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  1. formatting (details)
  2. remove spurious push/pop from grammar contexts where type declarations are not allowed (details)
  3. Implemented special case of sizeof/alignof, where reference types are ignored for these operations. (details)
Commit 0e6aba069091423912b34ef2c96589e2a0736df9 by Peter Buhr
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Expr.hpp
Commit 206ecae05ee6d8fc4268a9a62d27a92756a765fe by Peter Buhr
remove spurious push/pop from grammar contexts where type declarations are not allowed
The file was modifiedsrc/Parser/parser.yy
Commit 97f8f0f9e3f49a0495fdcd98634c5ed89275354f by ajbeach
Implemented special case of sizeof/alignof, where reference types are ignored for these operations.
The file was modifiedsrc/GenPoly/Lvalue.cpp
The file was addedtests/.expect/sizeof.txt
The file was addedtests/