Changeset 494a7e5

Jul 17, 2023, 12:38:48 PM (15 months ago)
caparsons <caparson@…>

more 7.5 improvements. Tried to improve chapter flow

1 edited


  • doc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/waituntil.tex

    r7ed01be r494a7e5  
    368368As mentioned, to support interaction with the @waituntil@ statement a type must support the trait in Figure~\ref{f:wu_trait}.
    369369The @waituntil@ statement expects types to register and unregister themselves via calls to @register_select@ and @unregister_select@, respectively.
    370 When a resource becomes available, @on_selected@ is run.
     370When a resource becomes available, @on_selected@ is run, and if it returns false, the corresponding code block is not run.
    371371Many types do not need @on_selected@, but it is provided if a type needs to perform work or checks before the resource can be accessed in the code block.
    372 The register/unregister routines in the trait return booleans.
     372The register/unregister routines in the trait also return booleans.
    373373The return value of @register_select@ is @true@, if the resource is immediately available and @false@ otherwise.
    374374The return value of @unregister_select@ is @true@, if the corresponding code block should be run after unregistration and @false@ otherwise.
    379379The @waituntil@ statement is not inherently complex, and the pseudo code is presented in Figure~\ref{f:WU_Impl}.
    380380The complexity comes from the consideration of race conditions and synchronization needed when supporting various primitives.
     381Figure~\ref{f:WU_Impl} aims to introduce the reader to the rudimentary idea and control flow of the @waituntil@.
     382The following sections then use examples to fill in details that Figure~\ref{f:WU_Impl} does not provide.
     383Finally, the full pseudocode of the waituntil is presented in Figure~\ref{f:WU_Full_Impl}.
    381384The basic steps of the @waituntil@ statement are:
    422425Digging into parts of the implementation will shed light on the specifics and provide more detail.
    424 \subsection{Locks}
    426429The \CFA runtime supports a number of spinning and blocking locks, \eg semaphore, MCS, futex, Go mutex, spinlock, owner, \etc.
    566569Operators inside clauses in \CFA could potentially be implemented with careful circumvention of the problems involved, but it was not deemed an important feature when taking into account the runtime cost that would need to be paid to handle these situations.
    567570The problem of operators inside clauses also becomes a difficult issue to handle when supporting channels.
    568 If internal operators were supported, it would require some way to ensure that channels used with internal operators are modified on if and only if the corresponding code block is run, but that is not feasible due to reasons described in the exclusive-or portion of Section~\ref{s:wu_chans}.
     571If internal operators were supported, it would require some way to ensure that channels used with internal operators are modified on if and only if the corresponding code block is run, but that is not feasible due to reasons described in the exclusive-or portion of Section~\ref{s:wu_chans}.
     573\subsection{The full \lstinline{waituntil} picture}
     574Now that the details have been discussed, the full pseudocode of the waituntil is presented in Figure~\ref{f:WU_Full_Impl}.
     578bool when_conditions[N];
     579for ( node in s )                                                                $\C{// evaluate guards}$
     580    if ( node has guard )
     581        when_conditions[node] = node_guard;
     582    else
     583        when_conditions[node] = true;
     585select_nodes s[N];                                                               $\C[3.25in]{// declare N select nodes}$
     586try {
     587    for ( node in s )                                                            $\C{// register nodes}$
     588        if ( when_conditions[node] )
     589            register_select( resource, node );
     591    // ... set statuses for nodes with when_conditions[node] == false ...
     593    while ( statement predicate not satisfied ) {       $\C{// check predicate}$
     594        // block
     595        for ( resource in waituntil statement ) {       $\C{// run true code blocks}$
     596            if ( statement predicate is satisfied ) break;
     597            if ( resource is avail ) {
     598                try {
     599                    if( on_selected( resource ) )              $\C{// conditionally run block}$
     600                        run code block
     601                } finally {                                    $\C{// for exception safety}$
     602                    unregister_select( resource, node );       $\C{// immediate unregister}$
     603                }
     604            }
     605        }
     606    }
     607} finally {                                                     $\C{// for exception safety}$
     608    for ( registered nodes in s )                                                               $\C{// deregister nodes}$
     609        if ( when_conditions[node] && unregister_select( resource, node ) && on_selected( resource ) )
     610            run code block $\C{// conditionally run code block upon unregister}\CRT$
     613\caption{Full \lstinline{waituntil} Pseudocode Implementation}
     617In comparison to Figure~\ref{f:WU_Impl}, this pseudocode now includes the specifics discussed in this chapter.
     618Some things to note are as follows:
     619The @finally@ blocks provide exception-safe RAII unregistering of nodes, and in particular, the @finally@ inside the innermost loop performs the immediate unregistering required for deadlock-freedom that was mentioned in Section~\ref{s:wu_locks}.
     620The @when_conditions@ array is used to store the boolean result of evaulating each guard at the beginning of the @waituntil@, and it is used to conditionally omit operations on resources with @false@ guards.
     621As discussed in Section~\ref{s:wu_chans}, this pseudocode includes code blocks conditional on the result of both @on_selected@ and @unregister_select@, which allows the channel implementation to ensure that all available channel resources will have their corresponding code block run.
    570623\section{Waituntil Performance}
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