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  1. added atomic to eliminate if failing test deadlock is a staleness issue (details)
  2. Eliminating the busy wait spin at the end seems to resolve deadlock. Added further tests to try and narrow down failure case, and to see if the failure is waituntil specific (details)
  3. more updates for llheap paper (details)
Commit c5a2c96fd79c6bb06fe6f095e292106b4aedb3eb by caparsons
added atomic to eliminate if failing test deadlock is a staleness issue
The file was modifiedlibcfa/src/concurrency/channel.hfa
Commit 7b53bfdceb792b7e587847a29488d1a1a4c71af4 by caparsons
Eliminating the busy wait spin at the end seems to resolve deadlock. Added further tests to try and narrow down failure case, and to see if the failure is waituntil specific
The file was addedtests/concurrent/waituntil/.expect/one_chan_spin.txt
The file was addedtests/concurrent/channels/
The file was addedtests/concurrent/waituntil/
The file was addedtests/concurrent/channels/.expect/handoff.txt
The file was modifiedtests/concurrent/waituntil/
Commit 9eb7f07cfca64b294b593355d1385e8bd1d0166c by Peter Buhr
more updates for llheap paper
The file was modifieddoc/papers/llheap/Paper.tex