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  1. Updated the rest of the names in src/ (except for the generated files). (details)
Commit c92bdcc6ef9bc5c1b005f67d1c9f428bb8bd2b4c by ajbeach
Updated the rest of the names in src/ (except for the generated files).
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/FindFunction.h
The file was addedsrc/Common/Examine.hpp
The file was removedsrc/Common/
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/ExplodedArg.cpp
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/RenameVars.hpp
The file was addedsrc/CodeGen/FixMain.hpp
The file was addedsrc/Common/Stats/Stats.cpp
The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/typeops.h
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Type.cpp
The file was removedsrc/Common/
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/Cost.hpp
The file was removedsrc/Virtual/Tables.h
The file was addedsrc/GenPoly/ScopedSet.hpp
The file was addedsrc/Parser/ExpressionNode.hpp
The file was removedsrc/Parser/parserutility.h
The file was removedsrc/Parser/TypedefTable.h
The file was addedsrc/SymTab/Mangler.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Parser/ExpressionNode.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Tuples/Explode.hpp
The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/
The file was modifiedsrc/Validate/EnumAndPointerDecay.cpp
The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/
The file was removedsrc/CodeGen/LinkOnce.h
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/Box.h
The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/CurrentObject.h
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/ConversionCost.cpp
The file was removedsrc/Common/Stats/Time.h
The file was addedsrc/ControlStruct/ExceptDecl.hpp
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/FindOpenVars.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Parser/StatementNode.cpp
The file was removedsrc/Common/UniqueName.h
The file was removedsrc/CodeGen/
The file was modifiedsrc/GenPoly/InstantiateGeneric.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Virtual/ExpandCasts.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Validate/ImplementEnumFunc.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Common/CodeLocation.hpp
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/CurrentObject.hpp
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/Resolver.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Validate/CompoundLiteral.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Validate/EliminateTypedef.cpp
The file was removedsrc/Parser/
The file was addedsrc/SymTab/Demangle.hpp
The file was removedsrc/Common/FilterCombos.h
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/Specialize.h
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/Unify.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Common/UniqueName.hpp
The file was addedsrc/GenPoly/GenPoly.cpp
The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/ConversionCost.h
The file was removedsrc/Virtual/
The file was addedsrc/Common/Stats/Base.hpp
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/FindOpenVars.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/SatisfyAssertions.cpp
The file was removedsrc/Common/Stats/
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Label.hpp
The file was addedsrc/Concurrency/Waitfor.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Expr.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Parser/
The file was removedsrc/InitTweak/GenInit.h
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Node.hpp
The file was addedsrc/Common/Stats/Counter.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/Candidate.hpp
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/CommonType.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Validate/Autogen.cpp
The file was removedsrc/InitTweak/InitTweak.h
The file was addedsrc/Parser/TypedefTable.hpp
The file was removedsrc/Virtual/ExpandCasts.h
The file was addedsrc/Common/Stats/ResolveTime.cpp
The file was removedsrc/Common/Stats/ResolveTime.h
The file was removedsrc/SymTab/
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/ParseNode.hpp
The file was addedsrc/Common/Stats.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/
The file was removedsrc/Common/Indenter.h
The file was addedsrc/CodeGen/FixMain.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Common/Stats/ResolveTime.hpp
The file was removedsrc/Tuples/Tuples.h
The file was removedsrc/Validate/FindSpecialDecls.h
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Util.cpp
The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/ResolveTypeof.h
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/ScopedSet.h
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Decl.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.hpp
The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/Resolver.h
The file was removedsrc/Common/ErrorObjects.h
The file was addedsrc/Common/SemanticError.cpp
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/InstantiateGeneric.h
The file was addedsrc/GenPoly/Specialize.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/CommonType.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/GenPoly/Specialize.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Tuples/TupleAssignment.cpp
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/Lvalue.h
The file was removedsrc/CodeGen/FixMain.h
The file was removedsrc/Tuples/
The file was addedsrc/Common/ErrorObjects.hpp
The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/PolyCost.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Concurrency/Corun.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/SymbolTable.hpp
The file was removedsrc/Common/Stats/
The file was removedsrc/Common/Stats/
The file was addedsrc/Common/UniqueName.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Validate/FixQualifiedTypes.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Pass.proto.hpp
The file was addedsrc/Parser/ParserTypes.hpp
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The file was removedsrc/Common/SemanticError.h
The file was removedsrc/Common/utility.h
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The file was modifiedsrc/AST/LinkageSpec.hpp
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The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Stmt.hpp
The file was addedsrc/CodeGen/OperatorTable.hpp
The file was removedsrc/Parser/InitializerNode.h
The file was removedsrc/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.h
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/ResolveTypeof.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Inspect.cpp
The file was removedsrc/Concurrency/Keywords.h
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The file was removedsrc/Common/Eval.h
The file was removedsrc/Common/Stats.h
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The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/Typeops.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.cpp
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/
The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/
The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/Unify.h
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/WidenMode.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/LinkageSpec.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Common/DeclStats.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/CandidateFinder.cpp
The file was removedsrc/CodeGen/
The file was modifieddriver/
The file was removedsrc/CodeGen/
The file was addedsrc/CodeGen/LinkOnce.hpp
The file was addedsrc/Common/Indenter.cpp
The file was addedsrc/CodeGen/FixNames.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/
The file was removedsrc/SymTab/
The file was removedsrc/Common/Examine.h
The file was removedsrc/CodeGen/FixNames.h
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/CastCost.hpp
The file was addedsrc/SymTab/FixFunction.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/MakeLibCfa.cpp
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The file was addedsrc/Parser/TypeData.hpp
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The file was addedsrc/GenPoly/GenPoly.hpp
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The file was addedsrc/Common/Stats/Counter.hpp
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The file was modifiedsrc/SymTab/
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/GenPoly.h
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The file was addedsrc/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/GenPoly/ScrubTypeVars.hpp
The file was addedsrc/Common/Stats/Heap.hpp
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The file was addedsrc/GenPoly/InstantiateGeneric.hpp
The file was addedsrc/Parser/StatementNode.hpp
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The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/
The file was removedsrc/Common/PersistentMap.h
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The file was addedsrc/Parser/DeclarationNode.hpp
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The file was addedsrc/Common/Stats/Time.cpp
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The file was removedsrc/Parser/ParseNode.h
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The file was addedsrc/Common/Utility.hpp
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The file was modifiedsrc/main.cpp
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The file was addedsrc/Parser/ParserUtility.hpp
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The file was addedsrc/SymTab/demangler.cpp
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The file was removedsrc/InitTweak/
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The file was modifiedsrc/ControlStruct/ExceptDecl.cpp
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The file was removedsrc/SymTab/
The file was modifiedsrc/InitTweak/FixInit.cpp
The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/
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The file was addedsrc/SymTab/FixFunction.cpp
The file was removedsrc/Parser/
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The file was modifiedsrc/Concurrency/Keywords.cpp
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The file was removedsrc/Tuples/Explode.h
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Print.hpp