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  1. Resurrect test of zero_t/one_t and capture present state of ++ (details)
  2. Allow builtin ++ from += overloads, and similar, to work on a type witout a parameterless constructor (details)
  3. harmonize comments in test program (details)
  4. formatting (details)
Commit fd0a1799edd605d4d425f453cbf773d11bb8d520 by Michael Brooks
Resurrect test of zero_t/one_t and capture present state of ++
The file was addedtests/
The file was removedtests/zombies/zero_one.c
The file was addedtests/.expect/zero_one.txt
Commit 8e4f34e335930cfb7ffa7e01dbe76b95b6b64f61 by Michael Brooks
Allow builtin ++ from += overloads, and similar, to work on a type witout a parameterless constructor
The file was modifiedtests/
The file was modifiedlibcfa/prelude/builtins.c
Commit 6e6e372e9ff4bb7a4900282faea194e52a362340 by Peter Buhr
harmonize comments in test program
The file was modifiedtests/
Commit ec2222049a9fca3d80799f50564f03f551e6255d by Peter Buhr
The file was modifiedtests/concurrency/waituntil/