47        typeof(comp) temp = comp; \
     48        typeof(comp) old = __sync_val_compare_and_swap( &(assn), (comp), (replace) ); \
     49        old == temp ? true : (comp = old, false); \
     51#define CASVM( assn, comp, replace, memorder... ) _Static_assert( false, "memory order unsupported for CASV macro" );
  • libcfa/src/concurrency/channel.hfa

    r24d6572 r62d62db  
    5151vtable(channel_closed) channel_closed_vt;
    53 static inline bool is_insert( channel_closed & e ) { return elem != 0p; }
    54 static inline bool is_remove( channel_closed & e ) { return elem == 0p; }
     53static inline bool is_insert( channel_closed & e ) { return e.elem != 0p; }
     54static inline bool is_remove( channel_closed & e ) { return e.elem == 0p; }
    5656// #define CHAN_STATS // define this to get channel stats printed in dtor
  • libcfa/src/concurrency/locks.hfa

    r24d6572 r62d62db  
    3232#include "select.hfa"
    34 #include <fstream.hfa>
    3634// futex headers
    3735#include <linux/futex.h>      /* Definition of FUTEX_* constants */
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