Changeset 27125d0 for doc

Jun 6, 2020, 4:59:19 PM (4 years ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>
ADT, arm-eh, ast-experimental, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum

update concurrency paper to address referee comments and generate responses to comments

4 edited


  • doc/bibliography/pl.bib

    r9246ec6 r27125d0  
    1003 @misc{CforallBenchMarks,
    10041004    contributer = {pabuhr@plg},
    10051005    key         = {Cforall Benchmarks},
    10061006    author      = {{\textsf{C}{$\mathbf{\forall}$} Benchmarks}},
    1007     howpublished= {\href{}{https://\\-$\sim$cforall/\-benchmark.tar}},
     1007    howpublished= {\href{}{https://\\-$\sim$cforall/\-doc/\-CforallConcurrentBenchmarks.tar}},
    19821982    author      = {Adya, Atul and Howell, Jon and Theimer, Marvin and Bolosky, William J. and Douceur, John R.},
    19831983    title       = {Cooperative Task Management Without Manual Stack Management},
    1984     booktitle   = {Proceedings of the General Track of the Annual Conference on USENIX Annual Technical Conference},
     1984    booktitle   = {Proc. of the General Track USENIX Tech. Conf.},
    19851985    series      = {ATEC '02},
    19861986    year        = {2002},
  • doc/papers/AMA/AMA-stix/ama/WileyNJD-v2.cls

    r9246ec6 r27125d0  
    24442444     \@afterheading}
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  • doc/papers/concurrency/Paper.tex

    r9246ec6 r27125d0  
    386386Section~\ref{s:Monitor} shows how both mutual exclusion and synchronization are safely embedded in the @monitor@ and @thread@ constructs.
    387387Section~\ref{s:CFARuntimeStructure} describes the large-scale mechanism to structure threads and virtual processors (kernel threads).
    388 Section~\ref{s:Performance} uses microbenchmarks to compare \CFA threading with pthreads, Java 11.0.6, Go 1.12.6, Rust 1.37.0, Python 3.7.6, Node.js 12.14.1, and \uC 7.0.0.
     388Section~\ref{s:Performance} uses microbenchmarks to compare \CFA threading with pthreads, Java 11.0.6, Go 1.12.6, Rust 1.37.0, Python 3.7.6, Node.js v12.18.0, and \uC 7.0.0.
    893893With respect to safety, we believe static analysis can discriminate persistent generator state from temporary generator-main state and raise a compile-time error for temporary usage spanning suspend points.
    894894Our experience using generators is that the problems have simple data state, including local state, but complex execution state, so the burden of creating the generator type is small.
    895 As well, C programmers are not afraid of this kind of semantic programming requirement, if it results in very small, fast generators.
     895As well, C programmers are not afraid of this kind of semantic programming requirement, if it results in very small and fast generators.
    897897Figure~\ref{f:CFAFormatGen} shows an asymmetric \newterm{input generator}, @Fmt@, for restructuring text into groups of characters of fixed-size blocks, \ie the input on the left is reformatted into the output on the right, where newlines are ignored.
    915915The destructor provides a newline, if formatted text ends with a full line.
    916916Figure~\ref{f:CFormatGenImpl} shows the C implementation of the \CFA input generator with one additional field and the computed @goto@.
    917 For contrast, Figure~\ref{f:PythonFormatter} shows the equivalent Python format generator with the same properties as the format generator.
     917For contrast, Figure~\ref{f:PythonFormatter} shows the equivalent Python format generator with the same properties as the \CFA format generator.
    921 Figure~\ref{f:DeviceDriverGen} shows an important application for an asymmetric generator, a device-driver, because device drivers are a significant source of operating-system errors: 85\% in Windows XP~\cite[p.~78]{Swift05} and 51.6\% in Linux~\cite[p.~1358,]{Xiao19}. %\cite{Palix11}
     921An important application for the asymmetric generator is a device-driver, because device drivers are a significant source of operating-system errors: 85\% in Windows XP~\cite[p.~78]{Swift05} and 51.6\% in Linux~\cite[p.~1358,]{Xiao19}. %\cite{Palix11}
    922922Swift \etal~\cite[p.~86]{Swift05} restructure device drivers using the Extension Procedure Call (XPC) within the kernel via functions @nooks_driver_call@ and @nooks_kernel_call@, which have coroutine properties context switching to separate stacks with explicit hand-off calls;
    923923however, the calls do not retain execution state, and hence always start from the top.
    925925However, Adya \etal~\cite{Adya02} argue against stack ripping in Section 3.2 and suggest a hybrid approach in Section 4 using cooperatively scheduled \emph{fibers}, which is coroutining.
    927 As an example, the following protocol:
     927Figure~\ref{f:DeviceDriverGen} shows the generator advantages in implementing a simple network device-driver with the following protocol:
    929929\ldots\, STX \ldots\, message \ldots\, ESC ETX \ldots\, message \ldots\, ETX 2-byte crc \ldots
    931 is for a simple network message beginning with the control character STX, ending with an ETX, and followed by a 2-byte cyclic-redundancy check.
     931where the network message begins with the control character STX, ends with an ETX, and is followed by a 2-byte cyclic-redundancy check.
    932932Control characters may appear in a message if preceded by an ESC.
    933933When a message byte arrives, it triggers an interrupt, and the operating system services the interrupt by calling the device driver with the byte read from a hardware register.
    934 The device driver returns a status code of its current state, and when a complete message is obtained, the operating system read the message accumulated in the supplied buffer.
     934The device driver returns a status code of its current state, and when a complete message is obtained, the operating system reads the message accumulated in the supplied buffer.
    935935Hence, the device driver is an input/output generator, where the cost of resuming the device-driver generator is the same as call and return, so performance in an operating-system kernel is excellent.
    936936The key benefits of using a generator are correctness, safety, and maintenance because the execution states are transcribed directly into the programming language rather than table lookup or stack ripping.
    937 The conclusion is that FSMs are complex and occur in important domains, so direct generator support is important in a system programming language.
     937% The conclusion is that FSMs are complex and occur in important domains, so direct generator support is important in a system programming language.
    994 Figure~\ref{f:CFAPingPongGen} shows a symmetric generator, where the generator resumes another generator, forming a resume/resume cycle.
     994Generators can also have symmetric activation using resume/resume to create control-flow cycles among generators.
    995995(The trivial cycle is a generator resuming itself.)
    996996This control flow is similar to recursion for functions but without stack growth.
    997 Figure~\ref{f:PingPongFullCoroutineSteps} shows the steps for symmetric control-flow are creating, executing, and terminating the cycle.
     997Figure~\ref{f:PingPongFullCoroutineSteps} shows the steps for symmetric control-flow using for the ping/pong program in Figure~\ref{f:CFAPingPongGen}.
     998The program starts by creating the generators, @ping@ and @pong@, and then assigns the partners that form the cycle.
    998999Constructing the cycle must deal with definition-before-use to close the cycle, \ie, the first generator must know about the last generator, which is not within scope.
    9991000(This issue occurs for any cyclic data structure.)
    1000 The example creates the generators, @ping@ and @pong@, and then assigns the partners that form the cycle.
    10011001% (Alternatively, the constructor can assign the partners as they are declared, except the first, and the first-generator partner is set after the last generator declaration to close the cycle.)
    1002 Once the cycle is formed, the program main resumes one of the generators, @ping@, and the generators can then traverse an arbitrary cycle using @resume@ to activate partner generator(s).
     1002Once the cycle is formed, the program main resumes one of the generators, @ping@, and the generators can then traverse an arbitrary number of cycles using @resume@ to activate partner generator(s).
    10031003Terminating the cycle is accomplished by @suspend@ or @return@, both of which go back to the stack frame that started the cycle (program main in the example).
    10041004Note, the creator and starter may be different, \eg if the creator calls another function that starts the cycle.
    10061006Also, since local variables are not retained in the generator function, there are no objects with destructors to be called, so the cost is the same as a function return.
    10071007Destructor cost occurs when the generator instance is deallocated by the creator.
     1013\caption{Symmetric coroutine steps: Ping / Pong}
    1071 \begin{figure}
    1072 \centering
    1073 \input{FullCoroutinePhases.pstex_t}
    1074 \vspace*{-10pt}
    1075 \caption{Symmetric coroutine steps: Ping / Pong}
    1076 \label{f:PingPongFullCoroutineSteps}
    1077 \end{figure}
    10791079Figure~\ref{f:CPingPongSim} shows the C implementation of the \CFA symmetric generator, where there is still only one additional field, @restart@, but @resume@ is more complex because it does a forward rather than backward jump.
    10801080Before the jump, the parameter for the next call @partner@ is placed into the register used for the first parameter, @rdi@, and the remaining registers are reset for a return.
    1102 Stackful coroutines (Table~\ref{t:ExecutionPropertyComposition} case 5) extend generator semantics, \ie there is an implicit closure and @suspend@ may appear in a helper function called from the coroutine main.
    1103 A coroutine is specified by replacing @generator@ with @coroutine@ for the type.
     1102Stackful coroutines (Table~\ref{t:ExecutionPropertyComposition} case 5) extend generator semantics with an implicit closure and @suspend@ may appear in a helper function called from the coroutine main because of the separate stack.
     1103Note, simulating coroutines with stacks of generators, \eg Python with @yield from@ cannot handle symmetric control-flow.
     1104Furthermore, all stack components must be of generators, so it is impossible to call a library function passing a generator that yields.
     1105Creating a generator copy of the library function maybe impossible because the library function is opaque.
     1107A \CFA coroutine is specified by replacing @generator@ with @coroutine@ for the type.
    11041108Coroutine generality results in higher cost for creation, due to dynamic stack allocation, for execution, due to context switching among stacks, and for terminating, due to possible stack unwinding and dynamic stack deallocation.
    11051109A series of different kinds of coroutines and their implementations demonstrate how coroutines extend generators.
    11071111First, the previous generator examples are converted to their coroutine counterparts, allowing local-state variables to be moved from the generator type into the coroutine main.
     1112Now the coroutine type only contains communication variables between interface functions and the coroutine main.
    1149 A call to this function is placed at the end of the driver's coroutine-main.
     1154A call to this function is placed at the end of the device driver's coroutine-main.
    11501155For complex finite-state machines, refactoring is part of normal program abstraction, especially when code is used in multiple places.
    11511156Again, this complexity is usually associated with execution state rather than data state.
    14781483The \CFA @dtype@ property provides no \emph{implicit} copying operations and the @is_coroutine@ trait provides no \emph{explicit} copying operations, so all coroutines must be passed by reference or pointer.
    14791484The function definitions ensure there is a statically typed @main@ function that is the starting point (first stack frame) of a coroutine, and a mechanism to read the coroutine descriptor from its handle.
    1480 The @main@ function has no return value or additional parameters because the coroutine type allows an arbitrary number of interface functions with corresponding arbitrary typed input and output values versus fixed ones.
     1485The @main@ function has no return value or additional parameters because the coroutine type allows an arbitrary number of interface functions with arbitrary typed input and output values versus fixed ones.
    14811486The advantage of this approach is that users can easily create different types of coroutines, \eg changing the memory layout of a coroutine is trivial when implementing the @get_coroutine@ function, and possibly redefining \textsf{suspend} and @resume@.
    15231528The coroutine descriptor contains all implicit declarations needed by the runtime, \eg @suspend@/@resume@, and can be part of the coroutine handle or separate.
    15241529The coroutine stack can appear in a number of locations and be fixed or variable sized.
    1525 Hence, the coroutine's stack could be a variable-length structure (VLS)\footnote{
    1526 We are examining VLSs, where fields can be variable-sized structures or arrays.
    1527 Once allocated, a VLS is fixed sized.}
     1530Hence, the coroutine's stack could be a variable-length structure (VLS)
     1531% \footnote{
     1532% We are examining VLSs, where fields can be variable-sized structures or arrays.
     1533% Once allocated, a VLS is fixed sized.}
    15281534on the allocating stack, provided the allocating stack is large enough.
    15291535For a VLS stack allocation and deallocation is an inexpensive adjustment of the stack pointer, modulo any stack constructor costs to initial frame setup.
    1572 Threading (Table~\ref{t:ExecutionPropertyComposition} case 11) needs the ability to start a thread and wait for its completion.
    1573 A common API for this ability is @fork@ and @join@.
     1578Threading (Table~\ref{t:ExecutionPropertyComposition} case 11) needs the ability to start a thread and wait for its completion, where a common API is @fork@ and @join@.
    17251730For these reasons, \CFA selected monitors as the core high-level concurrency construct, upon which higher-level approaches can be easily constructed.
    1727 Figure~\ref{f:AtomicCounter} compares a \CFA and Java monitor implementing an atomic counter.\footnote{
    1728 Like other concurrent programming languages, \CFA and Java have performant specializations for the basic types using atomic instructions.}
     1732Figure~\ref{f:AtomicCounter} compares a \CFA and Java monitor implementing an atomic counter.
     1733(Like other concurrent programming languages, \CFA and Java have performant specializations for the basic types using atomic instructions.)
    17291734A \newterm{monitor} is a set of functions that ensure mutual exclusion when accessing shared state.
    17301735(Note, in \CFA, @monitor@ is short-hand for @mutex struct@.)
    29862991The total time is divided by @N@ to obtain the average time for a benchmark.
    29872992Each benchmark experiment is run 13 times and the average appears in the table.
    2988 All omitted tests for other languages are functionally identical to the \CFA tests and available online~\cite{CforallBenchMarks}.
     2993All omitted tests for other languages are functionally identical to the \CFA tests and available online~\cite{CforallConcurrentBenchmarks}.
    29892994% tar --exclude-ignore=exclude -cvhf benchmark.tar benchmark
     2995% cp -p benchmark.tar /u/cforall/public_html/doc/concurrent_benchmark.tar
    30283034\uC thread                              & 523.4         & 523.9         & 7.7           \\
    30293035Python generator                & 123.2         & 124.3         & 4.1           \\
    3030 Node.js generator               & 32.3          & 32.2          & 0.3           \\
     3036Node.js generator               & 33.4          & 33.5          & 0.3           \\
    30313037Goroutine thread                & 751.0         & 750.5         & 3.1           \\
    30323038Rust tokio thread               & 1860.0        & 1881.1        & 37.6          \\
    32333239Python generator        & 40.9          & 41.3          & 1.5   \\
    32343240Node.js await           & 1852.2        & 1854.7        & 16.4  \\
    3235 Node.js generator       & 32.6          & 32.2          & 1.0   \\
     3241Node.js generator       & 33.3          & 33.4          & 0.3   \\
    32363242Goroutine thread        & 143.0         & 143.3         & 1.1   \\
    32373243Rust async await        & 32.0          & 32.0          & 0.0   \\
    32713277While control flow in \CFA has a strong start, development is still underway to complete a number of missing features.
    3273 \vspace{-5pt}
    3274 \paragraph{Flexible Scheduling}
    3275 \label{futur:sched}
     3280\textbf{Flexible Scheduling:}
    32773281An important part of concurrency is scheduling.
    32783282Different scheduling algorithms can affect performance, both in terms of average and variation.
    32823286Currently, the \CFA pluggable scheduler is too simple to handle complex scheduling, \eg quality of service and real-time, where the scheduler must interact with mutex objects to deal with issues like priority inversion~\cite{Buhr00b}.
    3284 \vspace{-5pt}
    3285 \paragraph{Non-Blocking I/O}
    3286 \label{futur:nbio}
     3289\textbf{Non-Blocking I/O:}
    32873290Many modern workloads are not bound by computation but IO operations, common cases being web servers and XaaS~\cite{XaaS} (anything as a service).
    32883291These types of workloads require significant engineering to amortizing costs of blocking IO-operations.
    32933296A non-blocking I/O library is currently under development for \CFA.
    3295 \vspace{-5pt}
    3296 \paragraph{Other Concurrency Tools}
    3297 \label{futur:tools}
     3299\textbf{Other Concurrency Tools:}
    32993300While monitors offer flexible and powerful concurrency for \CFA, other concurrency tools are also necessary for a complete multi-paradigm concurrency package.
    33003301Examples of such tools can include futures and promises~\cite{promises}, executors and actors.
    33023303As well, new \CFA extensions should make it possible to create a uniform interface for virtually all mutual exclusion, including monitors and low-level locks.
    3304 \vspace{-5pt}
    3305 \paragraph{Implicit Threading}
    3306 \label{futur:implcit}
    3308 Basic \emph{embarrassingly parallel} applications can benefit greatly from implicit concurrency, where sequential programs are converted to concurrent, possibly with some help from pragmas to guide the conversion.
     3306\textbf{Implicit Threading:}
     3307Basic \emph{embarrassingly parallel} applications can benefit greatly from implicit concurrency, where sequential programs are converted to concurrent, with some help from pragmas to guide the conversion.
    33093308This type of concurrency can be achieved both at the language level and at the library level.
    33103309The canonical example of implicit concurrency is concurrent nested @for@ loops, which are amenable to divide and conquer algorithms~\cite{uC++book}.
  • doc/papers/concurrency/response2

    r9246ec6 r27125d0  
    113113    OOPSLA 2017.
    115 Of our testing languages, only Java is JITTED. To ensure the Java test-programs
    116 correctly measured the specific feature, we consulted with Dave Dice at Oracle
    117 who works directly on the development of the Oracle JVM Just-in-Time
    118 Compiler. We modified our test programs based on his advise, and he validated
    119 our programs as correctly measuring the specified language feature. Hence, we
    120 have taken into account all issues related to performing benchmarks in JITTED
    121 languages.  Dave's help is recognized in the Acknowledgment section. Also, all
    122 the benchmark programs are publicly available for independent verification.
     115Of our testing languages, only Java and Node.js are JITTED. To ensure the Java
     116test-programs correctly measured the specific feature, we consulted with Dave
     117Dice at Oracle who works directly on the development of the Oracle JVM
     118Just-in-Time Compiler. We modified our test programs based on his advise, and
     119he validated our programs as correctly measuring the specified language
     120feature. Hence, we have taken into account all issues related to performing
     121benchmarks in JITTED languages.  Dave's help is recognized in the
     122Acknowledgment section. Also, all the benchmark programs are publicly available
     123for independent verification.
     125Similarly, we verified our Node.js programs with Gregor Richards, an expert in
     126just-in-time compilation for dynamic typing.
    286290critical section); threads can arrive at any time in any order, where the
    287291mutual exclusion for the critical section ensures one thread executes at a
    288 time. Interestingly, Reed & Kanodia's mutual exclusion is Habermann's
    289 communication not mutual exclusion. These papers only buttress our contention
     292time. Interestingly, Reed & Kanodia's critical region is Habermann's
     293communication not critical section. These papers only buttress our contention
    290294about the confusion of these terms in the literature.
    562566I think we may be differing on the meaning of stack. You may be imagining a
    563 modern stack that grows and shrink dynamically. Whereas early Fortran
     567modern stack that grows and shrinks dynamically. Whereas early Fortran
    564568preallocated a stack frame for each function, like Python allocates a frame for
    565569a generator.  Within each preallocated Fortran function is a frame for local
    566570variables and a pointer to store the return value for a call.  The Fortran
    567 call/return mechanism than uses these frames to build a traditional call stack
     571call/return mechanism uses these frames to build a traditional call stack
    568572linked by the return pointer. The only restriction is that a function stack
    569573frame can only be used once, implying no direct or indirect recursion.  Hence,
    631635    build coroutines by stacks of generators invoking one another.
    633 As we point out, coroutines built from stacks of generators have problems, such
    634 as no symmetric control-flow. Furthermore, stacks of generators have a problem
    635 with the following programming pattern.  logger is a library function called
    636 from a function or a coroutine, where the doit for the coroutine suspends. With
    637 stacks of generators, there has to be a function and generator version of
    638 logger to support these two scenarios. If logger is a library function, it may
    639 be impossible to create the generator logger because the logger function is
     637Coroutines built from stacks of generators have problems, such as no symmetric
     638control-flow. Furthermore, stacks of generators have a problem with the
     639following programming pattern.  logger is a library function called from a
     640function or a coroutine, where the doit for the coroutine suspends. With stacks
     641of generators, there has to be a function and generator version of logger to
     642support these two scenarios. If logger is a library function, it may be
     643impossible to create the generator logger because the logger function is
    668672  }
     674Additonal text has been added to the start of Section 3.2 address this comment.
    682687    * prefer generators for simple computations that yield up many values,
    684 This description does not cover output or matching generators that do not yield
    685 many or any values. For example, the output generator Fmt yields no value; the
    686 device driver yields a value occasionally once a message is found. Furthermore,
    687 real device drivers are not simple; there can have hundreds of states and
    688 transitions. Imagine the complex event-engine for a web-server written as a
    689 generator.
    691688    * prefer coroutines for more complex processes that have significant
    692689      internal structure,
    694 As for generators, complexity is not the criterion for selection. A coroutine
    695 brings generality to the implementation because of the addition stack, whereas
    696 generators have restrictions on standard software-engining practises: variable
    697 placement, no helper functions without creating an explicit generator stack,
    698 and no symmetric control-flow. Whereas, the producer/consumer example in Figure
    699 7 uses stack variable placement, helpers, and simple ping/pong-style symmetric
     691We do not believe the number of values yielded is an important factor is
     692choosing between a generator or coroutine; either form can receive (input) or
     693return (output) millions of values. As well, simple versus complex computations
     694is also not a criterion for selection as both forms can be very
     695sophisticated. As stated in the paper, a coroutine brings generality to the
     696implementation because of the addition stack, whereas generators have
     697restrictions on standard software-engining practices: variable placement, no
     698helper functions without creating an explicit generator stack, and no symmetric
    721720    in purpose.
    723 Given that you asked about this it before, I believe other readers might also
    724 ask the same question because async-await is very popular. So I think this
    725 section does help to position the work in the paper among other work, and
    726 hence, it is appropriate to keep it in the paper.
     722Given that you asked about this before, I believe other readers might also ask
     723the same question because async-await is very popular. So I think this section
     724does help to position the work in the paper among other work, and hence, it is
     725appropriate to keep it in the paper.
    968967To handle the other 5% of the cases, there is a trivial Cforall pattern
    969 providing Java-style start/join. The additional cost for this pattern is 2
    970 light-weight thread context-switches.
     968providing Java-style start/join. The additional cost for this pattern is small
     969in comparison to the work performed between the start and join.
    972971  thread T {};
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