Changeset 06b176d for doc/papers/general
- Timestamp:
- Feb 8, 2018, 4:52:51 PM (7 years ago)
- Branches:
- ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, demangler, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, new-env, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum, resolv-new, with_gc
- Children:
- 41fcd94
- Parents:
- 169d944
- File:
- 1 edited
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r169d944 r06b176d 2 2 3 3 \usepackage{fullpage} 4 \usepackage{epic,eepic} 4 5 \usepackage{xspace,calc,comment} 5 6 \usepackage{upquote} % switch curled `'" to straight … … 36 37 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 37 38 38 \newcommand{\Textbf}[ 1]{{\color{red}\textbf{#1}}}39 \newcommand{\Textbf}[2][red]{{\color{#1}{\textbf{#2}}}} 39 40 \newcommand{\TODO}[1]{\textbf{TODO}: {\itshape #1}} % TODO included 40 41 %\newcommand{\TODO}[1]{} % TODO elided … … 1079 1080 \end{C++} 1080 1081 Nesting of member routines in a \lstinline[language=C++]@class@ allows eliding \lstinline[language=C++]@this->@ because of lexical scoping. 1082 However, for other aggregate parameters, qualification is necessary: 1083 \begin{cfa} 1084 struct T { double m, n; }; 1085 int C::mem( T & t ) { $\C{// multiple aggregate parameters}$ 1086 c; i; d; $\C{\color{red}// this-\textgreater.c, this-\textgreater.i, this-\textgreater.d}$ 1087 `t.`m; `t.`n; $\C{// must qualify}$ 1088 } 1089 \end{cfa} 1081 1090 1082 1091 % In object-oriented programming, there is an implicit first parameter, often names @self@ or @this@, which is elided. … … 1088 1097 % \TODO{Fill out section. Be sure to mention arbitrary expressions in with-blocks, recent change driven by Thierry to prioritize field name over parameters.} 1089 1098 1090 \CFA provides a @with@ clause/statement (see Pascal~\cite[\S~4.F]{Pascal}) to elide aggregate qualification to fields by opening a scope containing the field identifiers.1099 To simplify the programmer experience, \CFA provides a @with@ clause/statement (see Pascal~\cite[\S~4.F]{Pascal}) to elide aggregate qualification to fields by opening a scope containing the field identifiers. 1091 1100 Hence, the qualified fields become variables with the side-effect that it is easier to optimizing field references in a block. 1092 1101 \begin{cfa} … … 1101 1110 } 1102 1111 \end{cfa} 1103 The generality over the object-oriented approach is that multiple aggregate parameters can be opened, not just \lstinline[language=C++]@this@: 1104 \begin{cfa} 1105 struct T { double m, n; }; 1112 with the generality of opening multiple aggregate-parameters: 1113 \begin{cfa} 1106 1114 int mem( S & s, T & t ) `with( s, t )` { $\C{// multiple aggregate parameters}$ 1107 1115 c; i; d; $\C{\color{red}// s.c, s.i, s.d}$ … … 1109 1117 } 1110 1118 \end{cfa} 1111 The equivalent object-oriented approach is: 1112 \begin{cfa} 1113 int S::mem( T & t ) { $\C{// multiple aggregate parameters}$ 1114 c; i; d; $\C{\color{red}// this-\textgreater.c, this-\textgreater.i, this-\textgreater.d}$ 1115 `t.`m; `t.`n; $\C{// must qualify}$ 1116 } 1119 1120 In detail, the @with@ clause/statement has the form: 1121 \begin{cfa} 1122 $\emph{with-statement}$: 1123 'with' '(' $\emph{expression-list}$ ')' $\emph{compound-statement}$ 1124 \end{cfa} 1125 and may appear as the body of a routine or nested within a routine body. 1126 Each expression in the expression-list provides a type and object. 1127 The type must be an aggregate type. 1128 (Enumerations are already opened.) 1129 The object is the implicit qualifier for the open structure-fields. 1130 1131 All expressions in the expression list are open in ``parallel'' within the compound statement. 1132 This semantic is different from Pascal, which nests the openings. 1133 The difference between parallel and nesting occurs for fields with the same name but different type: 1134 \begin{cfa} 1135 struct S { int i; int j; double m; } s, w; 1136 struct T { int i; int k; int m } t, w; 1137 with( s, t ) { 1138 j + k; $\C{// unambiguous, s.j + t.m}$ 1139 m = 5.0; $\C{// unambiguous, t.m = 5.0}$ 1140 m = 1; $\C{// unambiguous, s.m = 1}$ 1141 int a = s.i + m; $\C{// unambiguous, a = s.i + t.i}$ 1142 int b = s.i + t.i; $\C{// unambiguous, qualification}$ 1143 sout | (double)m | endl; $\C{// unambiguous, cast}$ 1144 i; $\C{// ambiguous}$ 1145 } 1146 \end{cfa} 1147 \CFA's ability to overload variables means usages of field with the same names can be automatically disambiguated, eliminating most qualification. 1148 Qualification or a cast is used to disambiguate. 1149 A cast may be necessary to disambiguate between the overload variables in a @with@ expression: 1150 \begin{cfa} 1151 with( w ) { ... } $\C{// ambiguous, same name and no context}$ 1152 with( (S)w ) { ... } $\C{// unambiguous}$ 1117 1153 \end{cfa} 1118 1154 … … 1149 1185 \end{cfa} 1150 1186 1151 When opening multiple structures, fields with the same name and type are ambiguous and must be fully qualified.1152 For fields with the same name but different type, context/cast can be used to disambiguate.1153 \begin{cfa}1154 struct S { int i; int j; double m; } a, c;1155 struct T { int i; int k; int m } b, c;1156 `with( a, b )` {1157 j + k; $\C{// unambiguous, unique names define unique types}$1158 i; $\C{// ambiguous, same name and type}$1159 a.i + b.i; $\C{// unambiguous, qualification defines unique names}$1160 m; $\C{// ambiguous, same name and no context to define unique type}$1161 m = 5.0; $\C{// unambiguous, same name and context defines unique type}$1162 m = 1; $\C{// unambiguous, same name and context defines unique type}$1163 }1164 `with( c )` { ... } $\C{// ambiguous, same name and no context}$1165 `with( (S)c )` { ... } $\C{// unambiguous, same name and cast defines unique type}$1166 \end{cfa}1167 1168 The components in the "with" clause1169 1170 with( a, b, c ) { ... }1171 1172 serve 2 purposes: each component provides a type and object. The type must be a1173 structure type. Enumerations are already opened, and I think a union is opened1174 to some extent, too. (Or is that just unnamed unions?) The object is the target1175 that the naked structure-fields apply to. The components are open in "parallel"1176 at the scope of the "with" clause/statement, so opening "a" does not affect1177 opening "b", etc. This semantic is different from Pascal, which nests the1178 openings.1179 1180 Having said the above, it seems reasonable to allow a "with" component to be an1181 expression. The type is the static expression-type and the object is the result1182 of the expression. Again, the type must be an aggregate. Expressions require1183 parenthesis around the components.1184 1185 with( a, b, c ) { ... }1186 1187 Does this now make sense?1188 1189 Having written more CFA code, it is becoming clear to me that I *really* want1190 the "with" to be implemented because I hate having to type all those object1191 names for fields. It's a great way to drive people away from the language.1192 1193 1187 1194 1188 \subsection{Exception Handling ???} … … 1204 1198 1205 1199 \subsection{Alternative Declaration Syntax} 1200 1201 \newcommand{\R}[1]{\Textbf{#1}} 1202 \newcommand{\B}[1]{{\Textbf[blue]{#1}}} 1203 \newcommand{\G}[1]{{\Textbf[OliveGreen]{#1}}} 1204 1205 C declaration syntax is notoriously confusing and error prone. 1206 For example, many C programmers are confused by a declaration as simple as: 1207 \begin{flushleft} 1208 \lstDeleteShortInline@% 1209 \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}} 1210 \begin{cfa} 1211 int * x[5] 1212 \end{cfa} 1213 & 1214 \raisebox{-0.75\totalheight}{\input{Cdecl}} 1215 \end{tabular} 1216 \lstMakeShortInline@% 1217 \end{flushleft} 1218 Is this an array of 5 pointers to integers or a pointer to an array of 5 integers? 1219 The fact this declaration is unclear to many C programmers means there are productivity and safety issues even for basic programs. 1220 Another example of confusion results from the fact that a routine name and its parameters are embedded within the return type, mimicking the way the return value is used at the routine's call site. 1221 For example, a routine returning a pointer to an array of integers is defined and used in the following way: 1222 \begin{cfa} 1223 int `(*`f`())[`5`]` {...}; $\C{// definition}$ 1224 ... `(*`f`())[`3`]` += 1; $\C{// usage}$ 1225 \end{cfa} 1226 Essentially, the return type is wrapped around the routine name in successive layers (like an onion). 1227 While attempting to make the two contexts consistent is a laudable goal, it has not worked out in practice. 1228 1229 \CFA provides its own type, variable and routine declarations, using a different syntax. 1230 The new declarations place qualifiers to the left of the base type, while C declarations place qualifiers to the right of the base type. 1231 In the following example, \R{red} is the base type and \B{blue} is qualifiers. 1232 The \CFA declarations move the qualifiers to the left of the base type, \ie move the blue to the left of the red, while the qualifiers have the same meaning but are ordered left to right to specify a variable's type. 1233 \begin{quote} 1234 \lstDeleteShortInline@% 1235 \lstset{moredelim=**[is][\color{blue}]{+}{+}} 1236 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{}} 1237 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}} \\ 1238 \begin{cfa} 1239 +[5] *+ `int` x1; 1240 +* [5]+ `int` x2; 1241 +[* [5] int]+ f`( int p )`; 1242 \end{cfa} 1243 & 1244 \begin{cfa} 1245 `int` +*+ x1 +[5]+; 1246 `int` +(*+x2+)[5]+; 1247 +int (*+f`( int p )`+)[5]+; 1248 \end{cfa} 1249 \end{tabular} 1250 \lstMakeShortInline@% 1251 \end{quote} 1252 The only exception is bit field specification, which always appear to the right of the base type. 1253 % Specifically, the character ©*© is used to indicate a pointer, square brackets ©[©\,©]© are used to represent an array or function return value, and parentheses ©()© are used to indicate a routine parameter. 1254 However, unlike C, \CFA type declaration tokens are distributed across all variables in the declaration list. 1255 For instance, variables ©x© and ©y© of type pointer to integer are defined in \CFA as follows: 1256 \begin{quote} 1257 \lstDeleteShortInline@% 1258 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{}} 1259 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}} \\ 1260 \begin{cfa} 1261 `*` int x, y; 1262 \end{cfa} 1263 & 1264 \begin{cfa} 1265 int `*`x, `*`y; 1266 \end{cfa} 1267 \end{tabular} 1268 \lstMakeShortInline@% 1269 \end{quote} 1270 The downside of this semantics is the need to separate regular and pointer declarations: 1271 \begin{quote} 1272 \lstDeleteShortInline@% 1273 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{}} 1274 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}} \\ 1275 \begin{cfa} 1276 `*` int x; 1277 int y; 1278 \end{cfa} 1279 & 1280 \begin{cfa} 1281 int `*`x, y; 1282 1283 \end{cfa} 1284 \end{tabular} 1285 \lstMakeShortInline@% 1286 \end{quote} 1287 which is prescribing a safety benefit. 1288 Other examples are: 1289 \begin{quote} 1290 \lstDeleteShortInline@% 1291 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{\hspace{2em}}l@{}} 1292 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}} & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{2em}}}{\textbf{C}} \\ 1293 \begin{cfa} 1294 [ 5 ] int z; 1295 [ 5 ] * char w; 1296 * [ 5 ] double v; 1297 struct s { 1298 int f0:3; 1299 * int f1; 1300 [ 5 ] * int f2; 1301 }; 1302 \end{cfa} 1303 & 1304 \begin{cfa} 1305 int z[ 5 ]; 1306 char * w[ 5 ]; 1307 double (* v)[ 5 ]; 1308 struct s { 1309 int f0:3; 1310 int * f1; 1311 int * f2[ 5 ] 1312 }; 1313 \end{cfa} 1314 & 1315 \begin{cfa} 1316 // array of 5 integers 1317 // array of 5 pointers to char 1318 // pointer to array of 5 doubles 1319 1320 // common bit field syntax 1321 1322 1323 1324 \end{cfa} 1325 \end{tabular} 1326 \lstMakeShortInline@% 1327 \end{quote} 1328 1329 All type qualifiers, \eg ©const©, ©volatile©, etc., are used in the normal way with the new declarations and also appear left to right, \eg: 1330 \begin{quote} 1331 \lstDeleteShortInline@% 1332 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{1em}}l@{\hspace{1em}}l@{}} 1333 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{1em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}} & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{1em}}}{\textbf{C}} \\ 1334 \begin{cfa} 1335 const * const int x; 1336 const * [ 5 ] const int y; 1337 \end{cfa} 1338 & 1339 \begin{cfa} 1340 int const * const x; 1341 const int (* const y)[ 5 ] 1342 \end{cfa} 1343 & 1344 \begin{cfa} 1345 // const pointer to const integer 1346 // const pointer to array of 5 const integers 1347 \end{cfa} 1348 \end{tabular} 1349 \lstMakeShortInline@% 1350 \end{quote} 1351 All declaration qualifiers, \eg ©extern©, ©static©, etc., are used in the normal way with the new declarations but can only appear at the start of a \CFA routine declaration,\footnote{\label{StorageClassSpecifier} 1352 The placement of a storage-class specifier other than at the beginning of the declaration specifiers in a declaration is an obsolescent feature.~\cite[\S~6.11.5(1)]{C11}} \eg: 1353 \begin{quote} 1354 \lstDeleteShortInline@% 1355 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{\hspace{2em}}l@{}} 1356 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}} & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{2em}}}{\textbf{C}} \\ 1357 \begin{cfa} 1358 extern [ 5 ] int x; 1359 static * const int y; 1360 \end{cfa} 1361 & 1362 \begin{cfa} 1363 int extern x[ 5 ]; 1364 const int static * y; 1365 \end{cfa} 1366 & 1367 \begin{cfa} 1368 // externally visible array of 5 integers 1369 // internally visible pointer to constant int 1370 \end{cfa} 1371 \end{tabular} 1372 \lstMakeShortInline@% 1373 \end{quote} 1374 1375 The new declaration syntax can be used in other contexts where types are required, \eg casts and the pseudo-routine ©sizeof©: 1376 \begin{quote} 1377 \lstDeleteShortInline@% 1378 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{}} 1379 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}} \\ 1380 \begin{cfa} 1381 y = (`* int`)x; 1382 i = sizeof(`[ 5 ] * int`); 1383 \end{cfa} 1384 & 1385 \begin{cfa} 1386 y = (`int *`)x; 1387 i = sizeof(`int * [ 5 ]`); 1388 \end{cfa} 1389 \end{tabular} 1390 \lstMakeShortInline@% 1391 \end{quote} 1392 1393 Finally, new \CFA declarations may appear together with C declarations in the same program block, but cannot be mixed within a specific declaration. 1394 Therefore, a programmer has the option of either continuing to use traditional C declarations or take advantage of the new style. 1395 Clearly, both styles need to be supported for some time due to existing C-style header-files, particularly for UNIX systems. 1206 1396 1207 1397
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