Changeset 3fc59bdb

Jun 11, 2018, 10:49:54 AM (6 years ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
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  • doc/papers/concurrency/Paper.tex

    r7bdcac1 r3fc59bdb  
    580580\subsection{\protect\CFA's Thread Building Blocks}
    582 An important missing feature in C is threading\footnote{While the C11 standard defines a ``threads.h'' header, it is minimal and defined as optional.
     582An important missing feature in C is threading\footnote{While the C11 standard defines a \protect\lstinline@threads.h@ header, it is minimal and defined as optional.
    583583As such, library support for threading is far from widespread.
    584 At the time of writing the paper, neither \protect\lstinline|gcc| nor \protect\lstinline|clang| support ``threads.h'' in their standard libraries.}.
     584At the time of writing the paper, neither \protect\lstinline@gcc@ nor \protect\lstinline@clang@ support \protect\lstinline@threads.h@ in their standard libraries.}.
    585585In modern programming languages, a lack of threading is unacceptable~\cite{Sutter05, Sutter05b}, and therefore existing and new programming languages must have tools for writing efficient concurrent programs to take advantage of parallelism.
    586586As an extension of C, \CFA needs to express these concepts in a way that is as natural as possible to programmers familiar with imperative languages.
    1142 A consequence of the strongly typed approach to main is that memory layout of parameters and return values to/from a thread are now explicitly specified in the \textbf{api}.
     1142A consequence of the strongly typed approach to main is that memory layout of parameters and return values to/from a thread are now explicitly specified in the \textbf{API}.
    1445 While monitor mutual-exclusion provides safe access to shared data, the monitor data may indicate that a thread accessing it cannot proceed, \eg a bounded buffer, Figure~\ref{f:GenericBoundedBuffer}, may be full/empty so produce/consumer threads must block.
     1445While monitor mutual-exclusion provides safe access to shared data, the monitor data may indicate that a thread accessing it cannot proceed.
     1446For example, Figure~\ref{f:GenericBoundedBuffer} shows a bounded buffer that may be full/empty so produce/consumer threads must block.
    14461447Leaving the monitor and trying again (busy waiting) is impractical for high-level programming.
    14471448Monitors eliminate busy waiting by providing internal synchronization to schedule threads needing access to the shared data, where the synchronization is blocking (threads are parked) versus spinning.
    1448 The synchronization is generally achieved with internal~\cite{Hoare74} or external~\cite[\S~2.9.2]{uC++} scheduling, where \newterm{scheduling} is defined as indicating which thread acquires the critical section next.
     1449Synchronization is generally achieved with internal~\cite{Hoare74} or external~\cite[\S~2.9.2]{uC++} scheduling, where \newterm{scheduling} defines which thread acquires the critical section next.
    14491450\newterm{Internal scheduling} is characterized by each thread entering the monitor and making an individual decision about proceeding or blocking, while \newterm{external scheduling} is characterized by an entering thread making a decision about proceeding for itself and on behalf of other threads attempting entry.
    15371538External scheduling is controlled by the @waitfor@ statement, which atomically blocks the calling thread, releases the monitor lock, and restricts the routine calls that can next acquire mutual exclusion.
    15381539If the buffer is full, only calls to @remove@ can acquire the buffer, and if the buffer is empty, only calls to @insert@ can acquire the buffer.
    1539 Threads making calls to routines that are currently excluded block outside (externally) of the monitor on a calling queue, versus blocking on condition queues inside the monitor.
    1541 Both internal and external scheduling extend to multiple monitors in a natural way.
    1542 \begin{cfa}
    1543 monitor M { `condition e`; ... };
    1544 void foo( M & mutex m1, M & mutex m2 ) {
    1545         ... wait( `e` ); ...                                    $\C{// wait( e, m1, m2 )}$
    1546         ... wait( `e, m1` ); ...
    1547         ... wait( `e, m2` ); ...
    1548 }
    1550 void rtn$\(_1\)$( M & mutex m1, M & mutex m2 );
    1551 void rtn$\(_2\)$( M & mutex m1 );
    1552 void bar( M & mutex m1, M & mutex m2 ) {
    1553         ... waitfor( `rtn` ); ...                               $\C{// waitfor( rtn\(_1\), m1, m2 )}$
    1554         ... waitfor( `rtn, m1` ); ...                   $\C{// waitfor( rtn\(_2\), m1 )}$
    1555 }
    1556 \end{cfa}
    1557 For @wait( e )@, the default semantics is to atomically block the signaller and release all acquired mutex types in the parameter list, \ie @wait( e, m1, m2 )@.
    1558 To override the implicit multi-monitor wait, specific mutex parameter(s) can be specified, \eg @wait( e, m1 )@.
    1559 Wait statically verifies the released monitors are the acquired mutex-parameters so unconditional release is safe.
    1560 Similarly, for @waitfor( rtn, ... )@, the default semantics is to atomically block the acceptor and release all acquired mutex types in the parameter list, \ie @waitfor( rtn, m1, m2 )@.
    1561 To override the implicit multi-monitor wait, specific mutex parameter(s) can be specified, \eg @waitfor( rtn, m1 )@.
    1562 Waitfor statically verifies the released monitors are the same as the acquired mutex-parameters of the given routine or routine pointer.
    1563 To statically verify the released monitors match with the accepted routine's mutex parameters, the routine (pointer) prototype must be accessible.
    1565 Given the ability to release a subset of acquired monitors can result in a \newterm{nested monitor}~\cite{Lister77} deadlock.
    1566 \begin{cfa}
    1567 void foo( M & mutex m1, M & mutex m2 ) {
    1568         ... wait( `e, m1` ); ...                                $\C{// release m1, keeping m2 acquired )}$
    1569 void baz( M & mutex m1, M & mutex m2 ) {        $\C{// must acquire m1 and m2 )}$
    1570         ... signal( `e` ); ...
    1571 \end{cfa}
    1572 The @wait@ only releases @m1@ so the signalling thread cannot acquire both @m1@ and @m2@ to  enter @baz@ to get to the @signal@.
    1573 While deadlock issues can occur with multiple/nesting acquisition, this issue results from the fact that locks, and by extension monitors, are not perfectly composable.
    1575 Finally, an important aspect of monitor implementation is barging, \ie can calling threads barge ahead of signalled threads?
    1576 If barging is allowed, synchronization between a singller and signallee is difficult, often requiring multiple unblock/block cycles (looping around a wait rechecking if a condition is met).
    1577 \begin{quote}
    1578 However, we decree that a signal operation be followed immediately by resumption of a waiting program, without possibility of an intervening procedure call from yet a third program.
    1579 It is only in this way that a waiting program has an absolute guarantee that it can acquire the resource just released by the signalling program without any danger that a third program will interpose a monitor entry and seize the resource instead.~\cite[p.~550]{Hoare74}
    1580 \end{quote}
    1581 \CFA scheduling \emph{precludes} barging, which simplifies synchronization among threads in the monitor and increases correctness.
    1582 For example, there are no loops in either bounded buffer solution in Figure~\ref{f:GenericBoundedBuffer}.
    1583 Supporting barging prevention as well as extending internal scheduling to multiple monitors is the main source of complexity in the design and implementation of \CFA concurrency.
    1586 \subsection{Barging Prevention}
    1588 Figure~\ref{f:BargingPrevention} shows \CFA code where bulk acquire adds complexity to the internal-signalling semantics.
    1589 The complexity begins at the end of the inner @mutex@ statement, where the semantics of internal scheduling need to be extended for multiple monitors.
    1590 The problem is that bulk acquire is used in the inner @mutex@ statement where one of the monitors is already acquired.
    1591 When the signalling thread reaches the end of the inner @mutex@ statement, it should transfer ownership of @m1@ and @m2@ to the waiting thread to prevent barging into the outer @mutex@ statement by another thread.
    1592 However, both the signalling and signalled threads still need monitor @m1@.
    1594 \begin{figure}
    1595 \newbox\myboxA
    1596 \begin{lrbox}{\myboxA}
    1597 \begin{cfa}[aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    1598 monitor M m1, m2;
    1599 condition c;
    1600 mutex( m1 ) {
    1601         ...
    1602         mutex( m1, m2 ) {
    1603                 ... `wait( c )`; // block and release m1, m2
    1604                 // m1, m2 acquired
    1605         } // $\LstCommentStyle{\color{red}release m2}$
    1606         // m1 acquired
    1607 } // release m1
    1608 \end{cfa}
    1609 \end{lrbox}
    1611 \newbox\myboxB
    1612 \begin{lrbox}{\myboxB}
    1613 \begin{cfa}[aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    1616 mutex( m1 ) {
    1617         ...
    1618         mutex( m1, m2 ) {
    1619                 ... `signal( c )`; ...
    1620                 // m1, m2 acquired
    1621         } // $\LstCommentStyle{\color{red}release m2}$
    1622         // m1 acquired
    1623 } // release m1
    1624 \end{cfa}
    1625 \end{lrbox}
    1627 \newbox\myboxC
    1628 \begin{lrbox}{\myboxC}
    1629 \begin{cfa}[aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    1632 mutex( m1 ) {
    1633         ... `wait( c )`; ...
    1634         // m1 acquired
    1635 } // $\LstCommentStyle{\color{red}release m1}$
    1640 \end{cfa}
    1641 \end{lrbox}
    1643 \begin{cquote}
    1644 \subfloat[Waiting Thread]{\label{f:WaitingThread}\usebox\myboxA}
    1645 \hspace{2\parindentlnth}
    1646 \subfloat[Signalling Thread]{\label{f:SignallingThread}\usebox\myboxB}
    1647 \hspace{2\parindentlnth}
    1648 \subfloat[Other Waiting Thread]{\label{f:SignallingThread}\usebox\myboxC}
    1649 \end{cquote}
    1650 \caption{Barging Prevention}
    1651 \label{f:BargingPrevention}
    1652 \end{figure}
    1654 The obvious solution to the problem of multi-monitor scheduling is to keep ownership of all locks until the last lock is ready to be transferred.
    1655 It can be argued that that moment is when the last lock is no longer needed, because this semantics fits most closely to the behaviour of single-monitor scheduling.
    1656 This solution has the main benefit of transferring ownership of groups of monitors, which simplifies the semantics from multiple objects to a single group of objects, effectively making the existing single-monitor semantic viable by simply changing monitors to monitor groups.
    1657 This solution releases the monitors once every monitor in a group can be released.
    1658 However, since some monitors are never released (\eg the monitor of a thread), this interpretation means a group might never be released.
    1659 A more interesting interpretation is to transfer the group until all its monitors are released, which means the group is not passed further and a thread can retain its locks.
    1661 However, listing \ref{f:int-secret} shows this solution can become much more complicated depending on what is executed while secretly holding B at line \ref{line:secret}, while avoiding the need to transfer ownership of a subset of the condition monitors.
    1662 Figure~\ref{f:dependency} shows a slightly different example where a third thread is waiting on monitor @A@, using a different condition variable.
    1663 Because the third thread is signalled when secretly holding @B@, the goal  becomes unreachable.
    1664 Depending on the order of signals (listing \ref{f:dependency} line \ref{line:signal-ab} and \ref{line:signal-a}) two cases can happen:
    1666 \begin{comment}
    1667 \paragraph{Case 1: thread $\alpha$ goes first.} In this case, the problem is that monitor @A@ needs to be passed to thread $\beta$ when thread $\alpha$ is done with it.
    1668 \paragraph{Case 2: thread $\beta$ goes first.} In this case, the problem is that monitor @B@ needs to be retained and passed to thread $\alpha$ along with monitor @A@, which can be done directly or possibly using thread $\beta$ as an intermediate.
    1669 \\
    1671 Note that ordering is not determined by a race condition but by whether signalled threads are enqueued in FIFO or FILO order.
    1672 However, regardless of the answer, users can move line \ref{line:signal-a} before line \ref{line:signal-ab} and get the reverse effect for listing \ref{f:dependency}.
    1674 In both cases, the threads need to be able to distinguish, on a per monitor basis, which ones need to be released and which ones need to be transferred, which means knowing when to release a group becomes complex and inefficient (see next section) and therefore effectively precludes this approach.
    1677 \subsubsection{Dependency graphs}
    1679 \begin{figure}
    1680 \begin{multicols}{3}
    1681 Thread $\alpha$
    1682 \begin{cfa}[numbers=left, firstnumber=1]
    1683 acquire A
    1684         acquire A & B
    1685                 wait A & B
    1686         release A & B
    1687 release A
    1688 \end{cfa}
    1689 \columnbreak
    1690 Thread $\gamma$
    1691 \begin{cfa}[numbers=left, firstnumber=6, escapechar=|]
    1692 acquire A
    1693         acquire A & B
    1694                 |\label{line:signal-ab}|signal A & B
    1695         |\label{line:release-ab}|release A & B
    1696         |\label{line:signal-a}|signal A
    1697 |\label{line:release-a}|release A
    1698 \end{cfa}
    1699 \columnbreak
    1700 Thread $\beta$
    1701 \begin{cfa}[numbers=left, firstnumber=12, escapechar=|]
    1702 acquire A
    1703         wait A
    1704 |\label{line:release-aa}|release A
    1705 \end{cfa}
    1706 \end{multicols}
    1707 \begin{cfa}[caption={Pseudo-code for the three thread example.},label={f:dependency}]
    1708 \end{cfa}
    1709 \begin{center}
    1710 \input{dependency}
    1711 \end{center}
    1712 \caption{Dependency graph of the statements in listing \ref{f:dependency}}
    1713 \label{fig:dependency}
    1714 \end{figure}
    1716 In listing \ref{f:int-bulk-cfa}, there is a solution that satisfies both barging prevention and mutual exclusion.
    1717 If ownership of both monitors is transferred to the waiter when the signaller releases @A & B@ and then the waiter transfers back ownership of @A@ back to the signaller when it releases it, then the problem is solved (@B@ is no longer in use at this point).
    1718 Dynamically finding the correct order is therefore the second possible solution.
    1719 The problem is effectively resolving a dependency graph of ownership requirements.
    1720 Here even the simplest of code snippets requires two transfers and has a super-linear complexity.
    1721 This complexity can be seen in listing \ref{f:explosion}, which is just a direct extension to three monitors, requires at least three ownership transfer and has multiple solutions.
    1722 Furthermore, the presence of multiple solutions for ownership transfer can cause deadlock problems if a specific solution is not consistently picked; In the same way that multiple lock acquiring order can cause deadlocks.
    1723 \begin{figure}
    1724 \begin{multicols}{2}
    1725 \begin{cfa}
    1726 acquire A
    1727         acquire B
    1728                 acquire C
    1729                         wait A & B & C
    1730                 release C
    1731         release B
    1732 release A
    1733 \end{cfa}
    1735 \columnbreak
    1737 \begin{cfa}
    1738 acquire A
    1739         acquire B
    1740                 acquire C
    1741                         signal A & B & C
    1742                 release C
    1743         release B
    1744 release A
    1745 \end{cfa}
    1746 \end{multicols}
    1747 \begin{cfa}[caption={Extension to three monitors of listing \ref{f:int-bulk-cfa}},label={f:explosion}]
    1748 \end{cfa}
    1749 \end{figure}
    1751 Given the three threads example in listing \ref{f:dependency}, figure \ref{fig:dependency} shows the corresponding dependency graph that results, where every node is a statement of one of the three threads, and the arrows the dependency of that statement (\eg $\alpha1$ must happen before $\alpha2$).
    1752 The extra challenge is that this dependency graph is effectively post-mortem, but the runtime system needs to be able to build and solve these graphs as the dependencies unfold.
    1753 Resolving dependency graphs being a complex and expensive endeavour, this solution is not the preferred one.
    1755 \subsubsection{Partial Signalling} \label{partial-sig}
    1756 \end{comment}
    1758 Finally, the solution that is chosen for \CFA is to use partial signalling.
    1759 Again using listing \ref{f:int-bulk-cfa}, the partial signalling solution transfers ownership of monitor @B@ at lines \ref{line:signal1} to the waiter but does not wake the waiting thread since it is still using monitor @A@.
    1760 Only when it reaches line \ref{line:lastRelease} does it actually wake up the waiting thread.
    1761 This solution has the benefit that complexity is encapsulated into only two actions: passing monitors to the next owner when they should be released and conditionally waking threads if all conditions are met.
    1762 This solution has a much simpler implementation than a dependency graph solving algorithms, which is why it was chosen.
    1763 Furthermore, after being fully implemented, this solution does not appear to have any significant downsides.
    1765 Using partial signalling, listing \ref{f:dependency} can be solved easily:
    1766 \begin{itemize}
    1767         \item When thread $\gamma$ reaches line \ref{line:release-ab} it transfers monitor @B@ to thread $\alpha$ and continues to hold monitor @A@.
    1768         \item When thread $\gamma$ reaches line \ref{line:release-a}  it transfers monitor @A@ to thread $\beta$  and wakes it up.
    1769         \item When thread $\beta$  reaches line \ref{line:release-aa} it transfers monitor @A@ to thread $\alpha$ and wakes it up.
    1770 \end{itemize}
    1773 \subsection{Signalling: Now or Later}
     1540Threads making calls to routines that are currently excluded block outside (external) of the monitor on a calling queue, versus blocking on condition queues inside (internal) of the monitor.
     1542For internal scheduling, non-blocking signalling (as in the producer/consumer example) is used when the signaller is providing the cooperation for a waiting thread;
     1543the signaller enters the monitor and changes state, detects a waiting threads that can use the state, performs a non-blocking signal on the condition queue for the waiting thread, and exits the monitor to run concurrently.
     1544The waiter unblocks next, takes the state, and exits the monitor.
     1545Blocking signalling is the reverse, where the waiter is providing the cooperation for the signalling thread;
     1546the signaller enters the monitor, detects a waiting thread providing the necessary state, performs a blocking signal to place it on the urgent queue and unblock the waiter.
     1547The waiter changes state and exits the monitor, and the signaller unblocks next from the urgent queue to take the state.
     1549Figure~\ref{f:DatingService} shows a dating service demonstrating the two forms of signalling: non-blocking and blocking.
     1550The dating service matches girl and boy threads with matching compatibility codes so they can exchange phone numbers.
     1551A thread blocks until an appropriate partner arrives.
     1552The complexity is exchanging phone number in the monitor,
     1553While the non-barging monitor prevents a caller from stealing a phone number, the monitor mutual-exclusion property
     1555The dating service is an example of a monitor that cannot be written using external scheduling because:
     1557The example in table \ref{tbl:datingservice} highlights the difference in behaviour.
     1558As mentioned, @signal@ only transfers ownership once the current critical section exits; this behaviour requires additional synchronization when a two-way handshake is needed.
     1559To avoid this explicit synchronization, the @condition@ type offers the @signal_block@ routine, which handles the two-way handshake as shown in the example.
     1560This feature removes the need for a second condition variables and simplifies programming.
     1561Like every other monitor semantic, @signal_block@ uses barging prevention, which means mutual-exclusion is baton-passed both on the front end and the back end of the call to @signal_block@, meaning no other thread can acquire the monitor either before or after the call.
    18341622\caption{Dating service. }
    1835 \label{f:Dating service}
    1838 An important note is that, until now, signalling a monitor was a delayed operation.
    1839 The ownership of the monitor is transferred only when the monitor would have otherwise been released, not at the point of the @signal@ statement.
    1840 However, in some cases, it may be more convenient for users to immediately transfer ownership to the thread that is waiting for cooperation, which is achieved using the @signal_block@ routine.
    1842 The example in table \ref{tbl:datingservice} highlights the difference in behaviour.
    1843 As mentioned, @signal@ only transfers ownership once the current critical section exits; this behaviour requires additional synchronization when a two-way handshake is needed.
    1844 To avoid this explicit synchronization, the @condition@ type offers the @signal_block@ routine, which handles the two-way handshake as shown in the example.
    1845 This feature removes the need for a second condition variables and simplifies programming.
    1846 Like every other monitor semantic, @signal_block@ uses barging prevention, which means mutual-exclusion is baton-passed both on the front end and the back end of the call to @signal_block@, meaning no other thread can acquire the monitor either before or after the call.
    1848 % ======================================================================
    1849 % ======================================================================
     1626Both internal and external scheduling extend to multiple monitors in a natural way.
     1630monitor M { `condition e`; ... };
     1631void foo( M & mutex m1, M & mutex m2 ) {
     1632        ... wait( `e` ); ...   // wait( e, m1, m2 )
     1633        ... wait( `e, m1` ); ...
     1634        ... wait( `e, m2` ); ...
     1639void rtn$\(_1\)$( M & mutex m1, M & mutex m2 );
     1640void rtn$\(_2\)$( M & mutex m1 );
     1641void bar( M & mutex m1, M & mutex m2 ) {
     1642        ... waitfor( `rtn` ); ...       // $\LstCommentStyle{waitfor( rtn\(_1\), m1, m2 )}$
     1643        ... waitfor( `rtn, m1` ); ... // $\LstCommentStyle{waitfor( rtn\(_2\), m1 )}$
     1648For @wait( e )@, the default semantics is to atomically block the signaller and release all acquired mutex types in the parameter list, \ie @wait( e, m1, m2 )@.
     1649To override the implicit multi-monitor wait, specific mutex parameter(s) can be specified, \eg @wait( e, m1 )@.
     1650Wait statically verifies the released monitors are the acquired mutex-parameters so unconditional release is safe.
     1651Finally, a signaller,
     1653void baz( M & mutex m1, M & mutex m2 ) {
     1654        ... signal( e ); ...
     1657must have acquired monitor locks that are greater than or equal to the number of locks for the waiting thread signalled from the front of the condition queue.
     1658In general, the signaller does not know the order of waiting threads, so in general, it must acquire the maximum number of mutex locks for the worst-case waiting thread.
     1660Similarly, for @waitfor( rtn )@, the default semantics is to atomically block the acceptor and release all acquired mutex types in the parameter list, \ie @waitfor( rtn, m1, m2 )@.
     1661To override the implicit multi-monitor wait, specific mutex parameter(s) can be specified, \eg @waitfor( rtn, m1 )@.
     1662Waitfor statically verifies the released monitors are the same as the acquired mutex-parameters of the given routine or routine pointer.
     1663To statically verify the released monitors match with the accepted routine's mutex parameters, the routine (pointer) prototype must be accessible.
     1665Given the ability to release a subset of acquired monitors can result in a \newterm{nested monitor}~\cite{Lister77} deadlock.
     1667void foo( M & mutex m1, M & mutex m2 ) {
     1668        ... wait( `e, m1` ); ...                                $\C{// release m1, keeping m2 acquired )}$
     1669void baz( M & mutex m1, M & mutex m2 ) {        $\C{// must acquire m1 and m2 )}$
     1670        ... signal( `e` ); ...
     1672The @wait@ only releases @m1@ so the signalling thread cannot acquire both @m1@ and @m2@ to  enter @baz@ to get to the @signal@.
     1673While deadlock issues can occur with multiple/nesting acquisition, this issue results from the fact that locks, and by extension monitors, are not perfectly composable.
     1675Finally, an important aspect of monitor implementation is barging, \ie can calling threads barge ahead of signalled threads?
     1676If barging is allowed, synchronization between a singller and signallee is difficult, often requiring multiple unblock/block cycles (looping around a wait rechecking if a condition is met).
     1678However, we decree that a signal operation be followed immediately by resumption of a waiting program, without possibility of an intervening procedure call from yet a third program.
     1679It is only in this way that a waiting program has an absolute guarantee that it can acquire the resource just released by the signalling program without any danger that a third program will interpose a monitor entry and seize the resource instead.~\cite[p.~550]{Hoare74}
     1681\CFA scheduling \emph{precludes} barging, which simplifies synchronization among threads in the monitor and increases correctness.
     1682For example, there are no loops in either bounded buffer solution in Figure~\ref{f:GenericBoundedBuffer}.
     1683Supporting barging prevention as well as extending internal scheduling to multiple monitors is the main source of complexity in the design and implementation of \CFA concurrency.
     1686\subsection{Barging Prevention}
     1688Figure~\ref{f:BargingPrevention} shows \CFA code where bulk acquire adds complexity to the internal-signalling semantics.
     1689The complexity begins at the end of the inner @mutex@ statement, where the semantics of internal scheduling need to be extended for multiple monitors.
     1690The problem is that bulk acquire is used in the inner @mutex@ statement where one of the monitors is already acquired.
     1691When the signalling thread reaches the end of the inner @mutex@ statement, it should transfer ownership of @m1@ and @m2@ to the waiting threads to prevent barging into the outer @mutex@ statement by another thread.
     1692However, both the signalling and waiting thread W1 still need monitor @m1@.
     1698monitor M m1, m2;
     1699condition c;
     1700mutex( m1 ) { // $\LstCommentStyle{\color{red}outer}$
     1701        ...
     1702        mutex( m1, m2 ) { // $\LstCommentStyle{\color{red}inner}$
     1703                ... `signal( c )`; ...
     1704                // m1, m2 acquired
     1705        } // $\LstCommentStyle{\color{red}release m2}$
     1706        // m1 acquired
     1707} // release m1
     1716mutex( m1 ) {
     1717        ...
     1718        mutex( m1, m2 ) {
     1719                ... `wait( c )`; // block and release m1, m2
     1720                // m1, m2 acquired
     1721        } // $\LstCommentStyle{\color{red}release m2}$
     1722        // m1 acquired
     1723} // release m1
     1732mutex( m2 ) {
     1733        ... `wait( c )`; ...
     1734        // m2 acquired
     1735} // $\LstCommentStyle{\color{red}release m2}$
     1744\subfloat[Signalling Thread]{\label{f:SignallingThread}\usebox\myboxA}
     1746\subfloat[Waiting Thread (W1)]{\label{f:WaitingThread}\usebox\myboxB}
     1748\subfloat[Waiting Thread (W2)]{\label{f:OtherWaitingThread}\usebox\myboxC}
     1750\caption{Barging Prevention}
     1754One scheduling solution is for the signaller to keep ownership of all locks until the last lock is ready to be transferred, because this semantics fits most closely to the behaviour of single-monitor scheduling.
     1755However, Figure~\ref{f:OtherWaitingThread} shows this solution is complex depending on other waiters, resulting is choices when the signaller finishes the inner mutex-statement.
     1756The singaller can retain @m2@ until completion of the outer mutex statement and pass the locks to waiter W1, or it can pass @m2@ to waiter W2 after completing the inner mutex-statement, while continuing to hold @m1@.
     1757In the latter case, waiter W2 must eventually pass @m2@ to waiter W1, which is complex because W2 may have waited before W1 so it is unaware of W1.
     1758Furthermore, there is an execution sequence where the signaller always finds waiter W2, and hence, waiter W1 starves.
     1760While a number of approaches were examined~\cite[\S~4.3]{Delisle18}, the solution chosen for \CFA is a novel techique called \newterm{partial signalling}.
     1761Signalled threads are moved to an urgent queue and the waiter at the front defines the set of monitors necessary for it to unblock.
     1762Partial signalling transfers ownership of monitors to the front waiter.
     1763When the signaller thread exits or waits in the monitor the front waiter is unblocked if all its monitors are released.
     1764This solution has the benefit that complexity is encapsulated into only two actions: passing monitors to the next owner when they should be released and conditionally waking threads if all conditions are met.
     1767Figure~\ref{f:dependency} shows a slightly different example where a third thread is waiting on monitor @A@, using a different condition variable.
     1768Because the third thread is signalled when secretly holding @B@, the goal  becomes unreachable.
     1769Depending on the order of signals (listing \ref{f:dependency} line \ref{line:signal-ab} and \ref{line:signal-a}) two cases can happen:
     1771\paragraph{Case 1: thread $\alpha$ goes first.} In this case, the problem is that monitor @A@ needs to be passed to thread $\beta$ when thread $\alpha$ is done with it.
     1772\paragraph{Case 2: thread $\beta$ goes first.} In this case, the problem is that monitor @B@ needs to be retained and passed to thread $\alpha$ along with monitor @A@, which can be done directly or possibly using thread $\beta$ as an intermediate.
     1775Note that ordering is not determined by a race condition but by whether signalled threads are enqueued in FIFO or FILO order.
     1776However, regardless of the answer, users can move line \ref{line:signal-a} before line \ref{line:signal-ab} and get the reverse effect for listing \ref{f:dependency}.
     1778In both cases, the threads need to be able to distinguish, on a per monitor basis, which ones need to be released and which ones need to be transferred, which means knowing when to release a group becomes complex and inefficient (see next section) and therefore effectively precludes this approach.
     1781\subsubsection{Dependency graphs}
     1785Thread $\alpha$
     1786\begin{cfa}[numbers=left, firstnumber=1]
     1787acquire A
     1788        acquire A & B
     1789                wait A & B
     1790        release A & B
     1791release A
     1794Thread $\gamma$
     1795\begin{cfa}[numbers=left, firstnumber=6, escapechar=|]
     1796acquire A
     1797        acquire A & B
     1798                |\label{line:signal-ab}|signal A & B
     1799        |\label{line:release-ab}|release A & B
     1800        |\label{line:signal-a}|signal A
     1801|\label{line:release-a}|release A
     1804Thread $\beta$
     1805\begin{cfa}[numbers=left, firstnumber=12, escapechar=|]
     1806acquire A
     1807        wait A
     1808|\label{line:release-aa}|release A
     1811\begin{cfa}[caption={Pseudo-code for the three thread example.},label={f:dependency}]
     1816\caption{Dependency graph of the statements in listing \ref{f:dependency}}
     1820In listing \ref{f:int-bulk-cfa}, there is a solution that satisfies both barging prevention and mutual exclusion.
     1821If ownership of both monitors is transferred to the waiter when the signaller releases @A & B@ and then the waiter transfers back ownership of @A@ back to the signaller when it releases it, then the problem is solved (@B@ is no longer in use at this point).
     1822Dynamically finding the correct order is therefore the second possible solution.
     1823The problem is effectively resolving a dependency graph of ownership requirements.
     1824Here even the simplest of code snippets requires two transfers and has a super-linear complexity.
     1825This complexity can be seen in listing \ref{f:explosion}, which is just a direct extension to three monitors, requires at least three ownership transfer and has multiple solutions.
     1826Furthermore, the presence of multiple solutions for ownership transfer can cause deadlock problems if a specific solution is not consistently picked; In the same way that multiple lock acquiring order can cause deadlocks.
     1830acquire A
     1831        acquire B
     1832                acquire C
     1833                        wait A & B & C
     1834                release C
     1835        release B
     1836release A
     1842acquire A
     1843        acquire B
     1844                acquire C
     1845                        signal A & B & C
     1846                release C
     1847        release B
     1848release A
     1851\begin{cfa}[caption={Extension to three monitors of listing \ref{f:int-bulk-cfa}},label={f:explosion}]
     1855Given the three threads example in listing \ref{f:dependency}, figure \ref{fig:dependency} shows the corresponding dependency graph that results, where every node is a statement of one of the three threads, and the arrows the dependency of that statement (\eg $\alpha1$ must happen before $\alpha2$).
     1856The extra challenge is that this dependency graph is effectively post-mortem, but the runtime system needs to be able to build and solve these graphs as the dependencies unfold.
     1857Resolving dependency graphs being a complex and expensive endeavour, this solution is not the preferred one.
     1859\subsubsection{Partial Signalling} \label{partial-sig}
    18501863\section{External scheduling} \label{extsched}
    1851 % ======================================================================
    1852 % ======================================================================
    18531865An alternative to internal scheduling is external scheduling (see Table~\ref{tbl:sched}).
  • doc/proposals/

    r7bdcac1 r3fc59bdb  
    55There is also a set of _explicit_ conversions that are only allowed through a
    66cast expression.
    7 Based on Glen's notes on conversions [1], I propose that safe and unsafe
    8 conversions be expressed as constructor variants, though I make explicit
    9 (cast) conversions a constructor variant as well rather than a dedicated
    10 operator.
     7I propose that safe, unsafe, and explicit (cast) conversions be expressed as
     8constructor variants.
    119Throughout this article, I will use the following operator names for
    1210constructors and conversion functions from `From` to `To`:
    14         void ?{} ( To*, To );            // copy constructor
    15         void ?{} ( To*, From );          // explicit constructor
    16         void ?{explicit} ( To*, From );  // explicit cast conversion
    17         void ?{safe} ( To*, From );      // implicit safe conversion
    18         void ?{unsafe} ( To*, From );    // implicit unsafe conversion
    20 [1]
    22 Glen's design made no distinction between constructors and unsafe implicit
     12        void ?{} ( To&, To );            // copy constructor
     13        void ?{} ( To&, From );          // explicit constructor
     14        void ?{explicit} ( To&, From );  // explicit cast conversion
     15        void ?{safe} ( To&, From );      // implicit safe conversion
     16        void ?{unsafe} ( To&, From );    // implicit unsafe conversion
     18It has been suggested that all constructors would define unsafe implicit
    2319conversions; this is elegant, but interacts poorly with tuples.
    2420Essentially, without making this distinction, a constructor like the following
    2622multiplying the space of possible interpretations of all functions:
    28         void ?{}( Coord *this, int x, int y );
     24        void ?{}( Coord& this, int x, int y );
    3026That said, it would certainly be possible to make a multiple-argument implicit
    3228used infrequently:
    34         void ?{unsafe}( Coord *this, int x, int y );
     30        void ?{unsafe}( Coord& this, int x, int y );
    3632An alternate possibility would be to only count two-arg constructors
    37 `void ?{} ( To*, From )` as unsafe conversions; under this semantics, safe and
     33`void ?{} ( To&, From )` as unsafe conversions; under this semantics, safe and
    3834explicit conversions should also have a compiler-enforced restriction to
    3935ensure that they are two-arg functions (this restriction may be valuable
    4339is convertable to `To`.
    4440If user-defined conversions are not added to the language,
    45 `void ?{} ( To*, From )` may be a suitable representation, relying on
     41`void ?{} ( To&, From )` may be a suitable representation, relying on
    4642conversions on the argument types to account for transitivity.
    47 On the other hand, `To*` should perhaps match its target type exactly, so
    48 another assertion syntax specific to conversions may be required, e.g.
    49 `From -> To`.
     43Since `To&` should be an exact match on `To`, this should put all the implicit
     44conversions on the RHS.
     45On the other hand, under some models (like [1]), implicit conversions are not
     46allowed in assertion parameters, so another assertion syntax specific to
     47conversions may be required, e.g. `From -> To`.
     48It has also been suggested that, for programmer control, no implicit
     49conversions (except, possibly, for polymorphic specialization) should be
     50allowed in resolution of cast operators.
     52[1] ../working/
    5154### Constructor Idiom ###
    5356that we can use the full range of Cforall features for conversions, including
    55 Glen [1] defines a _constructor idiom_ that can be used to create chains of
    56 safe conversions without duplicating code; given a type `Safe` which members
    57 of another type `From` can be directly converted to, the constructor idiom
    58 allows us to write a conversion for any type `To` which `Safe` converts to:
    60         forall(otype To | { void ?{safe}( To*, Safe ) })
    61         void ?{safe}( To *this, From that ) {
     58In an earlier version of this proposal, Glen Ditchfield defines a
     59_constructor idiom_ that can be used to create chains of safe conversions
     60without duplicating code; given a type `Safe` which members of another type
     61`From` can be directly converted to, the constructor idiom allows us to write
     62a conversion for any type `To` which `Safe` converts to:
     64        forall(otype To | { void ?{safe}( To&, Safe ) })
     65        void ?{safe}( To& this, From that ) {
    6266                Safe tmp = /* some expression involving that */;
    63                 *this = tmp; // uses assertion parameter
     67                this{ tmp }; // initialize from assertion parameter
    6468        }
    6771unsafe conversions.
     73Glen's original suggestion said the copy constructor for `To` should also be
     74accepted as a resolution for `void ?{safe}( To&, Safe )` (`Safe` == `To`),
     75allowing this same code to be used for the single-step conversion as well.
     76This proposal does come at the cost of an extra copy initialization of the
     77target value, though.
     79Contrariwise, if a monomorphic conversion from `From` to `Safe` is written,
     82        void ?{safe}( Safe& this, From that ) {
     83                this{ /* some parameters involving that */ };
     84        }
     86Then the code for a transitive conversion from `From` to any `To` type
     87convertable from `Safe` is written:
     89        forall(otype To | { void ?{safe}( To&, Safe ) })
     90        void ?{safe}( To& this, From that ) {
     91                Safe tmp = that;  // uses monomorphic conversion
     92                this{ tmp };      // initialize from assertion parameter
     93        }
     95Given the entirely-boilerplate nature of this code, but negative performance
     96implications of the unmodified constructor idiom, it might be fruitful to have
     97transitive and single step conversion operators, and let CFA build the
     98transitive conversions; some possible names:
     100        void ?{safe}  (To&, From);    void ?{final safe} (To&, From);  // single-step
     101        void ?{safe*} (To&, From);    void ?{safe}       (To&, From);  // transitive
    69103What selective non-use of the constructor idiom gives us is the ability to
    70104define a conversion that may only be the *last* conversion in a chain of such.
    71 Constructing a conversion graph able to unambiguously represent the full
    72 hierarchy of implicit conversions in C is provably impossible using only
    73 single-step conversions with no additional information (see Appendix A), but
    74 this mechanism is sufficiently powerful (see [1], though the design there has
    75 some minor bugs; the general idea is to use the constructor idiom to define
    76 two chains of conversions, one among the signed integral types, another among
    77 the unsigned, and to use monomorphic conversions to allow conversions between
    78 signed and unsigned integer types).
     105One use for this is to solve the problem that `explicit` conversions were
     106added to C++ for, that of conversions to `bool` chaining to become conversions
     107to any arithmetic type.
     108Another use is to unambiguously represent the full hierarchy of implicit
     109conversions in C by making sign conversions non-transitive, allowing the
     110compiler to resolve e.g. `int -> unsigned long` as
     111`int -> long -> unsigned long` over `int -> unsigned int -> unsigned long`.
     112See [2] for more details.
     114[2] ../working/glen_conversions/index.html#usual
    80116### Appendix A: Partial and Total Orders ###
    153189convert from `int` to `unsigned long`, so we just put in a direct conversion
    154190and make the compiler smart enough to figure out the costs" - this is the
    155 approach taken by the existing compipler, but given that in a user-defined
     191approach taken by the existing compiler, but given that in a user-defined
    156192conversion proposal the users can build an arbitrary graph of conversions,
    157193this case still needs to be handled.
    160196exists a chain of conversions from `a` to `b` (see Appendix A for description
    161197of preorders and related constructs).
    162 This preorder corresponds roughly to a more usual type-theoretic concept of
     198This preorder roughly corresponds to a more usual type-theoretic concept of
    163199subtyping ("if I can convert `a` to `b`, `a` is a more specific type than
    164200`b`"); however, since this graph is arbitrary, it may contain cycles, so if
    192228and so is considered to be the nearer type.
    193229By transitivity, then, the conversion from `X` to `Y2` should be cheaper than
    194 the conversion from `X` to `W`, but in this case the `X` and `W` are
     230the conversion from `X` to `W`, but in this case the `Y2` and `W` are
    195231incomparable by the conversion preorder, so the tie is broken by the shorter
    196232path from `X` to `W` in favour of `W`, contradicting the transitivity property
  • src/tests/preempt_longrun/

    r7bdcac1 r3fc59bdb  
    47         rm -f ${TESTS}
     47        rm -f ${TESTS} core* out.log
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  • src/tests/preempt_longrun/

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     891        rm -f ${TESTS} core* out.log
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