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Started 1 mo 12 days ago
Took 45 min

Build #2821 (Mar 15, 2024, 10:47:00 PM)

  1. Handle typedef wrapped declarations before buildList in addTypedef. The extractAggregate code is still used in other cases. There is a small change in behaviour, a typedef wrapping a enum declaration will have the qualifiers on its local copy cleared. This may be the intended behaviour, it is how all other aggregates are handled. (details)
  2. fix convert function for float-point values, add isspace-like routines for C arrays (details)
  3. update string to type test (details)

Started by timer

Revision: 3ad5c50bed2e68e245f04d2ee3f6d84031c5e087
  • refs/remotes/origin/master