Changeset 4615ac8
- Timestamp:
- Aug 7, 2019, 4:50:27 PM (6 years ago)
- Branches:
- ADT, arm-eh, ast-experimental, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum
- Children:
- 2d80111, 8c63bb4
- Parents:
- 9e72dbb7
- Location:
- src
- Files:
- 2 added
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified src/ ¶
r9e72dbb7 r4615ac8 231 231 SynTree/Initializer.$(OBJEXT) \ 232 232 SynTree/TypeSubstitution.$(OBJEXT) SynTree/Attribute.$(OBJEXT) \ 233 SynTree/DeclReplacer.$(OBJEXT) 233 SynTree/DeclReplacer.$(OBJEXT) SynTree/TopLvalue.$(OBJEXT) 234 234 am__objects_8 = CompilationState.$(OBJEXT) $(am__objects_1) \ 235 235 $(am__objects_2) Concurrency/Keywords.$(OBJEXT) \ … … 694 694 SynTree/ \ 695 695 SynTree/ \ 696 SynTree/ 696 SynTree/ \ 697 SynTree/ 697 698 698 699 … … 1023 1024 SynTree/DeclReplacer.$(OBJEXT): SynTree/$(am__dirstamp) \ 1024 1025 SynTree/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp) 1026 SynTree/TopLvalue.$(OBJEXT): SynTree/$(am__dirstamp) \ 1027 SynTree/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp) 1025 1028 Tuples/$(am__dirstamp): 1026 1029 @$(MKDIR_P) Tuples … … 1333 1336 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@SynTree/$(DEPDIR)/ReferenceType.Po@am__quote@ 1334 1337 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@SynTree/$(DEPDIR)/Statement.Po@am__quote@ 1338 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@SynTree/$(DEPDIR)/TopLvalue.Po@am__quote@ 1335 1339 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@SynTree/$(DEPDIR)/TupleExpr.Po@am__quote@ 1336 1340 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@SynTree/$(DEPDIR)/TupleType.Po@am__quote@ -
TabularUnified src/SymTab/ ¶
r9e72dbb7 r4615ac8 9 9 // Author : Richard C. Bilson 10 10 // Created On : Sun May 17 21:50:04 2015 11 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr12 // Last Modified On : Mon Aug 28 13:47:23 201713 // Update Count : 3 5911 // Last Modified By : Andrew Beach 12 // Last Modified On : Wed Aug 7 6:42:00 2019 13 // Update Count : 360 14 14 // 15 15 … … 81 81 #include "SynTree/Label.h" // for operator==, Label 82 82 #include "SynTree/Mutator.h" // for Mutator 83 #include "SynTree/TopLvalue.h" // for assertTopLvalue, clearInnerLvalue 83 84 #include "SynTree/Type.h" // for Type, TypeInstType, EnumInstType 84 85 #include "SynTree/TypeSubstitution.h" // for TypeSubstitution … … 308 309 PassVisitor<FixQualifiedTypes> fixQual; 309 310 311 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 310 312 { 311 313 Stats::Heap::newPass("validate-A"); … … 316 318 acceptAll( translationUnit, epc ); // must happen before VerifyCtorDtorAssign, because void return objects should not exist; before LinkReferenceToTypes_old because it is an indexer and needs correct types for mangling 317 319 } 320 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 318 321 { 319 322 Stats::Heap::newPass("validate-B"); 320 323 Stats::Time::BlockGuard guard("validate-B"); 324 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 321 325 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Link Reference To Types", [&]() { 322 326 acceptAll( translationUnit, lrt ); // must happen before autogen, because sized flag needs to propagate to generated functions 323 327 }); 328 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 329 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 324 330 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Fix Qualified Types", [&]() { 325 331 mutateAll( translationUnit, fixQual ); // must happen after LinkReferenceToTypes_old, because aggregate members are accessed 326 332 }); 333 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 327 334 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Hoist Structs", [&]() { 328 335 HoistStruct::hoistStruct( translationUnit ); // must happen after EliminateTypedef, so that aggregate typedefs occur in the correct order 329 336 }); 337 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 330 338 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Eliminate Typedefs", [&]() { 331 339 EliminateTypedef::eliminateTypedef( translationUnit ); // 332 340 }); 333 341 } 342 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 334 343 { 335 344 Stats::Heap::newPass("validate-C"); … … 340 349 InitTweak::fixReturnStatements( translationUnit ); // must happen before autogen 341 350 } 351 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 342 352 { 343 353 Stats::Heap::newPass("validate-D"); 344 354 Stats::Time::BlockGuard guard("validate-D"); 355 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 345 356 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Apply Concurrent Keywords", [&]() { 346 357 Concurrency::applyKeywords( translationUnit ); 347 358 }); 359 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 360 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 348 361 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Forall Pointer Decay", [&]() { 349 362 acceptAll( translationUnit, fpd ); // must happen before autogenerateRoutines, after Concurrency::applyKeywords because uniqueIds must be set on declaration before resolution 350 363 }); 364 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 351 365 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Hoist Control Declarations", [&]() { 352 366 ControlStruct::hoistControlDecls( translationUnit ); // hoist initialization out of for statements; must happen before autogenerateRoutines 353 367 }); 368 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 354 369 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Generate Autogen routines", [&]() { 355 370 autogenerateRoutines( translationUnit ); // moved up, used to be below compoundLiteral - currently needs EnumAndPointerDecay_old 356 371 }); 357 } 372 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 373 } 374 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 358 375 { 359 376 Stats::Heap::newPass("validate-E"); 360 377 Stats::Time::BlockGuard guard("validate-E"); 378 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 361 379 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Implement Mutex Func", [&]() { 362 380 Concurrency::implementMutexFuncs( translationUnit ); 363 381 }); 382 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 383 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 364 384 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Implement Thread Start", [&]() { 365 385 Concurrency::implementThreadStarter( translationUnit ); 366 386 }); 387 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 367 388 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Compound Literal", [&]() { 368 389 mutateAll( translationUnit, compoundliteral ); 369 390 }); 391 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 370 392 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Resolve With Expressions", [&]() { 371 393 ResolvExpr::resolveWithExprs( translationUnit ); // must happen before FixObjectType because user-code is resolved and may contain with variables 372 394 }); 373 } 395 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 396 } 397 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 374 398 { 375 399 Stats::Heap::newPass("validate-F"); 376 400 Stats::Time::BlockGuard guard("validate-F"); 401 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 377 402 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Fix Object Type", [&]() { 378 403 FixObjectType::fix( translationUnit ); 379 404 }); 405 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 380 406 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Array Length", [&]() { 381 407 ArrayLength::computeLength( translationUnit ); 382 408 }); 409 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 410 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 383 411 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Find Special Declarations", [&]() { 384 412 Validate::findSpecialDecls( translationUnit ); 385 413 }); 414 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 386 415 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Fix Label Address", [&]() { 387 416 mutateAll( translationUnit, labelAddrFixer ); 388 417 }); 418 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 389 419 Stats::Time::TimeBlock("Handle Attributes", [&]() { 390 420 Validate::handleAttributes( translationUnit ); 391 421 }); 392 422 } 423 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 393 424 } 394 425 -
TabularUnified src/SynTree/ ¶
r9e72dbb7 r4615ac8 49 49 SynTree/ \ 50 50 SynTree/ \ 51 SynTree/ 51 SynTree/ \ 52 SynTree/ 52 53 53 54 SRC += $(SRC_SYNTREE) -
TabularUnified src/ ¶
r9e72dbb7 r4615ac8 59 59 #include "ResolvExpr/Resolver.h" // for resolve 60 60 #include "SymTab/Validate.h" // for validate 61 #include "SynTree/TopLvalue.h" // for assertTopLvalue, clearInn... 61 62 #include "SynTree/Declaration.h" // for Declaration 62 63 #include "SynTree/Visitor.h" // for acceptAll 63 64 #include "Tuples/Tuples.h" // for expandMemberTuples, expan... 64 65 #include "Virtual/ExpandCasts.h" // for expandCasts 66 65 67 66 68 using namespace std; … … 257 259 Stats::Time::StopBlock(); 258 260 261 //std::cerr << "Post-Parse Check" << std::endl; 262 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 263 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 264 259 265 // add the assignment statement after the initialization of a type parameter 260 266 PASS( "Validate", SymTab::validate( translationUnit, symtabp ) ); … … 275 281 } // if 276 282 283 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 277 284 PASS( "Fix Labels", ControlStruct::fixLabels( translationUnit ) ); 285 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 278 286 PASS( "Fix Names", CodeGen::fixNames( translationUnit ) ); 287 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 279 288 PASS( "Gen Init", InitTweak::genInit( translationUnit ) ); 289 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 280 290 PASS( "Expand Member Tuples" , Tuples::expandMemberTuples( translationUnit ) ); 291 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 281 292 if ( libcfap ) { 282 293 // generate the bodies of cfa library functions … … 302 313 } // if 303 314 315 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 316 304 317 PASS( "Resolve", ResolvExpr::resolve( translationUnit ) ); 305 318 if ( exprp ) { … … 308 321 } // if 309 322 323 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 324 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 325 310 326 // fix ObjectDecl - replaces ConstructorInit nodes 311 327 PASS( "Fix Init", InitTweak::fix( translationUnit, buildingLibrary() ) ); 328 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 329 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 312 330 if ( ctorinitp ) { 313 331 dump ( translationUnit ); … … 316 334 317 335 PASS( "Expand Unique Expr", Tuples::expandUniqueExpr( translationUnit ) ); // xxx - is this the right place for this? want to expand ASAP so tha, sequent passes don't need to worry about double-visiting a unique expr - needs to go after InitTweak::fix so that copy constructed return declarations are reused 336 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 318 337 319 338 PASS( "Translate EHM" , ControlStruct::translateEHM( translationUnit ) ); 339 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 320 340 321 341 PASS( "Gen Waitfor" , Concurrency::generateWaitFor( translationUnit ) ); 342 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 343 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 322 344 323 345 PASS( "Convert Specializations", GenPoly::convertSpecializations( translationUnit ) ); // needs to happen before tuple types are expanded 346 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 347 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 324 348 325 349 PASS( "Expand Tuples", Tuples::expandTuples( translationUnit ) ); // xxx - is this the right place for this? 350 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 326 351 327 352 if ( tuplep ) { … … 331 356 332 357 PASS( "Virtual Expand Casts", Virtual::expandCasts( translationUnit ) ); // Must come after translateEHM 358 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 333 359 334 360 PASS( "Instantiate Generics", GenPoly::instantiateGeneric( translationUnit ) ); … … 337 363 return EXIT_SUCCESS; 338 364 } // if 365 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 366 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 339 367 PASS( "Convert L-Value", GenPoly::convertLvalue( translationUnit ) ); 340 368 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 369 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 341 370 342 371 if ( bboxp ) { … … 345 374 } // if 346 375 PASS( "Box", GenPoly::box( translationUnit ) ); 376 clearInnerLvalue( translationUnit ); 377 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 347 378 348 379 if ( bcodegenp ) { … … 356 387 357 388 CodeTools::fillLocations( translationUnit ); 389 assertTopLvalue( translationUnit ); 358 390 PASS( "Code Gen", CodeGen::generate( translationUnit, *output, ! genproto, prettycodegenp, true, linemarks ) ); 359 391
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