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Started 3 mo 13 days ago
Took 17 min

Build #714 (Jan 17, 2024, 11:50:03 PM)

Distributing Tarball
Build Artifacts
cfa-cc- MiB view
  1. formatting (details)
  2. Unified and fixed handling of parameter attributes. (details)
  3. second attempt to interpose dl_iterate_phdr with disable/enable interrupt protection (details)
  4. Attempt to fix overnight build; add test-suite Makefile entry missing from cfbc56ecb. (details)
  5. interpose experiment to see if it is causing the build failure (details)
  6. first documentation for string API (details)
  7. formatting, add string constructor for char, add string *= operator, simplify ?+? and ?*? operations (details)
  8. change shape of latex minus sign, change lstlisting escapechar from $ to section symbol (details)
  9. Add missing test for string *= and refactor */*= to follow +/+= pattern with string_res. (details)
  10. formatting (details)
  11. Tweak string assignment-strcpy-strncpy and concatenate-strcat-strncat declarations. (details)
  12. Replayed maybeClone with maybeCopy, removed unused helppers in utility.h and pushed some includes out of headers. (details)
  13. I believe switching isValidOnFuncParam from an allow-list to a forbid-list may have solved the recent nightly builds. (details)
  14. Harmonize string constructors with assignments, refactor implementations to include string_res, add missing tests (details)

Started by upstream project Cforall Full Build build number 2762
originally caused by:

  • Started by timer
Revision: 7abc3de999f40164616d9d6530aca0aba093a66e
  • refs/remotes/origin/master