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  1. added to conclusion, cleaned up and added some citations (details)
  2. fixed bug where virtual dtor would not work if dtors or ctors of the type had unnamed params (details)
  3. added flattening so that the mutex statement now can accept tuples (details)
  4. added test for mutex stmt tuples and changed actor test to use a unnamed param to test the virtual dtor fix (details)
  5. print proper error for hiding enumerator names of an anonymous enumeration, which means the names are inaccessible (details)
  6. change from printf to sout (details)
  7. remove duplicate entries from local.bib in pl.bib (details)
  8. force bibtex to run in Makefile and print more output (details)
  9. add LIFO and FIFO to glossary abbreviation (details)
  10. use FIFO abbrev in channel chapter (details)
  11. change text font-size in figures to match paper font-size (details)
Commit c9019ce9baa8a8b2d2de47644af67760b22dca5d by caparsons
added to conclusion, cleaned up and added some citations
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/local.bib
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/conclusion.tex
Commit 4bae7b4e4a434778d66ee17c5aa961b8b246ab9c by caparsons
fixed bug where virtual dtor would not work if dtors or ctors of the type had unnamed params
The file was modifiedsrc/Virtual/VirtualDtor.cpp
Commit d464b791d5bd75566b03d39595db6a7a316a6884 by caparsons
added flattening so that the mutex statement now can accept tuples
The file was modifiedsrc/Concurrency/KeywordsNew.cpp
Commit bdf4cd9e6ac8eafbab8e28e064469f5b3f9f879d by caparsons
added test for mutex stmt tuples and changed actor test to use a unnamed param to test the virtual dtor fix
The file was addedtests/concurrency/mutexstmt/.expect/tuple.txt
The file was modifiedtests/concurrency/actors/
The file was addedtests/concurrency/mutexstmt/
Commit d7874052137a775445ae25caefc2846ed4a3a9fd by Peter Buhr
print proper error for hiding enumerator names of an anonymous enumeration, which means the names are inaccessible
The file was modifiedsrc/Parser/parser.yy
Commit 6c7fe7bc083d126dd92f7876d08dc172094a04ff by Peter Buhr
change from printf to sout
The file was modifiedtests/raii/.expect/memberCtors-ERR1.txt
The file was modifiedtests/raii/
Commit c5e2a841e6dd9d3254e24d08afea8c55ff12982d by Peter Buhr
remove duplicate entries from local.bib in pl.bib
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/local.bib
Commit 729b794cb3a3c0da4e8b82d7db6c3fdcb8505845 by Peter Buhr
force bibtex to run in Makefile and print more output
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/Makefile
Commit fb4b283bbc76638da5f16a8bb71b3a3d0c281ce9 by Peter Buhr
add LIFO and FIFO to glossary abbreviation
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/glossary.tex
Commit 5384793ef84f353df1ecc063c11ccca8feff2fb3 by Peter Buhr
use FIFO abbrev in channel chapter
The file was modifieddoc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/channels.tex
Commit 1ae3ac46904e0b164dcec0e13b996849dc2b67a6 by Peter Buhr
change text font-size in figures to match paper font-size
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/ObjectHeaders.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/AllocatedObject.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/ProgramFalseSharing.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/llheap.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/AddressSpace.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/Header.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/SuperContainers.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/MultipleHeapsNoOwnership.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/PerThreadHeap.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/Alignment2Impl.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/AllocInducedActiveFalseSharing.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/SingleHeap.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/PrivatePublicHeaps.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/RemoteFreeList.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/AllocDS1.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/ContainerOwnershipFreelist.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/AllocatorComponents.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/HeapStructure.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/Container.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/Alignment1.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/MultipleHeapsOwnership.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/FakeHeader.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/MultipleHeapsOwnershipStorage.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/SharedHeaps.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/CoalesceAllocated.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/ContainerFalseSharing1.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/MultipleHeapsStorage.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/Alignment2.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/ContainerOwnership.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/MemoryFragmentation.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/FreeListWithinContainers.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/AllocDS2.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/AllocInducedPassiveFalseSharing.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/IntExtFragmentation.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/ContainerNoOwnershipFreelist.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/CoalesceFree.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/FreeListAmongContainers.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/ContainerNoOwnership.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/ContainerFalseSharing2.fig
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/figures/UserKernelHeaps.fig