Changeset 0111dc7
- Timestamp:
- Apr 13, 2017, 8:29:38 PM (8 years ago)
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- c87eb50
- Location:
- doc/rob_thesis
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TabularUnified doc/rob_thesis/conclusions.tex ¶
rc87eb50 r0111dc7 2 2 \chapter{Conclusions} 3 3 %====================================================================== 4 5 Adding resource management and tuples to \CFA has been a challenging design, engineering, and implementation exercise. 6 On the surface, the work may appear as a rehash of similar mechanisms in \CC. 7 However, every added feature is different than its \CC counterpart, often with extended functionality, better integration with C and its programmers, and always supports separate compilation. 8 All of these new features are being used by the \CFA development-team to build the \CFA runtime system. 4 9 5 10 \section{Constructors and Destructors} … … 18 23 19 24 \section{Variadic Functions} 20 Type-safe variadic functions of a similar feel to variadic templatesare added to \CFA.25 Type-safe variadic functions, with a similar feel to variadic templates, are added to \CFA. 21 26 The new variadic functions can express complicated recursive algorithms. 22 27 Unlike variadic templates, it is possible to write @new@ as a library routine and to separately compile @ttype@ polymorphic functions. … … 29 34 The design space is currently being explored with the goal of finding an alternative to move semantics that provides necessary performance benefits, while reducing the amount of repetition required to create a new type, along with the cognitive burden placed on the user. 30 35 36 % One technique being evaluated is whether named return-values can be used to eliminate unnecessary temporaries \cite{Buhr94a}. 37 % For example, 38 % \begin{cfacode} 39 % struct A { ... }; 40 % [A x] f(A x); 41 % [A y] g(A y); 42 % [A z] h(A z); 43 44 % struct A a1, a2; 45 % a2 = h(g(f(a1))); 46 % \end{cfacode} 47 % Here, since both @f@'s argument and return value have the same name and type, the compiler can infer that @f@ returns its argument. 48 % With this knowledge, the compiler can reuse the storage for the argument to @f@ as the argument to @g@. % TODO: cite Till thesis? 49 31 50 Exception handling is among the features expected to be added to \CFA in the near future. 32 51 For exception handling to properly interact with the rest of the language, it must ensure all RAII guarantees continue to be met. … … 44 63 This mechanism is known and understood by GCC, so that the destructor is properly called in any situation where a variable goes out of scope, including function returns, branches, and built-in GCC exception handling mechanisms using libunwind. 45 64 46 A caveat of this approach is that the @cleanup@ attribute only permits a name that refers to afunction that consumes a single argument of type @T *@ for a variable of type @T@.47 This means that any destructor that consumes multiple arguments (\eg, because it is polymorphic) or any destructor that is a function pointer (\eg, because it is an assertion parameter) must be called through a local thunk.65 A caveat of this approach is that the @cleanup@ attribute only permits a function that consumes a single argument of type @T *@ for a variable of type @T@. 66 This restriction means that any destructor that consumes multiple arguments (\eg, because it is polymorphic) or any destructor that is a function pointer (\eg, because it is an assertion parameter) must be called through a local thunk. 48 67 For example, 49 68 \begin{cfacode} … … 52 71 T x; 53 72 }; 54 forall(otype T) void ^?{}(Box(T) * x); 73 forall(otype T) void ^?{}(Box(T) * x); // has implicit parameters 55 74 56 75 forall(otype T) 57 76 void f(T x) { 58 T y = x; 59 Box(T) z = { x }; 77 T y = x; // destructor is a function-pointer parameter 78 Box(T) z = { x }; // destructor has multiple parameters 60 79 } 61 80 \end{cfacode} … … 148 167 void _dtor_S(struct S *); 149 168 150 struct _ _tmp_bundle_S {169 struct _tmp_bundle_S { 151 170 bool valid; 152 171 struct S value; 153 172 }; 154 173 155 void _dtor_tmpS(struct _ _tmp_bundle_S * ret) {174 void _dtor_tmpS(struct _tmp_bundle_S * ret) { 156 175 if (ret->valid) { 157 176 _dtor_S(&ret->value); … … 160 179 161 180 { 162 __attribute__((cleanup(_dtor_tmpS))) struct _ _tmp_bundle_S _tmp1 = { 0 };163 __attribute__((cleanup(_dtor_tmpS))) struct _ _tmp_bundle_S _tmp2 = { 0 };164 __attribute__((cleanup(_dtor_tmpS))) struct _ _tmp_bundle_S _tmp3 = { 0 };181 __attribute__((cleanup(_dtor_tmpS))) struct _tmp_bundle_S _tmp1 = { 0 }; 182 __attribute__((cleanup(_dtor_tmpS))) struct _tmp_bundle_S _tmp2 = { 0 }; 183 __attribute__((cleanup(_dtor_tmpS))) struct _tmp_bundle_S _tmp3 = { 0 }; 165 184 _tmp2.value = g( 166 185 (_ctor_S( … … 189 208 struct S { T x; }; 190 209 \end{cfacode} 191 will only auto-generatethe default constructor for @S@, since the member @x@ is missing the other 3 special functions.210 only auto-generates the default constructor for @S@, since the member @x@ is missing the other 3 special functions. 192 211 Once deleted functions have been added, function generation can make use of this information to disable generation of special functions when a member has a deleted function. 193 212 For example, … … 210 229 struct B { ... }; 211 230 struct A { 212 231 B x, y, z; 213 232 }; 214 233 void ?{}(A * a, B x) { 215 216 234 // y, z implicitly default constructed 235 (&a->x){ ... }; // explicitly construct x 217 236 } // constructs an entire A 218 237 void ?{}(A * a) { 219 220 221 238 (&a->y){}; // initialize y 239 a{ (B){ ... } }; // forwarding constructor call 240 // initializes entire object, including y 222 241 } 223 242 \end{cfacode} 224 243 225 244 Finally, while constructors provide a mechanism for establishing invariants, there is currently no mechanism for maintaining invariants without resorting to opaque types. 226 That is, structure fields can be accessed and modified by any block of code without restriction, so while it 's possible to ensure that an object is initially set to a valid state, it isn't possible to ensure that it remains in a consistent state throughout its lifetime.245 That is, structure fields can be accessed and modified by any block of code without restriction, so while it is possible to ensure that an object is initially set to a valid state, it is not possible to ensure that it remains in a consistent state throughout its lifetime. 227 246 A popular technique for ensuring consistency in object-oriented programming languages is to provide access modifiers such as @private@, which provides compile-time checks that only privileged code accesses private data. 228 247 This approach could be added to \CFA, but it requires an idiomatic way of specifying what code is privileged. … … 239 258 \subsection{Variadic Functions} 240 259 Use of @ttype@ functions currently relies heavily on recursion. 241 \CC has opened variadic templates up so that recursion is n't strictly necessary in some cases, and it would be interesting to see if any such cases can be applied to \CFA.242 243 \CC supports variadic templated data 244 Currently, \CFA does not support @ttype@-parameter generic 260 \CC has opened variadic templates up so that recursion is not strictly necessary in some cases, and it would be interesting to see if any such cases can be applied to \CFA. 261 262 \CC supports variadic templated data-types, making it possible to express arbitrary length tuples, arbitrary parameter function objects, and more with generic types. 263 Currently, \CFA does not support @ttype@-parameter generic-types, though there does not appear to be a technical reason that it cannot. 245 264 Notably, opening up support for this makes it possible to implement the exit form of scope guard (see section \ref{s:ResMgmt}), making it possible to call arbitrary functions at scope exit in idiomatic \CFA. -
TabularUnified doc/rob_thesis/ctordtor.tex ¶
rc87eb50 r0111dc7 291 291 struct X *_tmp_ctor; 292 292 struct X *x = ?{}( // construct result of malloc 293 _tmp_ctor=malloc_T(sizeof(struct X), _Alignof(struct X)), // store result of malloc 293 _tmp_ctor=malloc_T( // store result of malloc 294 sizeof(struct X), 295 _Alignof(struct X) 296 ), 294 297 1.5 295 298 ), _tmp_ctor; // produce constructed result of malloc … … 500 503 S s0, s1 = { 0 }, s2 = { 0, 2 }, s3 = s2; // okay 501 504 { 502 void ?{}(S * s, int i) { s->x = i*2; } // locally hide autogen c onstructors505 void ?{}(S * s, int i) { s->x = i*2; } // locally hide autogen ctors 503 506 S s4; // error, no default constructor 504 507 S s5 = { 3 }; // okay, local constructor … … 577 580 As a result, it was decided that any attempt to resolve designated function calls with C's function prototype rules would be brittle, and thus it is not sensible to allow designations in constructor calls. 578 581 582 \begin{sloppypar} 579 583 In addition, constructor calls do not support unnamed nesting. 580 584 \begin{cfacode} … … 594 598 That is, in the previous example the line marked as an error could mean construct using @?{}(A *, B)@ or with @?{}(A *, C)@, since the inner initializer @{ 10 }@ could be taken as an intermediate object of type @B@ or @C@. 595 599 In practice, however, there could be many objects that can be constructed from a given @int@ (or, indeed, any arbitrary parameter list), and thus a complete solution to this problem would require fully exploring all possibilities. 600 \end{sloppypar} 596 601 597 602 More precisely, constructor calls cannot have a nesting depth greater than the number of array dimensions in the type of the initialized object, plus one. … … 877 882 This means that in general, function signatures would have to be rewritten, and in a select few cases the signatures would not be rewritten. 878 883 \begin{cfacode} 879 __attribute__((manageable)) struct A { ... }; // can declare c onstructors880 __attribute__((unmanageable)) struct B { ... }; // cannot declare c onstructors881 struct C { ... }; // can declare c onstructors884 __attribute__((manageable)) struct A { ... }; // can declare ctors 885 __attribute__((unmanageable)) struct B { ... }; // cannot declare ctors 886 struct C { ... }; // can declare ctors 882 887 883 888 A f(); // rewritten void f(A *); … … 889 894 Furthermore, no restrictions would need to be placed on whether objects can be constructed. 890 895 \begin{cfacode} 891 __attribute__((identifiable)) struct A { ... }; // can declare c onstructors892 struct B { ... }; // can declare c onstructors896 __attribute__((identifiable)) struct A { ... }; // can declare ctors 897 struct B { ... }; // can declare ctors 893 898 894 899 A f(); // rewritten void f(A *); -
TabularUnified doc/rob_thesis/intro.tex ¶
rc87eb50 r0111dc7 326 326 Invariants help a programmer to reason about code correctness and prove properties of programs. 327 327 328 \begin{sloppypar} 328 329 In object-oriented programming languages, type invariants are typically established in a constructor and maintained throughout the object's lifetime. 329 330 These assertions are typically achieved through a combination of access-control modifiers and a restricted interface. 330 331 Typically, data which requires the maintenance of an invariant is hidden from external sources using the \emph{private} modifier, which restricts reads and writes to a select set of trusted routines, including member functions. 331 332 It is these trusted routines that perform all modifications to internal data in a way that is consistent with the invariant, by ensuring that the invariant holds true at the end of the routine call. 333 \end{sloppypar} 332 334 333 335 In C, the @assert@ macro is often used to ensure invariants are true. … … 617 619 Tuples support named access and subscript access, among a few other operations. 618 620 \begin{scalacode} 619 val a = new Tuple3 [Int, String, Double](0, "Text", 2.1)// explicit creation620 val b = (6, 'a', 1.1f) // syntactic sugar forTuple3[Int, Char, Float]621 val a = new Tuple3(0, "Text", 2.1) // explicit creation 622 val b = (6, 'a', 1.1f) // syntactic sugar: Tuple3[Int, Char, Float] 621 623 val (i, _, d) = triple // extractor syntax, ignore middle element 622 624 … … 661 663 Still, @printf@ is extremely limited, since the format codes are specified by the C standard, meaning users cannot define their own format codes to extend @printf@ for new data types or new formatting rules. 662 664 665 \begin{sloppypar} 663 666 C provides manipulation of variadic arguments through the @va_list@ data type, which abstracts details of the manipulation of variadic arguments. 664 667 Since the variadic arguments are untyped, it is up to the function to interpret any data that is passed in. … … 695 698 Furthermore, if the user makes a mistake, compile-time checking is typically restricted to standard format codes and their corresponding types. 696 699 In general, this means that C's variadic functions are not type-safe, making them difficult to use properly. 700 \end{sloppypar} 697 701 698 702 % When arguments are passed to a variadic function, they undergo \emph{default argument promotions}. -
TabularUnified doc/rob_thesis/thesis-frontpgs.tex ¶
rc87eb50 r0111dc7 24 24 25 25 \Large 26 Rob Schluntz \\26 Robert Schluntz \\ 27 27 28 28 \vspace*{3.0cm} … … 43 43 \vspace*{1.0cm} 44 44 45 \copyright\ Rob Schluntz 2017 \\45 \copyright\ Robert Schluntz 2017 \\ 46 46 \end{center} 47 47 \end{titlepage} … … 77 77 78 78 \CFA is a modern, non-object-oriented extension of the C programming language. 79 This thesis introduces two fundamental language features: tuples and constructors/destructors, as well as improved variadic functions. 79 This thesis addresses several critical deficiencies of C, notably: resource management, a limited function-return mechanism, and unsafe variadic functions. 80 To solve these problems, two fundamental language features are introduced: tuples and constructors/destructors. 80 81 While these features exist in prior programming languages, the contribution of this work is engineering these features into a highly complex type system. 82 C is an established language with a dedicated user-base. 83 An important goal is to add new features in a way that naturally feels like C, to appeal to this core user-base, and due to huge amounts of legacy code, maintaining backwards compatibility is crucial. 81 84 82 85 \cleardoublepage 83 86 %\newpage 84 87 85 % A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S86 % -------------------------------88 % % A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S 89 % % ------------------------------- 87 90 88 \begin{center}\textbf{Acknowledgements}\end{center}91 % \begin{center}\textbf{Acknowledgements}\end{center} 89 92 90 % I would like to thank all the little people who made this possible.91 TODO92 \cleardoublepage93 % \newpage93 % % I would like to thank all the little people who made this possible. 94 % TODO 95 % \cleardoublepage 96 % %\newpage 94 97 95 % D E D I C A T I O N96 % -------------------98 % % D E D I C A T I O N 99 % % ------------------- 97 100 98 \begin{center}\textbf{Dedication}\end{center}101 % \begin{center}\textbf{Dedication}\end{center} 99 102 100 % This is dedicated to the one I love.101 TODO102 \cleardoublepage103 % \newpage103 % % This is dedicated to the one I love. 104 % TODO 105 % \cleardoublepage 106 % %\newpage 104 107 105 108 % T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S … … 119 122 %\newpage 120 123 121 % L I S T O F F I G U R E S122 % -----------------------------123 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}124 \listoffigures125 \cleardoublepage126 \phantomsection % allows hyperref to link to the correct page127 % \newpage124 % % L I S T O F F I G U R E S 125 % % ----------------------------- 126 % \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures} 127 % \listoffigures 128 % \cleardoublepage 129 % \phantomsection % allows hyperref to link to the correct page 130 % %\newpage 128 131 129 132 % L I S T O F S Y M B O L S -
TabularUnified doc/rob_thesis/thesis.tex ¶
rc87eb50 r0111dc7 136 136 pdffitwindow=false, % window fit to page when opened 137 137 pdfstartview={FitH}, % fits the width of the page to the window 138 pdftitle={ uWaterloo\ LaTeX\ Thesis\ Template}, % title: CHANGE THIS TEXT!138 pdftitle={Resource Management and Tuples in \CFA}, % title: CHANGE THIS TEXT! 139 139 pdfauthor={Rob Schluntz}, % author: CHANGE THIS TEXT! and uncomment this line 140 140 % pdfsubject={Subject}, % subject: CHANGE THIS TEXT! and uncomment this line -
TabularUnified doc/rob_thesis/tuples.tex ¶
rc87eb50 r0111dc7 209 209 In the call to @f@, @x@ is implicitly flattened so that the components of @x@ are passed as the two arguments to @f@. 210 210 For the call to @g@, the values @y@ and @10@ are structured into a single argument of type @[int, int]@ to match the type of the parameter of @g@. 211 Finally, in the call to @h@, @ y@ is flattened to yield an argument list of length 3, of which the first component of @x@ is passed as the first parameter of @h@, and the second component of @x@ and @y@ are structured into the second argument of type @[int, int]@.211 Finally, in the call to @h@, @x@ is flattened to yield an argument list of length 3, of which the first component of @x@ is passed as the first parameter of @h@, and the second component of @x@ and @y@ are structured into the second argument of type @[int, int]@. 212 212 The flexible structure of tuples permits a simple and expressive function-call syntax to work seamlessly with both single- and multiple-return-value functions, and with any number of arguments of arbitrarily complex structure. 213 213 … … 675 675 // [x, y, z] = 1.5; 676 676 _tuple3_(int, double, int) _tmp_stmtexpr_ret0; 677 ({ 677 ({ // GNU C statement expression 678 678 // assign LHS address temporaries 679 679 int *__massassign_L0 = &x; // ?{} … … 690 690 int *__multassign_L2 = (int *)&_tmp_stmtexpr_ret0.2; // ?{} 691 691 692 // assign RHS value temporaries and perform mass assignmentto L0, L1, L2693 int __multassign_R0 = (*__massassign_L0=(int)__massassign_R0); 694 double __multassign_R1 = (*__massassign_L1=__massassign_R0); 695 int __multassign_R2 = (*__massassign_L2=(int)__massassign_R0); 692 // assign RHS value temporaries and mass-assign to L0, L1, L2 693 int __multassign_R0 = (*__massassign_L0=(int)__massassign_R0); // ?{} 694 double __multassign_R1 = (*__massassign_L1=__massassign_R0); // ?{} 695 int __multassign_R2 = (*__massassign_L2=(int)__massassign_R0); // ?{} 696 696 697 697 // perform construction of statement expr return variable using … … 742 742 _tmp_cp_ret0 : 743 743 (_tmp_cp_ret0=f(), _unq0_finished_=1, _tmp_cp_ret0)).1; // ?{} 744 ({ // tuple destruction - destruct f() return temporary - tuple destruction744 ({ // tuple destruction - destruct f() return temporary 745 745 // assign LHS address temporaries 746 746 double *__massassign_L3 = (double *)&_tmp_cp_ret0.0; // ?{} … … 758 758 int *__multassign_L5 = (int *)&_tmp_stmtexpr_ret0.2; // ?{} 759 759 760 // assign RHS value temporaries and perform multiple assignmentto L0, L1, L2760 // assign RHS value temporaries and multiple-assign to L0, L1, L2 761 761 int __multassign_R3 = (*__multassign_L0=(int)__multassign_R0); // ?{} 762 762 double __multassign_R4 = (*__multassign_L1=__multassign_R1); // ?{} -
TabularUnified doc/rob_thesis/variadic.tex ¶
rc87eb50 r0111dc7 418 418 *_p0; // ^?{} 419 419 } 420 void _thunk4(struct _conc__tuple2_0 _p0){ // void print([int, const char *]) 420 void _thunk4(struct _conc__tuple2_0 _p0){ 421 // void print([int, const char *]) 421 422 struct _tuple1_ { // _tuple1_(T0) 422 423 void *field_0; … … 428 429 print_string(_pp0.field_0); // print(rest.0) 429 430 } 430 void _adapter_i_pii_(void (*_adaptee)(), void *_ret, void *_p0, void *_p1){ 431 void _adapter_i_pii_( 432 void (*_adaptee)(), 433 void *_ret, 434 void *_p0, 435 void *_p1 436 ){ 431 437 *(int *)_ret=((int (*)(int *, int))_adaptee)(_p0, *(int *)_p1); 432 438 } … … 438 444 } 439 445 void _adapter_tuple1_5_(void (*_adaptee)(), void *_p0){ 440 ((void (*)(struct _conc__tuple1_1 ))_adaptee)(*(struct _conc__tuple1_1 *)_p0); 446 ((void (*)(struct _conc__tuple1_1 ))_adaptee)( 447 *(struct _conc__tuple1_1 *)_p0 448 ); 441 449 } 442 450 print_variadic( … … 449 457 sizeof(struct _conc__tuple1_1), 450 458 __alignof__(struct _conc__tuple1_1), 451 (void *(*)(void *, void *))_assign_i, 452 (void (*)(void *))_ctor_i, 453 (void (*)(void *, void *))_ctor_ii, 454 (void (*)(void *))_dtor_ii, 455 (void (*)(void *))print_int, 456 (void (*)(void *))&_thunk5, 457 &_p0.field_0, 458 &(struct _conc__tuple1_1 ){ _p0.field_1 } 459 (void *(*)(void *, void *))_assign_i, // int ?=?(int *, int) 460 (void (*)(void *))_ctor_i, // void ?{}(int *) 461 (void (*)(void *, void *))_ctor_ii, // void ?{}(int *, int) 462 (void (*)(void *))_dtor_ii, // void ^?{}(int *) 463 (void (*)(void *))print_int, // void print(int) 464 (void (*)(void *))&_thunk5, // void print([const char *]) 465 &_p0.field_0, // rest.0 466 &(struct _conc__tuple1_1 ){ _p0.field_1 }// [rest.1] 459 467 ); 460 468 } … … 480 488 } 481 489 void _adapter_pstring_string(void (*_adaptee)(), void *_p0, void *_p1){ 482 ((void (*)(const char **, const char *))_adaptee)(_p0, *(const char **)_p1); 490 ((void (*)(const char **, const char *))_adaptee)( 491 _p0, 492 *(const char **)_p1 493 ); 483 494 } 484 495 void _adapter_string_(void (*_adaptee)(), void *_p0){ … … 486 497 } 487 498 void _adapter_tuple2_0_(void (*_adaptee)(), void *_p0){ 488 ((void (*)(struct _conc__tuple2_0 ))_adaptee)(*(struct _conc__tuple2_0 *)_p0); 499 ((void (*)(struct _conc__tuple2_0 ))_adaptee)( 500 *(struct _conc__tuple2_0 *)_p0 501 ); 489 502 } 490 503 print_variadic( … … 497 510 sizeof(struct _conc__tuple2_0 ), 498 511 __alignof__(struct _conc__tuple2_0 ), 499 (void *(*)(void *, void *))&_thunk0,// const char * ?=?(const char **, const char *)500 (void (*)(void *))&_thunk1,// void ?{}(const char **)501 (void (*)(void *, void *))&_thunk2,// void ?{}(const char **, const char *)502 (void (*)(void *))&_thunk3,// void ^?{}(const char **)503 (void (*)(void *))print_string,// void print(const char *)504 (void (*)(void *))&_thunk4,// void print([int, const char *])512 &_thunk0, // const char * ?=?(const char **, const char *) 513 &_thunk1, // void ?{}(const char **) 514 &_thunk2, // void ?{}(const char **, const char *) 515 &_thunk3, // void ^?{}(const char **) 516 print_string, // void print(const char *) 517 &_thunk4, // void print([int, const char *]) 505 518 &_temp0, // "x = " 506 519 (({ // copy construct tuple argument to print
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