1 edited


  • src/AST/porting.md

    r1e97287 r54e41b3  
    66  * specialization: strong pointer `ast::ptr<T>` is used for an ownership relationship
    77  * specialization: weak pointer `ast::readonly<T>` is used for an observation relationship
    8   * added `ast::ptr_base<T,R>::as<S>()` with same semantics as `dynamic_cast<S*>(p)`
     8* added `ast::ptr_base<T,R>::as<S>()` with same semantics as `dynamic_cast<S*>(p)`
     9* added `N * ast::ptr_base<N,R>::set_and_mutate( const N * n )`
     10  * takes ownership of `n`, then returns a mutable version owned by this pointer
     11  * Some debate on whether this is a good approach:
     12    * makes an easy path to cloning, which we were trying to eliminate
     13      * counter-point: these are all mutating clones rather than lifetime-preserving clones, and thus "necessary" (for some definition)
     14    * existing uses:
     15      * `VariableExpr::VariableExpr`, `UntypedExpr::createDeref`
     16        * both involve grabbing a type from elsewhere and making an `lvalue` copy of it
     17        * could potentially be replaced by a view class something like this:
     18          ```
     19          template<unsigned Quals>
     20          class AddQualifiersType final : public Type {
     21            readonly<Type> base;
     22            // ...
     23          };
     24          ```
     25          * requires all `qualifiers` use (and related helpers) to be virtual, non-zero overhead
     26          * also subtle semantic change, where mutations to the source decl now change the viewing expression
    1028## Visitors ##
    3654* allows compiler to optimize virtual calls to static calls if given static type
    38 Pulled `FuncSpecifiers` and `StorageClasses` out of `Type` into their own headers
     56Pulled `FuncSpecifiers`, `StorageClasses`, `CVQualifiers` out of `Type` into their own headers
    3957* Made `BFCommon` a `MakeBitfield` macro in its own header
    4058  * added default and field-init constructors to macro
    7088        * `Initializer` => `ast::Init`
    7189    * `Statement` => `ast::Stmt`
     90        * any field names should follow a similar renaming
    7291  * because they don't really belong to `Type` (and for consistency with `Linkage::Spec`):
    7392    * `Type::StorageClasses` => `ast::Storage::Classes`
    7493          * `Type::Extern` etc. => `ast::Storage::Extern` etc.
     94        * `Type::FuncSpecifiers` => `ast::Function::Specs`
     95          * `Type::Inline` etc. => `ast::Function::Inline` etc.
     96        * `Type::Qualifiers` => `ast::CV::Qualifiers`
     97          * `Type::Const` etc. => `ast::CV::Const`
     98          * couldn't break name-dependency loop without pulling `Qualifiers` out of `Type`
    7599        * `LinkageSpec::Spec` => `ast::Linkage::Spec`
    76100          * `LinkageSpec::Mangle` etc. => `ast::Linkage::Mangle` etc.
    79103          * `LinkageSpec::isMangled(Spec)` etc. => `Spec.is_mangled` etc.
    80104          * `LinkageSpec::Intrinsic` etc. => `ast::Linkage::Intrinsic` etc.
     105* Boolean constructor parameters get replaced with a dedicated flag enum:
     106  * e.g. `bool isVarLen;` => `enum LengthFlag { FixedLen, VariableLen };` `LengthFlag isVarLen;`
     107  * field can be *read* in the existing boolean contexts, but requires documentation to write
     108  * suggest naming all flag enums `FooFlag` to hint at boolean nature
    82110## Specific Nodes ##
    96124  * allows `newObject` as just default settings
     127* `parameters` => `params`
    99 * stripped `isComplete()` accessor in favour of direct access to `sized`
     130* moved `TypeDecl::Kind` to `ast::TypeVar::Kind`
     133* `parameters` => `params`
    105139* Merged `inferParams`/`resnSlots` into union, as suggested by comment in old version
    106140  * does imply get_/set_ API, and some care about moving backward
     141* added constructor that sets result, for benefit of types that set it directly
     144* `function` => `func`
     147* `function` => `func`
     148* removed `begin_args()` in favour of `args.begin()`
     151* **TODO** port setup of `result` in constructor
     154* inlined features of `Constant`, never used elsewhere, so removed `Constant`
     155  * `Constant Constant::from_int(int)` etc. => `ConstantExpr * ConstantExpr::from_int(CodeLocation, int)`
     156    * allocates new `ConstantExpr`, consistent with all existing uses
     158`SizeofExpr`, `AlignofExpr`
     159* `isType` deprecated in favour of boolean check on `type`
     160  * all existing uses assume `type` set if true and don't use `expr`
     163* did not port due to feature deprecation (e.g. `expr@attribute`)
     166* un-defaulted constructor parameter determining `&&` or `||`
     169* `bool maybeConstruct` => `enum ConstructFlag { DoConstruct, MaybeConstruct }`
    129192* **TODO** port copy operator
    130193  * Needs to be an almost-shallow clone, where the declarations are cloned only if needed
    131   * **TODO** port DeclReplacer
     194  * **TODO** port `DeclReplacer`
    132195* Still a `std::list` for children, rather than `std::vector`
    133196  * allows more-efficient splicing for purposes of later code generation
     199* `CV::Qualifiers` moved to end of constructor parameter list, defaulted to `{}`
     200  * removed getter, setter in favour of public `qualifiers` field
     201  * `ReferenceToType` puts a defaulted list of attributes after qualifiers
    136202* `forall` field split off into `ParameterizedType` subclass
    137203  * any type that needs it can inherit from `ParameterizedType`
     204    * currently `FunctionType`, `ReferenceToType`
    138205* `get_qualifiers()` replaced with accessor `qualifiers()` and mutator `set_qualifiers()`
    139   * `get_CV()` replaced with `is_CV()` variants
     206  * `get_const()` etc. replaced with `is_const()` etc. variants
     207* `referenceDepth()` now returns `unsigned` rather than `int`
    140208* A number of features only supported on aggregates pushed down to `ReferenceToType`:
    141209  * `attributes`: per docs [1] GCC only supports type attributes on aggregates and typedefs
    142210    * suggest adding a `TypeWithAttributes` wrapper type if this proves insufficient
    143   * `getAggr()`
    144   * `genericSubstitution()`
     211  * `getAggr()` => `aggr()`
     212    * also now returns `const AggregateDecl *`
     213* `genericSubstitution()` moved to own visitor in `AST/GenericSubstitution.hpp` **TODO** write
    147 * does not inherit from `Type` to allow pointer inlining
    148 * moved `Kind` before qualifiers in constructor to allow for default
    149216* **TODO** move `kind`, `typeNames` into code generator
     219* deleted `get_baseParameters()` from children
     220  * replace with `aggr() ? aggr()->params : nullptr`
     221* `parameters` => `params`
     222* hoisted `lookup` implementation into parent, made non-virtual
     223  * also changed to return vector rather than filling; change back if any great win for reuse
     224* `baseStruct` etc. renamed to `base`
     227* `is_array()` => `isArray()`
     228* `bool isVarLen;` => `enum LengthFlag { FixedLen, VariableLen }; LengthFlag isVarLen;`
     229* `bool isStatic;` => `enum DimensionFlag { DynamicDim, StaticDim }; DimensionFlag isStatic;`
     232* `returnVals` => `returns`
     233* `parameters` => `params`
     234* `bool isVarArgs;` => `enum ArgumentFlag { FixedArgs, VariableArgs }; ArgumentFlag isVarArgs;`
     237* `bool isFtype` => `TypeVar::Kind kind`
     240* `bool is_basetypeof` => `enum Kind { Typeof, Basetypeof } kind;`
     243* removed `value_type` typedef due to likely error
     244  * if readded, should be `const Type *`
     247* did not port due to deprecation of feature
     248  * feature is `type@thing` e.g. `int@MAX`
    151250[1] https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-9.1.0/gcc/Type-Attributes.html#Type-Attributes
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