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The recommended git tool is: NONE
using credential git_key_aug20
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository
 > git init /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_Full_Build # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.25.1'
using GIT_SSH to set credentials SSH key used for git, ed25519 generated August 2020
Verifying host key using known hosts file
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
Avoid second fetch
Checking out Revision 19313be5c33333640c3de52e22258fb32332f5ce (refs/remotes/origin/master)
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 19313be5c33333640c3de52e22258fb32332f5ce # timeout=10
Commit message: "One missing BasicType::Kind -> BasicKind updates."