1 edited


  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/generic-types.tex

    r5a801444 r58732d1  
    350350Similarly, the layout function can only safely be called from a context where the generic type definition is visible, because otherwise the caller does not know how large to allocate the array of member offsets.
    352 The C standard does not specify a memory layout for structs, but the System V ABI \cite{SysVABI} does; this memory layout is common for C implementations, but is a platform-specific issue for porting \CFA{}.
     352The C standard does not specify a memory layout for structs, but the POSIX ABI for x86 \cite{POSIX08} does; this memory layout is common for C implementations, but is a platform-specific issue for porting \CFA{}.
    353353This algorithm, sketched below in pseudo-\CFA{}, is a straightforward mapping of consecutive fields into the first properly-aligned offset in the !struct! layout; layout functions for !union! types omit the offset array and simply calculate the maximum size and alignment over all union variants.
    354354Since \CFACC{} generates a distinct layout function for each type, constant-folding and loop unrolling are applied.
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