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  1. Combined the new and old TupleExpansion files. (details)
  2. Removed 'New' suffixes, they are no longer needed for disambiguation. (details)
  3. Renamed ResolvMode to ResolveMode. This is less consistent with the namespace, but is more consistent with almost everything else. (details)
  4. Rename the ScrubTyVars moduel to ScrubTypeVars. This makes it more consistent with the data types and function names now used. (details)
  5. Rename the linkReferenceTypes pass and the file that contains it. BaseInstType used to be called ReferenceToType, so the reason for the pass being called that is no longer true. (details)
  6. Removed some code that supported ast conversion, it supported ast translation, and that is done. (details)
Commit 6009a5a8d82cef194788e78005da6e3c1bce16c3 by ajbeach
Combined the new and old TupleExpansion files.
The file was removedsrc/Tuples/TupleExpansionNew.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Tuples/TupleExpansion.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Tuples/
The file was removedsrc/Tuples/
Commit 83fd57dbde2b629bbcc22cdd6694eccab69dd48e by ajbeach
Removed 'New' suffixes, they are no longer needed for disambiguation.
The file was addedsrc/GenPoly/InstantiateGeneric.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/CodeGen/
The file was removedsrc/MakeLibCfaNew.cpp
The file was addedsrc/GenPoly/Lvalue.cpp
The file was addedsrc/ControlStruct/LabelGenerator.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Validate/FindSpecialDecls.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Concurrency/Waitfor.cpp
The file was addedsrc/MakeLibCfa.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/ControlStruct/
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/BoxNew.cpp
The file was addedsrc/GenPoly/Specialize.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Validate/FixReturnTypes.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/ControlStruct/MultiLevelExit.cpp
The file was removedsrc/CodeGen/CodeGeneratorNew.cpp
The file was removedsrc/CodeGen/CodeGeneratorNew.hpp
The file was removedsrc/Concurrency/KeywordsNew.cpp
The file was addedsrc/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.cpp
The file was addedsrc/InitTweak/FixInit.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Validate/
The file was modifiedsrc/CodeGen/
The file was removedsrc/InitTweak/FixInitNew.cpp
The file was addedsrc/GenPoly/Box.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/
The file was addedsrc/ControlStruct/LabelGenerator.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Concurrency/
The file was removedsrc/ControlStruct/LabelGeneratorNew.hpp
The file was removedsrc/Validate/FindSpecialDeclsNew.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/GenPoly/
The file was removedsrc/ControlStruct/ExceptDeclNew.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Tuples/TupleExpansion.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Concurrency/Keywords.cpp
The file was removedsrc/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslateNew.cpp
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/SpecializeNew.cpp
The file was addedsrc/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.hpp
The file was removedsrc/Concurrency/WaitforNew.cpp
The file was removedsrc/ControlStruct/LabelGeneratorNew.cpp
The file was addedsrc/ControlStruct/ExceptDecl.cpp
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/LvalueNew.cpp
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/InstantiateGenericNew.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/CodeGen/
The file was addedsrc/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/InitTweak/
Commit 4a89b52c4fa1aae1dce7701bb4c97d75453681e5 by ajbeach
Renamed ResolvMode to ResolveMode. This is less consistent with the namespace, but is more consistent with almost everything else.
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/CandidateFinder.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/
The file was removedsrc/ResolvExpr/ResolvMode.h
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/CandidatePrinter.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/CandidateFinder.hpp
The file was addedsrc/ResolvExpr/ResolveMode.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/Tuples/
Commit d787828d13d57d1f8171523e352bccf1fa513216 by ajbeach
Rename the ScrubTyVars moduel to ScrubTypeVars. This makes it more consistent with the data types and function names now used.
The file was addedsrc/GenPoly/ScrubTypeVars.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/GenPoly/
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/ScrubTyVars.h
The file was removedsrc/GenPoly/
The file was modifiedsrc/GenPoly/
The file was modifiedsrc/GenPoly/InstantiateGeneric.cpp
The file was addedsrc/GenPoly/ScrubTypeVars.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/GenPoly/Box.cpp
Commit 37b3151afe3f5f5142ae98ef04ed2e1fe9e82ce7 by ajbeach
Rename the linkReferenceTypes pass and the file that contains it. BaseInstType used to be called ReferenceToType, so the reason for the pass being called that is no longer true.
The file was modifiedsrc/Validate/
The file was removedsrc/Validate/LinkReferenceToTypes.cpp
The file was addedsrc/Validate/LinkInstanceTypes.hpp
The file was addedsrc/Validate/LinkInstanceTypes.cpp
The file was removedsrc/Validate/LinkReferenceToTypes.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/
Commit c4570af36d5be981e5714c9d730a86bc48ac9d4a by ajbeach
Removed some code that supported ast conversion, it supported ast translation, and that is done.
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Expr.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Expr.hpp