# ChangeLog for src
# Generated by Trac 1.2.1
# Mar 11, 2025, 10:32:47 AM

Fri, 31 Jul 2020 19:43:22 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [3ac8b9f]
	* libcfa/configure (modified)
	* libcfa/configure.ac (modified)
	* src/cfa.make (modified)

	Added make variable to allow timing CFA compilation.
	Usage : make ...

Wed, 22 Jul 2020 15:24:33 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [f19fbbc]
	* src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/virtual-cast.txt (added)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/virtual-poly.txt (added)
	* tests/exceptions/virtual-cast.cfa (moved)
	* tests/exceptions/virtual-poly.cfa (added)

	Fixed the virtual system so it can handle in polymorphic virtual ...

Fri, 17 Jul 2020 19:46:07 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [680ae0e]
	* src/Common/PassVisitor.proto.h (modified)

	Changed cleanup stack in pass visitor to use std::vector

Thu, 16 Jul 2020 16:35:19 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [3f06c05]
	* src/GenPoly/InstantiateGeneric.cc (modified)
	* tests/.expect/functions.x64.txt (modified)
	* tests/.expect/functions.x86.txt (modified)
	* tests/.expect/poly-cycle.txt (added)
	* tests/poly-cycle.cfa (added)

	Fixed InstantiateGeneric so that it can handle cyclic type references ...

Wed, 15 Jul 2020 22:43:57 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [791028a]
	* src/Parser/ExpressionNode.cc (modified)

	formatting, fix warning for usage of uninitialized variable val

Tue, 14 Jul 2020 02:00:17 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [cf5af9c]
	* libcfa/prelude/builtins.c (modified)
	* src/Parser/ExpressionNode.cc (modified)
	* tests/errors/.expect/completeType.x64.txt (moved)

	change from __SIZEOF_POINTER__ to __SIZEOF_INT128__ to determine if ...

Sun, 12 Jul 2020 19:14:06 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [ccb776b]
	* src/Parser/ExpressionNode.cc (modified)

	fix #if to elide int128 code for 32-bit build

Sun, 12 Jul 2020 14:43:59 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [dbe8e31c]
	* libcfa/prelude/builtins.c (modified)
	* src/Parser/ExpressionNode.cc (modified)

	use #if to elide int128 code for 32-bit build

Sat, 11 Jul 2020 22:41:48 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [d34575b]
	* benchmark/io/batch-readv.c (modified)
	* benchmark/io/io_uring.h (added)
	* benchmark/io/readv.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/Makefile.am (modified)
	* libcfa/src/Makefile.in (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/io.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/iocall.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel_private.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/preemption.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/stats.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/stats.hfa (modified)
	* src/Makefile.in (modified)
	* src/Parser/module.mk (modified)
	* tests/bugs/.expect/10.txt (added)
	* tests/bugs/.expect/194.txt (added)
	* tests/bugs/.expect/20.txt (added)
	* tests/bugs/.expect/44.txt (added)
	* tests/bugs/.expect/46.txt (added)
	* tests/bugs/.expect/5.txt (added)
	* tests/bugs/.expect/66.txt (added)
	* tests/bugs/.expect/91.txt (added)
	* tests/bugs/.expect/92.txt (added)
	* tests/bugs/.expect/95.txt (added)
	* tests/bugs/10.cfa (added)
	* tests/bugs/104.cfa (added)
	* tests/bugs/194.cfa (added)
	* tests/bugs/20.cfa (added)
	* tests/bugs/44.cfa (added)
	* tests/bugs/46.cfa (added)
	* tests/bugs/5.cfa (added)
	* tests/bugs/66.cfa (added)
	* tests/bugs/7.cfa (added)
	* tests/bugs/91.cfa (added)
	* tests/bugs/92.cfa (added)
	* tests/bugs/95.cfa (added)
	* tests/pybin/test_run.py (modified)
	* tests/pybin/tools.py (modified)
	* tests/test.py (modified)

	Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc

Sat, 11 Jul 2020 22:37:01 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [f6582252]
	* src/Parser/ExpressionNode.cc (modified)

	add support for int128 constants

Fri, 10 Jul 2020 16:59:42 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [2fc94ced]
	* src/Makefile.in (modified)
	* src/Parser/module.mk (modified)

	Added -Wno-yacc when compiling parser.yy

Mon, 06 Jul 2020 20:46:14 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [82bbaf4]
	* src/Parser/ParseNode.h (modified)


Thu, 02 Jul 2020 22:05:10 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [d5baf0c]
	* src/GenPoly/Specialize.cc (modified)

	Specialization now produces Declarations instead of Statements so it ...

Wed, 24 Jun 2020 16:30:42 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [7f9968a]
	* src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.cc (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/resume.txt (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/terminate.txt (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/resume.cfa (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/terminate.cfa (modified)

	Fixed a problem with 'throwResume;' translation and added some tests ...

Sun, 14 Jun 2020 12:19:17 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [79aae15]
	* src/Parser/DeclarationNode.cc (modified)

	fix spelling mistake in comments

Thu, 28 May 2020 17:23:55 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [a491a3c]
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)

	parser prints "List of mutex member is currently unimplemented" error

Tue, 26 May 2020 20:03:30 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [c19bc90]
	* src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified)

	Better error messages in ExpandCasts.

Tue, 26 May 2020 15:24:55 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [b2de2e0]
	* src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.cc (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/type-check.txt (added)
	* tests/exceptions/type-check.cfa (added)

	Improved the check of the catch[Resume] exception declaration.

Sat, 23 May 2020 13:38:03 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [cbbd8fd7]
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)

	rename non-terminal argument_expression_list to ...

Fri, 22 May 2020 18:49:54 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [7119daa]
	* src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.h (modified)

	More clean-up in ExceptTranslate.

Thu, 21 May 2020 17:43:59 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [66ba544]
	* src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.cc (modified)

	Dead code elimination in the try block translation.

Tue, 19 May 2020 21:31:20 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [046a890]
	* libcfa/src/exception.c (modified)
	* libcfa/src/exception.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/exception.hfa (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.h (modified)
	* src/main.cc (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/conditional.cfa (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/data-except.cfa (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/finally.cfa (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/interact.cfa (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/resume.cfa (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/terminate.cfa (modified)

	That should get default operations working for throws. More tests to ...

Thu, 07 May 2020 00:48:41 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [0a6d8204]
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)

	replace parsing empty elements in tuple list with @, unimplemented

Thu, 16 Apr 2020 17:25:53 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [7215000]
	* src/CompilationState.cc (modified)
	* src/CompilationState.h (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/TypeEnvironment.cc (modified)
	* src/main.cc (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.in (modified)
	* tests/errors/.expect/completeType.txt (modified)

	Added flag to disable non-deteministic parts of the output when

Mon, 30 Mar 2020 15:36:54 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [3090127]
	* libcfa/src/exception.c (modified)
	* libcfa/src/exception.h (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/Resolver.cc (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/except-mac.hfa (modified)

	Naming updates, most are to get exception names to the new ...

Tue, 10 Mar 2020 14:49:25 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [ff489bf]
	* Jenkinsfile (modified)
	* benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_cor.cfa (modified)
	* configure (modified)
	* configure.ac (modified)
	* libcfa/prelude/builtins.c (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.hfa (modified)
	* src/AST/Convert.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Decl.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Fwd.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Pass.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Pass.impl.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Print.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Stmt.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Visitor.hpp (modified)
	* src/Common/PassVisitor.h (modified)
	* src/Common/PassVisitor.impl.h (modified)
	* src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/ParseNode.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/StatementNode.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/TypeData.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/lex.ll (modified)
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Declaration.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Mutator.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Statement.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Statement.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/SynTree.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Visitor.h (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/.expect/suspend_then.txt (added)
	* tests/concurrent/coroutineYield.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/suspend_then.cfa (moved)
	* tests/coroutine/.expect/fmtLines.txt (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/.in/fmtLines.txt (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/cntparens.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/devicedriver.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/fibonacci.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/fibonacci_1.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/fmtLines.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/raii.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/runningTotal.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/suspend_then.cfa (modified)
	* tests/errors/.expect/completeType.txt (modified)
	* tests/errors/suspend.cfa (added)
	* tests/generator/.expect/fibonacci.txt (added)
	* tests/generator/.expect/fmtLines.txt (added)
	* tests/generator/.expect/suspend_then.txt (added)
	* tests/generator/.in/fmtLines.txt (added)
	* tests/generator/fibonacci.cfa (added)
	* tests/generator/fmtLines.cfa (added)
	* tests/generator/suspend_then.cfa (added)

	Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc

Mon, 09 Mar 2020 15:09:52 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [5b544a6]
	* benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_cor.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/prelude/builtins.c (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.hfa (modified)
	* src/AST/Convert.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Decl.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Fwd.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Pass.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Pass.impl.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Print.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Stmt.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Visitor.hpp (modified)
	* src/Common/PassVisitor.h (modified)
	* src/Common/PassVisitor.impl.h (modified)
	* src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/ParseNode.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/StatementNode.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/TypeData.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/lex.ll (modified)
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Declaration.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Mutator.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Statement.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Statement.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/SynTree.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Visitor.h (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/.expect/suspend_then.txt (added)
	* tests/concurrent/coroutineYield.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/suspend_then.cfa (moved)
	* tests/coroutine/.expect/fmtLines.txt (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/.in/fmtLines.txt (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/cntparens.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/devicedriver.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/fibonacci.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/fibonacci_1.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/fmtLines.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/raii.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/runningTotal.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/suspend_then.cfa (modified)
	* tests/errors/.expect/completeType.txt (modified)
	* tests/errors/suspend.cfa (added)
	* tests/generator/.expect/fibonacci.txt (added)
	* tests/generator/.expect/fmtLines.txt (added)
	* tests/generator/.expect/suspend_then.txt (added)
	* tests/generator/.in/fmtLines.txt (added)
	* tests/generator/fibonacci.cfa (added)
	* tests/generator/fmtLines.cfa (added)
	* tests/generator/suspend_then.cfa (added)

	Merge branch 'generator'

Mon, 09 Mar 2020 15:06:19 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [e6cfa8ff]
	* src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/.expect/fmtLines.txt (modified)
	* tests/errors/.expect/completeType.txt (modified)

	Fixed use after delete bug and regenerated stale tests

Sat, 07 Mar 2020 14:23:46 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [9867cdb]
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)

	print parser error "C @= assignment is currently unimplemented"

Thu, 05 Mar 2020 22:50:54 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [9306559f]
	* src/GenPoly/Lvalue.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)

	Fixed small errors in generators code

Mon, 02 Mar 2020 21:59:27 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [427854b]
	* benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_cor.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/prelude/builtins.c (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.hfa (modified)
	* src/AST/Decl.hpp (modified)
	* src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified)
	* src/GenPoly/Lvalue.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/ParseNode.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/StatementNode.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/TypeData.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Declaration.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Statement.h (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/coroutineThen.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/coroutineYield.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/.in/fmtLines.txt (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/cntparens.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/devicedriver.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/fibonacci.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/fibonacci_1.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/fmtLines.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/raii.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/runningTotal.cfa (modified)
	* tests/coroutine/suspend_then.cfa (modified)
	* tests/generator/.expect/fibonacci.txt (added)
	* tests/generator/fibonacci.cfa (added)

	First draft implementation of generators, still missing error ...

Mon, 02 Mar 2020 21:24:41 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [1e2de89]
	* src/SynTree/LinkageSpec.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/LinkageSpec.h (modified)

	Wandered into LinkageSpec and moved an include out of the header.

Thu, 27 Feb 2020 22:24:09 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [37cdd97]
	* src/AST/Convert.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Fwd.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Pass.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Pass.impl.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Print.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Stmt.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Visitor.hpp (modified)
	* src/Common/PassVisitor.h (modified)
	* src/Common/PassVisitor.impl.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/lex.ll (modified)
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Mutator.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Statement.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Statement.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/SynTree.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Visitor.h (modified)

	Added a ast node for suspend statements

Wed, 26 Feb 2020 23:13:43 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [aeb5d0d]
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)

	parse monitor generator,coroutine,thread

Mon, 24 Feb 2020 19:21:03 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [ac2b598]
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/alarm.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/alarm.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/invoke.c (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/invoke.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel_private.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/monitor.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/monitor.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/mutex.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/mutex.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/preemption.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.hfa (modified)
	* src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified)
	* src/Concurrency/Waitfor.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/AlternativeFinder.cc (modified)

	Changed descriptors for concurrency to use $ prefix instead of ...

Mon, 24 Feb 2020 16:33:36 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [a8078ee]
	* src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified)

	Concurrency keywords are now generated with attribute const to ...

Fri, 21 Feb 2020 19:53:03 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [c744563a]
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)

	add attributes on new style function specifier [fixes #161]

Wed, 19 Feb 2020 21:06:08 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [1d72a11]
	* benchmark/Makefile.am (modified)
	* benchmark/Makefile.in (modified)
	* longrun_tests/Makefile.in (modified)
	* src/cfa.make (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.in (modified)

	Fixed headers for benchmarks in Python, Rust and NodeJs

Wed, 19 Feb 2020 01:52:55 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [fca3bf8]
	* libcfa/src/exception.c (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/Resolver.cc (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/except-0.txt (added)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/except-1.txt (added)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/except-2.txt (added)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/except-3.txt (added)
	* tests/exceptions/except-0.cfa (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/except-2.cfa (modified)

	Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc

Wed, 19 Feb 2020 01:48:49 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [60a8062]
	* src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.cc (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.h (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/FixMain.h (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/GenType.h (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/Generate.cc (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.cc (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.h (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/Options.h (modified)
	* src/CodeTools/ResolvProtoDump.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/Mutate.cc (modified)
	* src/InitTweak/FixInit.cc (modified)
	* src/InitTweak/FixInit.h (modified)
	* src/MakeLibCfa.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/ParserTypes.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/TypedefTable.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/TypedefTable.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/lex.ll (modified)
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Mangler.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Attribute.h (modified)

	rewrite most of OperatorTable and change caller modules to use new ...

Tue, 18 Feb 2020 17:10:08 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [3b9c674]
	* libcfa/src/exception.c (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/Resolver.cc (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/except-0.txt (added)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/except-1.txt (added)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/except-2.txt (added)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/except-3.txt (added)
	* tests/exceptions/except-0.cfa (modified)
	* tests/exceptions/except-2.cfa (modified)

	Expections now supported in position independent code.

Tue, 11 Feb 2020 21:14:46 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [eeaa3e2]
	* src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.cc (modified)
	* src/Common/utility.h (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Demangle.cc (modified)

	Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc

Tue, 11 Feb 2020 20:15:42 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [8abca06]
	* src/Common/utility.h (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Demangle.cc (modified)

	rewrite isPrefix using memcmp to increase performance, same change in ...

Tue, 11 Feb 2020 20:12:56 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [7102540]
	* src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.cc (modified)

	change name mangling for postfix function from "__operator_literal_" ...

Tue, 11 Feb 2020 19:59:04 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [98538288]
	* src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.cc (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.h (modified)
	* src/Common/SemanticError.h (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Validate.cc (modified)

	Moved VerifyCtorDtorAssign up and changed return type check to ...

Sat, 08 Feb 2020 15:07:49 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [74330e7]
	* libcfa/src/interpose.cfa (modified)
	* src/main.cc (modified)

	formatting, add floating-point signal handler to cpp-cc to catch ...

Sat, 08 Feb 2020 12:55:55 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [3e274ab]
	* src/Parser/ParseNode.h (modified)

	replace assert with unimplemented semantic error [fixes #22]

Sat, 08 Feb 2020 12:40:45 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [095ac99]
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/bfdlink.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/hwloc.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/krb5.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/math.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/sys/ucontext.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/lex.ll (modified)
	* tests/quotedKeyword.cfa (modified)

	change backquoted keywords from ``xxx`` to ``xxx

Fri, 07 Feb 2020 21:12:01 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [74e3263]
	* src/Common/PassVisitor.impl.h (modified)

	Fixed error in pass visitor where UnionInstType added wrong thing to ...

Tue, 04 Feb 2020 16:29:22 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [4f7b418]
	* benchmark/Makefile.am (modified)
	* benchmark/Makefile.in (modified)
	* benchmark/creation/cfa_gen.cfa (added)
	* benchmark/ctxswitch/node_await.js (added)
	* benchmark/exclude (added)
	* benchmark/schedext/cfa1.cfa (modified)
	* benchmark/schedext/cfa2.cfa (modified)
	* benchmark/schedext/cfa4.cfa (modified)
	* benchmark/schedext/goroutine.go (added)
	* benchmark/schedext/upp.cc (modified)
	* benchmark/schedint/JavaThread.java (modified)
	* benchmark/schedint/cfa1.cfa (modified)
	* benchmark/schedint/cfa2.cfa (modified)
	* benchmark/schedint/cfa4.cfa (modified)
	* benchmark/schedint/pthreads.c (modified)
	* benchmark/schedint/rust.rs (modified)
	* benchmark/schedint/upp.cc (modified)
	* driver/cfa.cc (modified)
	* libcfa/src/bits/defs.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/bits/signal.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/interpose.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/bfdlink.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/hwloc.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/krb5.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/math.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/sys/ucontext.h (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/LabelFixer.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/lex.ll (modified)
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)
	* tests/.expect/except-finally-error.txt (deleted)
	* tests/exceptions/.expect/finally-error.txt (added)
	* tests/exceptions/except-0.cfa (moved)
	* tests/exceptions/except-1.cfa (moved)
	* tests/exceptions/except-2.cfa (moved)
	* tests/exceptions/except-3.cfa (moved)
	* tests/exceptions/except-mac.hfa (moved)
	* tests/exceptions/finally-error.cfa (moved)
	* tests/expression.cfa (modified)
	* tests/quotedKeyword.cfa (modified)

	Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc

Tue, 04 Feb 2020 16:29:11 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [09f357ec]
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/CtxSwitch-x86_64.S (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/invoke.c (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel_private.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/monitor.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.hfa (modified)
	* src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified)

	Optim : coroutine and thread creation no-longer uses polymorphic ...

Sat, 01 Feb 2020 18:27:09 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [948fdef]
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/bfdlink.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/hwloc.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/krb5.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/math.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/stdhdr/sys/ucontext.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/lex.ll (modified)
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)
	* tests/expression.cfa (modified)
	* tests/quotedKeyword.cfa (modified)

	change backquotes identifiers to ``xxx`` syntax, change priority of ...

Wed, 22 Jan 2020 20:40:27 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [9d6317f]
	* src/ControlStruct/LabelFixer.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified)
	* tests/.expect/except-finally-error.txt (modified)
	* tests/except-finally-error.cfa (modified)

	Added checks for returning from a finally clause. And breaking from a ...

Tue, 21 Jan 2020 15:59:49 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [5cdeecd]
	* src/ControlStruct/LabelFixer.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified)

	We think we figured out what MLE stood for and cleaned up some of the ...

Mon, 20 Jan 2020 21:17:21 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [5ee7d36]
	* src/SynTree/Statement.cc (modified)

	BranchStmt::brType did not have enough names to print all kinds of ...

Fri, 17 Jan 2020 20:01:42 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [9e63a2b]
	* src/Common/Stats/Time.h (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Validate.cc (modified)
	* tests/.expect/except-finally-error.txt (added)
	* tests/except-finally-error.cfa (added)

	Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc

Fri, 17 Jan 2020 20:01:27 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [cca568e]
	* benchmark/schedext/cfa1.cfa (modified)
	* benchmark/schedext/cfa2.cfa (modified)
	* benchmark/schedext/cfa4.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/executor.cfa (modified)
	* src/Concurrency/Waitfor.cc (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/examples/boundedBufferEXT.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/examples/boundedBufferTHREAD.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/examples/gortn.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/waitfor/barge.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/waitfor/dtor.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/waitfor/else.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/waitfor/parse.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/waitfor/parse2.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/waitfor/recurse.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/waitfor/statment.cfa (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/waitfor/when.cfa (modified)

	change all example waitfor statements from comma separate to colon

Fri, 17 Jan 2020 19:57:01 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [4a063df]
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)

	formatting, change waitfor to support a list of functions, separated ...

Fri, 17 Jan 2020 15:49:22 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [095b99a]
	* src/Common/Stats/Time.h (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Validate.cc (modified)

	Added TimeCall as a more flexible alternative to TimeBlock. TimeBlock ...

Thu, 16 Jan 2020 21:44:17 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [d62806c]
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified)
	* tests/.expect/except-finally-error.txt (added)
	* tests/except-finally-error.cfa (added)

	Start working on checks to make sure we do not jump out of a finally ...

Fri, 10 Jan 2020 20:15:10 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [0608e007]
	* src/SynTree/Statement.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Statement.h (modified)

	formatting, change 0 to nullptr

Fri, 10 Jan 2020 16:39:37 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [6b6a3b8]
	* src/ControlStruct/LabelFixer.cc (modified)

	Fixed a memory leak and some line length issues in setLabelsDef.

Wed, 08 Jan 2020 18:38:30 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [6e540ea]
	* benchmark/Makefile.am (modified)
	* benchmark/Makefile.in (modified)
	* benchmark/creation/JavaThread.java (modified)
	* benchmark/schedint/cfa1.cfa (modified)
	* benchmark/schedint/cfa2.cfa (modified)
	* benchmark/schedint/cfa4.cfa (modified)
	* benchmark/schedint/upp.cc (modified)
	* src/cfa.make (modified)

	additional corrections to harmonize with last benchmark update

Thu, 19 Dec 2019 22:07:30 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [3c67255]
	* src/Parser/ExpressionNode.cc (modified)

	formatting, use BasicType::NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES as sentinel instead ...

Tue, 17 Dec 2019 04:41:32 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [7006ba5]
	* libcfa/src/bits/signal.hfa (modified)
	* src/main.cc (modified)

	move disabling SIGALRM/SIGUSR1 from main.cc to signal.hfa

Mon, 16 Dec 2019 22:40:36 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [d912bed]
	* src/Parser/DeclarationNode.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)
	* src/SynTree/AggregateDecl.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/FunctionDecl.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/LinkageSpec.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/LinkageSpec.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/NamedTypeDecl.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/ObjectDecl.cc (modified)

	harmonize SynTree/LinkageSpec.* with AST/LinkageSpec.*

Mon, 16 Dec 2019 19:31:10 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [bffcd66]
	* src/main.cc (modified)

	harmonize signal handling in main.cc with interpose.cfa, consider ...

Mon, 16 Dec 2019 19:30:41 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [07de76b]
	* src/AST/Convert.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Decl.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Decl.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Print.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Type.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/TypeEnvironment.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/TypeEnvironment.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/TypeVar.hpp (deleted)
	* src/AST/module.mk (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.cc (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/FixMain.h (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/FixNames.cc (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/Generate.cc (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/module.mk (modified)
	* src/CodeTools/DeclStats.cc (modified)
	* src/Common/Debug.h (modified)
	* src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified)
	* src/Concurrency/Waitfor.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.cc (modified)
	* src/GenPoly/Box.cc (modified)
	* src/GenPoly/Lvalue.cc (modified)
	* src/GenPoly/Specialize.cc (modified)
	* src/InitTweak/FixGlobalInit.cc (modified)
	* src/InitTweak/FixInit.cc (modified)
	* src/InitTweak/GenInit.cc (modified)
	* src/InitTweak/InitTweak.cc (modified)
	* src/MakeLibCfa.cc (modified)
	* src/Makefile.in (modified)
	* src/Parser/DeclarationNode.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/ParseNode.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/TypeData.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/TypeData.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/module.mk (modified)
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/AdjustExprType.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/PtrsCastable.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/Unify.cc (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Autogen.h (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Demangle.cc (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Indexer.cc (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Mangler.cc (modified)
	* src/SymTab/ManglerCommon.cc (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Validate.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/AggregateDecl.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Declaration.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/DeclarationWithType.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/FunctionDecl.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/LinkageSpec.cc (moved)
	* src/SynTree/LinkageSpec.h (moved)
	* src/SynTree/NamedTypeDecl.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/ObjectDecl.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/TupleType.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/TypeDecl.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/module.mk (modified)
	* src/Tuples/TupleAssignment.cc (modified)
	* src/Tuples/TupleExpansion.cc (modified)
	* tests/.expect/completeTypeError.txt (modified)

	remove file TypeVar.h* and put TypeVar::Kind into TypeDecl, move ...

Mon, 16 Dec 2019 03:28:57 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [ab5c0008]
	* src/AST/TypeVar.hpp (added)

	replace deleted file

Mon, 16 Dec 2019 03:13:00 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [cfaa2873]
	* src/AST/Type.cpp (modified)
	* src/BasicTypes-gen.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Type.cc (modified)

	generate BasicType::typeNames from BasicTypes-gen

Fri, 13 Dec 2019 18:46:34 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [1469a8a]
	* libcfa/src/interpose.cfa (modified)
	* src/AST/TypeVar.hpp (deleted)

	differentiate between null-pointer dereference and bad-pointer ...

Thu, 12 Dec 2019 23:21:09 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [9853d9b0]
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)
	* tests/.expect/loopctrl.txt (modified)
	* tests/loopctrl.cfa (modified)

	missed a case for inclusive bound to singleton comparison, and added ...

Thu, 12 Dec 2019 22:44:38 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [332bd33]
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)

	add inclusive bound to singleton comparison

Thu, 12 Dec 2019 01:52:38 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [312029a]
	* src/AST/Convert.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Decl.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Decl.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Expr.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Expr.hpp (modified)
	* src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified)
	* src/Concurrency/Waitfor.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/DeclarationNode.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/ExpressionNode.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/ParseNode.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/TypeData.cc (modified)
	* src/Parser/TypeData.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Validate.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/AggregateDecl.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Declaration.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Declaration.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/FunctionDecl.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/NamedTypeDecl.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/TypeDecl.cc (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/.expect/keywordErrors.txt (modified)

	move enum Aggregate from DeclarationNode to AggregateDecl, add ...

Sat, 07 Dec 2019 15:49:05 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [e307e12]
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)

	generalize aggregate data and control in grammar, add aggregate- ...

Fri, 06 Dec 2019 20:15:35 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [e1990f1]
	* benchmark/Makefile.in (modified)
	* driver/cfa.cc (modified)
	* libcfa/configure (modified)
	* libcfa/configure.ac (modified)
	* libcfa/src/Makefile.am (modified)
	* libcfa/src/Makefile.in (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/alarm.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/invoke.h (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/monitor.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/monitor.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/mutex.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/mutex.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/preemption.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.cfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.hfa (modified)
	* libcfa/src/heap.cfa (modified)
	* longrun_tests/Makefile.in (modified)
	* src/cfa.make (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.in (modified)
	* tests/linking/withthreads.cfa (modified)

	Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc

Fri, 06 Dec 2019 20:10:09 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [c8c0c7c5]
	* benchmark/Makefile.in (modified)
	* driver/cfa.cc (modified)
	* libcfa/configure (modified)
	* libcfa/configure.ac (modified)
	* libcfa/src/Makefile.in (modified)
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified)
	* longrun_tests/Makefile.in (modified)
	* src/cfa.make (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.in (modified)

	Now using -z execstack and use -O0 for debug mode

Thu, 05 Dec 2019 22:49:23 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [3b0c8cb]
	* src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/AlternativeFinder.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.h (modified)

	Implemented Keyword cast in the alternative finder to remove ...

Fri, 29 Nov 2019 18:47:14 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [78cdb06]
	* src/GenPoly/Lvalue.cc (modified)
	* tests/.expect/references.txt (modified)
	* tests/references.cfa (modified)

	Modified Lvalue cast handling to ignore top level dereferencing in ...

Wed, 27 Nov 2019 21:43:51 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [397c101a]
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified)
	* tests/raii/dtor-early-exit.cfa (modified)

	Fix bug where 'continue' would incorrectly claim to skip ...

Tue, 26 Nov 2019 21:43:00 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [6c3a5ac1]
	* libcfa/src/concurrency/monitor.hfa (modified)
	* src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified)
	* tests/concurrent/.expect/keywordErrors.txt (added)
	* tests/concurrent/keywordErrors.cfa (added)

	Added better check to guarantee proper includes are present when ...

Thu, 21 Nov 2019 20:53:39 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [49d3128]
	* driver/cc1.cc (modified)
	* src/main.cc (modified)

	cfa command now properly supports -fdiagnostics-color and -fno- ...

Thu, 21 Nov 2019 18:03:17 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [1a69a90]
	* src/Common/SemanticError.cc (modified)
	* src/Common/SemanticError.h (modified)
	* src/main.cc (modified)

	Added --colors command line arguments to have more control on whether ...

Wed, 20 Nov 2019 23:55:39 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [665f432]
	* src/AST/Convert.cpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Expr.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Pass.impl.hpp (modified)
	* src/AST/Print.cpp (modified)
	* src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.cc (modified)
	* src/Common/PassVisitor.impl.h (modified)
	* src/Parser/parser.yy (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/Resolver.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.h (modified)
	* tests/.expect/gccExtensions.x64.txt (modified)
	* tests/.expect/gccExtensions.x86.txt (modified)

	Fixed trac #149 where operand names in asm statements where ...

Mon, 18 Nov 2019 16:01:49 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [6559a9d]
	* src/main.cc (modified)

	Added missing character to the optstring

Fri, 25 Oct 2019 21:44:25 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [9bdb8b7]
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified)
	* src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified)
	* tests/labelledExit.cfa (modified)

	allow labelled break from within the body of a try statement

Sun, 20 Oct 2019 03:58:30 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [de8d7fb1]
	* src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.cc (modified)

	do not generate anonymous name for bit field with empty declarator

Thu, 26 Sep 2019 19:39:32 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [70b4ea20]
	* src/SynTree/TopLvalue.cc (deleted)
	* src/SynTree/TopLvalue.h (deleted)

	Removed some type-lvalue helpers that are now unused.

Thu, 26 Sep 2019 17:25:49 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [b4f8808]
	* src/CodeGen/GenType.cc (modified)
	* src/GenPoly/Box.cc (modified)
	* src/GenPoly/Lvalue.cc (modified)
	* src/Makefile.in (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/ResolveAssertions.cc (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Autogen.h (modified)
	* src/SymTab/ManglerCommon.cc (modified)
	* src/SymTab/Validate.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/AddressExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/ArrayType.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/CommaExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/TupleExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Type.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Type.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/module.mk (modified)
	* src/Tuples/TupleExpansion.cc (modified)
	* src/main.cc (modified)

	Removed lvalue from types in the old ast.

Mon, 23 Sep 2019 20:59:33 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [849720f]
	* src/ResolvExpr/ConversionCost.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/ApplicationExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/CommaExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/TupleExpr.cc (modified)

	lvalue should now always come directly from the expression.

Fri, 20 Sep 2019 13:21:51 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [158b026]
	* Makefile.in (modified)
	* benchmark/Makefile.in (modified)
	* configure (modified)
	* configure.ac (modified)
	* driver/Makefile.in (modified)
	* driver/cfa.cc (modified)
	* libcfa/Makefile.in (modified)
	* libcfa/configure (modified)
	* libcfa/configure.ac (modified)
	* libcfa/prelude/Makefile.in (modified)
	* libcfa/src/Makefile.am (modified)
	* libcfa/src/Makefile.in (modified)
	* longrun_tests/Makefile.in (modified)
	* src/Makefile.in (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.in (modified)
	* tests/pybin/settings.py (modified)
	* tools/Makefile.in (modified)
	* tools/prettyprinter/Makefile.in (modified)

	Remove flags -in-tree and -disttree, now using paths and ...

Tue, 10 Sep 2019 18:48:01 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [c2051e10]
	* Jenkinsfile (modified)
	* doc/bibliography/pl.bib (modified)
	* driver/cc1.cc (modified)
	* driver/cfa.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/Unify.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Type.h (modified)
	* src/main.cc (modified)
	* tests/pybin/tools.py (modified)

	Merge branch 'master' into distcc

Wed, 04 Sep 2019 17:54:42 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [3315e3d]
	* src/ResolvExpr/Unify.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Type.h (modified)

	Unify uses Qualifiers::unify, which should handle lvalue better.

Fri, 23 Aug 2019 10:52:14 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [ef22ad6]
	* Jenkins/FullBuild (modified)
	* Jenkinsfile (modified)
	* libcfa/src/Makefile.am (modified)
	* libcfa/src/Makefile.in (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/AlternativeFinder.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/ApplicationExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/CommaExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/TupleExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/main.cc (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.in (modified)
	* tests/pybin/settings.py (modified)
	* tests/pybin/tools.py (modified)
	* tests/test.py (modified)

	deal with conflicts

Fri, 23 Aug 2019 03:21:56 GMT Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> [e0bd0f9]
	* src/main.cc (modified)

	remove -F flag and fix usage message

Thu, 15 Aug 2019 19:09:03 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [5d00425]
	* src/SynTree/Expression.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.h (modified)

	StmtExpr also does not have the lvalue I originally expected.

Thu, 15 Aug 2019 14:31:53 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [5c4a473]
	* Jenkins/FullBuild (modified)
	* Jenkinsfile (modified)
	* libcfa/src/Makefile.am (modified)
	* libcfa/src/Makefile.in (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/AlternativeFinder.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/CastCost.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/ConversionCost.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/ConversionCost.h (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/ResolveAssertions.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/typeops.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/ApplicationExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/CommaExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/TupleExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/main.cc (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.in (modified)
	* tests/pybin/settings.py (modified)
	* tests/pybin/tools.py (modified)
	* tests/test.py (modified)

	Merge branch 'master' into distcc

Thu, 15 Aug 2019 14:21:36 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [d65f92c]
	* Makefile.in (modified)
	* benchmark/Makefile.in (modified)
	* configure (modified)
	* configure.ac (modified)
	* driver/Makefile.in (modified)
	* libcfa/configure (modified)
	* libcfa/configure.ac (modified)
	* longrun_tests/Makefile.in (modified)
	* src/Makefile.in (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tests/Makefile.in (modified)
	* tests/config.py.in (modified)
	* tests/pybin/settings.py (modified)
	* tests/pybin/tools.py (modified)
	* tests/test.py (modified)
	* tools/Makefile.in (modified)
	* tools/prettyprinter/Makefile.in (modified)

	Tests almost work, the only issue left is using -E and -CFA together

Wed, 14 Aug 2019 19:46:35 GMT Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…> [3c7f01b]
	* src/SynTree/Expression.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/TupleExpr.cc (modified)

	Hopefully that is the last override to get_lvalue we will need.

Tue, 13 Aug 2019 18:36:06 GMT Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> [1118b8b]
	* src/ResolvExpr/AlternativeFinder.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/CastCost.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/ConversionCost.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/ConversionCost.h (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/ResolveAssertions.cc (modified)
	* src/ResolvExpr/typeops.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/ApplicationExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/CommaExpr.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.cc (modified)
	* src/SynTree/Expression.h (modified)
	* src/SynTree/TupleExpr.cc (modified)

	Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc