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16 | {\bf High Level Concurrency in \CFA} |
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21 | by \\ |
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26 | Colby Parsons \\ |
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31 | A thesis \\ |
32 | presented to the University of Waterloo \\ |
33 | in fulfillment of the \\ |
34 | thesis requirement for the degree of \\ |
35 | Master of Mathematics \\ |
36 | in \\ |
37 | Computer Science \\ |
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41 | Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2023 \\ |
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45 | \copyright\ Colby Parsons 2023 \\ |
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61 | % December 13th, 2006. It is designed for an electronic thesis. |
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63 | I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis, including any required final revisions, as accepted by my examiners. |
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75 | \begin{center}\textbf{Abstract}\end{center} |
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77 | Concurrent programs are notoriously hard to program and even harder to debug. Furthermore concurrent programs must be performant, as the introduction of concurrency into a program is often done to achieve some form of speedup. This thesis presents a suite of high level concurrent language features in \CFA, all of which are implemented with the aim of improving the performance, productivity, and safety of concurrent programs. \CFA is a non object-oriented programming language that extends C. The foundation for concurrency in \CFA was laid by Thierry Delisle, who implemented coroutines, user-level threads, and monitors\cite{Delisle18}. This thesis builds upon that groundwork and introduces a suite of concurrent features as its main contribution. The features include Go-like channels, mutex statements (similar to \CC scoped locks or Java synchronized statement), an actor system, and a Go-like select statement. The root idea behind these features are not new, but the \CFA implementations improve upon the original ideas in performance, productivity, and safety. |
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85 | \begin{center}\textbf{Acknowledgements}\end{center} |
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88 | To begin, I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Peter Buhr. Your guidance, wisdom and support has been invaluable in my learning and development of my research abilities, and in the implementation and writing of this thesis. |
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92 | Thank you Thierry Delisle for your insight and knowledge regarding all things concurrency. You challenged my ideas and taught me skills that aid in both thinking about and writing concurrent programs. |
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96 | Thanks to Michael Brooks, Andrew Beach, Fangren Yu, and Jiada Liang. Your work on \CFA continues to make it the best language it can be, and our discussions in meetings clarified the ideas that make up this thesis. |
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100 | Finally, this work could not have happened without the financial support of David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science and the corporate partnership with Huawei Ltd. |
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158 | \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Acronyms} |
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