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Started 11 mo ago
Took 9 min 55 sec

Build #2 (Jun 8, 2023, 3:22:12 PM)

gcc-11:x64 on Brokk 6
  1. change waituntil expression from cast_expression to comma_expression (details)
  2. update comment about locale problem with leaked storage (details)
  3. remove gcc 4.9, 5, 6 from jenkins know compilers and change nightly builds to gcc 7-11 (details)
  4. some cleanup and a bunch of changes to support waituntil statement (details)
  5. updated lock interface to support waituntil trait (details)
  6. added support for the waituntil statement in the compiler (details)
  7. added tests for the waituntil stmt (details)
  8. removed clh lock (details)
  9. removed scoped lock (details)
  10. removed old unused benchmark file (details)
  11. removed TODO since it is now done (details)
  12. added waituntil test expect files (details)
  13. formatting, adjust target names for Makefiles (details)
  14. change all-tests to tests to match new make targets (details)
  15. remove unsed cfa-format.tex file (details)
  16. update list of CFA keywords in lstlang.sty (details)
  17. add citations for Actor paper (details)
  18. put keywords in alphabetic order in lex.ll (details)
  19. formatting, add intro chapter to tex dependencies (details)
  20. formatting, small updates (details)
  21. small updates (details)
  22. formatting, small updates (details)
  23. small updates (details)
  24. small updates (details)
  25. start proofreading of channel chapter (details)
  26. remove version count of thesis builds (details)
  27. added 32 bit failure fix for channels (details)
  28. start paper on llheap (details)
  29. small changes to channel chapter (details)
  30. did some cleanup of channels (details)
  31. added a test change to help locate the deadlock on next test failure (details)
  32. added some variations on failing channel test to try and narrow down failure to minimal case. Window for deadlock must be small as it seems to be irreproducible unless during full build + test. (details)
  33. added and removed some tests in pursuit of a more minimal repro of the deadlock failure case (details)
  34. removed uneeded tests (details)
  35. removed potential race to attempt to fix failing test (details)
  36. updated channel and mutex stmt figures (details)
  37. updated plotting scripts with new plot style (details)
  38. added CAP annotation macro (details)
  39. added various small edits and resolved some action items (details)
  40. cleaned up benchmark pseudocode (details)
  41. fixed a bug which may potentially fix build (details)
  42. added zero size channel waituntil test case (details)
  43. refactored tests to refine failure case to minimal repro (details)
  44. removed tests that are redundant (details)
  45. removed some redundant tests and added some instrumentation to help track down bug (details)
  46. added some instrumentation to attempt to glean some insight into optimized away values (details)
  47. Clean up methods for result1/N/Nstmt classes and the padantic pass macros. (details)
  48. Added fix for cond var timeout handling race. Cleanup of locks.hfa/cfa changes is an ongoing TODO (details)
  49. continue working on llheap paper (details)
  50. add Makefile for llheap paper (details)
  51. removed uneeded busy wait (details)
  52. added atomic to eliminate if failing test deadlock is a staleness issue (details)
  53. Eliminating the busy wait spin at the end seems to resolve deadlock. Added further tests to try and narrow down failure case, and to see if the failure is waituntil specific (details)
  54. more updates for llheap paper (details)
  55. changed variable name in makefile to try and avoid shell command with same name (details)
  56. changed dist-hook rule to use curly braces to access shell vars where it should use them instead of parens (details)
  57. removed tests made during deadlock debugging (details)
  58. added back initially failing test and cleaned up other test (details)
  59. added atomic_load to non-MX channel get routines (details)
  60. add make-help option and change parenthesis to braces for variables (details)
  61. added invariant flag to test makefile (details)
  62. added waituntil timeout test and added waituntil test that uses multiple waituntil primitive types (details)
  63. cleanup up locks files and fixed a minor whitespace issue in (details)
  64. fixed bug in special OR case for channels and waituntil (details)
  65. fixed bug in waituntil and future interop where signals could be lost (details)
  66. added support for timeouts in waituntil (details)
  67. changed makefile since select has a .cfa now (details)
  68. Added proposal for alternate enumerations that could replace some of the typed enumeration features. (details)
  69. changed channel fetch routines to use relaxed atomics (details)
  70. Save progress (details)
  71. reset enum's autogen as non adt (details)
  72. fix spelling mistake (details)
  73. more cleanup of the make-help option (details)
  74. more proofreading of the channel chapter (details)
  75. Save progress (details)
  76. added beginning of waituntil chapter (details)
  77. Completed next iteration on channel chapter (details)
  78. add compilation flag -mno-outline-atomics on the ARM processor (details)
  79. fixed a bug in mcs implementation and cleaned up a bit (details)
  80. added a small waituntil optimization and added some improvements to statistic collection (details)
  81. Initiate host adt (details)
  82. Finish Adt POC (details)

Branch indexing

Revision: fa2c005cdb7210e3aaf9b1170f05fbc75444ece7
  • ADT