Changeset 3c17a10
- Timestamp:
- Apr 2, 2023, 7:58:34 AM (2 years ago)
- Branches:
- ADT, ast-experimental, master
- Children:
- 1e6cecb
- Parents:
- 75bd041
- Location:
- doc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified doc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/style/cfa-format.tex ¶
r75bd041 r3c17a10 8 8 \definecolor{keywordCol}{HTML}{000000} 9 9 \definecolor{identifierCol}{HTML}{000000} 10 11 % from \lstdefinelanguage{sml} {13 morekeywords= {14 EQUAL, GREATER, LESS, NONE, SOME, abstraction, abstype, and, andalso, array, as, before, bool, case, char, datatype, do, else, end, eqtype, exception, exn, false, fn, fun, functor, handle, if, in, include, infix, infixr, int, let, list, local, nil, nonfix, not, o, of, op, open, option, orelse, overload, print, raise, real, rec, ref, sharing, sig, signature, string, struct, structure, substring, then, true, type, unit, val, vector, where, while, with, withtype, word15 },16 morestring=[b]",17 morecomment=[s]{(*}{*)},18 }19 20 \lstdefinelanguage{D}{21 % Keywords22 morekeywords=[1]{23 abstract, alias, align, auto, body, break, cast, catch, class, const,24 continue, debug, delegate, delete, deprecated, do, else, enum, export,25 false, final, finally, for, foreach, foreach_reverse, function, goto, if,26 immutable, import, in, inout, interface, invariant, is, lazy, macro, mixin,27 module, new, nothrow, null, out, override, package, pragma, private,28 protected, public, pure, ref, return, shared, static, struct, super,29 switch, synchronized, template, this, throw, true, try, typedef, typeid,30 typeof, union, unittest, volatile, while, with31 },32 % Special identifiers, common functions33 morekeywords=[2]{enforce},34 % Ugly identifiers35 morekeywords=[3]{36 __DATE__, __EOF__, __FILE__, __LINE__, __TIMESTAMP__, __TIME__, __VENDOR__,37 __VERSION__, __ctfe, __gshared, __monitor, __thread, __vptr, _argptr,38 _arguments, _ctor, _dtor39 },40 % Basic types41 morekeywords=[4]{42 byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, cent, ucent, void,43 bool, bit, float, double, real, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float,44 char, wchar, dchar, string, wstring, dstring, ireal, ifloat, idouble,45 creal, cfloat, cdouble, size_t, ptrdiff_t, sizediff_t, equals_t, hash_t46 },47 % Strings48 morestring=[b]{"},49 morestring=[b]{'},50 morestring=[b]{`},51 % Comments52 comment=[l]{//},53 morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/},54 morecomment=[s][\color{blue}]{/**}{*/},55 morecomment=[n]{/+}{+/},56 morecomment=[n][\color{blue}]{/++}{+/},57 % Options58 sensitive=true59 }60 61 \lstdefinelanguage{rust}{62 % Keywords63 morekeywords=[1]{64 abstract, alignof, as, become, box,65 break, const, continue, crate, do,66 else, enum, extern, false, final,67 fn, for, if, impl, in,68 let, loop, macro, match, mod,69 move, mut, offsetof, override, priv,70 proc, pub, pure, ref, return,71 Self, self, sizeof, static, struct,72 super, trait, true, type, typeof,73 unsafe, unsized, use, virtual, where,74 while, yield75 },76 % Strings77 morestring=[b]{"},78 % Comments79 comment=[l]{//},80 morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/},81 % Options82 sensitive=true83 }84 85 \lstdefinelanguage{pseudo}{86 morekeywords={string,uint,int,bool,float},%87 sensitive=true,%88 morecomment=[l]{//},%89 morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/},%90 morestring=[b]',%91 morestring=[b]",%92 morestring=[s]{`}{`},%93 }%94 95 \newcommand{\KWC}{K-W C\xspace}96 97 \lstdefinestyle{pseudoStyle}{98 escapeinside={@@},99 basicstyle=\linespread{0.9}\sf\footnotesize, % reduce line spacing and use typewriter font100 keywordstyle=\bfseries\color{blue},101 keywordstyle=[2]\bfseries\color{Plum},102 commentstyle=\itshape\color{OliveGreen}, % green and italic comments103 identifierstyle=\color{identifierCol},104 stringstyle=\sf\color{Mahogany}, % use sanserif font105 mathescape=true,106 columns=fixed,107 aboveskip=4pt, % spacing above/below code block108 belowskip=3pt,109 keepspaces=true,110 tabsize=4,111 % frame=lines,112 literate=,113 showlines=true, % show blank lines at end of code114 showspaces=false,115 showstringspaces=false,116 escapechar=\$,117 xleftmargin=\parindentlnth, % indent code to paragraph indentation118 moredelim=[is][\color{red}\bfseries]{**R**}{**R**}, % red highlighting119 % moredelim=* detects keywords, comments, strings, and other delimiters and applies their formatting120 % moredelim=** allows cumulative application121 }122 10 123 11 \lstdefinestyle{defaultStyle}{ … … 172 60 } 173 61 174 % \lstMakeShortInline[basewidth=0.5em,breaklines=true,basicstyle=\normalsize\ttfamily\color{basicCol}]@ % single-character for \lstinline175 % \lstMakeShortInline@176 177 62 \lstnewenvironment{ccode}[1][]{ 178 63 \lstset{ … … 188 73 language = CFA, 189 74 style=cfaStyle, 190 captionpos=b,191 #1192 }193 }{}194 195 \lstnewenvironment{pseudo}[1][]{196 \lstset{197 language = pseudo,198 style=pseudoStyle,199 75 captionpos=b, 200 76 #1 … … 229 105 }{} 230 106 231 \lstnewenvironment{scalacode}[1][]{232 \lstset{233 language = scala,234 style=defaultStyle,235 captionpos=b,236 #1237 }238 }{}239 240 \lstnewenvironment{smlcode}[1][]{241 \lstset{242 language = sml,243 style=defaultStyle,244 captionpos=b,245 #1246 }247 }{}248 249 \lstnewenvironment{dcode}[1][]{250 \lstset{251 language = D,252 style=defaultStyle,253 captionpos=b,254 #1255 }256 }{}257 258 \lstnewenvironment{rustcode}[1][]{259 \lstset{260 language = rust,261 style=defaultStyle,262 captionpos=b,263 #1264 }265 }{}266 267 107 \lstnewenvironment{gocode}[1][]{ 268 108 \lstset{ -
TabularUnified doc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/thesis.tex ¶
r75bd041 r3c17a10 14 14 15 15 % Latex packages used in the document. 16 \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % allow Latin1 (extended ASCII) characters17 \usepackage{textcomp}18 \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}19 \usepackage{fullpage,times,comment}20 16 \usepackage{epic,eepic} 21 \usepackage{upquote} % switch curled `'" to straight22 17 \usepackage{dirtytalk} 23 \usepackage{calc}24 18 \usepackage{xspace} 25 % \usepackage[labelformat=simple]{subfig}26 % \renewcommand{\thesubfigure}{(\alph{subfigure})}27 19 \usepackage{subcaption} 28 % \usepackage{subfigure}29 20 \usepackage{graphicx} 30 21 \usepackage{tabularx} 31 \usepackage{multicol}32 22 \usepackage[acronym]{glossaries} 33 \usepackage{varioref}34 23 \usepackage{listings} % format program code 35 24 \usepackage[flushmargin]{footmisc} % support label/reference in footnote 36 \usepackage{latexsym} % \Box glyph37 25 \usepackage{mathptmx} % better math font with "times" 38 26 \usepackage[usenames]{color} … … 41 29 \usepackage{fancyhdr} 42 30 \usepackage{float} 43 \usepackage{siunitx}44 \sisetup{ binary-units=true }45 31 \input{style} % bespoke macros used in the document 46 \usepackage{url}47 32 \usepackage[dvips,plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels,pdfpagemode=UseNone,colorlinks=true,pagebackref=true,linkcolor=blue,citecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue,pagebackref=true,breaklinks=true]{hyperref} 48 \usepackage{breakurl}49 33 \urlstyle{rm} 34 % \usepackage{breakurl} % used to avoid line breaks inside urls -> uncomment later if needed 50 35 51 36 \usepackage{tikz} 52 37 \def\checkmark{\tikz\fill[scale=0.4](0,.35) -- (.25,0) -- (1,.7) -- (.25,.15) -- cycle;} 53 38 54 \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.45in} % move running title into header 39 % Setting up the page margins... 40 \setlength{\textheight}{9in} 41 \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.45in} 55 42 \setlength{\headsep}{0.25in} 43 % uWaterloo thesis requirements specify a minimum of 1 inch (72pt) margin at the 44 % top, bottom, and outside page edges and a 1.125 in. (81pt) gutter margin (on binding side). 45 % While this is not an issue for electronic viewing, a PDF may be printed, and so we have the same page layout for both printed and electronic versions, we leave the gutter margin in. 46 % Set margins to minimum permitted by uWaterloo thesis regulations: 47 \setlength{\marginparwidth}{0pt} % width of margin notes 48 % N.B. If margin notes are used, you must adjust \textwidth, \marginparwidth 49 % and \marginparsep so that the space left between the margin notes and page 50 % edge is less than 15 mm (0.6 in.) 51 \setlength{\marginparsep}{0pt} % width of space between body text and margin notes 52 \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.125in} % Adds 1/8 in. to binding side of all 53 % even-numbered pages when the "twoside" printing option is selected 54 \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.125in} % Adds 1/8 in. to the left of all pages when "oneside" printing is selected, and to the left of all odd-numbered pages when "twoside" printing is selected 55 \setlength{\textwidth}{6.375in} % assuming US letter paper (8.5 in. x 11 in.) and side margins as above 56 \raggedbottom 57 58 % The following statement specifies the amount of space between paragraphs. Other reasonable specifications are \bigskipamount and \smallskipamount. 59 \setlength{\parskip}{\medskipamount} 56 60 57 61 \newsavebox{\myboxA} % used with subfigure
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