# ChangeLog for tests/malloc.cfa
# Generated by Trac 1.2.1
# Mar 6, 2025, 9:32:07 AM

Tue, 07 Jan 2025 20:22:19 GMT Michael Brooks <mlbrooks@…> [10b5970]
	* libcfa/src/bits/queue.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/mutex_stmt.hfa (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tests/PRNG.cfa (modified)
	* tests/alloc.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/channels/ping_pong.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/cluster.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/coroutineYield.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/examples/boundedBufferEXT.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/examples/boundedBufferINT.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/futures/wait_any.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/join.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/migrate.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/monitor.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/multi-monitor.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/mutexstmt/locks.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/mutexstmt/monitors.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/preempt.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/pthread/pthread_cond_test.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/pthread/pthread_once_test.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/readyQ/leader_spin.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/signal/block.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/signal/disjoint.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/signal/wait.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/suspend_then.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/thread.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/unified_locking/locks.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/unified_locking/pthread_locks.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/waitfor/barge.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/waitfor/statment.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/waitfor/when.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/waituntil/channel_zero_size.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrency/waituntil/one_chan.cfa (modified)
	* tests/configs/parsebools.cfa (modified)
	* tests/configs/parsenums.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/raii.cfa (modified)
	* tests/ctrl-flow/goto.cfa (modified)
	* tests/ctrl-flow/ifwhileCtl.cfa (modified)
	* tests/enum.cfa (modified)
	* tests/enum_tests/inc-dec.cfa (modified)
	* tests/enum_tests/planet.cfa (modified)
	* tests/enum_tests/structEnum.cfa (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/hotpotato.cfa (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/hotpotato_checked.cfa (modified)
	* tests/io/io-acquire-no-io.cfa (modified)
	* tests/link-once/main.cfa (modified)
	* tests/linking/mangling/main.cfa (modified)
	* tests/malloc.cfa (modified)
	* tests/mathX.cfa (modified)
	* tests/maybe.cfa (modified)
	* tests/poly-d-cycle.cfa (modified)
	* tests/poly-member.cfa (modified)
	* tests/poly-o-cycle.cfa (modified)
	* tests/quotedKeyword.cfa (modified)
	* tests/raii/partial.cfa (modified)
	* tests/result.cfa (modified)
	* tests/sizeof.cfa (modified)
	* tests/smart-pointers.cfa (modified)
	* tests/tuple/tupleAssign.cfa (modified)
	* tests/tuple/tuplePolymorphism.cfa (modified)
	* tests/tuple/tupleVariadic.cfa (modified)
	* tests/typeof.cfa (modified)

	Fix many test-suite- and libcfa-caused unused variable warnings.

	In ...

Wed, 12 Oct 2022 00:23:26 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [116a2ea]
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel/startup.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/heap.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/heap.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/startup.cfa (modified)
	* tests/.expect/alloc.txt (modified)
	* tests/alloc.cfa (modified)
	* tests/alloc2.cfa (modified)
	* tests/malloc.cfa (modified)

	new heap and associated tests updated

Fri, 13 Nov 2020 04:04:13 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [10d609a]
	* tests/malloc.cfa (modified)

	allow free( 0p )

Thu, 12 Nov 2020 16:22:01 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [654d5a47]
	* tests/malloc.cfa (modified)

	add emacs comments at end

Mon, 09 Nov 2020 17:12:37 GMT m3zulfiq <m3zulfiq@…> [75baaa3]
	* tests/malloc.cfa (modified)

	temporarily fixed sanity check on free by type-casting. changed ...

Wed, 02 Sep 2020 21:56:59 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [3a4834b3]
	* libcfa/src/heap.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdlib.hfa (modified)
	* tests/.expect/alloc2.txt (added)
	* tests/alloc2.cfa (modified)
	* tests/malloc.cfa (modified)

	Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc into

Wed, 02 Sep 2020 17:13:28 GMT m3zulfiq <m3zulfiq@…> [f76ff0b]
	* libcfa/src/heap.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdlib.hfa (modified)
	* tests/.expect/alloc2.txt (added)
	* tests/alloc2.cfa (modified)
	* tests/malloc.cfa (modified)

	alloc2.txt: added expected output file for test alloc2.cfa. heap.cfa: ...

Wed, 02 Sep 2020 12:43:06 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [f8acfc0]
	* tests/malloc.cfa (modified)

	turn on more testing after fixing heap problems

Wed, 02 Sep 2020 00:05:48 GMT m3zulfiq <m3zulfiq@…> [68f0c4e]
	* libcfa/src/stdlib.hfa (modified)
	* tests/.expect/alloc-old.txt (added)
	* tests/.expect/alloc.txt (modified)
	* tests/malloc.cfa (modified)

	stdlib.hfa: changed CFA malloc, realloc and resize as discussed with ...

Mon, 31 Aug 2020 21:20:49 GMT m3zulfiq <m3zulfiq@…> [191a190]
	* libcfa/src/stdlib.hfa (modified)
	* tests/alloc.cfa (modified)
	* tests/alloc2.cfa (added)
	* tests/malloc.cfa (added)

	Removed a fill bug from alloc interface, changed pervious alloc tests ...