1 | % \usepackage{xcolor} |
2 | % \usepackage{listings} |
3 | % \usepackage{booktabs} |
4 | % \usepackage{array} |
5 | % \newcolumntype{?}{!{\vrule width 1pt}} % thick vertical line |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | % like Mac Classic or iPlastic |
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14 | |
15 | % like Visual Studio 2010 |
16 | % \definecolor{basicCol}{HTML}{000000} |
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21 | |
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27 | |
28 | % from https://gist.github.com/nikolajquorning/92bbbeef32e1dd80105c9bf2daceb89a |
29 | \lstdefinelanguage{sml} { |
30 | morekeywords= { |
31 | EQUAL, GREATER, LESS, NONE, SOME, abstraction, abstype, and, andalso, array, as, before, bool, case, char, datatype, do, else, end, eqtype, exception, exn, false, fn, fun, functor, handle, if, in, include, infix, infixr, int, let, list, local, nil, nonfix, not, o, of, op, open, option, orelse, overload, print, raise, real, rec, ref, sharing, sig, signature, string, struct, structure, substring, then, true, type, unit, val, vector, where, while, with, withtype, word |
32 | }, |
33 | morestring=[b]", |
34 | morecomment=[s]{(*}{*)}, |
35 | } |
36 | |
37 | \lstdefinelanguage{D}{ |
38 | % Keywords |
39 | morekeywords=[1]{ |
40 | abstract, alias, align, auto, body, break, cast, catch, class, const, |
41 | continue, debug, delegate, delete, deprecated, do, else, enum, export, |
42 | false, final, finally, for, foreach, foreach_reverse, function, goto, if, |
43 | immutable, import, in, inout, interface, invariant, is, lazy, macro, mixin, |
44 | module, new, nothrow, null, out, override, package, pragma, private, |
45 | protected, public, pure, ref, return, shared, static, struct, super, |
46 | switch, synchronized, template, this, throw, true, try, typedef, typeid, |
47 | typeof, union, unittest, volatile, while, with |
48 | }, |
49 | % Special identifiers, common functions |
50 | morekeywords=[2]{enforce}, |
51 | % Ugly identifiers |
52 | morekeywords=[3]{ |
53 | __DATE__, __EOF__, __FILE__, __LINE__, __TIMESTAMP__, __TIME__, __VENDOR__, |
54 | __VERSION__, __ctfe, __gshared, __monitor, __thread, __vptr, _argptr, |
55 | _arguments, _ctor, _dtor |
56 | }, |
57 | % Basic types |
58 | morekeywords=[4]{ |
59 | byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, cent, ucent, void, |
60 | bool, bit, float, double, real, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, |
61 | char, wchar, dchar, string, wstring, dstring, ireal, ifloat, idouble, |
62 | creal, cfloat, cdouble, size_t, ptrdiff_t, sizediff_t, equals_t, hash_t |
63 | }, |
64 | % Strings |
65 | morestring=[b]{"}, |
66 | morestring=[b]{'}, |
67 | morestring=[b]{`}, |
68 | % Comments |
69 | comment=[l]{//}, |
70 | morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/}, |
71 | morecomment=[s][\color{blue}]{/**}{*/}, |
72 | morecomment=[n]{/+}{+/}, |
73 | morecomment=[n][\color{blue}]{/++}{+/}, |
74 | % Options |
75 | sensitive=true |
76 | } |
77 | |
78 | \lstdefinelanguage{rust}{ |
79 | % Keywords |
80 | morekeywords=[1]{ |
81 | abstract, alignof, as, become, box, |
82 | break, const, continue, crate, do, |
83 | else, enum, extern, false, final, |
84 | fn, for, if, impl, in, |
85 | let, loop, macro, match, mod, |
86 | move, mut, offsetof, override, priv, |
87 | proc, pub, pure, ref, return, |
88 | Self, self, sizeof, static, struct, |
89 | super, trait, true, type, typeof, |
90 | unsafe, unsized, use, virtual, where, |
91 | while, yield |
92 | }, |
93 | % Strings |
94 | morestring=[b]{"}, |
95 | % Comments |
96 | comment=[l]{//}, |
97 | morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/}, |
98 | % Options |
99 | sensitive=true |
100 | } |
101 | |
102 | \newcommand{\KWC}{K-W C\xspace} |
103 | |
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105 | |
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107 | |
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123 | showspaces=false, |
124 | showstringspaces=false, |
125 | escapechar=\$, |
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127 | moredelim=[is][\color{red}\bfseries]{**R**}{**R**}, % red highlighting |
128 | % moredelim=* detects keywords, comments, strings, and other delimiters and applies their formatting |
129 | % moredelim=** allows cumulative application |
130 | } |
131 | \lstset{ |
132 | language = CFA, |
133 | style=defaultStyle |
134 | } |
135 | \lstMakeShortInline[basewidth=0.5em,breaklines=true,breakatwhitespace,basicstyle=\normalsize\ttfamily\color{basicCol}]@ % single-character for \lstinline |
136 | |
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152 | #1 |
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155 | |
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160 | #1 |
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163 | |
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165 | \lstset{ |
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167 | style=defaultStyle, |
168 | #1 |
169 | } |
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171 | |
172 | \lstnewenvironment{smlcode}[1][]{ |
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176 | #1 |
177 | } |
178 | }{} |
179 | |
180 | \lstnewenvironment{dcode}[1][]{ |
181 | \lstset{ |
182 | language = D, |
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184 | #1 |
185 | } |
186 | }{} |
187 | |
188 | \lstnewenvironment{rustcode}[1][]{ |
189 | \lstset{ |
190 | language = rust, |
191 | style=defaultStyle, |
192 | #1 |
193 | } |
194 | }{} |
195 | |
196 | \newcommand{\zero}{\lstinline{zero_t}\xspace} |
197 | \newcommand{\one}{\lstinline{one_t}\xspace} |
198 | \newcommand{\ateq}{\lstinline{\@=}\xspace} |
199 | |
200 | \newenvironment{newtext}{\color{red}}{\ignorespacesafterend} |
201 | |
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225 | % morekeywords={not,\},\{,preconditions,effects }, |
226 | % deletekeywords={time} |
227 | % } |