Aug 1, 2023, 10:26:10 PM (14 months ago)
caparsons <caparson@…>
2cb15b0, d5f5eb7
4852232 (diff), afb3d68 (diff)
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Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc

6 edited


  • doc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/local.bib

    r4852232 r210c737  
     111  author = "Java Util Concurrent",
     112  title = "Class CompletableFuture",
     113  howpublished = {\url{https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture.html}},
     114  note = "[Online; accessed 23-May-2023]"
    111118  author = "The OCaml Manual",
    202209    version     = {Version 080},
    203210    organization= {Intel},
    204     month       = march,
     211    month       = mar,
    205212    year        = 2023,
  • doc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/actors.tex

    r4852232 r210c737  
     1368        \centering
     1369        \subfloat[AMD \CFA Matrix Benchmark]{
     1370                \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\input{figures/nasusCFAMatrix.pgf}}
     1371                \label{f:cfaMatrixAMD}
     1372        }
     1373        \subfloat[Intel \CFA Matrix Benchmark]{
     1374                \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\input{figures/pykeCFAMatrix.pgf}}
     1375                \label{f:cfaMatrixIntel}
     1376        }
     1377        \caption{The matrix benchmark comparing \CFA stealing heuristics (lower is better).}
    13671380Figures~\ref{f:cfaRepeatAMD} and~\ref{f:cfaRepeatIntel} show the effects of the stealing heuristics for the repeat benchmark.
    13681381This benchmark is a pathological case for work stealing actor systems, as the majority of work is being performed by the single actor conducting the scatter/gather.
    13891402Hence, it is difficult to attribute the AMD gain to the aggressive work stealing in CAF.
    1391 \begin{figure}
    1392         \centering
    1393         \subfloat[AMD \CFA Matrix Benchmark]{
    1394                 \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\input{figures/nasusCFAMatrix.pgf}}
    1395                 \label{f:cfaMatrixAMD}
    1396         }
    1397         \subfloat[Intel \CFA Matrix Benchmark]{
    1398                 \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\input{figures/pykeCFAMatrix.pgf}}
    1399                 \label{f:cfaMatrixIntel}
    1400         }
    1401         \caption{The matrix benchmark comparing \CFA stealing heuristics (lower is better).}
    1402 \end{figure}
    14041404% Local Variables: %
    14051405% tab-width: 4 %
  • doc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/channels.tex

    r4852232 r210c737  
    197197\section{\CFA / Go channel Examples}
    198 To highlight the differences between \CFA's and Go's close semantics, three examples are presented.
     198To highlight the differences between \CFA's and Go's close semantics, two examples are presented.
    199199The first example is a simple shutdown case, where there are producer threads and consumer threads operating on a channel for a fixed duration.
    200200Once the duration ends, producers and consumers terminate immediately leaving unprocessed elements in the channel.
  • doc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/frontpgs.tex

    r4852232 r210c737  
    8080Concurrent programs are notoriously hard to program and even harder to debug. Furthermore concurrent programs must be performant, as the introduction of concurrency into a program is often done to achieve some form of speedup.
    82 This thesis presents a suite of high-level concurrent-language features in the new programming-language \CFA, all of which are implemented with the aim of improving the performance, productivity, and safety of concurrent programs.
     82This thesis presents a suite of high-level concurrent-language features in the new programming language \CFA, all of which are implemented with the aim of improving the performance, productivity, and safety of concurrent programs.
    8383\CFA is a non-object-oriented programming language that extends C.
    8484The foundation for concurrency in \CFA was laid by Thierry Delisle~\cite{Delisle18}, who implemented coroutines, user-level threads, and monitors.
  • doc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/mutex_stmt.tex

    r4852232 r210c737  
    351351The benchmark used to evaluate the avoidance algorithms repeatedly acquires a fixed number of locks in a random order and then releases them.
    352 The pseudocode for the deadlock avoidance benchmark is shown in \VRef[Listing]{l:deadlock_avoid_pseudo}.
     352The pseudocode for the deadlock avoidance benchmark is shown in \VRef[Figure]{l:deadlock_avoid_pseudo}.
    353353To ensure the comparison exercises the implementation of each lock avoidance algorithm, an identical spinlock is implemented in each language using a set of builtin atomics available in both \CC and \CFA.
    354354The benchmarks are run for a fixed duration of 10 seconds and then terminate.
    357357The median is calculated and is plotted alongside the 95\% confidence intervals for each point.
    359 \begin{cfa}[caption={Deadlock avoidance benchmark pseudocode},label={l:deadlock_avoid_pseudo}]
    361361size_t n_locks; $\C{// number of locks}$
    362362size_t n_thds; $\C{// number of threads}$
    387387    printf( "%lu\n", total );
    390 \end{cfa}
     390\caption{Deadlock avoidance benchmark pseudocode}
    392394The performance experiments were run on the following multi-core hardware systems to determine differences across platforms:
  • doc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/waituntil.tex

    r4852232 r210c737  
    125 \begin{lstlisting}[language=ada,literate=]
    126 task type buffer is -- thread
     126task type buffer is -- thread type
    127127        ... -- buffer declarations
    128128        count : integer := 0;
    130130        loop
    131131                select
    132                         when count < Size => -- guard
    133                         accept insert( elem : in ElemType ) do  -- method
     132                        @when count < Size@ => -- guard
     133                        @accept insert( elem : in ElemType )@ do  -- method
    134134                                ... -- add to buffer
    135135                                count := count + 1;
    137137                        -- executed if this accept called
    138138                or
    139                         when count > 0 => -- guard
    140                         accept remove( elem : out ElemType ) do  -- method
     139                        @when count > 0@ => -- guard
     140                        @accept remove( elem : out ElemType )@ do  -- method
    141141                                ... --remove and return from buffer via parameter
    142142                                count := count - 1;
    143143                        end;
    144144                        -- executed if this accept called
    145                 or delay 10.0;  -- unblock after 10 seconds without call
    146                 or else -- do not block, cannot appear with delay
     145                or @delay 10.0@;  -- unblock after 10 seconds without call
     146                or @else@ -- do not block, cannot appear with delay
    147147                end select;
    148148        end loop;
    224 \begin{lstlisting}[language=uC++=]
    225225_Task BoundedBuffer {
    226226        int * buffer;
    243243                for ( ;; ) {
    244244                        _Accept( ~buffer ) break;
    245                         or _When ( count < Size ) _Accept( insert );
    246                         or _When ( count > 0 ) _Accept( remove );
     245                        @or _When ( count < Size ) _Accept( insert )@;
     246                        @or _When ( count > 0 ) _Accept( remove )@;
    247247                }
    248248        }
    267267Figure~\ref{l:BB_uC++} shows the outline of a bounded buffer administrator implemented with \uC @_Accept@ statements.
    269 There are other languages that provide \gls{synch_multiplex}, including Rust's @select!@ over futures~\cite{rust:select}, OCaml's @select@ over channels~\cite{ocaml:channel}, and C++14's @when_any@ over futures~\cite{cpp:whenany}.
     269There are other languages that provide \gls{synch_multiplex}, including Rust's @select!@ over futures~\cite{rust:select}, Java's @allof@/@anyof@ over futures~\cite{java:allof:anyof}, OCaml's @select@ over channels~\cite{ocaml:channel}, and C++14's @when_any@ over futures~\cite{cpp:whenany}.
    270270Note that while C++14 and Rust provide \gls{synch_multiplex}, the implementations leave much to be desired as both rely on polling to wait on multiple resources.
    276276Similar, actor systems circumvent the \gls{synch_multiplex} problem as actors only block when waiting for the next message never in a behaviour.
    277277While these approaches solve the \gls{synch_multiplex} problem, they introduce other issues.
    278 Consider the case where a thread has a single source of communication and it wants a set of @N@ resources.
    279 It must sequentially request the @N@ resources and wait for each response.
    280 During the receives for the @N@ resources, it can receive other communication, and has to save and postpone these communications, or discard them.
     278Consider the case where a thread has a single source of communication and it wants a set of $N$ resources.
     279It must sequentially request the $N$ resources and wait for each response.
     280During the receives for the $N$ resources, it can receive other communication, and has to save and postpone these communications, or discard them.
    281281% If the requests for the other resources need to be retracted, the burden falls on the programmer to determine how to synchronize appropriately to ensure that only one resource is delivered.
    320320int i = 0;
    322 waituntil( Lock ) { ... }
    323 or when( i == 0 ) waituntil( i << Channel ) { ... }
    324 and waituntil( Future ) { ... }
    325 or waituntil( timeout( 1`s ) ) { ... }
     322waituntil( @Lock@ ) { ... }
     323or when( i == 0 ) waituntil( i << @Channel@ ) { ... }
     324and waituntil( @Future@ ) { ... }
     325or waituntil( @timeout( 1`s )@ ) { ... }
    326326// else { ... }
    343343future(int) bar, foo;
    344 waituntil( foo ) { ... } or waituntil( bar ) { ... }
    345 \end{cfa}
    346 The reason for this semantics is that prioritizing resources can be useful in certain problems.
    347 In the rare case where there is a starvation problem with the ordering, it possible to follow a @waituntil@ with its reverse form:
     344waituntil( foo ) { ... } or waituntil( bar ) { ... } // prioritize foo
     346The reason for this semantics is that prioritizing resources can be useful in certain problems, such as shutdown.
     347In the rare case where there is a starvation problem with the ordering, it possible to follow a @waituntil@ with its reverse form, alternating which resource has the highest priority:
    349349waituntil( foo ) { ... } or waituntil( bar ) { ... } // prioritize foo
    350350waituntil( bar ) { ... } or waituntil( foo ) { ... } // prioritize bar
     352While this approach is not general for many resources, it handles many basic cases.
    353354The \CFA @and@ semantics match the @and@ semantics of \uC \lstinline[language=uC++]{_Select}.
    354355When multiple clauses are joined by @and@, the @waituntil@ makes a thread wait for all to be available, but still runs the corresponding code blocks \emph{as they become available}.
    355 When an @and@ clause becomes available, the waiting thread unblocks and runs that clause's code-block, and then the thread waits again for the next available clause or the @waituntil@ statement is now true.
     356When an @and@ clause becomes available, the waiting thread unblocks and runs that clause's code-block, and then the thread waits again for the next available clause or the @waituntil@ statement is now satisfied.
    356357This semantics allows work to be done in parallel while synchronizing over a set of resources, and furthermore, gives a good reason to use the @and@ operator.
    357358If the @and@ operator waited for all clauses to be available before running, it is the same as just acquiring those resources consecutively by a sequence of @waituntil@ statements.
    415416\section{\lstinline{waituntil} Implementation}
    417 The @waituntil@ statement is not inherently complex, and Figure~\ref{f:WU_Impl} only shows the basic outline of the @waituntil@ algorithm.
    418 The complexity comes from the consideration of race conditions and synchronization needed when supporting various primitives.
    419 The following sections then use examples to fill in details missing in Figure~\ref{f:WU_Impl}.
    420 The full pseudocode for the @waituntil@ algorithm is presented in Figure~\ref{f:WU_Full_Impl}.
     418The @waituntil@ statement is not inherently complex, and Figure~\ref{f:WU_Impl} shows the basic outline of the @waituntil@ algorithm.
     419Complexity comes from the consideration of race conditions and synchronization needed when supporting various primitives.
     420The following sections use examples to fill in complexity details missing in Figure~\ref{f:WU_Impl}.
     421After which, the full pseudocode for the @waituntil@ algorithm is presented in Figure~\ref{f:WU_Full_Impl}.
    477478When a @select_node@ reaches the front of the lock's queue and gains ownership, the thread blocked on the @waituntil@ is unblocked.
    478479Now, the lock is held by the @waituntil@ thread until the code block is executed, and then the node is unregistered, during which the lock is released.
    479 Immediately releasing the lock prevents the waiting thread from holding multiple locks and potentially introducing a deadlock.
     480Immediately releasing the lock after the code block prevents the waiting thread from holding multiple locks and potentially introducing a deadlock.
    480481As such, the only unregistered nodes associated with locks are the ones that have not run.
    484 A timeout for the @waituntil@ statement is a duration passed to \lstinline[deletekeywords={timeout}]{timeout}, \eg:
     485A timeout for the @waituntil@ statement is a duration passed to routine \lstinline[deletekeywords={timeout}]{timeout}\footnote{\lstinline{timeout} is a quasi-keyword in \CFA, allowing it to be used an identifier.}, \eg:
    508509Here, the multiple timeouts are useful because the durations can change during execution and the separate clauses provide different code blocks if a timeout triggers.
    509510Multiple timeouts can also be used with @and@ to provide a minimal delay before proceeding.
    510 In following example, either channel @C1@ or @C2@ must be satisfied but nothing can be done for at least 1 or 3 seconds after the channel read, respctively.
     511In following example, either channel @C1@ or @C2@ must be satisfied but nothing can be done for at least 1 or 3 seconds after the channel read, respectively.
    512513waituntil( i << C1 ); and waituntil( timeout( 1`s ) );
    513514or waituntil( i << C2 ); and waituntil( timeout( 3`s ) );
    515 If only @C2@ is satisfied, \emph{both} timeout code-blocks trigger because 1 second ocurs before 3 seconds.
     516If only @C2@ is satisfied, \emph{both} timeout code-blocks trigger because 1 second occurs before 3 seconds.
    516517Note, the \CFA @waitfor@ statement only provides a single @timeout@ clause because it only supports @or@ semantics.
    524525Channels require more complexity to allow synchronous multiplexing.
    525 For locks, when an outside thread releases a lock and unblocks the waituntil thread (WUT), the lock's MX property is passed to the WUT (no spinning locks).
     526For locks, when an outside thread releases a lock and unblocks the @waituntil@ thread (WUT), the lock's MX property is passed to the WUT (no spinning locks).
    526527For futures, the outside thread deliveries a value to the future and unblocks any waiting threads, including WUTs.
    527 In either case, after the WUT unblocks it is safe to execute its the corresponding code block knowing access to the resource is protected by the lock or the read-only state of the future.
     528In either case, after the WUT unblocks, it is safe to execute its corresponding code block knowing access to the resource is protected by the lock or the read-only state of the future.
    528529Similarly, for channels, when an outside thread inserts a value into a channel, it must unblock the WUT.
    529530However, for channels, there is a race condition that poses an issue.
    536537Furthermore, if both @and@ and @or@ operators are used, the @or@ operations stop behaving like exclusive-or due to the race among channel operations, \eg:
     539int i;
    538540waituntil( i << A ) {} and waituntil( i << B ) {}
    539541or waituntil( i << C ) {} and waituntil( i << D ) {}
    541543If exclusive-or semantics are followed, only the code blocks for @A@ and @B@ are run, or the code blocks for @C@ and @D@.
    542 However, four outside threads can simultaneously put values into @i@ and attempt to unblock the WUT to run the four code-blocks.
     544However, four outside threads inserting into each channel can simultaneously put values into @i@ and attempt to unblock the WUT to run the four code-blocks.
    543545This case introduces a race with complexity that increases with the size of the @waituntil@ statement.
    544546However, due to TOCTOU issues, it is impossible to know if all resources are available without acquiring all the internal locks of channels in the subtree of the @waituntil@ clauses.
    545547This approach is a poor solution for two reasons.
    546 It is possible that once all the locks are acquired the subtree is not satisfied and the locks must be released.
     548It is possible that once all the locks are acquired, the subtree is not satisfied and the locks must be released.
    547549This work incurs a high cost for signalling threads and heavily increase contention on internal channel locks.
    548550Furthermore, the @waituntil@ statement is polymorphic and can support resources that do not have internal locks, which also makes this approach infeasible.
    549551As such, the exclusive-or semantics are lost when using both @and@ and @or@ operators since it cannot be supported without significant complexity and significantly affects @waituntil@ performance.
     552Therefore, the example of reusing variable @i@ by multiple output channels is considered a user error without exclusive-or semantics.
     553Given aliasing in C, it is impossible to even warn of the potential race.
     554In the future, it would be interesting to support Go-like syntax, \lstinline[language=Go]{case i := <- ...}, defining a new scoped @i@ variable for each clause.
    551556It was deemed important that exclusive-or semantics are maintained when only @or@ operators are used, so this situation has been special-cased, and is handled by having all clauses race to set a value \emph{before} operating on the channel.
    555 \multicolumn{3}{@{}l@{}}{\lstinline{channel A, B; // zero size channels}} \\
     560\multicolumn{3}{@{}l@{}}{\lstinline{channel(int) A, B; // zero size channels}} \\
    556561thread 1 & thread 2 & thread 3 \\
    582587Channels introduce another interesting implementation issue.
    583588Supporting both reading and writing to a channel in a @waituntil@ means that one @waituntil@ clause may be the notifier of another @waituntil@ clause.
    584 This poses a problem when dealing with the special-cased @or@ where the clauses need to win a race to operate on a channel.
     589This conjunction poses a problem when dealing with the special-cased @or@ where the clauses need to win a race to operate on a channel.
    585590Consider the following example, alongside a described ordering of events to highlight the race.
    588 \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\lstinline{channel A, B; // zero size channels}} \\
     593\multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\lstinline{channel(int) A, B; // zero size channels}} \\
    589594thread 1 & thread 2 \\
    601 Assume thread 1 executes first, registers with channel @A@ and proceeds, since it is empty, and then is interrupted before registering with @B@.
    602 Thread 2 similarly registers with channel @B@, and proceeds, since it does not have space to insert, and then is interrupted before registering with @A@.
     606Assume thread 1 executes first, registers with channel @A@ and proceeds in the @waituntil@.
     607Since @A@ is empty, thread 1 cannot remove, and then thread 1 is interrupted before registering with @B@.
     608Thread 2 similarly registers with channel @B@, and proceeds in the @waituntil@.
     609Since @B@ is zero size there is no space to insert, and then thread 2 is interrupted before registering with @A@.
    603610At this point, thread 1 and 2 resume execution.
    604 There is now a race that must be dealt with on two fronts.
    605 If thread 1 and 2 only race to the \gls{cas}, \ie a clause in their own @waituntil@, thread 1 can think that it successfully removed from @B@, and thread 2 may think it successfully inserted into @A@, when only one of these operations occurs.
     611Remember from above, each exclusive-or @waituntil@ holds a race to set the winning clause of the statement.
     612The issue that arises is that these two @waituntil@ statements must have matching winning clauses (both @A@ clauses or both @B@ clauses) to preserve the exclusive-or semantics, since a zero-sized channel needs an insert/remove pair for an operation to occur.
     613If threads 1 and 2 race to set a winner only in their own @waituntil@, thread 1 can think it successfully removed from @B@, and thread 2 can think it successfully inserted into @A@, which is an error.
     614Hence, there is a race on two fronts.
     615If thread 1 wins the race and sees that @B@ has a waiting insertion, then thread 2 must execute the first clause of its @waituntil@ and thread 1 execute its second.
     616Correspondingly, if thread 2 wins the race and sees that @A@ has a waiting removal, then thread 1 must execute the first clause of its @waituntil@ and thread 2 execute its second.
     617Any other execution scenario is incorrect for exclusive-or semantics.
     618Note, that priority execution of multiple satisfied @waituntil@ causes (\ie top to bottom) is not violated because, in this scenario, there is only one satisfied clause for either thread.
    607620The Go @select@ solves this problem by acquiring all the internal locks of the channels before registering the @select@ on the channels.
    608621This approach eliminates the race shown above since thread 1 and 2 cannot both be registering at the same time.
    609622However, this approach cannot be used in \CFA, since the @waituntil@ is polymorphic.
    610 Not all types in a @waituntil@ have an internal lock, and when using non-channel types acquiring all the locks incurs extra unneeded overhead.
     623Not all types in a @waituntil@ have an internal lock, and when using non-channel types, acquiring all the locks incurs extra unneeded overhead.
    611624Instead, this race is consolidated in \CFA in two phases by having an intermediate pending status value for the race.
    612625This race case is detectable, and if detected, each thread first races to set its own @waituntil@ race pointer to be pending.
    627640    // Try to set other status, if we succeed break and return true
    628     while( !CAS( other.clause_status, &cmp_status, SAT ) ) {
     641    while( ! CAS( other.clause_status, &cmp_status, SAT ) ) {
    629642        if ( cmp_status == SAT )
    630643            return false; // If other status is SAT we lost so return false
    638651        // Attempt to set own status flag back to PENDING to retry
    639         if ( !CAS( mine.clause_status, &cmp_status, PENDING ) )
     652        if ( ! CAS( mine.clause_status, &cmp_status, PENDING ) )
    640653            return false; // If we fail then we lost so return false
    653666These exception mechanisms are supported through the @on_selected@ routine.
    654667This routine is needed by channels to detect if they are closed after unblocking in a @waituntil@ statement, to ensure the appropriate behaviour is taken and an exception is thrown.
     668Hence, the channel close-down mechanism is handled correctly.
    656670\subsection{Guards and Statement Predicate}\label{s:wu_guards}
    658672It is trivial to check when a synchronous multiplexing utility is done for the or/xor relationship, since any resource becoming available means that the blocked thread can proceed and the @waituntil@ statement is finished.
    659673In \uC and \CFA, the \gls{synch_multiplex} mechanism have both an and/or relationship, which along with guards, make the problem of checking for completion of the statement difficult.
    660 Consider the @waituntil@ in Figure~\ref{f:WU_ComplexPredicate}.
    661 When the @waituntil@ thread wakes up, checking if the statement is complete is non-trivial.
    662 The predicate that will return if the statement in Figure~\ref{f:WU_ComplexPredicate} is satisfied is the following.
    663 \begin{cfa}
    664 A && B || C || !GA && B || !GB && A || !GA && !GB && !GC
    665 \end{cfa}
    666 Which simplifies to:
    667 \begin{cfa}
    668 ( A || !GA ) && ( B || !GB ) || C || !GA && !GB && !GC
    669 \end{cfa}
    670 Checking a predicate this large with each iteration is expensive so \uC and \CFA both take steps to simplify checking statement completion.
    672 \begin{figure}
     674Consider the following @waituntil@.
    674676when( GA ) waituntil( A ) {}
    676678or when( GC ) waituntil( C ) {}
    678 \caption{\lstinline{waituntil} with a non-trivial predicate}
    679 \label{f:WU_ComplexPredicate}
    680 \end{figure}
     680When the @waituntil@ thread wakes up, the following predicate represents satisfaction:
     682A && B || C || ! GA && B || ! GB && A || ! GA && ! GB && ! GC
     684which can be simplified to:
     686( A || ! GA ) && ( B || ! GB ) || C || ! GA && ! GB && ! GC
     688Checking the complete predicate on each iteration of the pending @waituntil@ is expensive so \uC and \CFA both take steps to simplify checking for statement completion.
    682690In the \uC @_Select@ statement, this problem is solved by constructing a tree of the resources, where the internal nodes are operators and the leaves are booleans storing the state of each resource.
    683 The internal nodes also store the statuses of the two subtrees beneath them.
     691A diagram of the tree for the complete predicate above is shown in Figure~\ref{f:uC_select_tree}, alongside the modification of the tree that occurs when @GA@ is @false@.
     692Each internal node stores the statuses of the two subtrees beneath it.
    684693When resources become available, their corresponding leaf node status is modified, which percolates up the tree to update the state of the statement.
    685694Once the root of the tree has both subtrees marked as @true@ then the statement is complete.
    686695As an optimization, when the internal nodes are updated, the subtrees marked as @true@ are pruned and not examined again.
    687696To support statement guards in \uC, the tree is modified to remove an internal node if a guard is false to maintain the appropriate predicate representation.
    688 An diagram of the tree for the statement in Figure~\ref{f:WU_ComplexPredicate} is shown in Figure~\ref{f:uC_select_tree}, alongside the modification of the tree that occurs when @GA@ is @false@.
    694 \caption{\uC select tree modification}
     702\caption{\uC \lstinline[language=uC++]{select} tree modification}
    698 The \CFA @waituntil@ statement blocks a thread until a set of resources have become available that satisfy the underlying predicate.
    699 The waiting condition of the @waituntil@ statement can be represented as a predicate over the resources, joined by the @waituntil@ operators, where a resource is @true@ if it is available, and @false@ otherwise.
    700 In \CFA, this representation is used as the mechanism to check if a thread is done waiting on the @waituntil@.
     706The \CFA @waituntil@ statement blocks a thread until a set of resources have become available that satisfy the complete predicate of a @waituntil@.
     707The waiting condition of the @waituntil@ statement is implemented as the complete predicate over the resources, joined by the @waituntil@ operators, where a resource is @true@ if it is available, and @false@ otherwise.
     708This complete predicate is used as the mechanism to check if a thread is done waiting on a @waituntil@.
    701709Leveraging the compiler, a predicate routine is generated per @waituntil@ that when passes the statuses of the resources, returns @true@ when the @waituntil@ is done, and false otherwise.
    702710To support guards on the \CFA @waituntil@ statement, the status of a resource disabled by a guard is set to a boolean value that ensures that the predicate function behaves as if that resource is no longer part of the predicate.
    703711The generated code allows the predicate that is checked with each iteration to be simplified to not check guard values.
    704 For example, the following would be generated for the @waituntil@ shown in Figure~\ref{f:WU_ComplexPredicate}.
     712For example, the following is generated for the complete predicate above:
    706714// statement completion predicate
    708716    return nodes[0].status && nodes[1].status || nodes[2].status;
    711 // skip statement if all guards false
    712 if ( GA || GB || GC ) {
     718if ( GA || GB || GC ) {                         $\C{// skip statement if all guards false}$
    713719    select_node nodes[3];
    714     nodes[0].status = !GA && GB; // A's status
    715     nodes[1].status = !GB && GA; // B's status
    716     nodes[2].status = !GC;       // C's status
     720    nodes[0].status = ! GA && GB;       $\C{// A's status}$
     721    nodes[1].status = ! GB && GA;       $\C{// B's status}$
     722    nodes[2].status = ! GC;                     $\C{// C's status}$
    718723    // ... rest of waituntil codegen ...
    723727\uC's @_Select@, supports operators both inside and outside of the \lstinline[language=uC++]{_Select} clauses.
    724728In the following example, the code blocks run once their corresponding predicate inside the round braces is satisfied.
    727730Future_ISM<int> A, B, C, D;
    729732and _Select( @D && E@ ) { ... }
    731 This is more expressive that the @waituntil@ statement in \CFA, allowing the code block for @&&@ to only run after both resources are available.
     734This feature is more expressive than the @waituntil@ statement in \CFA, allowing the code block for @&&@ to only run after \emph{both} resources are available.
    733736In \CFA, since the @waituntil@ statement supports more resources than just futures, implementing operators inside clauses is avoided for a few reasons.
    738741or waituntil( C && D ) { ... }
    740 If the @waituntil@ acquires each lock as it becomes available, there is a possible deadlock since it is in a hold and wait situation.
     743If the @waituntil@ acquires each lock as it becomes available, there is a possible deadlock since it is in a hold-and-wait situation.
    741744Other semantics are needed to ensure this operation is safe.
    742745One possibility is to use \CC's @scoped_lock@ approach described in Section~\ref{s:DeadlockAvoidance};
    744747Another possibility is to use resource ordering similar to \CFA's @mutex@ statement, but that alone is insufficient, if the resource ordering is not used universally.
    745748One other way this could be implemented is to wait until all resources for a given clause are available before proceeding to acquire them, but this also quickly becomes a poor approach.
    746 This approach does not work due to \gls{toctou} issues;
    747 it is impossible to ensure that the full set of resources are available without holding them all first.
    748 Operators inside clauses in \CFA could potentially be implemented with careful circumvention of the problems involved, but it was not deemed an important feature when taking into account the runtime cost need paid to handle this situation.
    749 The problem of operators inside clauses also becomes a difficult issue to handle when supporting channels.
    750 It would require some way to ensure channels used with internal operators are modified, if and only if, the corresponding code block is run, but that is not feasible due to reasons described in the exclusive-or portion of Section~\ref{s:wu_chans}.
     749This approach does not work due to \gls{toctou} issues, \ie it is impossible to ensure that the full set of resources are available without holding them all first.
     750Operators inside clauses in \CFA could potentially be implemented with careful circumvention of the problems.
     751Finally, the problem of operators inside clauses is also a difficult to handle when supporting channels.
     752It would require some way to ensure channels used with internal operators are modified, if and only if, the corresponding code block is run.
     753However, that is not feasible due to reasons described in the exclusive-or portion of Section~\ref{s:wu_chans}.
     754Ultimately, I did not deemed this feature to be crucial enough when taking into account the complexity and runtime cost.
    752756\subsection{The full \lstinline{waituntil} picture}
    754 Now the details have been discussed, the full pseudocode of the @waituntil@ is presented in Figure~\ref{f:WU_Full_Impl}.
     758Given all the complex details handled by the @waituntil@, its full pseudocode is presented in Figure \ref{f:WU_Full_Impl}.
    755759Some things to note are as follows.
    756760The @finally@ blocks provide exception-safe \gls{raii} unregistering of nodes, and in particular, the @finally@ inside the innermost loop performs the immediate unregistering required for deadlock-freedom mentioned in Section~\ref{s:wu_locks}.
    802 \section{Waituntil Performance}
     806\section{\lstinline{waituntil} Performance}
    804808Similar facilities to @waituntil@ are discussed in Section~\ref{s:History} covering C, Ada, Rust, \CC, and OCaml.
    805809However, these facilities are either not meaningful or feasible to benchmark against.
    806810The UNIX @select@ and related utilities are not comparable since they are system calls that go into the kernel and operate on file descriptors, whereas the @waituntil@ exists solely in user space.
    807 Ada's \lstinline[language=Ada]{select} and \uC's \lstinline[language=uC++]{_Accept} only operates on method calls, which is done in \CFA via the @waitfor@ statement, so it is not meaningful to benchmark against the @waituntil@, which cannot wait on this resource.
     811Ada's \lstinline[language=Ada]{select} and \uC's \lstinline[language=uC++]{_Accept} only operate on method calls, which is done in \CFA via the @waitfor@ statement.
    808812Rust and \CC only offer a busy-wait approach, which is not comparable to a blocking approach.
    809813OCaml's @select@ waits on channels that are not comparable with \CFA and Go channels, so OCaml @select@ is not benchmarked against Go's @select@ and \CFA's @waituntil@.
    817821The channel multiplexing benchmarks compare \CFA's @waituntil@ and Go's \lstinline[language=Go]{select}, where the resource being waited on is a set of channels.
    818822The basic structure of the benchmark has the number of cores split evenly between producer and consumer threads, \ie, with 8 cores there are 4 producer and 4 consumer threads.
    819 The number of resource clauses $C$ is also varied across 2, 4, and 8 clauses, where each clause has a different channel that is waits on.
     823The number of resource clauses $C$ is also varied across 2, 4, and 8 clauses, where each clause has a different channel that it waits on.
    820824Each producer and consumer repeatedly waits to either produce or consume from one of the $C$ clauses and respective channels.
    821825For example, in \CFA syntax, the work loop in the consumer main with $C = 4$ clauses is:
    896900Go then is holding a lock for every channel, resulting in worse performance as the number of channels increase.
    897901In \CFA, since races are consolidated without holding all locks, it scales much better both with cores and clauses since more work can occur in parallel.
    898 This scalability difference is more significant on the Intel machine than the AMD machine since the Intel machine has lower cache contention costs.
     902This scalability difference is more significant on the Intel machine than the AMD machine since the Intel has lower cache-contention costs.
    900904The Go approach of holding all internal channel-locks in the \lstinline[language=Go]{select} has additional drawbacks.
    928932In Go, this setup results in significantly worse performance since @P2@ and @C2@ cannot operate in parallel with @P1@ and @C1@ due to all locks being acquired.
    929933Interesting, this case may not be as pathological as it seems.
    930 If the set of channels belonging to a select have channels that overlap with the set of another select, these statements lose the ability to operate in parallel.
     934If the set of channels belonging to a \lstinline[language=Go]{select} have channels that overlap with the set of another \lstinline[language=Go]{select}, these statements lose the ability to operate in parallel.
    931935The implementation in \CFA only holds a single lock at a time, resulting in better locking granularity, and hence, more parallelism.
    932936Comparison of this pathological case is shown in Table~\ref{t:pathGo}.
    933 The AMD results highlight the worst case scenario for Go since contention is more costly on this machine than the Intel machine.
     937The AMD results highlight the worst-case scenario for Go since contention is more costly on this machine than the Intel machine.
    962966The @waituntil@ statement checks for statement completion using a predicate function, whereas the \lstinline[language=uC++]{_Select} statement maintains a tree that represents the state of the internal predicate.
    964 \begin{figure}
    965         \centering
    966         \subfloat[AMD Future Synchronization Benchmark]{
    967                 \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\input{figures/nasus_Future.pgf}}
    968                 \label{f:futureAMD}
    969         }
    970         \subfloat[Intel Future Synchronization Benchmark]{
    971                 \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\input{figures/pyke_Future.pgf}}
    972                 \label{f:futureIntel}
    973         }
    974         \caption{\CFA \lstinline{waituntil} and \uC \lstinline{_Select} statement throughput synchronizing on a set of futures with varying wait predicates (higher is better).}
    975         \caption{}
    976         \label{f:futurePerf}
    977 \end{figure}
    979968This benchmark aims to indirectly measure the impact of various predicates on the performance of the @waituntil@ and \lstinline[language=uC++]{_Select} statements.
    980969The benchmark is indirect since the performance of futures in \CFA and \uC differ by a significant margin.
    10161005Results of this benchmark are shown in Figure~\ref{f:futurePerf}.
    1017 Each pair of bars is marked with the predicate name for that experiment and the value at the top of each bar is the standard deviation..
     1006Each pair of bars is marked with the predicate name for that experiment and the value at the top of each bar is the standard deviation.
    10181007In detail, \uC results are lower in all cases due to the performance difference between futures and the more complex \gls{synch_multiplex} implementation.
    10191008However, the bars for both systems have similar height patterns across the experiments.
    10221011Interestingly, \CFA has lower variation across predicates on the AMD (excluding the special OR case), whereas \uC has lower variation on the Intel.
    10231012Given the differences in semantics and implementation between \uC and \CFA, this test only illustrates the overall costs among the different kinds of predicates.
     1015        \centering
     1016        \subfloat[AMD Future Synchronization Benchmark]{
     1017                \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\input{figures/nasus_Future.pgf}}
     1018                \label{f:futureAMD}
     1019        }
     1020        \subfloat[Intel Future Synchronization Benchmark]{
     1021                \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\input{figures/pyke_Future.pgf}}
     1022                \label{f:futureIntel}
     1023        }
     1024        \caption{\CFA \lstinline{waituntil} and \uC \lstinline{_Select} statement throughput synchronizing on a set of futures with varying wait predicates (higher is better).}
     1025        \label{f:futurePerf}
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