1 edited


  • doc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/conclusion.tex

    rd3c3261 r000d68f  
    1515\item The mutex statement, which provides performant and deadlock-free multiple lock acquisition.
    16 \item Channels with comparable performance to Go, that have safety and productivity features including deadlock detection and an easy-to-use exception-based channel @close@ routine.
     16\item Channels with comparable performance to Go, that have safety and productivity features including deadlock detection, and an easy-to-use exception-based channel @close@ routine.
    1717\item An in-memory actor system that achieved the lowest latency message send of systems tested due to the novel copy-queue data structure. The actor system presented has built-in detection of six common actor errors, and it has good performance compared to other systems on all benchmarks.
    1818\item A @waituntil@ statement which tackles the hard problem of allowing a thread to safely synchronously wait for some set of concurrent resources.
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