# # ChangeLog for src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc # # Generated by Trac 1.2.1 # Nov 1, 2024, 5:01:09 AM Wed, 14 Sep 2022 15:53:40 GMT Andrew Beach [c36814a] * src/Concurrency/WaitforNew.cpp (modified) * src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslateNew.cpp (modified) * src/GenPoly/InstantiateGenericNew.cpp (modified) * src/GenPoly/SpecializeNew.cpp (modified) * src/Tuples/TupleExpansionNew.cpp (modified) * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified) Adding 'final' and removing a redundent namespace in the post resolve ... Wed, 14 Sep 2022 13:46:19 GMT Andrew Beach [3606fe4] * src/AST/Decl.hpp (modified) * src/AST/Type.hpp (modified) * src/GenPoly/GenPoly.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/GenPoly.h (modified) * src/GenPoly/InstantiateGeneric.h (modified) * src/GenPoly/ScrubTyVars.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/ScrubTyVars.h (modified) * src/GenPoly/module.mk (modified) * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified) * src/main.cc (modified) Translated Instantiate Generic to the new AST. This includes various ... Thu, 11 Aug 2022 17:02:01 GMT Andrew Beach [ccbc65c] * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified) * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.h (modified) * src/main.cc (modified) Converted the Expand Virtual Casts to the new ast. Mon, 17 May 2021 15:43:49 GMT Andrew Beach [8f910430] * libcfa/src/exception.c (modified) * libcfa/src/exception.h (modified) * libcfa/src/exception.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/virtual.c (modified) * libcfa/src/virtual.h (modified) * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified) * tests/exceptions/virtual-cast.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/virtual-poly.cfa (modified) Updated the virtual module to prefix the names with the new ... Mon, 12 Apr 2021 15:53:30 GMT Andrew Beach [b91bfde] * src/AST/Expr.cpp (modified) * src/AST/Expr.hpp (modified) * src/SynTree/Constant.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Constant.h (modified) * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified) * src/Virtual/Tables.cc (modified) Added and used some helpers. The widely useful one is a from_string ... Fri, 09 Apr 2021 18:11:43 GMT Andrew Beach [ecfd758] * libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/exception.c (modified) * libcfa/src/exception.h (modified) * libcfa/src/exception.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/fstream.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/fstream.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/virtual.c (modified) * src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified) * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified) * src/Virtual/Tables.cc (modified) * src/Virtual/Tables.h (modified) * tests/exceptions/.expect/resume-threads.txt (modified) * tests/exceptions/.expect/resume.txt (modified) * tests/exceptions/.expect/terminate-threads.txt (modified) * tests/exceptions/.expect/terminate.txt (modified) * tests/exceptions/cancel/coroutine.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/cancel/thread.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/conditional.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/data-except.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/defaults.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/finally.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/interact.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/polymorphic.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/resume.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/terminate.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/trash.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/type-check.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/virtual-cast.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/virtual-poly.cfa (modified) * tests/linking/exception-nothreads.cfa (modified) * tests/linking/exception-withthreads.cfa (modified) * tests/quasiKeyword.cfa (modified) Major exception update, seperating type-ids from virtual tables. The ... Fri, 31 Jul 2020 15:06:44 GMT Andrew Beach [6dba8755] * src/Common/ScopedMap.h (modified) * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified) I was given a trick with the indexer that fixes some scoping issues ... Wed, 22 Jul 2020 15:24:33 GMT Andrew Beach [f19fbbc] * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified) * tests/exceptions/.expect/virtual-cast.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/.expect/virtual-poly.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/virtual-cast.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/virtual-poly.cfa (added) Fixed the virtual system so it can handle in polymorphic virtual ... Tue, 26 May 2020 20:03:30 GMT Andrew Beach [c19bc90] * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified) Better error messages in ExpandCasts. Wed, 29 Aug 2018 19:18:57 GMT Rob Schluntz [8e6214f] * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified) Update virtual cast handling to use ApplicationExpr rather than ... Tue, 15 Aug 2017 15:36:14 GMT Thierry Delisle [08fc48f] * src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.h (modified) * src/CodeTools/TrackLoc.cc (modified) * src/Common/PassVisitor.h (modified) * src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/Box.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/Box.h (modified) * src/GenPoly/CopyParams.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/DeclMutator.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/DeclMutator.h (modified) * src/GenPoly/FindFunction.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/FindFunction.h (modified) * src/GenPoly/GenPoly.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/GenPoly.h (modified) * src/GenPoly/InstantiateGeneric.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/InstantiateGeneric.h (modified) * src/GenPoly/Lvalue.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/Lvalue.h (modified) * src/GenPoly/PolyMutator.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/PolyMutator.h (modified) * src/GenPoly/ScrubTyVars.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/ScrubTyVars.h (modified) * src/GenPoly/Specialize.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/Specialize.h (modified) * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified) * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.h (modified) * src/main.cc (modified) Big header cleaning pass - commit 1 Wed, 09 Aug 2017 18:08:14 GMT Andrew Beach [cbce272] * src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.cc (modified) * src/Parser/TypeData.cc (modified) * src/Parser/parser.yy (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/Resolver.cc (modified) * src/SymTab/Validate.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/AggregateDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Declaration.h (modified) * src/SynTree/NamedTypeDecl.cc (modified) * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (modified) * src/libcfa/exception.c (modified) * src/libcfa/exception.h (modified) * src/tests/except-0.c (modified) Structure based exception handling. Wed, 26 Jul 2017 18:44:09 GMT Andrew Beach [a5f0529] * src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.h (modified) * src/Common/PassVisitor.h (modified) * src/Common/PassVisitor.impl.h (modified) * src/Makefile.am (modified) * src/Makefile.in (modified) * src/Parser/ExpressionNode.cc (modified) * src/Parser/ParseNode.h (modified) * src/Parser/parser.yy (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/AlternativeFinder.cc (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/AlternativeFinder.h (modified) * src/SynTree/ApplicationExpr.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Expression.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Expression.h (modified) * src/SynTree/Mutator.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Mutator.h (modified) * src/SynTree/SynTree.h (modified) * src/SynTree/Visitor.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Visitor.h (modified) * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.cc (added) * src/Virtual/ExpandCasts.h (added) * src/Virtual/module.mk (added) * src/libcfa/Makefile.am (modified) * src/libcfa/Makefile.in (modified) * src/libcfa/virtual.c (added) * src/libcfa/virtual.h (added) * src/main.cc (modified) * src/prelude/builtins.c (modified) * src/tests/virtualCast.c (added) Virtual casts have been added. They still require a lot of hand coded ...