Custom Query (147 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 147)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#89 Thierry Delisle fixed forall distribution order is wrong

The order of the parameters of generic types inside a forall distribution clause seems wrong. For example, this does not compile :

struct swagl;
forall(otype T) {
    forall(dtype D) struct foo {
        D * ptr; T val;

int main() {
    foo(int, swagl) bar;
#96 Thierry Delisle wontfix cfa-cpp does not catch all exceptions when using g++-4.9

Mostly for posterity. Broken tests are : fallthrough-ERROR, typedefRedef-ERR1

#97 Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> Thierry Delisle fixed Missing polymorphic type has no line number

The following code:

forall(otype type) {
struct T {
	int x, y;

T(type) foo() {
	return (T){1, 2};

produces an error with no line number:

error: Too few type arguments in generic type lvalue instance of struct T with body 1
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