Changed the interpritation of () to be no parameters instead of any parameters. This had a lot of little changes because of this and some nearby clean-up. This includes some changes, including changing some generated functions to be fixed-args instead of variable-args, stripping out the place holder void parameter earlier, but it still shows up earlier in some cases that examine the parser directly. Also had to update the function generation tools. Have only tested with one --arch. Hopefully this all works out. (details)
by ajbeach
Changed the interpritation of () to be no parameters instead of any parameters. This had a lot of little changes because of this and some nearby clean-up. This includes some changes, including changing some generated functions to be fixed-args instead of variable-args, stripping out the place holder void parameter earlier, but it still shows up earlier in some cases that examine the parser directly. Also had to update the function generation tools. Have only tested with one --arch. Hopefully this all works out.