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  1. refactored to fix bug in channel_close test. As a consquence can no longer break out of waituntil statements that have an and (details)
  2. removed test since it now contains unsupportd behaviour (details)
  3. add and update citations (details)
  4. add glossary abbreviations CAS, DWCAS, DCAS, DAS, LL, SC (details)
  5. more proofreading of actor chapter (details)
  6. some changes to the queue swap chapter (details)
  7. various actor changes and fixes (details)
  8. more proofreading of actor chapter (details)
  9. first pass at cleaning up per chapter reorganization (details)
  10. actor perf cleanup following reordering (details)
  11. fixed undefined reference (details)
  12. fix problems in pingpong_nonlocal (details)
  13. updated pingpong exception test to remove output race for repeatable test output (details)
  14. hide numtimes (details)
  15. fixed spurious channel close waituntil error case. Was caused by a race condition causing an exception to be thrown while another was in flight (details)
  16. missed two files with previous commit (details)
  17. added test that consistently produced the waituntil channel close failure case (details)
  18. updated documentation related to waituntil changes (details)
Commit ded018f9163d1fe78bae1d292d74be5535aeb2cb by caparsons
refactored to fix bug in channel_close test. As a consquence can no longer break out of waituntil statements that have an and
The file was modifiedsrc/Concurrency/Waituntil.cpp
Commit 555c599697fb5d2f6ad679e8acd5028309a44649 by caparsons
removed test since it now contains unsupportd behaviour
The file was removedtests/concurrency/waituntil/.expect/break.txt
The file was removedtests/concurrency/waituntil/
Commit 2f26b841b6455b92fd9b5c0cf332e716f2b99981 by Peter Buhr
add and update citations
The file was modifieddoc/bibliography/pl.bib
Commit 9b0c193665908871eccf91544fefe7ce1698b7e4 by Peter Buhr
add glossary abbreviations CAS, DWCAS, DCAS, DAS, LL, SC
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/glossary.tex
Commit e6e1a1206cdd5defb28fcd401966d2d7b93b358d by Peter Buhr
more proofreading of actor chapter
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/actors.tex
Commit 04c31f4c9533583c26f64923016af702d88ebf40 by caparsons
some changes to the queue swap chapter
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/actors.tex
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/glossary.tex
Commit 0aa77e6ab48fb3e593de734c3b00e37bf7ece4d1 by caparsons
various actor changes and fixes
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/data/pykeSendDynamic
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/data/nasusSendStatic
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/data/nasusSendDynamic
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/data/pykeSendStatic
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/actors.tex
Commit f80e0f1ec5c1d6ca89e521bef2589278610f15b4 by Peter Buhr
more proofreading of actor chapter
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/actors.tex
Commit 614868b3cb2ae1807fc194c27193d919b549415a by caparsons
first pass at cleaning up per chapter reorganization
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/actors.tex
Commit ea1bb945c6ba2262676128040e949a23557ed13d by caparsons
actor perf cleanup following reordering
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/actors.tex
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/local.bib
Commit 39e6309176f67d41b42846ca43fb37b8f92c9360 by caparsons
fixed undefined reference
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/waituntil.tex
Commit a2eb21a3e75fa9dd8fd465b9179ac734db266da5 by Peter Buhr
fix problems in pingpong_nonlocal
The file was modifiedtests/exceptions/.expect/pingpong_nonlocal.txt
The file was modifiedtests/exceptions/
Commit 4c8ce47cc0e5bf21ab409146e9a060bf5f45aac5 by caparsons
updated pingpong exception test to remove output race for repeatable test output
The file was modifiedtests/exceptions/.expect/pingpong_nonlocal.txt
The file was modifiedtests/exceptions/
Commit ffac259235332aa6058b69060849924aed8eed51 by Peter Buhr
hide numtimes
The file was modifiedtests/exceptions/
Commit b93bf851cd2f4c65993fbbd554e9a71949aa906d by caparsons
fixed spurious channel close waituntil error case. Was caused by a race condition causing an exception to be thrown while another was in flight
The file was modifiedlibcfa/src/concurrency/channel.hfa
The file was modifiedlibcfa/src/concurrency/future.hfa
The file was modifiedlibcfa/src/concurrency/locks.hfa
The file was modifiedlibcfa/src/concurrency/
The file was modifiedlibcfa/src/concurrency/invoke.h
The file was modifiedsrc/Concurrency/Waituntil.cpp
The file was modifiedlibcfa/src/concurrency/
The file was modifiedlibcfa/src/concurrency/select.hfa
The file was modifiedlibcfa/src/concurrency/
Commit bbecdd4e92ef5af54bd26d222e3783bf68890eaf by caparsons
missed two files with previous commit
The file was modifiedlibcfa/src/bits/weakso_locks.hfa
The file was modifiedlibcfa/src/bits/
Commit d829c6dd7604997eb490d631335c27505c6d749c by caparsons
added test that consistently produced the waituntil channel close failure case
The file was addedtests/concurrency/waituntil/.expect/repeat_close.txt
The file was modifiedtests/concurrency/waituntil/
The file was addedtests/concurrency/waituntil/
Commit bdbb448db74f30e04bb20f65e21f65932c69a824 by caparsons
updated documentation related to waituntil changes
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/waituntil.tex
The file was modifiedlibcfa/src/concurrency/select.hfa