- Timestamp:
- Sep 24, 2020, 4:11:25 PM (4 years ago)
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- Children:
- a3f53d64
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- cebfcb8
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rcebfcb8 r10d78f1 11 11 %% Created On : Wed Apr 6 14:53:29 2016 12 12 %% Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr 13 %% Last Modified On : Fri Mar 6 13:34:52202014 %% Update Count : 39 2413 %% Last Modified On : Wed Sep 23 21:33:27 2020 14 %% Update Count : 3996 15 15 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 16 16 … … 30 30 \usepackage{upquote} % switch curled `'" to straight 31 31 \usepackage{calc} 32 \usepackage{xspace}33 32 \usepackage{varioref} % extended references 34 \usepackage{listings} % format program code 33 \usepackage[labelformat=simple,aboveskip=0pt,farskip=0pt]{subfig} 34 \renewcommand{\thesubfigure}{\alph{subfigure})} 35 35 \usepackage[flushmargin]{footmisc} % support label/reference in footnote 36 36 \usepackage{latexsym} % \Box glyph 37 37 \usepackage{mathptmx} % better math font with "times" 38 38 \usepackage[usenames]{color} 39 \input{common} % common CFA document macros 40 \usepackage[dvips,plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels,pdfpagemode=UseNone,colorlinks=true,pagebackref=true,linkcolor=blue,citecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue,pagebackref=true,breaklinks=true]{hyperref} 41 \usepackage{breakurl} 42 43 \usepackage[pagewise]{lineno} 44 \renewcommand{\linenumberfont}{\scriptsize\sffamily} 45 \usepackage[firstpage]{draftwatermark} 46 \SetWatermarkLightness{0.9} 47 48 % Default underscore is too low and wide. Cannot use lstlisting "literate" as replacing underscore 49 % removes it as a variable-name character so keywords in variables are highlighted. MUST APPEAR 50 % AFTER HYPERREF. 51 \renewcommand{\textunderscore}{\leavevmode\makebox[1.2ex][c]{\rule{1ex}{0.075ex}}} 52 53 \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.45in} % move running title into header 54 \setlength{\headsep}{0.25in} 55 56 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 57 58 \CFAStyle % use default CFA format-style 59 \lstnewenvironment{C++}[1][] % use C++ style 60 {\lstset{language=C++,moredelim=**[is][\protect\color{red}]{®}{®},#1}} 61 {} 62 39 \newcommand{\CFALatin}{} 63 40 % inline code ©...© (copyright symbol) emacs: C-q M-) 64 41 % red highlighting ®...® (registered trademark symbol) emacs: C-q M-. … … 68 45 % keyword escape ¶...¶ (pilcrow symbol) emacs: C-q M-^ 69 46 % math escape $...$ (dollar symbol) 47 \input{common} % common CFA document macros 48 \usepackage[dvips,plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels,pdfpagemode=UseNone,colorlinks=true,pagebackref=true,linkcolor=blue,citecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue,pagebackref=true,breaklinks=true]{hyperref} 49 \usepackage{breakurl} 50 51 \renewcommand\footnoterule{\kern -3pt\rule{0.3\linewidth}{0.15pt}\kern 2pt} 52 53 \usepackage[pagewise]{lineno} 54 \renewcommand{\linenumberfont}{\scriptsize\sffamily} 55 \usepackage[firstpage]{draftwatermark} 56 \SetWatermarkLightness{0.9} 57 58 % Default underscore is too low and wide. Cannot use lstlisting "literate" as replacing underscore 59 % removes it as a variable-name character so keywords in variables are highlighted. MUST APPEAR 60 % AFTER HYPERREF. 61 \renewcommand{\textunderscore}{\leavevmode\makebox[1.2ex][c]{\rule{1ex}{0.075ex}}} 62 63 \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.45in} % move running title into header 64 \setlength{\headsep}{0.25in} 70 65 71 66 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% … … 80 75 \newcommand{\KWC}{K-W C\xspace} 81 76 82 \newsavebox{\LstBox} 77 \newsavebox{\myboxA} 78 \newsavebox{\myboxB} 79 80 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 81 82 \CFADefaults % use default CFA format-style 83 \lstnewenvironment{C++}[1][] % use C++ style 84 {\lstset{language=C++,moredelim=**[is][\protect\color{red}]{®}{®},#1}} 85 {} 83 86 84 87 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% … … 253 256 254 257 The signature feature of \CFA is \emph{\Index{overload}able} \Index{parametric-polymorphic} functions~\cite{forceone:impl,Cormack90,Duggan96} with functions generalized using a ©forall© clause (giving the language its name): 255 \begin{ lstlisting}258 \begin{cfa} 256 259 ®forall( otype T )® T identity( T val ) { return val; } 257 260 int forty_two = identity( 42 ); §\C{// T is bound to int, forty\_two == 42}§ 258 \end{ lstlisting}261 \end{cfa} 259 262 % extending the C type system with parametric polymorphism and overloading, as opposed to the \Index*[C++]{\CC{}} approach of object-oriented extensions. 260 263 \CFA{}\hspace{1pt}'s polymorphism was originally formalized by \Index*{Glen Ditchfield}\index{Ditchfield, Glen}~\cite{Ditchfield92}, and first implemented by \Index*{Richard Bilson}\index{Bilson, Richard}~\cite{Bilson03}. … … 275 278 \begin{comment} 276 279 A simple example is leveraging the existing type-unsafe (©void *©) C ©bsearch© to binary search a sorted floating array: 277 \begin{ lstlisting}280 \begin{cfa} 278 281 void * bsearch( const void * key, const void * base, size_t dim, size_t size, 279 282 int (* compar)( const void *, const void * )); … … 284 287 double key = 5.0, vals[10] = { /* 10 sorted floating values */ }; 285 288 double * val = (double *)bsearch( &key, vals, 10, sizeof(vals[0]), comp ); §\C{// search sorted array}§ 286 \end{ lstlisting}289 \end{cfa} 287 290 which can be augmented simply with a polymorphic, type-safe, \CFA-overloaded wrappers: 288 \begin{ lstlisting}291 \begin{cfa} 289 292 forall( otype T | { int ?<?( T, T ); } ) T * bsearch( T key, const T * arr, size_t size ) { 290 293 int comp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) { /* as above with double changed to T */ } … … 297 300 double * val = bsearch( 5.0, vals, 10 ); §\C{// selection based on return type}§ 298 301 int posn = bsearch( 5.0, vals, 10 ); 299 \end{ lstlisting}302 \end{cfa} 300 303 The nested function ©comp© provides the hidden interface from typed \CFA to untyped (©void *©) C, plus the cast of the result. 301 304 Providing a hidden ©comp© function in \CC is awkward as lambdas do not use C calling-conventions and template declarations cannot appear at block scope. … … 305 308 \CFA has replacement libraries condensing hundreds of existing C functions into tens of \CFA overloaded functions, all without rewriting the actual computations. 306 309 For example, it is possible to write a type-safe \CFA wrapper ©malloc© based on the C ©malloc©: 307 \begin{ lstlisting}310 \begin{cfa} 308 311 forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * malloc( void ) { return (T *)malloc( sizeof(T) ); } 309 312 int * ip = malloc(); §\C{// select type and size from left-hand side}§ 310 313 double * dp = malloc(); 311 314 struct S {...} * sp = malloc(); 312 \end{ lstlisting}315 \end{cfa} 313 316 where the return type supplies the type/size of the allocation, which is impossible in most type systems. 314 317 \end{comment} … … 943 946 the same level as a ©case© clause; the target label may be case ©default©, but only associated 944 947 with the current ©switch©/©choose© statement. 945 946 947 \subsection{Loop Control}948 949 The ©for©/©while©/©do-while© loop-control allows empty or simplified ranges (see Figure~\ref{f:LoopControlExamples}).950 \begin{itemize}951 \item952 The loop index is polymorphic in the type of the comparison value N (when the start value is implicit) or the start value M.953 \item954 An empty conditional implies comparison value of ©1© (true).955 \item956 A comparison N is implicit up-to exclusive range [0,N©®)®©.957 \item958 A comparison ©=© N is implicit up-to inclusive range [0,N©®]®©.959 \item960 The up-to range M ©~©\index{~@©~©} N means exclusive range [M,N©®)®©.961 \item962 The up-to range M ©~=©\index{~=@©~=©} N means inclusive range [M,N©®]®©.963 \item964 The down-to range M ©-~©\index{-~@©-~©} N means exclusive range [N,M©®)®©.965 \item966 The down-to range M ©-~=©\index{-~=@©-~=©} N means inclusive range [N,M©®]®©.967 \item968 ©0© is the implicit start value;969 \item970 ©1© is the implicit increment value.971 \item972 The up-to range uses operator ©+=© for increment;973 \item974 The down-to range uses operator ©-=© for decrement.975 \item976 ©@© means put nothing in this field.977 \item978 ©:© means start another index.979 \end{itemize}980 948 981 949 \begin{figure} … … 1086 1054 1087 1055 1056 \subsection{Loop Control} 1057 1058 The ©for©/©while©/©do-while© loop-control allows empty or simplified ranges (see Figure~\ref{f:LoopControlExamples}). 1059 \begin{itemize} 1060 \item 1061 The loop index is polymorphic in the type of the comparison value N (when the start value is implicit) or the start value M. 1062 \item 1063 An empty conditional implies comparison value of ©1© (true). 1064 \item 1065 A comparison N is implicit up-to exclusive range [0,N©®)®©. 1066 \item 1067 A comparison ©=© N is implicit up-to inclusive range [0,N©®]®©. 1068 \item 1069 The up-to range M ©~©\index{~@©~©} N means exclusive range [M,N©®)®©. 1070 \item 1071 The up-to range M ©~=©\index{~=@©~=©} N means inclusive range [M,N©®]®©. 1072 \item 1073 The down-to range M ©-~©\index{-~@©-~©} N means exclusive range [N,M©®)®©. 1074 \item 1075 The down-to range M ©-~=©\index{-~=@©-~=©} N means inclusive range [N,M©®]®©. 1076 \item 1077 ©0© is the implicit start value; 1078 \item 1079 ©1© is the implicit increment value. 1080 \item 1081 The up-to range uses operator ©+=© for increment; 1082 \item 1083 The down-to range uses operator ©-=© for decrement. 1084 \item 1085 ©@© means put nothing in this field. 1086 \item 1087 ©:© means start another index. 1088 \end{itemize} 1089 1090 1088 1091 %\subsection{\texorpdfstring{Labelled \protect\lstinline@continue@ / \protect\lstinline@break@}{Labelled continue / break}} 1089 1092 \subsection{\texorpdfstring{Labelled \LstKeywordStyle{continue} / \LstKeywordStyle{break} Statement}{Labelled continue / break Statement}} … … 1095 1098 for ©break©, the target label can also be associated with a ©switch©, ©if© or compound (©{}©) statement. 1096 1099 \VRef[Figure]{f:MultiLevelExit} shows ©continue© and ©break© indicating the specific control structure, and the corresponding C program using only ©goto© and labels. 1097 The innermost loop has 7exit points, which cause continuation or termination of one or more of the 7 \Index{nested control-structure}s.1100 The innermost loop has 8 exit points, which cause continuation or termination of one or more of the 7 \Index{nested control-structure}s. 1098 1101 1099 1102 \begin{figure} 1100 \begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{}} 1101 \multicolumn{1}{@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}c@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}}{\textbf{\CFA}} & \multicolumn{1}{@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}c}{\textbf{C}} \\ 1102 \begin{cfa} 1103 ®LC:® { 1104 ... §declarations§ ... 1105 ®LS:® switch ( ... ) { 1106 case 3: 1107 ®LIF:® if ( ... ) { 1108 ®LF:® for ( ... ) { 1109 ®LW:® while ( ... ) { 1110 ... break ®LC®; ... 1111 ... break ®LS®; ... 1112 ... break ®LIF®; ... 1113 ... continue ®LF;® ... 1114 ... break ®LF®; ... 1115 ... continue ®LW®; ... 1116 ... break ®LW®; ... 1117 } // while 1118 } // for 1119 } else { 1120 ... break ®LIF®; ... 1121 } // if 1122 } // switch 1103 \centering 1104 \begin{lrbox}{\myboxA} 1105 \begin{cfa}[tabsize=3] 1106 ®Compound:® { 1107 ®Try:® try { 1108 ®For:® for ( ... ) { 1109 ®While:® while ( ... ) { 1110 ®Do:® do { 1111 ®If:® if ( ... ) { 1112 ®Switch:® switch ( ... ) { 1113 case 3: 1114 ®break Compound®; 1115 ®break Try®; 1116 ®break For®; /* or */ ®continue For®; 1117 ®break While®; /* or */ ®continue While®; 1118 ®break Do®; /* or */ ®continue Do®; 1119 ®break If®; 1120 ®break Switch®; 1121 } // switch 1122 } else { 1123 ... ®break If®; ... // terminate if 1124 } // if 1125 } while ( ... ); // do 1126 } // while 1127 } // for 1128 } ®finally® { // always executed 1129 } // try 1123 1130 } // compound 1124 1131 \end{cfa} 1125 & 1126 \begin{cfa} 1132 \end{lrbox} 1133 1134 \begin{lrbox}{\myboxB} 1135 \begin{cfa}[tabsize=3] 1127 1136 { 1128 ... §declarations§ ... 1129 switch ( ... ) { 1130 case 3: 1131 if ( ... ) { 1132 for ( ... ) { 1133 while ( ... ) { 1134 ... goto ®LC®; ... 1135 ... goto ®LS®; ... 1136 ... goto ®LIF®; ... 1137 ... goto ®LFC®; ... 1138 ... goto ®LFB®; ... 1139 ... goto ®LWC®; ... 1140 ... goto ®LWB®; ... 1141 ®LWC®: ; } ®LWB:® ; 1142 ®LFC:® ; } ®LFB:® ; 1143 } else { 1144 ... goto ®LIF®; ... 1145 } ®L3:® ; 1146 } ®LS:® ; 1147 } ®LC:® ; 1148 \end{cfa} 1149 & 1150 \begin{cfa} 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 // terminate compound 1159 // terminate switch 1160 // terminate if 1161 // continue loop 1162 // terminate loop 1163 // continue loop 1164 // terminate loop 1165 1166 1167 1168 // terminate if 1169 1170 1171 1172 \end{cfa} 1173 \end{tabular} 1137 1138 ®ForC:® for ( ... ) { 1139 ®WhileC:® while ( ... ) { 1140 ®DoC:® do { 1141 if ( ... ) { 1142 switch ( ... ) { 1143 case 3: 1144 ®goto Compound®; 1145 ®goto Try®; 1146 ®goto ForB®; /* or */ ®goto ForC®; 1147 ®goto WhileB®; /* or */ ®goto WhileC®; 1148 ®goto DoB®; /* or */ ®goto DoC®; 1149 ®goto If®; 1150 ®goto Switch®; 1151 } ®Switch:® ; 1152 } else { 1153 ... ®goto If®; ... // terminate if 1154 } ®If:®; 1155 } while ( ... ); ®DoB:® ; 1156 } ®WhileB:® ; 1157 } ®ForB:® ; 1158 1159 1160 } ®Compound:® ; 1161 \end{cfa} 1162 \end{lrbox} 1163 1164 \subfloat[\CFA]{\label{f:CFibonacci}\usebox\myboxA} 1165 \hspace{2pt} 1166 \vrule 1167 \hspace{2pt} 1168 \subfloat[C]{\label{f:CFAFibonacciGen}\usebox\myboxB} 1174 1169 \caption{Multi-level Exit} 1175 1170 \label{f:MultiLevelExit} … … 1426 1421 try { 1427 1422 f(...); 1428 } catch( E e ; §boolean-predicate§ ) { §\C [8cm]{// termination handler}§1423 } catch( E e ; §boolean-predicate§ ) { §\C{// termination handler}§ 1429 1424 // recover and continue 1430 } catchResume( E e ; §boolean-predicate§ ) { §\C{// resumption handler} \CRT§1425 } catchResume( E e ; §boolean-predicate§ ) { §\C{// resumption handler}§ 1431 1426 // repair and return 1432 1427 } finally { … … 3491 3486 For implicit formatted input, the common case is reading a sequence of values separated by whitespace, where the type of an input constant must match with the type of the input variable. 3492 3487 \begin{cquote} 3493 \begin{lrbox}{\ LstBox}3488 \begin{lrbox}{\myboxA} 3494 3489 \begin{cfa}[aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt] 3495 3490 int x; double y char z; … … 3497 3492 \end{lrbox} 3498 3493 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{}} 3499 \multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}{\usebox\ LstBox} \\3494 \multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}{\usebox\myboxA} \\ 3500 3495 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{2em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}} & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{2em}}}{\textbf{\CC}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Python}} \\ 3501 3496 \begin{cfa}[aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt] … … 6672 6667 For example, an initial alignment and fill capability are preserved during a resize copy so the copy has the same alignment and extended storage is filled. 6673 6668 Without sticky properties it is dangerous to use ©realloc©, resulting in an idiom of manually performing the reallocation to maintain correctness. 6669 \begin{cfa} 6670 6671 \end{cfa} 6674 6672 6675 6673 \CFA memory management extends allocation to support constructors for initialization of allocated storage, \eg in … … 6721 6719 6722 6720 // §\CFA§ safe general allocation, fill, resize, alignment, array 6723 T * alloc( void );§\indexc{alloc}§ 6724 T * alloc( size_t dim ); 6725 T * alloc( T ptr[], size_t dim ); 6726 T * alloc_set( char fill );§\indexc{alloc_set}§ 6727 T * alloc_set( T fill ); 6728 T * alloc_set( size_t dim, char fill ); 6729 T * alloc_set( size_t dim, T fill ); 6730 T * alloc_set( size_t dim, const T fill[] ); 6731 T * alloc_set( T ptr[], size_t dim, char fill ); 6732 6733 T * alloc_align( size_t align ); 6734 T * alloc_align( size_t align, size_t dim ); 6735 T * alloc_align( T ptr[], size_t align ); // aligned realloc array 6736 T * alloc_align( T ptr[], size_t align, size_t dim ); // aligned realloc array 6737 T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, char fill ); 6738 T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, T fill ); 6739 T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, size_t dim, char fill ); 6740 T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, size_t dim, T fill ); 6741 T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, size_t dim, const T fill[] ); 6742 T * alloc_align_set( T ptr[], size_t align, size_t dim, char fill ); 6721 T * alloc( void );§\indexc{alloc}§ §\C[3.5in]{// variable, T size}§ 6722 T * alloc( size_t dim ); §\C{// array[dim], T size elements}§ 6723 T * alloc( T ptr[], size_t dim ); §\C{// realloc array[dim], T size elements}§ 6724 6725 T * alloc_set( char fill );§\indexc{alloc_set}§ §\C{// variable, T size, fill bytes with value}§ 6726 T * alloc_set( T fill ); §\C{// variable, T size, fill with value}§ 6727 T * alloc_set( size_t dim, char fill ); §\C{// array[dim], T size elements, fill bytes with value}§ 6728 T * alloc_set( size_t dim, T fill ); §\C{// array[dim], T size elements, fill elements with value}§ 6729 T * alloc_set( size_t dim, const T fill[] ); §\C{// array[dim], T size elements, fill elements with array}§ 6730 T * alloc_set( T ptr[], size_t dim, char fill ); §\C{// realloc array[dim], T size elements, fill bytes with value}§ 6731 6732 T * alloc_align( size_t align ); §\C{// aligned variable, T size}§ 6733 T * alloc_align( size_t align, size_t dim ); §\C{// aligned array[dim], T size elements}§ 6734 T * alloc_align( T ptr[], size_t align ); §\C{// realloc new aligned array}§ 6735 T * alloc_align( T ptr[], size_t align, size_t dim ); §\C{// realloc new aligned array[dim]}§ 6736 6737 T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, char fill ); §\C{// aligned variable, T size, fill bytes with value}§ 6738 T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, T fill ); §\C{// aligned variable, T size, fill with value}§ 6739 T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, size_t dim, char fill ); §\C{// aligned array[dim], T size elements, fill bytes with value}§ 6740 T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, size_t dim, T fill ); §\C{// aligned array[dim], T size elements, fill elements with value}§ 6741 T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, size_t dim, const T fill[] ); §\C{// aligned array[dim], T size elements, fill elements with array}§ 6742 T * alloc_align_set( T ptr[], size_t align, size_t dim, char fill ); §\C{// realloc new aligned array[dim], fill new bytes with value}§ 6743 6743 6744 6744 // §\CFA§ safe initialization/copy, i.e., implicit size specification
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