- Timestamp:
- Feb 22, 2018, 10:09:40 AM (7 years ago)
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reaa1759 r4ada74e 7 7 \usepackage{listings} % format program code 8 8 \usepackage{enumitem} 9 \setlist[itemize]{topsep=3pt,itemsep=2pt,parsep=0pt}% global 9 10 \usepackage[flushmargin]{footmisc} % support label/reference in footnote 10 11 \usepackage{rotating} … … 1072 1073 1073 1074 Both labelled @continue@ and @break@ are a @goto@ restricted in the following ways: 1074 \begin{itemize} [topsep=3pt,itemsep=2pt,parsep=0pt]1075 \begin{itemize} 1075 1076 \item 1076 1077 They cannot create a loop, which means only the looping constructs cause looping. … … 1355 1356 \subsection{Exception Handling} 1356 1357 1357 \CFA provides two forms of exception handling: \newterm{resumption} (fix-up) and \newterm{recovery} .1358 \CFA provides two forms of exception handling: \newterm{resumption} (fix-up) and \newterm{recovery} (see Figure~\ref{f:CFAExceptionHandling}). 1358 1359 Both mechanisms provide dynamic call to a handler using dynamic name-lookup, where fix-up has dynamic return and recovery has static return from the handler. 1360 \CFA restricts exception types to those defined by aggregate type @_Exception@. 1361 The form of the raise dictates the set of handlers examined during propagation: \newterm{resumption propagation} (@resume@) only examines resumption handlers (@catchResume@); \newterm{terminating propagation} (@throw@) only examines termination handlers (@catch@). 1362 If @resume@ or @throw@ have no exception type, it is a reresume/rethrow, meaning the currently exception continues propagation. 1363 If there is no current exception, the reresume/rethrow results in an error. 1364 1365 \begin{figure} 1359 1366 \begin{cquote} 1360 1367 \lstDeleteShortInline@% … … 1362 1369 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}}{\textbf{Resumption}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Recovery}} \\ 1363 1370 \begin{cfa} 1364 _Exception E { int fix; }; 1371 `_Exception R { int fix; };` 1365 1372 void f() { 1366 E e;1367 ... _Resume e;1368 ... e.fix // control returnshere after handler1369 try{1370 f();1371 } catchResume( E e ){1372 ... e.fix = ...; // return correction to raise1373 R r; 1374 ... `resume( r );` ... 1375 ... r.fix // control does return here after handler 1376 `try` { 1377 ... f(); ... 1378 } `catchResume( R r )` { 1379 ... r.fix = ...; // return correction to raise 1373 1380 } // dynamic return to _Resume 1374 1381 \end{cfa} 1375 1382 & 1376 1383 \begin{cfa} 1377 _Exception E {}; 1384 `_Exception T {};` 1378 1385 void f() { 1379 1386 1380 ... _Throw E{};1387 ... `throw( T{} );` ... 1381 1388 // control does NOT return here after handler 1382 try{1383 f();1384 } catch( E e ){1389 `try` { 1390 ... f(); ... 1391 } `catch( T t )` { 1385 1392 ... // recover and continue 1386 1393 } // static return to next statement … … 1389 1396 \lstMakeShortInline@% 1390 1397 \end{cquote} 1398 \caption{\CFA Exception Handling} 1399 \label{f:CFAExceptionHandling} 1400 \end{figure} 1401 1402 The set of exception types in a list of catch clause may include both a resumption and termination handler: 1403 \begin{cfa} 1404 try { 1405 ... resume( `R{}` ); ... 1406 } catchResume( `R` r ) { ... throw( R{} ); ... } $\C{\color{red}// H1}$ 1407 catch( `R` r ) { ... } $\C{\color{red}// H2}$ 1408 1409 \end{cfa} 1410 The resumption propagation raises @R@ and the stack is not unwound; 1411 the exception is caught by the @catchResume@ clause and handler H1 is invoked. 1412 The termination propagation in handler H1 raises @R@ and the stack is unwound; 1413 the exception is caught by the @catch@ clause and handler H2 is invoked. 1414 The termination handler is available because the resumption propagation did not unwind the stack. 1415 1416 An additional feature is conditional matching in a catch clause: 1417 \begin{cfa} 1418 try { 1419 ... write( `datafile`, ... ); ... $\C{// may throw IOError}$ 1420 ... write( `logfile`, ... ); ... 1421 } catch ( IOError err; `err == datafile` ) { ... } $\C{// handle datafile error}$ 1422 catch ( IOError err; `err == logfile` ) { ... } $\C{// handle logfile error}$ 1423 catch ( IOError err ) { ... } $\C{// handler error from other files}$ 1424 \end{cfa} 1425 where the throw inserts the failing file-handle in the I/O exception. 1426 Conditional catch cannot be trivially mimicked by other mechanisms because once an exception is caught, handler clauses in that @try@ statement are no longer eligible.. 1427 1428 The resumption raise can specify an alternate stack on which to raise an exception, called a \newterm{nonlocal raise}: 1429 \begin{cfa} 1430 resume [ $\emph{exception-type}$ ] [ _At $\emph{alternate-stack}$ ] ; 1431 \end{cfa} 1432 The @_At@ clause raises the specified exception or the currently propagating exception (reresume) at another coroutine or task~\cite{Delisle18}. 1433 Nonlocal raise is restricted to resumption to provide the exception handler the greatest flexibility because processing the exception does not unwind its stack, allowing it to continue after the handle returns. 1434 1435 To facilitate nonlocal exception, \CFA provides dynamic enabling and disabling of nonlocal exception-propagation. 1436 The constructs for controlling propagation of nonlocal exceptions are the @enable@ and the @disable@ blocks: 1437 \begin{cquote} 1438 \lstDeleteShortInline@% 1439 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{2\parindentlnth}}l@{}} 1440 \begin{cfa} 1441 enable $\emph{exception-type-list}$ { 1442 // allow non-local resumption 1443 } 1444 \end{cfa} 1445 & 1446 \begin{cfa} 1447 disable $\emph{exception-type-list}$ { 1448 // disallow non-local resumption 1449 } 1450 \end{cfa} 1451 \end{tabular} 1452 \lstMakeShortInline@% 1453 \end{cquote} 1454 The arguments for @enable@/@disable@ specify the exception types allowed to be propagated or postponed, respectively. 1455 Specifying no exception type is shorthand for specifying all exception types. 1456 Both @enable@ and @disable@ blocks can be nested, turning propagation on/off on entry, and on exit, the specified exception types are restored to their prior state. 1457 1458 Finally, \CFA provides a Java like @finally@ clause after the catch clauses: 1459 \begin{cfa} 1460 try { 1461 ... f(); ... 1462 // catchResume or catch clauses 1463 } `finally` { 1464 // house keeping 1465 } 1466 \end{cfa} 1467 The finally clause is always executed, i.e., if the try block ends normally or if an exception is raised. 1468 If an exception is raised and caught, the handler is run before the finally clause. 1469 Like a destructor (see Section~\ref{s:ConstructorsDestructors}), a finally clause can raise an exception but not if there is an exception being propagated. 1470 Mimicking the @finally@ clause with mechanisms like RAII is non-trivially when there are multiple types and local accesses. 1391 1471 1392 1472 … … 1421 1501 For example, a routine returning a pointer to an array of integers is defined and used in the following way: 1422 1502 \begin{cfa} 1423 int `(*`f`())[`5`]` {...}; $\C{// definition}$1424 ... `(*`f`())[`3`]` += 1; $\C{// usage}$1503 int `(*`f`())[`5`]` {...}; $\C{// definition}$ 1504 ... `(*`f`())[`3`]` += 1; $\C{// usage}$ 1425 1505 \end{cfa} 1426 1506 Essentially, the return type is wrapped around the routine name in successive layers (like an onion). … … 1565 1645 as well, parameter names are optional, \eg: 1566 1646 \begin{cfa} 1567 [ int x ] f ( /* void */ ); $\C{// returning int with no parameters}$1568 [ int x ] f (...); $\C{// returning int with unknown parameters}$1569 [ * int ] g ( int y ); $\C{// returning pointer to int with int parameter}$1570 [ void ] h ( int, char ); $\C{// returning no result with int and char parameters}$1571 [ * int, int ] j ( int ); $\C{// returning pointer to int and int, with int parameter}$1647 [ int x ] f ( /* void */ ); $\C{// returning int with no parameters}$ 1648 [ int x ] f (...); $\C{// returning int with unknown parameters}$ 1649 [ * int ] g ( int y ); $\C{// returning pointer to int with int parameter}$ 1650 [ void ] h ( int, char ); $\C{// returning no result with int and char parameters}$ 1651 [ * int, int ] j ( int ); $\C{// returning pointer to int and int, with int parameter}$ 1572 1652 \end{cfa} 1573 1653 This syntax allows a prototype declaration to be created by cutting and pasting source text from the routine definition header (or vice versa). … … 1591 1671 The syntax for pointers to \CFA routines specifies the pointer name on the right, \eg: 1592 1672 \begin{cfa} 1593 * [ int x ] () fp; $\C{// pointer to routine returning int with no parameters}$1594 * [ * int ] ( int y ) gp; $\C{// pointer to routine returning pointer to int with int parameter}$1595 * [ ] ( int, char ) hp; $\C{// pointer to routine returning no result with int and char parameters}$1596 * [ * int, int ] ( int ) jp; $\C{// pointer to routine returning pointer to int and int, with int parameter}$1673 * [ int x ] () fp; $\C{// pointer to routine returning int with no parameters}$ 1674 * [ * int ] ( int y ) gp; $\C{// pointer to routine returning pointer to int with int parameter}$ 1675 * [ ] ( int, char ) hp; $\C{// pointer to routine returning no result with int and char parameters}$ 1676 * [ * int, int ] ( int ) jp; $\C{// pointer to routine returning pointer to int and int, with int parameter}$ 1597 1677 \end{cfa} 1598 1678 Note, \emph{a routine name cannot be specified}: 1599 1679 \begin{cfa} 1600 * [ int x ] f () fp; $\C{// routine name "f" is disallowed}$1680 * [ int x ] f () fp; $\C{// routine name "f" is disallowed}$ 1601 1681 \end{cfa} 1602 1682 … … 1624 1704 \begin{cfa} 1625 1705 int x = 1, y = 2, * p1, * p2, ** p3; 1626 p1 = &x; $\C{// p1 points to x}$1627 p2 = &y; $\C{// p2 points to y}$1628 p3 = &p1; $\C{// p3 points to p1}$1706 p1 = &x; $\C{// p1 points to x}$ 1707 p2 = &y; $\C{// p2 points to y}$ 1708 p3 = &p1; $\C{// p3 points to p1}$ 1629 1709 *p2 = ((*p1 + *p2) * (**p3 - *p1)) / (**p3 - 15); 1630 1710 \end{cfa} … … 1638 1718 \begin{cfa} 1639 1719 int x = 1, y = 2, & r1, & r2, && r3; 1640 &r1 = &x; 1641 &r2 = &y; 1642 &&r3 = &&r1; 1720 &r1 = &x; $\C{// r1 points to x}$ 1721 &r2 = &y; $\C{// r2 points to y}$ 1722 &&r3 = &&r1; $\C{// r3 points to r2}$ 1643 1723 r2 = ((r1 + r2) * (r3 - r1)) / (r3 - 15); $\C{// implicit dereferencing}$ 1644 1724 \end{cfa} … … 1661 1741 \begin{cfa} 1662 1742 int & r = *new( int ); 1663 ... 1743 ... $\C{// non-null reference}$ 1664 1744 delete &r; 1665 r += 1; // undefined reference1745 r += 1; $\C{// undefined reference}$ 1666 1746 \end{cfa} 1667 1747 \end{lrbox} 1668 1748 Rebinding allows \CFA references to be default-initialized (\eg to a null pointer\footnote{ 1669 While effort has been putinto non-null reference checking in \CC and Java, the exercise seems moot for any non-managed languages (C/\CC), given that it only handles one of many different error situations:1749 While effort has been made into non-null reference checking in \CC and Java, the exercise seems moot for any non-managed languages (C/\CC), given that it only handles one of many different error situations: 1670 1750 \begin{cquote} 1671 1751 \usebox{\LstBox} … … 1682 1762 These explicit address-of operators can be thought of as ``cancelling out'' the implicit dereference operators, \eg @(&`*`)r1 = &x@ or @(&(&`*`)`*`)r3 = &(&`*`)r1@ or even @(&`*`)r2 = (&`*`)`*`r3@ for @&r2 = &r3@. 1683 1763 More precisely: 1684 \begin{itemize} [topsep=3pt,itemsep=2pt,parsep=0pt]1764 \begin{itemize} 1685 1765 \item 1686 1766 if @R@ is an rvalue of type {@T &@$_1 \cdots$@ &@$_r$} where $r \ge 1$ references (@&@ symbols) than @&R@ has type {@T `*`&@$_{\color{red}2} \cdots$@ &@$_{\color{red}r}$}, \\ \ie @T@ pointer with $r-1$ references (@&@ symbols). … … 1794 1874 \label{f:TypeNestingQualification} 1795 1875 \end{figure} 1796 In the left example in C, types @C@, @U@ and @T@ are implicitly hoisted outside of type @S@ into the containing block scope.1797 In the right example in \CFA, the types are not hoisted and accessed.1876 In the C left example, types @C@, @U@ and @T@ are implicitly hoisted outside of type @S@ into the containing block scope. 1877 In the \CFA right example, the types are not hoisted and accessible. 1798 1878 1799 1879 1800 1880 \subsection{Constructors and Destructors} 1881 \label{s:ConstructorsDestructors} 1801 1882 1802 1883 One of the strengths (and weaknesses) of C is memory-management control, allowing resource release to be precisely specified versus unknown release with garbage-collected memory-management. … … 1809 1890 1810 1891 In \CFA, a constructor is named @?{}@ and a destructor is named @^?{}@. 1811 The name @{}@ comes from the syntax for the initializer: @struct S { int i, j; } s = `{` 2, 3 `}`@ .1812 The symbol \lstinline+^+ is used because it was the last remaining binary operator that could be used in a unary context.1892 The name @{}@ comes from the syntax for the initializer: @struct S { int i, j; } s = `{` 2, 3 `}`@\footnote{% 1893 The symbol \lstinline+^+ is used for the destructor name because it was the last binary operator that could be used in a unary context.}. 1813 1894 Like other \CFA operators, these names represent the syntax used to call the constructor or destructor, \eg @?{}(x, ...)@ or @^{}(x, ...)@. 1814 The constructor and destructor have return type @void@ and a first parameter of reference to the object type to be constructed or destructs.1895 The constructor and destructor have return type @void@, and the first parameter is a reference to the object type to be constructed or destructed. 1815 1896 While the first parameter is informally called the @this@ parameter, as in object-oriented languages, any variable name may be used. 1816 1897 Both constructors and destructors allow additional parametes after the @this@ parameter for specifying values for initialization/de-initialization\footnote{ … … 1821 1902 }; 1822 1903 void ?{}( VLA & vla ) with ( vla ) { $\C{// default constructor}$ 1823 len = 10; data = alloc( len ); 1904 len = 10; data = alloc( len ); $\C{// shallow copy}$ 1824 1905 } 1825 1906 void ^?{}( VLA & vla ) with ( vla ) { $\C{// destructor}$ … … 1830 1911 } $\C{// implicit: ?\^{}\{\}( x );}$ 1831 1912 \end{cfa} 1913 (Note, the example is purposely kept simple by using shallow-copy semantics.) 1832 1914 @VLA@ is a \newterm{managed type}\footnote{ 1833 1915 A managed type affects the runtime environment versus a self-contained type.}: a type requiring a non-trivial constructor or destructor, or with a field of a managed type. 1834 A managed type is implicitly constructed upon allocation and destructed upon deallocation to ensure proper interaction with runtime resources, in this casethe @data@ array in the heap.1835 For details of the placement of implicit constructor and destructor calls among complex executable statements see~\cite[\S~2.2]{Schluntz17}.1916 A managed type is implicitly constructed at allocation and destructed at deallocation to ensure proper interaction with runtime resources, in this case, the @data@ array in the heap. 1917 For details of the code-generation placement of implicit constructor and destructor calls among complex executable statements see~\cite[\S~2.2]{Schluntz17}. 1836 1918 1837 1919 \CFA also provides syntax for \newterm{initialization} and \newterm{copy}: … … 1884 1966 1885 1967 In some circumstance programmers may not wish to have constructor and destructor calls. 1886 In these cases, \CFA provides the initialization syntax \lstinline|S x @= {}|, and the object becomes unmanaged, so constructors and destructorscalls are not generated.1968 In these cases, \CFA provides the initialization syntax \lstinline|S x @= {}|, and the object becomes unmanaged, so implicit constructor and destructor calls are not generated. 1887 1969 Any C initializer can be the right-hand side of an \lstinline|@=| initializer, \eg \lstinline|VLA a @= { 0, 0x0 }|, with the usual C initialization semantics. 1888 1970 The point of \lstinline|@=| is to provide a migration path from legacy C code to \CFA, by providing a mechanism to incrementally convert to implicit initialization. … … 1895 1977 1896 1978 C already includes limited polymorphism for literals -- @0@ can be either an integer or a pointer literal, depending on context, while the syntactic forms of literals of the various integer and float types are very similar, differing from each other only in suffix. 1897 In keeping with the general \CFA approach of adding features while respecting ``the C way'' of doing things, we have extended both C's polymorphic zero and typed literal syntax to interoperate with user-defined types, while maintaining a backwards-compatible semantics. 1979 In keeping with the general \CFA approach of adding features while respecting the ``C-style'' of doing things, C's polymorphic constants and typed literal syntax are extended to interoperate with user-defined types, while maintaining a backwards-compatible semantics. 1980 A trivial example is allowing the underscore to separate prefixes, digits, and suffixes in all \CFA constants, as in Ada, \eg @0x`_`1.ffff`_`ffff`_`p`_`128`_`l@. 1898 1981 1899 1982 … … 1912 1995 1913 1996 1997 \subsection{Integral Suffixes} 1998 1999 Additional integral suffixes are added to cover all the integral types and lengths. 2000 \begin{cquote} 2001 \lstDeleteShortInline@% 2002 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{}} 2003 \begin{cfa} 2004 20_hh // signed char 2005 21_hhu // unsigned char 2006 22_h // signed short int 2007 23_uh // unsigned short int 2008 24z // size_t 2009 \end{cfa} 2010 & 2011 \begin{cfa} 2012 20_L8 // int8_t 2013 21_ul8 // uint8_t 2014 22_l16 // int16_t 2015 23_ul16 // uint16_t 2016 24_l32 // int32_t 2017 \end{cfa} 2018 & 2019 \begin{cfa} 2020 25_ul32 // uint32_t 2021 26_l64 // int64_t 2022 27_l64u // uint64_t 2023 26_L128 // int128 2024 27_L128u // unsigned int128 2025 \end{cfa} 2026 \end{tabular} 2027 \lstMakeShortInline@% 2028 \end{cquote} 2029 2030 1914 2031 \subsection{Units} 1915 2032 … … 1919 2036 \begin{cfa} 1920 2037 struct Weight { double stones; }; 1921 1922 2038 void ?{}( Weight & w ) { w.stones = 0; } $\C{// operations}$ 1923 2039 void ?{}( Weight & w, double w ) { w.stones = w; } … … 1929 2045 1930 2046 int main() { 1931 Weight w, hw = { 14 }; $\C{// 14 stone}$ 1932 w = 11|`st| + 1|`lb|; 1933 w = 70.3|`kg|; 2047 Weight w, heavy = { 20 }; $\C{// 20 stone}$ 1934 2048 w = 155|`lb|; 1935 2049 w = 0x_9b_u|`lb|; $\C{// hexadecimal unsigned weight (155)}$ 1936 2050 w = 0_233|`lb|; $\C{// octal weight (155)}$ 1937 w = 5|`st| + 8|`kg| + 25|`lb| + h w;2051 w = 5|`st| + 8|`kg| + 25|`lb| + heavy; 1938 2052 } 1939 2053 \end{cfa} … … 2038 2152 \end{cquote} 2039 2153 While \Celeven has type-generic math~\cite[\S~7.25]{C11} in @tgmath.h@ to provide a similar mechanism, these macros are limited, matching a routine name with a single set of floating type(s). 2040 For example, it is notpossible to overload @atan@ for both one and two arguments;2154 For example, it is impossible to overload @atan@ for both one and two arguments; 2041 2155 instead the names @atan@ and @atan2@ are required. 2042 2156 The key observation is that only a restricted set of type-generic macros are provided for a limited set of routine names, which do not generalize across the type system, as in \CFA. … … 2121 2235 ip = alloc( ip, 2 * dim ); 2122 2236 ip = alloc( ip, 4 * dim, fill ); 2237 2238 ip = align_alloc( 16 ); 2239 ip = align_alloc( 16, fill ); 2240 ip = align_alloc( 16, dim ); 2241 ip = align_alloc( 16, dim, fill ); 2123 2242 \end{cfa} 2124 2243 & … … 2130 2249 ip = (int *)realloc( ip, 2 * dim * sizeof( int ) ); 2131 2250 ip = (int *)realloc( ip, 4 * dim * sizeof( int ) ); memset( ip, fill, 4 * dim * sizeof( int ) ); 2132 \end{cfa} 2133 \end{tabular} 2134 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{}} 2135 \begin{cfa} 2136 ip = align_alloc( 16 ); 2137 ip = align_alloc( 16, fill ); 2138 ip = align_alloc( 16, dim ); 2139 ip = align_alloc( 16, dim, fill ); 2140 \end{cfa} 2141 & 2142 \begin{cfa} 2251 2143 2252 ip = memalign( 16, sizeof( int ) ); 2144 2253 ip = memalign( 16, sizeof( int ) ); memset( ip, fill, sizeof( int ) ); … … 2257 2366 The implicit separator character (space/blank) is a separator not a terminator. 2258 2367 The rules for implicitly adding the separator are: 2259 \begin{itemize} [topsep=3pt,itemsep=2pt,parsep=0pt]2368 \begin{itemize} 2260 2369 \item 2261 2370 A separator does not appear at the start or end of a line. … … 2272 2381 A separator does not appear before or after a C string beginning/ending with the quote or whitespace characters: \lstinline[basicstyle=\tt,showspaces=true]@`'": \t\v\f\r\n@ 2273 2382 }% 2274 \ item2383 \end{itemize} 2275 2384 There are routines to set and get the separator string, and manipulators to toggle separation on and off in the middle of output. 2276 \end{itemize}2277 2385 2278 2386 … … 2293 2401 sout | "Factorial Numbers" | endl; 2294 2402 Int fact = 1; 2295 2296 2403 sout | 0 | fact | endl; 2297 2404 for ( unsigned int i = 1; i <= 40; i += 1 ) { … … 2306 2413 int main( void ) { 2307 2414 `gmp_printf`( "Factorial Numbers\n" ); 2308 `mpz_t` fact; 2309 `mpz_init_set_ui`( fact, 1 ); 2415 `mpz_t` fact; `mpz_init_set_ui`( fact, 1 ); 2310 2416 `gmp_printf`( "%d %Zd\n", 0, fact ); 2311 2417 for ( unsigned int i = 1; i <= 40; i += 1 ) {
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