1 | \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} |
2 | \usepackage{listings} |
3 | \usepackage{inconsolata} |
4 | |
5 | \definecolor{basicCol}{HTML}{000000} |
6 | \definecolor{commentCol}{HTML}{000000} |
7 | \definecolor{stringCol}{HTML}{000000} |
8 | \definecolor{keywordCol}{HTML}{000000} |
9 | \definecolor{identifierCol}{HTML}{000000} |
10 | |
11 | \lstdefinestyle{defaultStyle}{ |
12 | escapeinside={@@}, |
13 | % basicstyle=\linespread{0.9}\tt\footnotesize, % reduce line spacing and use typewriter font |
14 | basicstyle=\linespread{0.9}\sf, % reduce line spacing and use typewriter |
15 | % keywordstyle=\bfseries\color{blue}, |
16 | % keywordstyle=[2]\bfseries\color{Plum}, |
17 | % commentstyle=\itshape\color{OliveGreen}, % green and italic comments |
18 | % identifierstyle=\color{identifierCol}, |
19 | % stringstyle=\sf\color{Mahogany}, % use sanserif font |
20 | stringstyle=\tt, % use sanserif font |
21 | mathescape=true, |
22 | % columns=fixed, |
23 | columns=fullflexible, |
24 | % aboveskip=4pt, % spacing above/below code block |
25 | % belowskip=3pt, |
26 | keepspaces=true, |
27 | tabsize=4, |
28 | % frame=lines, |
29 | literate=, |
30 | showlines=true, % show blank lines at end of code |
31 | showspaces=false, |
32 | showstringspaces=false, |
33 | escapechar=\$, |
34 | xleftmargin=\parindentlnth, % indent code to paragraph indentation |
35 | moredelim=[is][\color{red}\bfseries]{**R**}{**R**}, % red highlighting |
36 | % moredelim=* detects keywords, comments, strings, and other delimiters and applies their formatting |
37 | % moredelim=** allows cumulative application |
38 | } |
39 | |
40 | \lstdefinestyle{cfaStyle}{ |
41 | escapeinside={@@}, |
42 | % basicstyle=\linespread{0.9}\tt\footnotesize, % reduce line spacing and use typewriter font |
43 | basicstyle=\linespread{0.9}\sf, % reduce line spacing and use typewriter font |
44 | % keywordstyle=\bfseries\color{blue}, |
45 | % keywordstyle=[2]\bfseries\color{Plum}, |
46 | % commentstyle=\sf\itshape\color{OliveGreen}, % green and italic comments |
47 | % identifierstyle=\color{identifierCol}, |
48 | % stringstyle=\sf\color{Mahogany}, % use sanserif font |
49 | stringstyle=\tt, % use sanserif font |
50 | mathescape=true, |
51 | % columns=fixed, |
52 | columns=fullflexible, |
53 | % aboveskip=4pt, % spacing above/below code block |
54 | % belowskip=3pt, |
55 | keepspaces=true, |
56 | tabsize=4, |
57 | % frame=lines, |
58 | literate=, |
59 | showlines=true, % show blank lines at end of code |
60 | showspaces=false, |
61 | showstringspaces=false, |
62 | showlines=true, % show blank lines at end of code |
63 | escapechar=\$, |
64 | xleftmargin=\parindentlnth, % indent code to paragraph indentation |
65 | moredelim=[is][\color{red}\bfseries]{**R**}{**R**}, % red highlighting |
66 | morekeywords=[2]{accept, signal, signal_block, wait, waitfor, waituntil}, |
67 | abovecaptionskip=5pt, |
68 | } |
69 | |
70 | \lstnewenvironment{ccode}[1][]{ |
71 | \lstset{ |
72 | language = C, |
73 | style=defaultStyle, |
74 | captionpos=b, |
75 | #1 |
76 | } |
77 | }{} |
78 | |
79 | \lstnewenvironment{cfacode}[1][]{ |
80 | \lstset{ |
81 | language = CFA, |
82 | style=cfaStyle, |
83 | captionpos=b, |
84 | #1 |
85 | } |
86 | }{} |
87 | |
88 | \lstnewenvironment{cppcode}[1][]{ |
89 | \lstset{ |
90 | language = c++, |
91 | style=defaultStyle, |
92 | captionpos=b, |
93 | #1 |
94 | } |
95 | }{} |
96 | |
97 | \lstnewenvironment{ucppcode}[1][]{ |
98 | \lstset{ |
99 | language = c++, |
100 | style=defaultStyle, |
101 | captionpos=b, |
102 | #1 |
103 | } |
104 | }{} |
105 | |
106 | \lstnewenvironment{javacode}[1][]{ |
107 | \lstset{ |
108 | language = java, |
109 | style=defaultStyle, |
110 | captionpos=b, |
111 | #1 |
112 | } |
113 | }{} |
114 | |
115 | \lstnewenvironment{gocode}[1][]{ |
116 | \lstset{ |
117 | language = Golang, |
118 | style=defaultStyle, |
119 | captionpos=b, |
120 | #1 |
121 | } |
122 | }{} |
123 | |
124 | \newcommand{\zero}{\lstinline{zero_t}\xspace} |
125 | \newcommand{\one}{\lstinline{one_t}\xspace} |
126 | \newcommand{\ateq}{\lstinline{\@=}\xspace} |
127 | \newcommand{\code}[1]{\lstinline[language=CFA,style=cfaStyle]{#1}} |
128 | \newcommand{\pscode}[1]{\lstinline[language=pseudo,style=pseudoStyle]{#1}} |