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7Most modern concurrent programming languages do not subscribe to just one style of communication among threads and provide features that support multiple approaches.
8Channels are a concurrent-language feature used to perform \Newterm{message-passing concurrency}: a model of concurrency where threads communicate by sending data as messages (mostly non\-blocking) and synchronizing by receiving sent messages (blocking).
9This model is an alternative to shared-memory concurrency, where threads communicate directly by changing shared state.
11Channels were first introduced by Kahn~\cite{Kahn74} and extended by Hoare~\cite{Hoare78} (CSP).
12Both papers present a pseudo (unimplemented) concurrent language where processes communicate using input/output channels to send data.
13Both languages are highly restrictive.
14Kahn's language restricts a reading process to only wait for data on a single channel at a time and different writing processes cannot send data on the same channel.
15Hoare's language restricts both the sender and receiver to explicitly name the process that is the destination of a channel send or the source of a channel receive.
16These channel semantics remove the ability to have an anonymous sender or receiver.
17Additionally all channel operations in CSP are synchronous (no buffering).
18Advanced channels as a programming language feature has been popularized in recent years by the language Go~\cite{Go}, which encourages the use of channels as its fundamental concurrent feature.
19It was the popularity of Go channels that lead to their implemention in \CFA.
20Neither Go nor \CFA channels have the restrictions of the early channel-based concurrent systems.
22\section{Producer-Consumer Problem}
23A channel is an abstraction for a shared-memory buffer, which turns the implementation of a channel into the producer-consumer problem.
24The producer-consumer problem, also known as the bounded-buffer problem, was introduced by Dijkstra~\cite[\S~4.1]{Dijkstra65}.
25In the problem, threads interact with a buffer in two ways: producing threads insert values into the buffer and consuming threads remove values from the buffer.
26In general, a buffer needs protection to ensure a producer only inserts into a non-full buffer and a consumer only removes from a non-empty buffer (synchronization).
27As well, a buffer needs protection from concurrent access by multiple producers or consumers attempting to insert or remove simultaneously (MX).
29\section{Channel Size}\label{s:ChannelSize}
30Channels come in three flavours of buffers:
33Zero sized implies the communication is synchronous, \ie the producer must wait for the consumer to arrive or vice versa for a value to be communicated.
35Fixed sized (bounded) implies the communication is asynchronous, \ie the producer can proceed up to the buffer size and vice versa for the consumer with respect to removal.
37Infinite sized (unbounded) implies the communication is asynchronous, \ie the producer never waits but the consumer waits when the buffer is empty.
38Since memory is finite, all unbounded buffers are ultimately bounded;
39this restriction must be part of its implementation.
42In general, the order values are processed by the consumer does not affect the correctness of the producer-consumer problem.
43For example, the buffer can be LIFO, FIFO, or prioritized with respect to insertion and removal.
44However, like MX, a buffer should ensure every value is eventually removed after some reasonable bounded time (no long-term starvation).
45The simplest way to prevent starvation is to implement the buffer as a queue, either with a cyclic array or linked nodes.
47\section{First-Come First-Served}
48As pointed out, a bounded buffer requires MX among multiple producers or consumers.
49This MX should be fair among threads, independent of the FIFO buffer being fair among values.
50Fairness among threads is called \gls{fcfs} and was defined by Lamport~\cite[p.~454]{Lamport74}.
51\gls{fcfs} is defined in relation to a doorway~\cite[p.~330]{Lamport86II}, which is the point at which an ordering among threads can be established.
52Given this doorway, a CS is said to be \gls{fcfs}, if threads access the shared resource in the order they proceed through the doorway.
53A consequence of \gls{fcfs} execution is the elimination of \Newterm{barging}, where barging means a thread arrives at a CS with waiting threads, and the MX protecting the CS allows the arriving thread to enter the CS ahead of one or more of the waiting threads.
55\gls{fcfs} is a fairness property that prevents unequal access to the shared resource and prevents starvation, however it comes at a cost.
56Implementing an algorithm with \gls{fcfs} can lead to \Newterm{double blocking}, where arriving threads block outside the doorway waiting for a thread in the lock entry-protocol and inside the doorway waiting for a thread in the CS.
57An analogue is boarding an airplane: first you wait to get through security to the departure gates (short term), and then wait again at the departure gate for the airplane (long term).
58As such, algorithms that are not \gls{fcfs} (barging) can be more performant by skipping the wait for the CS and entering directly;
59however, this performance gain comes by introducing unfairness with possible starvation for waiting threads.
61\section{Channel Implementation}
62Currently, only the Go programming language provides user-level threading where the primary communication mechanism is channels.
63Experiments were conducted that varied the producer-consumer problem algorithm and lock type used inside the channel.
64With the exception of non-\gls{fcfs} or non-FIFO algorithms, no algorithm or lock usage in the channel implementation was found to be consistently more performant that Go's choice of algorithm and lock implementation.
65Performance of channels can be improved by sharding the underlying buffer \cite{Dice11}.
66In doing so the FIFO property is lost, which is undesireable for user-facing channels.
67Therefore, the low-level channel implementation in \CFA is largely copied from the Go implementation, but adapted to the \CFA type and runtime systems.
68As such the research contributions added by \CFA's channel implementation lie in the realm of safety and productivity features.
70The Go channel implementation utilitizes cooperation between threads to achieve good performance~\cite{go:chan}.
71The cooperation between threads only occurs when producers or consumers need to block due to the buffer being full or empty.
72In these cases the blocking thread stores their relevant data in a shared location and the signalling thread will complete their operation before waking them.
73This helps improve performance in a few ways.
74First, each thread interacting with the channel with only acquire and release the internal channel lock exactly once.
75This decreases contention on the internal lock, as only entering threads will compete for the lock since signalled threads never reacquire the lock.
76The other advantage of the cooperation approach is that it eliminates the potential bottleneck of waiting for signalled threads.
77The property of acquiring/releasing the lock only once can be achieved without cooperation by \Newterm{baton passing} the lock.
78Baton passing is when one thread acquires a lock but does not release it, and instead signals a thread inside the critical section conceptually "passing" the mutual exclusion to the signalled thread.
79While baton passing is useful in some algorithms, it results in worse performance than the cooperation approach in channel implementations since all entering threads then need to wait for the blocked thread to reach the front of the ready queue and run before other operations on the channel can proceed.
81In this work, all channel sizes \see{Sections~\ref{s:ChannelSize}} are implemented with bounded buffers.
82However, only non-zero-sized buffers are analysed because of their complexity and higher usage.
84\section{Safety and Productivity}
85Channels in \CFA come with safety and productivity features to aid users.
86The features include the following.
89\item Toggle-able statistic collection on channel behaviour that count channel and blocking operations.
90Tracking blocking operations helps illustrate usage for tuning the channel size, where the aim is to reduce blocking.
92\item Deadlock detection on channel deallocation.
93If threads are blocked inside a channel when it terminates, this case is detected and the user is informed, as this can cause a deadlock.
95\item A @flush@ routine that delivers copies of an element to all waiting consumers, flushing the buffer.
96Programmers use this mechanism to broadcast a sentinel value to multiple consumers.
97Additionally, the @flush@ routine is more performant then looping around the @insert@ operation since it can deliver the elements without having to reacquire mutual exclusion for each element sent.
100\subsection{Toggle-able Statistics}
101As discussed, a channel is a concurrent layer over a bounded buffer.
102To achieve efficient buffering users should aim for as few blocking operations on a channel as possible.
103Often to achieve this users may change the buffer size, shard a channel into multiple channels, or tweak the number of producer and consumer threads.
104Fo users to be able to make informed decisions when tuning channel usage, toggle-able channel statistics are provided.
105The statistics are toggled at compile time via the @CHAN_STATS@ macro to ensure that they are entirely elided when not used.
106When statistics are turned on, four counters are maintained per channel, two for producers and two for consumers.
107The two counters per type of operation track the number of blocking operations and total operations.
108In the channel destructor the counters are printed out aggregated and also per type of operation.
109An example use case of the counters follows.
110A user is buffering information between producer and consumer threads and wants to analyze channel performance.
111Via the statistics they see that producers block for a large percentage of their operations while consumers do not block often.
112They then can use this information to adjust their number of producers/consumers or channel size to achieve a larger percentage of non-blocking producer operations, thus increasing their channel throughput.
114\subsection{Deadlock Detection}
115The deadlock detection in the \CFA channels is fairly basic.
116It only detects the case where threads are blocked on the channel during deallocation.
117This case is guaranteed to deadlock since the list holding the blocked thread is internal to the channel and will be deallocated.
118If a user maintained a separate reference to a thread and unparked it outside the channel they could avoid the deadlock, but would run into other runtime errors since the thread would access channel data after waking that is now deallocated.
119More robust deadlock detection surrounding channel usage would have to be implemented separate from the channel implementation since it would require knowledge about the threading system and other channel/thread state.
121\subsection{Program Shutdown}
122Terminating concurrent programs is often one of the most difficult parts of writing concurrent code, particularly if graceful termination is needed.
123The difficulty of graceful termination often arises from the usage of synchronization primitives that need to be handled carefully during shutdown.
124It is easy to deadlock during termination if threads are left behind on synchronization primitives.
125Additionally, most synchronization primitives are prone to \gls{toctou} issues where there is race between one thread checking the state of a concurrent object and another thread changing the state.
126\gls{toctou} issues with synchronization primitives often involve a race between one thread checking the primitive for blocked threads and another thread blocking on it.
127Channels are a particularly hard synchronization primitive to terminate since both sending and receiving to/from a channel can block.
128Thus, improperly handled \gls{toctou} issues with channels often result in deadlocks as threads trying to perform the termination may end up unexpectedly blocking in their attempt to help other threads exit the system.
130\paragraph{Go channels} provide a set of tools to help with concurrent shutdown~\cite{go:chan}.
131Channels in Go have a @close@ operation and a \Go{select} statement that both can be used to help threads terminate.
132The \Go{select} statement is discussed in \ref{s:waituntil}, where \CFA's @waituntil@ statement is compared with the Go \Go{select} statement.
134The @close@ operation on a channel in Go changes the state of the channel.
135When a channel is closed, sends to the channel panic along with additional calls to @close@.
136Receives are handled differently.
137Receivers (consumers) never block on a closed channel and continue to remove elements from the channel.
138Once a channel is empty, receivers can continue to remove elements, but receive the zero-value version of the element type.
139To avoid unwanted zero-value elements, Go provides the ability to iterate over a closed channel to remove the remaining elements.
140These Go design choices enforce a specific interaction style with channels during termination: careful thought is needed to ensure additional @close@ calls do not occur and no sends occur after a channel is closed.
141These design choices fit Go's paradigm of error management, where users are expected to explicitly check for errors, rather than letting errors occur and catching them.
142If errors need to occur in Go, return codes are used to pass error information up call levels.
143Note, panics in Go can be caught, but it is not the idiomatic way to write Go programs.
145While Go's channel closing semantics are powerful enough to perform any concurrent termination needed by a program, their lack of ease of use leaves much to be desired.
146Since both closing and sending panic once a channel is closed, a user often has to synchronize the senders (producers) before the channel can be closed to avoid panics.
147However, in doing so it renders the @close@ operation nearly useless, as the only utilities it provides are the ability to ensure receivers no longer block on the channel and receive zero-valued elements.
148This functionality is only useful if the zero-typed element is recognized as a sentinel value, but if another sentinel value is necessary, then @close@ only provides the non-blocking feature.
149To avoid \gls{toctou} issues during shutdown, a busy wait with a \Go{select} statement is often used to add or remove elements from a channel.
150Due to Go's asymmetric approach to channel shutdown, separate synchronization between producers and consumers of a channel has to occur during shutdown.
152\paragraph{\CFA channels} have access to an extensive exception handling mechanism~\cite{Beach21}.
153As such \CFA uses an exception-based approach to channel shutdown that is symmetric for both producers and consumers, and supports graceful shutdown.
155Exceptions in \CFA support both termination and resumption.
156\Newterm{Termination exception}s perform a dynamic call that unwinds the stack preventing the exception handler from returning to the raise point, such as in \CC, Python and Java.
157\Newterm{Resumption exception}s perform a dynamic call that does not unwind the stack allowing the exception handler to return to the raise point.
158In \CFA, if a resumption exception is not handled, it is reraised as a termination exception.
159This mechanism is used to create a flexible and robust termination system for channels.
161When a channel in \CFA is closed, all subsequent calls to the channel raise a resumption exception at the caller.
162If the resumption is handled, the caller attempts to complete the channel operation.
163However, if channel operation would block, a termination exception is thrown.
164If the resumption is not handled, the exception is rethrown as a termination.
165These termination exceptions allow for non-local transfer that is used to great effect to eagerly and gracefully shut down a thread.
166When a channel is closed, if there are any blocked producers or consumers inside the channel, they are woken up and also have a resumption thrown at them.
167The resumption exception, @channel_closed@, has a couple fields to aid in handling the exception.
168The exception contains a pointer to the channel it was thrown from, and a pointer to an element.
169In exceptions thrown from remove the element pointer will be null.
170In the case of insert the element pointer points to the element that the thread attempted to insert.
171This element pointer allows the handler to know which operation failed and also allows the element to not be lost on a failed insert since it can be moved elsewhere in the handler.
172Furthermore, due to \CFA's powerful exception system, this data can be used to choose handlers based which channel and operation failed.
173Exception handlers in \CFA have an optional predicate after the exception type which can be used to optionally trigger or skip handlers based on the content of an exception.
174It is worth mentioning that the approach of exceptions for termination may incur a larger performance cost during termination that the approach used in Go.
175This should not be an issue, since termination is rarely an fast-path of an application and ensuring that termination can be implemented correctly with ease is the aim of the exception approach.
177\section{\CFA / Go channel Examples}
178To highlight the differences between \CFA's and Go's close semantics, three examples will be presented.
179The first example is a simple shutdown case, where there are producer threads and consumer threads operating on a channel for a fixed duration.
180Once the duration ends, producers and consumers terminate without worrying about any leftover values in the channel.
181The second example extends the first example by requiring the channel to be empty upon shutdown.
182Both the first and second example are shown in Figure~\ref{f:ChannelTermination}.
185First the Go solutions to these examples shown in Figure~\ref{l:go_chan_term} are discussed.
186Since some of the elements being passed through the channel are zero-valued, closing the channel in Go does not aid in communicating shutdown.
187Instead, a different mechanism to communicate with the consumers and producers needs to be used.
188This use of an additional flag or communication method is common in Go channel shutdown code, since to avoid panics on a channel, the shutdown of a channel often has to be communicated with threads before it occurs.
189In this example, a flag is used to communicate with producers and another flag is used for consumers.
190Producers and consumers need separate avenues of communication both so that producers terminate before the channel is closed to avoid panicking, and to avoid the case where all the consumers terminate first, which can result in a deadlock for producers if the channel is full.
191The producer flag is set first, then after producers terminate the consumer flag is set and the channel is closed.
192In the second example where all values need to be consumed, the main thread iterates over the closed channel to process any remaining values.
195In the \CFA solutions in Figure~\ref{l:cfa_chan_term}, shutdown is communicated directly to both producers and consumers via the @close@ call.
196In the first example where all values do not need to be consumed, both producers and consumers do not handle the resumption and finish once they receive the termination exception.
197The second \CFA example where all values must be consumed highlights how resumption is used with channel shutdown.
198The @Producer@ thread-main knows to stop producing when the @insert@ call on a closed channel raises exception @channel_closed@.
199The @Consumer@ thread-main knows to stop consuming after all elements of a closed channel are removed and the call to @remove@ would block.
200Hence, the consumer knows the moment the channel closes because a resumption exception is raised, caught, and ignored, and then control returns to @remove@ to return another item from the buffer.
201Only when the buffer is drained and the call to @remove@ would block, a termination exception is raised to stop consuming.
202The \CFA semantics allow users to communicate channel shutdown directly through the channel, without having to share extra state between threads.
203Additionally, when the channel needs to be drained, \CFA provides users with easy options for processing the leftover channel values in the main thread or in the consumer threads.
204If one wishes to consume the leftover values in the consumer threads in Go, extra synchronization between the main thread and the consumer threads is needed.
211channel( size_t ) Channel{ ChannelSize };
213thread Consumer {};
214void main( Consumer & this ) {
215    try {
216        for ( ;; )
217            remove( Channel );
218    @} catchResume( channel_closed * ) { @
219    // handled resume => consume from chan
220    } catch( channel_closed * ) {
221        // empty or unhandled resume
222    } 
225thread Producer {};
226void main( Producer & this ) {
227    size_t count = 0;
228    try {
229        for ( ;; )
230            insert( Channel, count++ );
231    } catch ( channel_closed * ) {
232        // unhandled resume or full
233    } 
236int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) {
237    Consumer c[Consumers];
238    Producer p[Producers];
239    sleep(Duration`s);
240    close( Channel );
241    return 0;
248var cons_done, prod_done bool = false, false;
249var prodJoin chan int = make(chan int, Producers)
250var consJoin chan int = make(chan int, Consumers)
252func consumer( channel chan uint64 ) {
253    for {
254        if cons_done { break }
255        <-channel
256    }
257    consJoin <- 0 // synch with main thd
260func producer( channel chan uint64 ) {
261    var count uint64 = 0
262    for {
263        if prod_done { break }
264        channel <- count++
265    }
266    prodJoin <- 0 // synch with main thd
269func main() {
270    channel = make(chan uint64, ChannelSize)
271    for j := 0; j < Consumers; j++ {
272        go consumer( channel )
273    }
274    for j := 0; j < Producers; j++ {
275        go producer( channel )
276    }
277    time.Sleep(time.Second * Duration)
278    prod_done = true
279    for j := 0; j < Producers ; j++ {
280        <-prodJoin // wait for prods
281    }
282    cons_done = true
283    close(channel) // ensure no cons deadlock
284    @for elem := range channel { @
285        // process leftover values
286    @}@
287    for j := 0; j < Consumers; j++{
288        <-consJoin // wait for cons
289    }
294\subfloat[\CFA style]{\label{l:cfa_chan_term}\usebox\myboxA}
298\subfloat[Go style]{\label{l:go_chan_term}\usebox\myboxB}
299\caption{Channel Termination Examples 1 and 2. Code specific to example 2 is highlighted.}
303The final shutdown example uses channels to implement a barrier.
304It is shown in Figure~\ref{f:ChannelBarrierTermination}.
305The problem of implementing a barrier is chosen since threads are both producers and consumers on the barrier-internal channels, which removes the ability to easily synchronize producers before consumers during shutdown.
306As such, while the shutdown details will be discussed with this problem in mind, they are also applicable to other problems taht have individual threads both producing and consuming from channels.
307Both of these examples are implemented using \CFA syntax so that they can be easily compared.
308Figure~\ref{l:cfa_chan_bar} uses \CFA-style channel close semantics and Figure~\ref{l:go_chan_bar} uses Go-style close semantics.
309In this example it is infeasible to use the Go @close@ call since all threads are both potentially producers and consumers, causing panics on close to be unavoidable without complex synchronization.
310As such in Figure~\ref{l:go_chan_bar} to implement a flush routine for the buffer, a sentinel value of @-1@ has to be used to indicate to threads that they need to leave the barrier.
311This sentinel value has to be checked at two points.
312Furthermore, an additional flag @done@ is needed to communicate to threads once they have left the barrier that they are done.
314In the \CFA version~\ref{l:cfa_chan_bar}, the barrier shutdown results in an exception being thrown at threads operating on it, which informs the threads that they must terminate.
315This avoids the need to use a separate communication method other than the barrier, and avoids extra conditional checks on the fast path of the barrier implementation.
316Also note that in the Go version~\ref{l:go_chan_bar}, the size of the barrier channels has to be larger than in the \CFA version to ensure that the main thread does not block when attempting to clear the barrier.
323struct barrier {
324        channel( int ) barWait, entryWait;
325        int size;
327void ?{}( barrier & this, int size ) with(this) {
328        barWait{size};   entryWait{size};
329        this.size = size;
330        for ( i; size )
331                insert( entryWait, i );
333void wait( barrier & this ) with(this) {
334        int ticket = remove( entryWait );
336        if ( ticket == size - 1 ) {
337                for ( i; size - 1 )
338                        insert( barWait, i );
339                return;
340        }
341        ticket = remove( barWait );
343        if ( size == 1 || ticket == size - 2 ) { // last ?
344                for ( i; size )
345                        insert( entryWait, i );
346        }
348void flush(barrier & this) with(this) {
349        @close( barWait );   close( entryWait );@
351enum { Threads = 4 };
352barrier b{Threads};
354thread Thread {};
355void main( Thread & this ) {
356        @try {@
357                for ()
358                        wait( b );
359        @} catch ( channel_closed * ) {}@
361int main() {
362        Thread t[Threads];
363        sleep(10`s);
365        flush( b );
366} // wait for threads to terminate
372struct barrier {
373        channel( int ) barWait, entryWait;
374        int size;
376void ?{}( barrier & this, int size ) with(this) {
377        barWait{size + 1};   entryWait{size + 1};
378        this.size = size;
379        for ( i; size )
380                insert( entryWait, i );
382void wait( barrier & this ) with(this) {
383        int ticket = remove( entryWait );
384        @if ( ticket == -1 ) { insert( entryWait, -1 ); return; }@
385        if ( ticket == size - 1 ) {
386                for ( i; size - 1 )
387                        insert( barWait, i );
388                return;
389        }
390        ticket = remove( barWait );
391        @if ( ticket == -1 ) { insert( barWait, -1 ); return; }@
392        if ( size == 1 || ticket == size - 2 ) { // last ?
393                for ( i; size )
394                        insert( entryWait, i );
395        }
397void flush(barrier & this) with(this) {
398        @insert( entryWait, -1 );   insert( barWait, -1 );@
400enum { Threads = 4 };
401barrier b{Threads};
402@bool done = false;@
403thread Thread {};
404void main( Thread & this ) {
405        for () {
406          @if ( done ) break;@
407                wait( b );
408        }
410int main() {
411        Thread t[Threads];
412        sleep(10`s);
413        done = true;
414        flush( b );
415} // wait for threads to terminate
419\subfloat[\CFA style]{\label{l:cfa_chan_bar}\usebox\myboxA}
423\subfloat[Go style]{\label{l:go_chan_bar}\usebox\myboxB}
424\caption{Channel Barrier Termination}
430Given that the base implementation of the \CFA channels is very similar to the Go implementation, this section aims to show the performance of the two implementations are comparable.
431The microbenchmark for the channel comparison is similar to Figure~\ref{f:ChannelTermination}, where the number of threads and processors is set from the command line.
432The processors are divided equally between producers and consumers, with one producer or consumer owning each core.
433The number of cores is varied to measure how throughput scales.
435The results of the benchmark are shown in Figure~\ref{f:chanPerf}.
436The performance of Go and \CFA channels on this microbenchmark is comparable.
437Note, the performance should decline as the number of cores increases as the channel operations occur in a critical section, so increasing cores results in higher contention with no increase in parallelism.
440        \centering
441        \subfloat[AMD \CFA Channel Benchmark]{
442                \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\input{figures/nasus_Channel_Contention.pgf}}
443                \label{f:chanAMD}
444        }
445        \subfloat[Intel \CFA Channel Benchmark]{
446                \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\input{figures/pyke_Channel_Contention.pgf}}
447                \label{f:chanIntel}
448        }
449        \caption{The channel contention benchmark comparing \CFA and Go channel throughput (higher is better).}
450        \label{f:chanPerf}
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