1 | % Package for CFA Research Lab. |
2 | % |
3 | % Made by combining and updating various macro files people had made. |
4 | % |
5 | % Internal commands are prefixed with "\cfalab@". |
6 | |
7 | % I don't know what the oldest LaTeX2e version with everything needed is. |
8 | \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} |
9 | \ProvidesPackage{cfalab}[2020/03/24 v0.1 CFA Laboratory LaTeX Tools] |
10 | |
11 | % Other packages required. |
12 | % |
13 | % Access to new basic LaTeX tools and other low level commands. |
14 | \RequirePackage{etoolbox} |
15 | % Code formatting tools and environments. |
16 | \RequirePackage{listings} |
17 | % Automatically adds spaces. |
18 | \RequirePackage{xspace} |
19 | % Improved reference tools. |
20 | \RequirePackage[nospace]{varioref} |
21 | |
22 | % Symbols: All symbols are zero argument robust commands with special rules |
23 | % about the space following the c.s. token. Normally the space might be |
24 | % re-added according to the rules of the xspace package. They may be followed |
25 | % by a star (which the command will consume) to disable this behaviour. |
26 | |
27 | % \newsymbolcmd{<command>}{<replacement text>} |
28 | % Defines <command> to be a symbol that has the given <replacement text>. |
29 | \newrobustcmd*\newsymbolcmd[2]{\newrobustcmd{#1}{\cfalab@symbol{#2}}} |
30 | \def\cfalab@symbol#1{\@ifnextchar*{#1\cfalab@eatstar}{#1\xspace}} |
31 | \def\cfalab@eatstar*{} |
32 | |
33 | % Cforall with the forall symbol. |
34 | \newsymbolcmd\CFA{\textsf{C}\raisebox{\depth}{\rotatebox{180}{\textsf{A}}}} |
35 | % C++ with kerning. (No standard number support.) |
36 | \newsymbolcmd\Cpp{\textrm{C}\kern-.1em\hbox{+\kern-.25em+}} |
37 | |
38 | % This is executed very early in the \begin{document} code, before the |
39 | % document's contents but after packages are loaded. |
40 | \AtEndPreamble{ |
41 | \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{ |
42 | % Convert symbols to pdf compatable forms when required. |
43 | \pdfstringdefDisableCommands{ |
44 | \def\CFA{CFA} |
45 | \def\Cpp{C++} |
46 | \def\lstinline{} |
47 | } |
48 | }{} |
49 | } |
50 | |
51 | % \colour{<colour>}{<text>} |
52 | % Just \color but using the LaTeX style instead of TeX style command. |
53 | \newcommand*\colour[2]{{\color{#1}#2}} |
54 | |
55 | % \code*{<code>} |
56 | % Use the listings package to format a snipit of <code>. |
57 | \newrobustcmd*\codeCFA[1]{\lstinline[language=CFA]{#1}} |
58 | \newrobustcmd*\codeC[1]{\lstinline[language=C]{#1}} |
59 | \newrobustcmd*\codeCpp[1]{\lstinline[language=C++]{#1}} |
60 | \newrobustcmd*\codePy[1]{\lstinline[language=Python]{#1}} |
61 | |
62 | % Use the listings package to format a block of CFA code. |
63 | % Extra listings options can be passed in as an optional argument. |
64 | \lstnewenvironment{cfa}[1][]{\lstset{language=CFA}\lstset{#1}}{} |
65 | |
66 | % \settextunderscore{(new|old)} |
67 | % Redefines the underscore either as a new repersentation or the old one. |
68 | % Not that some other packages (ex. hyperref) can override this. Set it up |
69 | % after loading them. |
70 | \let\cfalab@textunderscore@old=\textunderscore |
71 | \newcommand\cfalab@textunderscore@new{% |
72 | \leavevmode\makebox[1.2ex][c]{\rule{1ex}{0.075ex}}} |
73 | \newcommand\settextunderscore[1]{% |
74 | \renewcommand\textunderscore{\csuse{cfalab@textunderscore@#1}}} |
75 | |
76 | % The CFA listings language. Based off of ANCI C and including GCC extensions. |
77 | % The UW dialect is the default (and only so far) dialect of the language. |
78 | \lstdefinelanguage[UW]{CFA}[ANSI]{C}{ |
79 | morekeywords={_Alignas, _Alignof, __alignof, __alignof__, asm, __asm, |
80 | __asm__, __attribute, __attribute__, auto, _Bool, catch, catchResume, |
81 | choose, _Complex, __complex, __complex__, __const, __const__, |
82 | coroutine, disable, dtype, enable, exception, __extension__, |
83 | fallthrough, fallthru, finally, __float80, float80, __float128, |
84 | float128, forall, ftype, generator, _Generic, _Imaginary, __imag, |
85 | __imag__, inline, __inline, __inline__, __int128, int128, __label__, |
86 | monitor, mutex, _Noreturn, one_t, or, otype, restrict, resume, |
87 | __restrict, __restrict__, __signed, __signed__, _Static_assert, |
88 | suspend, thread, _Thread_local, throw, throwResume, timeout, trait, |
89 | try, ttype, typeof, __typeof, __typeof__, virtual, __volatile, |
90 | __volatile__, waitfor, when, with, zero_t |
91 | }, |
92 | moredirectives={defined,include_next}, |
93 | } |
94 | \lstset{defaultdialect={[UW]CFA}} |
95 | |
96 | % Create an internal paragraph indent amount. This is used internally to |
97 | % mimic the standard indent even when it has been overriden in the document. |
98 | \newlength\cfalab@parindent |
99 | \deflength\cfalab@parindent{\parindent} |
100 | |
101 | % The cfacommon style has many useful defaults for CFA and other types of |
102 | % code. Use the listings option "style=cfacommon" to load them. |
103 | \lstdefinestyle{cfacommon}{ |
104 | columns=fullflexible, |
105 | basicstyle=\linespread{0.9}\sf, |
106 | stringstyle=\tt, |
107 | tabsize=5, |
108 | % Indent code to paragraph indentation. |
109 | xleftmargin=\cfalab@parindent, |
110 | % Allow ASCII characters in the range 128-255. |
111 | extendedchars=true, |
112 | % This allows you to use "math mode" to insert LaTeX into the code. |
113 | % Use \( and \) if you need to insert math mode inside that code. |
114 | escapechar=\$, |
115 | % Disable LaTeX math escape in CFA code $...$ |
116 | mathescape=false, |
117 | keepspaces=true, |
118 | % Do not show spaces with cup. |
119 | showstringspaces=false, |
120 | % Show blank lines at end of code. |
121 | showlines=true, |
122 | % Spacing above/below code block. |
123 | aboveskip=4pt,belowskip=0pt, |
124 | numberstyle=\footnotesize\sf, |
125 | % Replace/adjust listing characters that look bad in sanserif. |
126 | literate={-}{\makebox[1ex][c]{\raisebox{0.7ex}{\rule{0.75ex}{0.1ex}}}}1 |
127 | {^}{\raisebox{0.6ex}{$\scriptscriptstyle\land\,$}}1 |
128 | {~}{\raisebox{0.3ex}{$\scriptstyle\sim\,$}}1 {`}{\ttfamily\upshape\hspace*{-0.1ex}`}1 |
129 | {<-}{$\leftarrow$}2 {=>}{$\Rightarrow$}2 |
130 | {->}{\makebox[1ex][c]{\raisebox{0.4ex}{\rule{0.8ex}{0.075ex}}}\kern-0.2ex\textgreater}2, |
131 | } |
132 | |
133 | % common.tex Compatablity =================================================== |
134 | % Below this line is for compatability with the old common.tex file. |
135 | |
136 | % Backwards compatable way to activate the cfacommon style. |
137 | \newcommand{\CFAStyle}{\lstset{style=cfacommon}} |
138 | |
139 | % A couple of abbreviations are provided. Just ones someone liked. |
140 | % |
141 | % Abbreviation formatting commands (renew to customize): |
142 | \newcommand{\abbrevFont}{\textit} |
143 | % |
144 | % Abbreviations that, if not followed by a comma or colon, add a comma. |
145 | \newrobustcmd*\cfalab@abbrev@comma{% |
146 | \@ifnextchar{,}{}{\@ifnextchar{:}{}{,\xspace}}} |
147 | \providerobustcmd*\eg{\abbrevFont{e}.\abbrevFont{g}.\cfalab@abbrev@comma} |
148 | \providerobustcmd*\ie{\abbrevFont{i}.\abbrevFont{e}.\cfalab@abbrev@comma} |
149 | % |
150 | % Abbreviations that, if not followed by a period, add a period. |
151 | \newrobustcmd*\cfalab@abbrev@period{\@ifnextchar{.}{}{.\xspace}} |
152 | \providerobustcmd*\etc{\abbrevFont{etc}\cfalab@abbrev@period} |
153 | \providerobustcmd*\etal{\abbrevFont{et}~\abbrevFont{al}\cfalab@abbrev@period} |
154 | \providerobustcmd*\viz{\abbrevFont{viz}\cfalab@abbrev@period} |
155 | |
156 | \endinput |