1 | \usepackage{color} |
2 | \usepackage{xcolor} |
3 | \usepackage{xspace} |
4 | \usepackage{array} |
5 | \usepackage{stackengine} |
6 | |
7 | %============================== |
8 | % global theme |
9 | \usetheme[]{PaloAlto} |
10 | \usecolortheme[]{frigatebird} |
11 | % % • hideallsubsections causes only sections to be shown in the sidebar. This is useful, if you need to save space. |
12 | % % • hideothersubsections causes only the subsections of the current section to be shown. This is useful, if you need to save space. |
13 | % % • left puts the sidebar on the left (default). |
14 | % % • right puts the sidebar on the right. |
15 | % % • width=⟨dimension⟩ sets the width of the sidebar. If set to zero, no sidebar is created. |
16 | \useoutertheme[left,width=50pt]{sidebarwithminiframes} |
17 | \beamer@headheight = 1.25\baselineskip |
18 | |
19 | \setbeamertemplate{title page}[default][colsep=-4bp,rounded=false,shadow=false,left] |
20 | \setbeamertemplate{blocks}[rounded][shadow=false] |
21 | \newcommand\xrowht[2][0]{\addstackgap[.5\dimexpr#2\relax]{\vphantom{#1}}} |
22 | \setbeamertemplate{sections/subsections in toc}{\inserttocsectionnumber.~\inserttocsection} |
23 | |
24 | %============================== |
25 | % Page numbers |
26 | \addtobeamertemplate{footline} |
27 | {% |
28 | \usebeamercolor[fg]{author in sidebar} |
29 | \vskip-1cm\hskip10pt |
30 | \insertframenumber\,/\,\inserttotalframenumber\kern1em\vskip2pt% |
31 | } |
32 | |
33 | %============================== |
34 | % Colors |
35 | \definecolor{colbg}{HTML}{282828} |
36 | |
37 | \setbeamercolor{palette primary}{bg=colbg} |
38 | \setbeamercolor{palette tertiary}{fg=red} |
39 | \setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=white} |
40 | \setbeamercolor{subsection in toc}{fg=gray} |
41 | |
42 | %============================== |
43 | % Fix bullet points |
44 | \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[default] |
45 | \setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[default] |
46 | |
47 | %============================== |
48 | % cfa macros used in the document |
49 | \newcommand{\CFAIcon}{\textsf{C}\raisebox{\depth}{\rotatebox{180}{\textsf{A}}}\xspace} % Cforall symbolic name |
50 | \newcommand{\CFA}{\protect\CFAIcon} % safe for section/caption |
51 | |
52 | %============================== |
53 | % add option to disable miniframes |
54 | \makeatletter |
55 | \let\beamer@writeslidentry@miniframeson=\beamer@writeslidentry |
56 | \def\beamer@writeslidentry@miniframesoff{% |
57 | \expandafter\beamer@ifempty\expandafter{\beamer@framestartpage}{}% does not happen normally |
58 | {%else |
59 | \clearpage\beamer@notesactions% |
60 | } |
61 | } |
62 | \newcommand*{\miniframeson}{\let\beamer@writeslidentry=\beamer@writeslidentry@miniframeson} |
63 | \newcommand*{\miniframesoff}{\let\beamer@writeslidentry=\beamer@writeslidentry@miniframesoff} |
64 | \makeatother |