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Started 11 mo ago
Took 9 min 7 sec

Build #2 (Jun 16, 2023, 9:10:26 AM)

gcc-11:x64 on Brokk 1
  1. fixed build failure (details)
  2. renamed some types to make style consistent. fixed race condition in terminated actor detection (details)
  3. refactored test to reflect new naming (details)
  4. refactored allocation enum to match naming style and refactored some verifyf's to be aborts (details)
  5. refactored tests to use new name for allocation enum (details)
  6. refactored thesis actor code to use new lowercase allocation enum name (details)
  7. Make the symbol table's error-checking times explicit. (details)
  8. miscellaneous updates (details)
  9. lower case type names open_failure, close_failure, write_failure, read_failure (details)
  10. make trait names not, equality, relational, additive, inc_dec, multiplicative, arithmetic, lower-case (details)
  11. make type names arithmetic, rational, rat_int lower-case (details)
  12. continue condensing Mubeen's thesis into a paper (details)
  13. harmonize semantic error messages with yacc error messages (details)
  14. Removed some warnings. (details)
  15. Simplify one of the Pass::visit methods for CompoundStmt. It repeats two lines to move the conditional code into different if clauses. (details)
  16. Cleaned up namespacing, indentation and whitespacing in Pass.impl.hpp. (details)
  17. fix error in with repect to missing -dumpbase-ext check (details)
  18. update short atomic macros (details)
  19. lex _static_assert from C23 (details)
  20. update comments for special invalid syntax rules (details)
  21. update lockfree stack with double-wide CAS (details)
  22. change font size of text in EHMHierarchy.fig (details)
  23. Improved hoisting. However, I had to change some code because of other errors, so more work will have to be done. Also folded in another invariant for MemberExpr. (details)
  24. removed unneeded fstream include from locks.hfa (details)

Branch indexing

Revision: 62d62db217dc9f917346863faa9d03148d98844f
  • ast-experimental