1 | \chapter{Enumeration Traits} |
2 | \label{c:trait} |
3 | |
4 | \CC introduced the @std::is_enum@ trait in \CC{11} and concept feature in \CC{20}. |
5 | This combination makes it possible to write a polymorphic function over an enumerated type. |
6 | \begin{c++} |
7 | #include <type_traits> |
8 | template<typename T> @concept Enumerable@ = std::is_enum<T>::value; |
9 | template<@Enumerable@ E> E f( E e ) { $\C{// constrained type}$ |
10 | E w = e; $\C{// allocation and copy}$ |
11 | cout << e << ' ' << w << endl; $\C{// value}$ |
12 | return w; $\C{// copy}$ |
13 | } |
14 | int main() { |
15 | enum E { A = 42, B, C } e = C; |
16 | e = f( e ); |
17 | } |
18 | 44 44 |
19 | \end{c++} |
20 | The @std::is_enum@ and other \CC @traits@ are compile-time interfaces to query type information. |
21 | While named the same as @trait@ in other programming languages, it is orthogonal to the \CFA trait, with the latter being defined as a collection of assertions to be satisfied by a polymorphic type. |
22 | |
23 | The following sections cover the underlying implementation features I created to generalize and restrict enumerations in the \CFA type-system using the @trait@ mechanism. |
24 | |
25 | |
26 | \section{Traits \texorpdfstring{\lstinline{CfaEnum}}{CfaEnum} and \texorpdfstring{\lstinline{TypedEnum}}{TypedEnum}} |
27 | |
28 | Traits @CfaEnum@ and @TypedEnum@ define the enumeration attributes: @label@, @posn@, @value@, and @Countof@. |
29 | These traits support polymorphic functions for \CFA enumeration, \eg: |
30 | \begin{cfa} |
31 | forall( E ) | @CfaEnum( E )@ ) |
32 | void f( E e ) { |
33 | // access enumeration properties for e |
34 | } |
35 | \end{cfa} |
36 | \newpage |
37 | Trait @CfaEnum@ defines attribute functions @label@ and @posn@ for all \CFA enumerations, and internally \CFA enumerations fulfill this assertion. |
38 | \begin{cfa} |
39 | forall( E ) trait CfaEnum { |
40 | const char * @label@( E e ); |
41 | unsigned int @posn@( E e ); |
42 | }; |
43 | \end{cfa} |
44 | This trait covers opaque enumerations that do not have an explicit @value@. |
45 | |
46 | The trait @TypedEnum@ extends @CfaEnum@ with the @value@ assertion for typed enumerations. |
47 | \begin{cfa} |
48 | forall( E, V | CfaEnum( E ) ) trait TypedEnum { |
49 | V @value@( E e ); |
50 | }; |
51 | \end{cfa} |
52 | Here, the associate type-parameter @V@ is the base type of the typed enumeration, and hence, the return type of @value@. |
53 | These two traits provide a way to define functions over all \CFA enumerations. |
54 | |
55 | For example, \VRef[Figure]{f:GeneralizedEnumerationFormatter} shows a generalized enumeration formatter for any enumeration type. |
56 | The formatter prints an enumerator name and its value in the form @"label( value )"@. |
57 | The trait for @format_enum@ requires a function named @str@ to print the value (payload) of the enumerator. |
58 | Hence, enumeration defines how its value appears, and @format_enum@ displays this value within the label name. |
59 | |
60 | \begin{figure} |
61 | \begin{cfa} |
62 | forall( @E, V | TypedEnum( E, V )@ | { string str( V ); } ) $\C{// format any enumeration}$ |
63 | string format_enum( E e ) { |
64 | return label( e ) + '(' + str( value( e ) ) + ')'; $\C{// "label( value )"}$ |
65 | } |
66 | enum(size_t) RGB { Red = 0xFF0000, Green = 0x00FF00, Blue = 0x0000FF }; |
67 | // string library has conversion function str from size_t to string |
68 | |
69 | struct color_code { int R, G, B; }; |
70 | enum(color_code) Rainbow { |
71 | Red = {255, 0, 0}, Orange = {255, 127, 0}, Yellow = {255, 255, 0}, Green = {0, 255, 0}, // ... |
72 | }; |
73 | string str( color_code cc ) with( cc ) { $\C{// format payload, "ddd,ddd,ddd"}$ |
74 | return str( R ) + ',' + str( G ) + ',' + str( B ); $\C{// "R,G,B"}$ |
75 | } |
76 | int main() { |
77 | sout | format_enum( RGB.Green ); $\C{// "Green(65280)"}$ |
78 | sout | format_enum( Rainbow.Green ); $\C{// "Green(0,255,0)"}$ |
79 | } |
80 | \end{cfa} |
81 | \caption{Generalized Enumeration Formatter} |
82 | \label{f:GeneralizedEnumerationFormatter} |
83 | \end{figure} |
84 | |
85 | Other types may work with traits @CfaEnum@ and @TypedEnum@, by supplying appropriate @label@, @posn@, and @value@ functions. |
86 | For example, \VRef[Figure]{f:ExtendCEnumeration} extends a (possibly predefined) C enumeration to work with all the \CFA extensions. |
87 | |
88 | \begin{figure} |
89 | \begin{cfa} |
90 | enum Fruit { Apple, Banana, Cherry }; $\C{// C enum}$ |
91 | const char * @label@( Fruit f ) { |
92 | static const char * labels[] = { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry" }; |
93 | return labels[f]; |
94 | } |
95 | int @posn@( Fruit f ) { return f; } |
96 | int @value@( Fruit f ) { |
97 | static const char values[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c' }; |
98 | return values[f]; |
99 | } |
100 | sout | format_enum( Cherry ); $\C{// "Cherry(c)"}$ |
101 | \end{cfa} |
102 | \caption{Extend C Enumeration to \CFA Enumeration} |
103 | \label{f:ExtendCEnumeration} |
104 | \end{figure} |
105 | |
106 | |
107 | \section{Discussion: Genericity} |
108 | |
109 | At the start of this chapter, the \CC concept is introduced to constrained template types, \eg: |
110 | \begin{c++} |
111 | concept Enumerable = std::is_enum<T>::value; |
112 | \end{c++} |
113 | Here, @concept@ is referring directly to types with kind @enum@; |
114 | other @concept@s can refer to all types with kind @int@ with @long@ or @long long@ qualifiers, \etc. |
115 | Hence, the @concept@ is the first level of restriction, allowing only the specified kinds of types and rejecting others. |
116 | The template expansion is the second level of restriction verifying if the type passing the @concept@ test provides the necessary functionality. |
117 | Hence, a @concept@ is querying precise aspects of the programming language set of types. |
118 | |
119 | Alternatively, languages using traits, like \CFA, Scala, Go, and Rust, are defining a restriction based on a set of operations, variables, or structure fields that must exist to match with usages in a function or aggregate type. |
120 | Hence, the \CFA enumeration traits are never connected with the specific @enum@ kind. |
121 | Instead, anything that can look like the @enum@ kind is considered an enumeration (static structural typing). |
122 | However, Scala, Go, and Rust traits are nominative: a type explicitly declares a named trait to be of its type, while in \CFA, any type implementing all requirements declared in a trait implicitly satisfy its restrictions. |
123 | |
124 | One of the key differences between concepts and traits, which is leveraged heavily by \CFA, is the ability to apply new \CFA features to C legacy code. |
125 | For example, \VRef[Figure]{f:GeneralizedEnumerationFormatter} shows that pre-existing C enumerations can be upgraded to work and play with new \CFA enumeration facilities. |
126 | Another example is adding constructors and destructors to pre-existing C types by simply declaring them for the old C type. |
127 | \CC fails at certain levels of legacy extension because many of the new \CC features must appear \emph{within} an aggregate definition due to the object-oriented nature of the type system, where it is impossible to change legacy library types. |
128 | |
129 | |
130 | \section{Bounded and Serial} |
131 | |
132 | A bounded trait defines a lower and upper bound for a type. |
133 | \begin{cfa} |
134 | forall( E ) trait Bounded { |
135 | E lowerBound(); |
136 | E upperBound(); |
137 | }; |
138 | \end{cfa} |
139 | Both functions are necessary for the implementation of \CFA enumeration, with @lowerBound@ returning the first enumerator and @upperBound@ returning the last enumerator. |
140 | \begin{cfa} |
141 | enum(int) Week { Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun }; |
142 | enum(int) Fruit { Apple, Banana, Cherry }; |
143 | Week first_day = lowerBound(); $\C{// Mon}$ |
144 | Fruit last_fruit = upperBound(); $\C{// Cherry}$ |
145 | \end{cfa} |
146 | The @lowerBound@ and @upperBound@ are functions overloaded on return type only, meaning their type resolution depends solely on the call-site context, such as the parameter type for a function argument or the left-hand side of an assignment expression. |
147 | Calling either function without a context results in a type ambiguity, unless the type environment has only one type overloading the functions. |
148 | \begin{cfa} |
149 | sout | @lowerBound()@; $\C[2.5in]{// ambiguous as Week and Fruit implement Bounded}$ |
150 | void foo( Fruit ); |
151 | foo( lowerBound() ); $\C{// parameter provides type Fruit}$ |
152 | Week day = upperBound(); $\C{// day provides type Week}\CRT$ |
153 | \end{cfa} |
154 | |
155 | Trait @Serial@ is a subset of @Bounded@, with functions mapping enumerators to integers, and implementing a sequential order between enumerators. |
156 | \begin{cfa} |
157 | forall( E | Bounded( E ) ) trait Serial { |
158 | int fromInstance( E e ); |
159 | E fromInt( unsigned int i ); |
160 | E pred( E e ); |
161 | E succ( E e ); |
162 | unsigned Countof( E ); |
163 | }; |
164 | \end{cfa} |
165 | Function @fromInstance@ projects a @Bounded@ member to a number and @fromInt@ is the inverse. |
166 | Function @pred@ and @succ@ are advancement functions: |
167 | @pred@ takes an enumerator and returns the previous enumerator, if there is one, in sequential order, and @succ@ returns the next enumerator. |
168 | \begin{cfa} |
169 | sout | fromInstance( Wed ) | fromInt( 2 ) | succ( Wed ) | pred( Wed ); |
170 | 2 Wed Thu Tue |
171 | \end{cfa} |
172 | Bound checking is provided for @fromInt@, @pred@, and @succ@, and the program is terminated if the lower or upper bound is exceeded, \eg: |
173 | \begin{cfa} |
174 | fromInt( 100 ); |
175 | Cforall Runtime error: call to fromInt has index 100 outside of enumeration range 0-6. |
176 | \end{cfa} |
177 | Function @fromInstance@ or a position cast using @(int)@ is always safe, \ie within the enumeration range. |
178 | |
179 | Function @Countof@ is the generic counterpart to the built-in pseudo-function @countof@. |
180 | @countof@ only works on enumeration types and instances, so it is locked into the language type system; |
181 | as such, @countof( enum-type)@ becomes a compile-time constant. |
182 | @Countof@ works on any type that matches the @Serial@ trait. |
183 | Hence, @Countof@ does not use its argument; |
184 | only the parameter type is needed to compute the range size. |
185 | \begin{cfa} |
186 | int Countof( E ) { |
187 | E upper = upperBound(); |
188 | E lower = lowerBound(); |
189 | return fromInstance( upper ) - fromInstance( lower ) + 1; |
190 | } |
191 | \end{cfa} |
192 | |
193 | @countof@ also works for any type @E@ that defines @Countof@ and @lowerBound@, becoming a call to @Countof( E )@. |
194 | The resolution step on expression @countof( E )@ are: |
195 | \begin{enumerate} |
196 | \item Look for an enumeration named @E@, such as @enum E {... }@. |
197 | If such an enumeration @E@ exists, replace @countof( E )@ with the number of enumerators. |
198 | \item Look for a non-enumeration type named @E@ that defines @Countof@ and @lowerBound@, including @E@ being a polymorphic type, such as @forall( E )@. |
199 | If type @E@ exists, replace it with @Countof(lowerBound())@, where @lowerBound@ is defined for type @E@. |
200 | \item Look for an enumerator @A@ defined in enumeration @E@. |
201 | If such an enumerator @A@ exists, replace @countof( A )@ with the number of enumerators in @E@. |
202 | \item Look for a name @A@ in the lexical context with the type @E@. |
203 | If the name @A@ exists, replace @countof( A )@ with a function call @Countof( E )@. |
204 | \item If 1-4 fail, report a type error on expression @countof( E )@. |
205 | \end{enumerate} |
206 | |
207 | |
208 | \section{Enumerating} |
209 | |
210 | The fundamental aspect of an enumeration type is the ability to enumerate over its enumerators. |
211 | \CFA supports \newterm{for} loops, \newterm{while} loop, and \newterm{range} loop. This section covers @for@ loops and @range@ loops for enumeration, but the concept transitions to @while@ loop. |
212 | |
213 | |
214 | \subsection{For Loop} |
215 | |
216 | A for-loop consists of loop control and body. |
217 | The loop control is often a 3-tuple: initializers, looping condition, and advancement. |
218 | It is a common practice to declare one or more loop-index variables in initializers, whether the variables satisfy the loop condition, and update the variables in advancement. |
219 | Such a variable is called an \newterm{index} and is available for reading and writing within the loop body. |
220 | (Some languages make the index read-only in the loop body.) |
221 | This style of iteration can be written for an enumeration using functions from the @Bounded@ and @Serial@ traits: |
222 | \begin{cfa} |
223 | enum() E { A, B, C, D }; |
224 | for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < countof(E); i += 1 ) $\C{// (1)}$ |
225 | sout | label( fromInt( i ) ) | nonl; |
226 | sout | nl; |
227 | for ( E e = lowerBound(); ; e = succ(e) ) { $\C{// (2)}$ |
228 | sout | label(e) | nonl; |
229 | if (e == upperBound()) break; |
230 | } |
231 | sout | nl; |
232 | A B C D |
233 | A B C D |
234 | \end{cfa} |
235 | |
236 | A caveat in writing loop control using @pred@ and @succ@ is unintentionally exceeding the range. |
237 | \begin{cfa} |
238 | for ( E e = upperBound(); e >= lowerBound(); e = pred( e ) ) {} |
239 | for ( E e = lowerBound(); e <= upperBound(); e = succ( e ) ) {} |
240 | \end{cfa} |
241 | Both of these loops look correct but fail because there is an additional bound check within the advancement \emph{before} the conditional test to stop the loop, resulting in a failure at the endpoints of the iteration. |
242 | These loops must be restructured by moving the loop test to the end of the loop (@do-while@), as in loop (2) above, which is safe because an enumeration always has at least one enumerator. |
243 | |
244 | |
245 | \subsection{Range Loop} |
246 | |
247 | Instead of writing the traditional 3-tuple loop control, \CFA supports a \newterm{range loop}. |
248 | \begin{cfa} |
249 | for ( @E e; A ~= D@ ) { sout | label( e ) | nonl; } sout | nl; |
250 | for ( @e; A ~= D@ ) { sout | label( e ) | nonl; } sout | nl; |
251 | for ( @E e; A -~= D@ ) { sout | label( e ) | nonl; } sout | nl; |
252 | for ( @e; A -~= D ~ 2@ ) { sout | label( e ) | nonl; } sout | nl; |
253 | \end{cfa} |
254 | Every range loop above has an index declaration and a @range@ bounded by \newterm{left bound} @A@ and \newterm{right bound} @D@. |
255 | If the index declaration-type is omitted, the index type is the type of the lower bound (@typeof( A )@). |
256 | If a range is joined by @~=@ (range up equal) operator, the index variable is initialized by the left bound and advanced by 1 until it is greater than the right bound. |
257 | If a range is joined by @-~=@ (range down equal) operator, the index variable is initialized by the right bound and advanced by -1 until it is less than the left bound. |
258 | (Note, functions @pred@ and @succ@ are not used for advancement, so the advancement problem does not occur.) |
259 | A range can be suffixed by a positive \newterm{step}, \eg @~ 2@, so advancement is incremented/decremented by step. |
260 | |
261 | Finally, a shorthand for enumerating over the entire set of enumerators (the most common case) is using the enumeration type for the range. |
262 | \begin{cfa} |
263 | for ( e; @E@ ) sout | label( e ) | nonl; sout | nl; $\C{// A B C D}$ |
264 | for ( e; @-~= E@ ) sout | label( e ) | nonl; sout | nl; $\C{// D C B A}$ |
265 | \end{cfa} |
266 | For a \CFA enumeration, the loop enumerates over all enumerators of the enumeration. |
267 | For a type matching the @Serial@ trait: the index variable is initialized to @lowerBound@ and loop control checks the index's value for greater than the @upperBound@. |
268 | If the range type is not a \CFA enumeration or does not match trait @Serial@, it is compile-time error. |
269 | |
270 | |
271 | \section{Overload Operators} |
272 | |
273 | \CFA overloads the comparison operators for \CFA enumeration satisfying traits @Serial@ and @CfaEnum@. |
274 | These definitions require the operand types to be the same, and the appropriate comparison is made using the the positions of the operands. |
275 | \begin{cfa} |
276 | forall( E | CfaEnum( E ) | Serial( E ) ) @{@ $\C{// distribution block}$ |
277 | // comparison |
278 | int ?==?( E l, E r ); $\C{// true if l and r are same enumerators}$ |
279 | int ?!=?( E l, E r ); $\C{// true if l and r are different enumerators}$ |
280 | int ?<?( E l, E r ); $\C{// true if l is an enumerator before r}$ |
281 | int ?<=?( E l, E r ); $\C{// true if l before or the same as r}$ |
282 | int ?>?( E l, E r ); $\C{// true if l is an enumerator after r}$ |
283 | int ?>=?( E l, E r ); $\C{// true if l after or the same as r}$ |
284 | @}@ |
285 | \end{cfa} |
286 | (Note, all the function prototypes are wrapped in a distribution block, where all qualifiers preceding the block are distributed to each declaration with the block, which eliminates tedious repeated qualification. |
287 | Distribution blocks can be nested.) |
288 | |
289 | \CFA implements a few arithmetic operators for @CfaEnum@. |
290 | % Unlike advancement functions in @Serial@, these operators perform direct arithmetic, so there is no implicit bound checks. |
291 | Bound checks are added to these operations to ensure the outputs fulfill the @Bounded@ invariant. |
292 | \begin{cfa} |
293 | forall( E | CfaEnum( E ) | Serial( E ) ) { $\C{// distribution block}$ |
294 | // comparison |
295 | E ++?( E & l ); |
296 | E --?( E & l ); |
297 | E ?+=? ( E & l, one_t ); |
298 | E ?-=? ( E & l, one_t ); |
299 | E ?+=? ( E & l, int i ); |
300 | E ?-=? ( E & l, int i ); |
301 | E ?++( E & l ); |
302 | E ?--( E & l ); |
303 | } |
304 | \end{cfa} |
305 | |
306 | Lastly, \CFA does not define @zero_t@ for \CFA enumeration. |
307 | Users can define the boolean @false@ for \CFA enumerations on their own, \eg: |
308 | \begin{cfa} |
309 | forall( E | CfaEnum( E ) ) |
310 | int ?!=?( E lhs, zero_t ) { |
311 | return posn( lhs ) != 0; |
312 | } |
313 | \end{cfa} |
314 | which effectively turns the first enumeration into a logical @false@ and @true@ for the others. |