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  1. update prelude basicTypes with _Float128 and _Float128 _Complex needed for the root of the conversion hierarchy (details)
  2. update conversion graph to correct and complete all relationships among basic types in gcc (details)
  3. add test for gcc arithmetic conversions (details)
  4. rename test ArithmeticConversions to arithmeticConversions (details)
  5. unsure if these files should be committed because they have generated code (details)
  6. expected output for arithmeticConversions test on x64 (details)
Commit cdd287b9a02207e64827456c824bf750007f4aa6 by Peter Buhr
update prelude basicTypes with _Float128 and _Float128 _Complex needed for the root of the conversion hierarchy
The file was modifiedlibcfa/prelude/
Commit 44acc7230995f5609bc1cac28ef52b28ba5617ec by Peter Buhr
update conversion graph to correct and complete all relationships among basic types in gcc
The file was modifiedsrc/BasicTypes-gen.cpp
Commit b0708ea1d4154f03985b857d92b904acdaf5f4eb by Peter Buhr
add test for gcc arithmetic conversions
The file was addedtests/.expect/ArithmeticConversions.x86.txt
The file was addedtests/
Commit 445b281f5d9030a30b9b55afb500c186e0d71e72 by Peter Buhr
rename test ArithmeticConversions to arithmeticConversions
The file was addedtests/.expect/arithmeticConversions.x86.txt
The file was removedtests/.expect/ArithmeticConversions.x86.txt
The file was removedtests/
The file was addedtests/
Commit 689d0575efebba7e0ece164aab8e2967a9548a43 by Peter Buhr
unsure if these files should be committed because they have generated code
The file was modifiedsrc/SymTab/ManglerCommon.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/ConversionCost.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/ResolvExpr/CommonType.cpp
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/BasicKind.hpp
The file was modifiedsrc/AST/Type.cpp
Commit 5a79dae3705a98053b234277742711525590e7e8 by Peter Buhr
expected output for arithmeticConversions test on x64
The file was addedtests/.expect/arithmeticConversions.x64.txt