Skip to content
Start of Pipeline - (12 min in block)
node - (6.3 sec in block)
node block - (6.2 sec in block)
wrap - (6.2 sec in block)
wrap block - (6.2 sec in block)
properties - (97 ms in self)
checkout - (5.8 sec in self)
load - (0.2 sec in block)Jenkins/tools.groovy
load block (Jenkins/tools.groovy) - (6 ms in block)
echo - (1 ms in self)Compiler : gcc-9 (g++-9/gcc-9) Architecture : x64 Arc Flags : --host=x86_64 Run All Tests : true Run Benchmark : true Build Documentation : false Publish : true Silent : true
node - (12 min in block)x64
node block - (12 min in block)
wrap - (12 min in block)
wrap block - (12 min in block)
pwd - (3 ms in self)
pwd - (23 ms in self)
echo - (4 ms in self) -------- Cleanup --------
stage - (0.52 sec in block)Cleanup
stage block (Cleanup) - (0.45 sec in block)
dir - (0.42 sec in block)/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master@tmp
dir block - (0.41 sec in block)
deleteDir - (0.4 sec in self)
echo - (4 ms in self) -------- Checkout --------
stage - (4.9 sec in block)Checkout
stage block (Checkout) - (4.9 sec in block)
checkout - (3.5 sec in self)
echo - (10 ms in self)Constructing new git message
sh - (0.41 sec in self)git rev-list 710d0c8c05c4f2ca495488e16910eebacf204c21..710d0c8c05c4f2ca495488e16910eebacf204c21
sh - (0.3 sec in self)git cat-file -t 710d0c8c05c4f2ca495488e16910eebacf204c21
sh - (0.31 sec in self)git rev-list --format=short 710d0c8c05c4f2ca495488e16910eebacf204c21...710d0c8c05c4f2ca495488e16910eebacf204c21
sh - (0.31 sec in self)git diff --stat --color 710d0c8c05c4f2ca495488e16910eebacf204c21 710d0c8c05c4f2ca495488e16910eebacf204c21
echo - (1 ms in self) <p>- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------</p> <pre> The branch master has been updated. from 710d0c8c05c4f2ca495488e16910eebacf204c21 (commit) </pre> <p>- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------</p> <pre> </pre> <p>-----------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <pre> Summary of changes: </pre>
echo - (4 ms in self) -------- Build : configure --------
stage - (27 sec in block)Build : configure
stage block (Build : configure) - (27 sec in block)
dir - (8.4 sec in block)/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master
dir block - (8.3 sec in block)
sh - (8.3 sec in self)./
dir - (19 sec in block)/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master@tmp
dir block - (19 sec in block)
sh - (8.4 sec in self)/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master/configure CXX=g++-9 CC=gcc-9 --host=x86_64 AR=gcc-ar RANLIB=gcc-ranlib --with-target-hosts='host:debug,host:nodebug' --quiet --prefix=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master@tmp
sh - (10 sec in self)make -j $(nproc) --no-print-directory configure-libcfa
echo - (3 ms in self) -------- Build : cfa-cpp --------
stage - (2 min 41 sec in block)Build : cfa-cpp
stage block (Build : cfa-cpp) - (2 min 41 sec in block)
dir - (2 min 41 sec in block)/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master@tmp
dir block - (2 min 41 sec in block)
sh - (2.9 sec in self)make -j $(nproc) --no-print-directory -C driver
sh - (2 min 38 sec in self)make -j $(nproc) --no-print-directory -C src
echo - (4 ms in self) -------- Build : libcfa(debug) --------
stage - (31 sec in block)Build : libcfa(debug)
stage block (Build : libcfa(debug)) - (31 sec in block)
dir - (31 sec in block)/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master@tmp
dir block - (31 sec in block)
sh - (31 sec in self)make -j $(nproc) --no-print-directory -C libcfa/x64-debug
echo - (3 ms in self) -------- Build : libcfa(nodebug) --------
stage - (33 sec in block)Build : libcfa(nodebug)
stage block (Build : libcfa(nodebug)) - (33 sec in block)
dir - (33 sec in block)/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master@tmp
dir block - (33 sec in block)
sh - (33 sec in self)make -j $(nproc) --no-print-directory -C libcfa/x64-nodebug
echo - (3 ms in self) -------- Build : install --------
stage - (2.5 sec in block)Build : install
stage block (Build : install) - (2.4 sec in block)
dir - (2.4 sec in block)/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master@tmp
dir block - (2.4 sec in block)
sh - (2.4 sec in self)make -j $(nproc) --no-print-directory install
sh - (0.29 sec in self)free -h
sh - (0.32 sec in self)ulimit -a
echo - (4 ms in self) -------- Test: Debug --------
stage - (2 min 58 sec in block)Test: Debug
stage block (Test: Debug) - (2 min 58 sec in block)
dir - (2 min 58 sec in block)/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master@tmp
dir block - (2 min 58 sec in block)
sh - (2 min 58 sec in self)make -j $(nproc) --no-print-directory -C tests timeout=600 global-timeout=14400 tests debug=yes archive-errors=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master@tmp/tests/crashes/full-debug
echo - (4 ms in self) -------- Test: Release --------
stage - (3 min 22 sec in block)Test: Release
stage block (Test: Release) - (3 min 22 sec in block)
dir - (3 min 22 sec in block)/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master@tmp
dir block - (3 min 22 sec in block)
sh - (3 min 22 sec in self)make -j $(nproc) --no-print-directory -C tests timeout=600 global-timeout=14400 tests debug=no archive-errors=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master@tmp/tests/crashes/full-nodebug
echo - (3 ms in self) -------- Benchmark --------
stage - (1 min 31 sec in block)Benchmark
stage block (Benchmark) - (1 min 31 sec in block)
dir - (1 min 31 sec in block)/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cforall_master@tmp
dir block - (1 min 31 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 31 sec in self)make --no-print-directory -C benchmark jenkins arch=x64
echo - (4 ms in self) -------- Documentation --------
stage - (32 ms in block)Documentation
stage block (Documentation) - (8 ms in block)
echo - (4 ms in self) -------- Publish --------
stage - (14 ms in block)Publish
stage block (Publish) - (8 ms in block)
node - (65 ms in block)
node block - (39 ms in block)
echo - (22 ms in self)Notifying users of result
echo - (7 ms in self)Reusing previously constructed message
echo - (2 ms in self)Would send email to:
echo - (2 ms in self)With title: [cforall git][BUILD# 26666 - SUCCESS] - branch master
echo - (<1 ms in self)Content: <p>This is an automated email from the Jenkins build machine. It was generated because of a git hooks/post-receive script following a ref change which was pushed to the C∀ repository.</p> <p>- Status --------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>BUILD# 26666 - SUCCESS</p> <p>Check console output at to view the results.</p> <p>- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------</p> <pre> The branch master has been updated. from 710d0c8c05c4f2ca495488e16910eebacf204c21 (commit) </pre> <p>- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------</p> <pre> </pre> <p>-----------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <pre> Summary of changes: </pre>
echo - (1 ms in self)Build Completed