1 | with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; |
2 | with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; |
3 | |
4 | procedure test is |
5 | Function Random return Integer is begin return 3; end; |
6 | Function Random return Float is begin return 3.5; end; |
7 | Function Random return Unbounded_String is begin return To_Unbounded_String( "abc" ); end; |
8 | |
9 | Procedure Print( V : Integer ) is begin Put_Line( Integer'Image(V) ); end; |
10 | Procedure Print( V : Float ) is begin Put_Line( Float'Image(V) ); end; |
11 | Procedure Print( V : Unbounded_String ) is begin Put_Line( Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String(V) ); end; |
12 | |
13 | Function Func( V : Integer ) return Integer is begin return V; end; |
14 | Function Func( V : Float ) return Float is begin return V; end; |
15 | Function Func( V : Unbounded_String ) return Unbounded_String is begin return V; end; |
16 | Function Func( V1 : Integer; V2 : Float ) return Float is begin return Float(V1) + V2; end; |
17 | |
18 | Function "-"( L, R : Integer ) return Integer is begin return L + (-R); end; -- prevent infinite recusion |
19 | |
20 | i : Integer; |
21 | f : Float; |
22 | s : Unbounded_String; |
23 | |
24 | Type Complex is |
25 | record |
26 | Re, Im : Float; |
27 | end record; |
28 | c : Complex := (Re => 1.0, Im => 1.0); |
29 | Procedure Grind (X : Complex) is begin Put_Line( "Grind1" ); end; |
30 | Procedure Grind (X : Unbounded_String) is begin Put_Line( "Grind2" ); end; |
31 | |
32 | generic |
33 | type T is private; |
34 | with function "+"( X, Y: T ) return T; |
35 | function twice(X : T) return T; |
36 | |
37 | function twice( X: T ) return T is |
38 | begin |
39 | Put_Line( "XXX" ); return X + X; -- The formal operator "*". |
40 | end twice; |
41 | |
42 | function Int_Twice is new Twice( Integer, "+" => "+" ); |
43 | function float_Twice is new Twice( float, "+" => "+" ); |
44 | |
45 | -- generic units cannot be overloaded |
46 | -- generic |
47 | -- type T is private; |
48 | -- with function "+"( X, Y: T ) return T; |
49 | -- function twice( X : T; Y : T ) return T; |
50 | -- |
51 | -- function twice( X: T; Y : T ) return T is |
52 | -- begin |
53 | -- Put_Line( "XXX" ); return X + X; -- The formal operator "*". |
54 | -- end twice; |
55 | begin |
56 | i := Random; |
57 | Print( i ); |
58 | f := Random; |
59 | Print( f ); |
60 | s := Random; |
61 | Print( s ); |
62 | |
63 | Print( Func( 7 ) ); |
64 | Print( Func( 7.5 ) ); |
65 | Print( Func( To_Unbounded_String( "abc" ) ) ); |
66 | Print( Func( 3, 3.5 ) ); |
67 | |
68 | Grind( X => (Re => 1.0, Im => 1.0) ); |
69 | Grind( c ); |
70 | Grind( To_Unbounded_String( "abc" ) ); |
71 | |
72 | i := Int_Twice( 2 ); |
73 | Put_Line( Integer'Image(i) ); |
74 | f := float_Twice( 2.5 ); |
75 | Print( f ); |
76 | end test; |
77 | |
78 | -- Local Variables: -- |
79 | -- tab-width: 4 -- |
80 | -- compile-command: "gnatmake test.adb" -- |
81 | -- End: -- |