# # ChangeLog for / # # Generated by Trac 1.2.1 # May 1, 2024, 12:00:15 AM Thu, 20 Feb 2020 21:08:00 GMT Peter A. Buhr [e59e663] * libcfa/src/iostream.cfa (modified) fix build error Thu, 20 Feb 2020 20:34:12 GMT Peter A. Buhr [46b11e2] * Jenkinsfile (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Thu, 20 Feb 2020 20:34:00 GMT Peter A. Buhr [bd5b443] * libcfa/src/iostream.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/iostream.hfa (modified) add printing macros for int128 to iostream Thu, 20 Feb 2020 20:32:59 GMT Peter A. Buhr [40cac90] * libcfa/src/fstream.hfa (modified) add printf/scanf attribute to ostream/istream "fmt" routine Thu, 20 Feb 2020 20:31:23 GMT Thierry Delisle [13d2dac] * Jenkinsfile (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) fixed scheduling benchmarks in jenkins to use consistent file naming Wed, 19 Feb 2020 21:06:08 GMT Thierry Delisle [1d72a11] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) * longrun_tests/Makefile.in (modified) * src/cfa.make (modified) * tests/Makefile.in (modified) Fixed headers for benchmarks in Python, Rust and NodeJs Wed, 19 Feb 2020 20:37:18 GMT Thierry Delisle [32ce9b7] * libcfa/src/exception.c (modified) * libcfa/src/interpose.cfa (modified) * src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.h (modified) * src/CodeGen/FixMain.h (modified) * src/CodeGen/GenType.h (modified) * src/CodeGen/Generate.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.h (modified) * src/CodeGen/Options.h (modified) * src/CodeTools/ResolvProtoDump.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/Mutate.cc (modified) * src/InitTweak/FixInit.cc (modified) * src/InitTweak/FixInit.h (modified) * src/MakeLibCfa.cc (modified) * src/Parser/ParserTypes.h (modified) * src/Parser/TypedefTable.cc (modified) * src/Parser/TypedefTable.h (modified) * src/Parser/lex.ll (modified) * src/Parser/parser.yy (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/Resolver.cc (modified) * src/SymTab/Mangler.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Attribute.h (modified) * tests/.expect/alloc-ERROR.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/alloc.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/nested-types-ERR1.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/nested-types-ERR2.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/userLiterals.txt (added) * tests/alloc.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/.expect/except-0.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/.expect/except-1.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/.expect/except-2.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/.expect/except-3.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/except-0.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/except-2.cfa (modified) * tests/nested-types.cfa (modified) * tests/test.py (modified) * tests/userLiterals.cfa (moved) * tests/zombies/abort.cfa (deleted) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Wed, 19 Feb 2020 20:37:13 GMT Thierry Delisle [4aac9ff] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) * benchmark/baselines/x64/schedint.csv (moved) * benchmark/baselines/x86/schedint.csv (moved) Fixed jenkins benchmark Wed, 19 Feb 2020 12:50:01 GMT Peter A. Buhr [e326ebc] * tests/.expect/userLiterals.txt (modified) * tests/userLiterals.cfa (modified) fix 32-bit build problem Wed, 19 Feb 2020 01:52:55 GMT Peter A. Buhr [fca3bf8] * libcfa/src/exception.c (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/Resolver.cc (modified) * tests/exceptions/.expect/except-0.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/.expect/except-1.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/.expect/except-2.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/.expect/except-3.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/except-0.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/except-2.cfa (modified) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Wed, 19 Feb 2020 01:51:28 GMT Peter A. Buhr [6988dc6] * tests/.expect/nested-types-ERR1.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/nested-types-ERR2.txt (modified) * tests/nested-types.cfa (modified) add future testing and adjust expected output Wed, 19 Feb 2020 01:48:49 GMT Peter A. Buhr [60a8062] * src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.h (modified) * src/CodeGen/FixMain.h (modified) * src/CodeGen/GenType.h (modified) * src/CodeGen/Generate.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.h (modified) * src/CodeGen/Options.h (modified) * src/CodeTools/ResolvProtoDump.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/Mutate.cc (modified) * src/InitTweak/FixInit.cc (modified) * src/InitTweak/FixInit.h (modified) * src/MakeLibCfa.cc (modified) * src/Parser/ParserTypes.h (modified) * src/Parser/TypedefTable.cc (modified) * src/Parser/TypedefTable.h (modified) * src/Parser/lex.ll (modified) * src/Parser/parser.yy (modified) * src/SymTab/Mangler.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Attribute.h (modified) rewrite most of OperatorTable and change caller modules to use new ... Tue, 18 Feb 2020 17:10:08 GMT Andrew Beach [3b9c674] * libcfa/src/exception.c (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/Resolver.cc (modified) * tests/exceptions/.expect/except-0.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/.expect/except-1.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/.expect/except-2.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/.expect/except-3.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/except-0.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/except-2.cfa (modified) Expections now supported in position independent code. Mon, 17 Feb 2020 15:22:16 GMT Peter A. Buhr [5ccee64] * libcfa/src/interpose.cfa (modified) * tests/zombies/abort.cfa (deleted) change backtrace starting point from level 3 to level 2 Mon, 17 Feb 2020 04:07:38 GMT Peter A. Buhr [8725c74] * tests/.expect/alloc-ERROR.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/alloc.txt (modified) * tests/alloc.cfa (modified) remove unnecessary print Mon, 17 Feb 2020 04:04:38 GMT Peter A. Buhr [c9f4cf8] * tests/.expect/userLiterals.txt (added) * tests/userLiterals.cfa (moved) add test for user literals using postfix call Thu, 13 Feb 2020 23:22:52 GMT Peter A. Buhr [103c292] * tests/test.py (modified) fix spelling mistake in comment Thu, 13 Feb 2020 20:48:35 GMT Peter A. Buhr [921cd82] * tests/concurrent/examples/quickSort.cfa (modified) formatting, change to CFA statements in quicksort Tue, 11 Feb 2020 21:14:46 GMT Thierry Delisle [eeaa3e2] * src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.cc (modified) * src/Common/utility.h (modified) * src/SymTab/Demangle.cc (modified) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Tue, 11 Feb 2020 21:14:23 GMT Thierry Delisle [0cc3c47] * tests/errors/.expect/signature.txt (modified) fixed new signature test Tue, 11 Feb 2020 21:13:16 GMT Thierry Delisle [dda3e2a] * tests/zombies/abort.cfa (moved) * tests/zombies/context.cfa (moved) * tests/zombies/namedParmArg.cfa (moved) * tests/zombies/structMember.cfa (moved) * tests/zombies/subrange.cfa (moved) * tests/zombies/typeGenerator.cfa (moved) * tests/zombies/typedef.cfa (moved) * tests/zombies/typedefDeclarator.cfa (moved) * tests/zombies/userLiterals.cfa (moved) * tests/zombies/virtualCast.cfa (moved) * tests/zombies/withStatement.cfa (moved) Moved tests without .expect to zombies folder Tue, 11 Feb 2020 20:15:42 GMT Peter A. Buhr [8abca06] * src/Common/utility.h (modified) * src/SymTab/Demangle.cc (modified) rewrite isPrefix using memcmp to increase performance, same change in ... Tue, 11 Feb 2020 20:12:56 GMT Peter A. Buhr [7102540] * src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.cc (modified) change name mangling for postfix function from "__operator_literal_" ... Tue, 11 Feb 2020 20:04:23 GMT Thierry Delisle [cb8a18c] * tests/errors/.expect/completeType.txt (modified) * tests/errors/.expect/declaration.txt (modified) * tests/errors/.expect/scope.txt (modified) * tests/errors/.expect/signature.txt (modified) * tests/errors/signature.cfa (modified) Fixed error expect after the move Tue, 11 Feb 2020 19:59:04 GMT Thierry Delisle [98538288] * src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/OperatorTable.h (modified) * src/Common/SemanticError.h (modified) * src/SymTab/Validate.cc (modified) Moved VerifyCtorDtorAssign up and changed return type check to ... Tue, 11 Feb 2020 16:39:47 GMT Thierry Delisle [686cb63] * tests/errors/.expect/completeType.txt (moved) * tests/errors/.expect/declaration.txt (moved) * tests/errors/.expect/scope.txt (moved) * tests/errors/.expect/signature.txt (added) * tests/errors/completeType.cfa (moved) * tests/errors/declaration.cfa (moved) * tests/errors/scope.cfa (moved) * tests/errors/signature.cfa (added) * tests/zombies/occursError.cfa (moved) * tests/zombies/scope.cfa (moved) Added new tests for signature errors. Moved several error tests to ... Mon, 10 Feb 2020 16:58:55 GMT Thierry Delisle [3966d9a] * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/ThreadingModels.fig (added) * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/ThreadingModels.png (added) * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/ThreadingModels.svg (added) * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/abstract.txt (added) * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/client.cfa (added) * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/server.cfa (added) * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/slides.pdf (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/.gitignore (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/Makefile (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/bts_test.cpp (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/randbit.cpp (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/relaxed_list.cpp (modified) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/relaxed_list.hpp (modified) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/relaxed_list_layout.cpp (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/scale.sh (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/utils.hpp (modified) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/comp_II/Makefile (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/comp_II/comp_II.tex (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/comp_II/comp_II_too_big.tex (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/comp_II/glossary.tex (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/comp_II/local.bib (added) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Mon, 10 Feb 2020 16:58:49 GMT Thierry Delisle [92a9768] * driver/cfa.cc (modified) * tests/linking/.expect/nostdlib.txt (added) * tests/linking/nostdlib.cfa (added) Marked libcfa as 'no-as-needed' to the linker, it seems to fix ... Mon, 10 Feb 2020 16:17:38 GMT Thierry Delisle [3b56166] * Jenkins/FullBuild (modified) * Jenkinsfile (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) * benchmark/basic/fetch_add.c (added) * benchmark/basic/function.c (added) * benchmark/basic/loop.c (added) * benchmark/basic/tls_fetch_add.c (moved) * benchmark/basic/ttst_lock.c (moved) * benchmark/bench.h (modified) * benchmark/creation/JavaThread.java (modified) * benchmark/creation/cfa_cor.cfa (modified) * benchmark/creation/cfa_gen.cfa (added) * benchmark/creation/cfa_thrd.cfa (modified) * benchmark/creation/goroutine.go (modified) * benchmark/creation/node_cor.js (added) * benchmark/creation/pthreads.c (modified) * benchmark/creation/python_cor.py (added) * benchmark/creation/rust_thrd.rs (added) * benchmark/creation/upp_cor.cc (modified) * benchmark/creation/upp_thrd.cc (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/JavaThread.java (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_cor.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_cor_then.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_gen.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_thrd.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_thrd2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/goroutine.go (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/kos_fibre.cpp (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/kos_fibre2.cpp (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/node_await.js (added) * benchmark/ctxswitch/node_cor.js (added) * benchmark/ctxswitch/pthreads.c (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/python_cor.py (added) * benchmark/ctxswitch/rust_thrd.rs (added) * benchmark/ctxswitch/upp_cor.cc (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/upp_thrd.cc (modified) * benchmark/exclude (added) * benchmark/fetch_add.c (deleted) * benchmark/function.c (deleted) * benchmark/loop.c (deleted) * benchmark/mutex/JavaThread.java (modified) * benchmark/mutex/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/mutex/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/mutex/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/mutex/goroutine.go (added) * benchmark/mutex/pthreads.c (modified) * benchmark/mutex/rust.rs (added) * benchmark/mutex/upp.cc (modified) * benchmark/mutexC/JavaThread.java (added) * benchmark/mutexC/cfa1.cfa (added) * benchmark/mutexC/cfa2.cfa (added) * benchmark/mutexC/cfa4.cfa (added) * benchmark/mutexC/pthreads.c (added) * benchmark/mutexC/rust.rs (added) * benchmark/mutexC/upp.cc (added) * benchmark/schedext/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/goroutine.go (added) * benchmark/schedext/upp.cc (modified) * benchmark/schedint/JavaThread.java (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/pthreads.c (modified) * benchmark/schedint/rust.rs (added) * benchmark/schedint/upp.cc (modified) * driver/cc1.cc (modified) * driver/cfa.cc (modified) * libcfa/automake/missing (modified) * libcfa/configure (modified) * libcfa/configure.ac (modified) * libcfa/prelude/Makefile.am (modified) * libcfa/prelude/Makefile.in (modified) * libcfa/prelude/builtins.c (modified) * libcfa/prelude/extras.regx (modified) * libcfa/prelude/extras.regx2 (added) * libcfa/prelude/prototypes.awk (modified) * libcfa/prelude/sync-builtins.cf (modified) * libcfa/src/Makefile.am (modified) * libcfa/src/Makefile.in (modified) * libcfa/src/assert.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/align.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/containers.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/debug.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/debug.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/defs.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/locks.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/signal.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/clock.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/CtxSwitch-x86_64.S (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/alarm.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/invoke.c (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/invoke.h (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel_private.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/monitor.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/monitor.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/mutex.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/mutex.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/preemption.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/exception.c (modified) * libcfa/src/executor.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/fstream.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/fstream.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/gmp.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/heap.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/interpose.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/iostream.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/iostream.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/math.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/rational.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/startup.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/assert.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/bfdlink.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/hwloc.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/krb5.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/math.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/sys/ucontext.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdlib.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/stdlib.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/time.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/time.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/time_t.hfa (modified) * longrun_tests/Makefile.in (modified) * src/AST/Convert.cpp (modified) * src/AST/Decl.cpp (modified) * src/AST/Decl.hpp (modified) * src/AST/Expr.cpp (modified) * src/AST/Expr.hpp (modified) * src/AST/Pass.impl.hpp (modified) * src/AST/Print.cpp (modified) * src/AST/Type.cpp (modified) * src/AST/Type.hpp (modified) * src/AST/TypeEnvironment.cpp (modified) * src/AST/TypeEnvironment.hpp (modified) * src/AST/TypeVar.hpp (deleted) * src/AST/module.mk (modified) * src/BasicTypes-gen.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/FixMain.h (modified) * src/CodeGen/FixNames.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/Generate.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/module.mk (modified) * src/CodeTools/DeclStats.cc (modified) * src/Common/Debug.h (modified) * src/Common/PassVisitor.impl.h (modified) * src/Common/SemanticError.cc (modified) * src/Common/SemanticError.h (modified) * src/Common/Stats/Time.h (modified) * src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified) * src/Concurrency/Waitfor.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/LabelFixer.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified) * src/GenPoly/Box.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/Lvalue.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/Specialize.cc (modified) * src/InitTweak/FixGlobalInit.cc (modified) * src/InitTweak/FixInit.cc (modified) * src/InitTweak/GenInit.cc (modified) * src/InitTweak/InitTweak.cc (modified) * src/MakeLibCfa.cc (modified) * src/Makefile.in (modified) * src/Parser/DeclarationNode.cc (modified) * src/Parser/ExpressionNode.cc (modified) * src/Parser/LinkageSpec.cc (deleted) * src/Parser/ParseNode.h (modified) * src/Parser/TypeData.cc (modified) * src/Parser/TypeData.h (modified) * src/Parser/lex.ll (modified) * src/Parser/module.mk (modified) * src/Parser/parser.yy (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/AdjustExprType.cc (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/AlternativeFinder.cc (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/PtrsCastable.cc (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/Resolver.cc (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/Unify.cc (modified) * src/SymTab/Autogen.h (modified) * src/SymTab/Demangle.cc (modified) * src/SymTab/Indexer.cc (modified) * src/SymTab/Mangler.cc (modified) * src/SymTab/ManglerCommon.cc (modified) * src/SymTab/Validate.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/AggregateDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Declaration.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Declaration.h (modified) * src/SynTree/DeclarationWithType.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Expression.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Expression.h (modified) * src/SynTree/FunctionDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/LinkageSpec.cc (added) * src/SynTree/LinkageSpec.h (moved) * src/SynTree/NamedTypeDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/ObjectDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Statement.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Statement.h (modified) * src/SynTree/TupleType.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Type.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/TypeDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/module.mk (modified) * src/Tuples/TupleAssignment.cc (modified) * src/Tuples/TupleExpansion.cc (modified) * src/cfa.make (modified) * src/main.cc (modified) * tests/.expect/alloc.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/completeTypeError.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/gccExtensions.x64.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/gccExtensions.x86.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/loopctrl.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/rational.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/references.txt (modified) * tests/.expect/time.txt (modified) * tests/Makefile.am (modified) * tests/Makefile.in (modified) * tests/alloc.cfa (modified) * tests/builtins/sync.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/.expect/keywordErrors.txt (added) * tests/concurrent/examples/boundedBufferEXT.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/examples/boundedBufferTHREAD.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/examples/gortn.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/keywordErrors.cfa (added) * tests/concurrent/preempt.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/signal/wait.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/thread.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/barge.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/dtor.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/else.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/parse.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/parse2.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/recurse.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/statment.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/when.cfa (modified) * tests/exceptions/.expect/finally-error.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/except-0.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-1.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-2.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-3.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-mac.hfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/finally-error.cfa (added) * tests/expression.cfa (modified) * tests/heap.cfa (modified) * tests/labelledExit.cfa (modified) * tests/linking/withthreads.cfa (modified) * tests/loopctrl.cfa (modified) * tests/pybin/tools.py (modified) * tests/quotedKeyword.cfa (modified) * tests/raii/dtor-early-exit.cfa (modified) * tests/rational.cfa (modified) * tests/references.cfa (modified) * tests/test.py (modified) * tests/time.cfa (modified) * tools/catchsig.c (modified) * tools/stat.py (modified) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Mon, 10 Feb 2020 16:17:31 GMT Thierry Delisle [807a632] * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/Makefile (modified) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/randbit.cpp (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/relaxed_list.cpp (modified) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/relaxed_list.hpp (modified) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/code/utils.hpp (modified) Adding current version of the C++ relaxed_list code and benchmark Mon, 10 Feb 2020 16:11:40 GMT Thierry Delisle [487198c] * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/ThreadingModels.fig (added) * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/ThreadingModels.png (added) * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/ThreadingModels.svg (added) * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/abstract.txt (added) * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/client.cfa (added) * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/server.cfa (added) * doc/papers/ibm_CASCON19/slides.pdf (added) Apparently forgot to commit the CASCON19 presentation Mon, 10 Feb 2020 16:10:40 GMT Thierry Delisle [df75fe97] * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/.gitignore (modified) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/comp_II/Makefile (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/comp_II/comp_II.tex (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/comp_II/comp_II_too_big.tex (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/comp_II/glossary.tex (added) * doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/comp_II/local.bib (added) Committing first draft of my comp-II Sun, 09 Feb 2020 15:11:51 GMT Peter A. Buhr [d231700] * libcfa/src/gmp.hfa (modified) remove zero_t/one_t constructor because of relationship with ... Sun, 09 Feb 2020 13:56:01 GMT Peter A. Buhr [f00b2c2c] * libcfa/src/rational.cfa (modified) * tests/.expect/rational.txt (modified) * tests/rational.cfa (modified) defined rational constructor from 0 [fixes #117] Sun, 09 Feb 2020 03:33:38 GMT Peter A. Buhr [8c9da33] * libcfa/prelude/prototypes.awk (modified) formatting Sat, 08 Feb 2020 20:21:45 GMT Peter A. Buhr [3ecfa13] * libcfa/src/assert.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/debug.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/debug.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/locks.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/CtxSwitch-x86_64.S (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/invoke.c (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel_private.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/monitor.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/fstream.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/fstream.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/gmp.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/heap.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/interpose.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/iostream.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/iostream.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/math.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/startup.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/assert.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/bfdlink.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/hwloc.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/krb5.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/math.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/sys/ucontext.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdlib.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/stdlib.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/time.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/time.hfa (modified) * src/Common/PassVisitor.impl.h (modified) * src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified) * src/Parser/ParseNode.h (modified) * src/Parser/lex.ll (modified) * src/main.cc (modified) * tests/expression.cfa (modified) * tests/labelledExit.cfa (modified) * tests/quotedKeyword.cfa (modified) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Sat, 08 Feb 2020 20:21:36 GMT Peter A. Buhr [0f5da65] * tests/pybin/tools.py (modified) formatting, fix python 3.7 StopIteration problem Sat, 08 Feb 2020 20:19:47 GMT Peter A. Buhr [fb64e86] * libcfa/prelude/Makefile.am (modified) * libcfa/prelude/Makefile.in (modified) * libcfa/prelude/extras.regx (modified) * libcfa/prelude/extras.regx2 (added) allow pattern for extra function declarations to span multiple lines Sat, 08 Feb 2020 15:07:49 GMT Peter A. Buhr [74330e7] * libcfa/src/interpose.cfa (modified) * src/main.cc (modified) formatting, add floating-point signal handler to cpp-cc to catch ... Sat, 08 Feb 2020 12:55:55 GMT Peter A. Buhr [3e274ab] * src/Parser/ParseNode.h (modified) replace assert with unimplemented semantic error [fixes #22] Sat, 08 Feb 2020 12:41:33 GMT Peter A. Buhr [d1a9ff5] * libcfa/src/fstream.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/fstream.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/gmp.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/iostream.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/iostream.hfa (modified) change private names to start with $, change NULL to 0p Sat, 08 Feb 2020 12:40:45 GMT Peter A. Buhr [095ac99] * libcfa/src/stdhdr/bfdlink.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/hwloc.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/krb5.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/math.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/sys/ucontext.h (modified) * src/Parser/lex.ll (modified) * tests/quotedKeyword.cfa (modified) change backquoted keywords from ``xxx`` to ``xxx Sat, 08 Feb 2020 04:05:22 GMT Peter A. Buhr [e53e5aa] * tests/labelledExit.cfa (modified) add computed goto to test Fri, 07 Feb 2020 21:12:01 GMT Thierry Delisle [74e3263] * src/Common/PassVisitor.impl.h (modified) Fixed error in pass visitor where UnionInstType added wrong thing to ... Tue, 04 Feb 2020 19:03:19 GMT Peter A. Buhr [52142c2] * libcfa/src/concurrency/CtxSwitch-x86_64.S (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/invoke.c (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel_private.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/monitor.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.hfa (modified) * src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Tue, 04 Feb 2020 19:03:07 GMT Peter A. Buhr [e3fea42] * libcfa/src/assert.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/debug.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/debug.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/locks.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/fstream.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/fstream.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/gmp.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/heap.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/iostream.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/iostream.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/math.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/startup.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/assert.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdlib.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/stdlib.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/time.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/time.hfa (modified) change "const char *" to "const char []" Tue, 04 Feb 2020 19:00:42 GMT Peter A. Buhr [1d94116] * libcfa/src/interpose.cfa (modified) do not allow a NULL printf-format to abort Tue, 04 Feb 2020 16:29:22 GMT Thierry Delisle [4f7b418] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) * benchmark/creation/cfa_gen.cfa (added) * benchmark/ctxswitch/node_await.js (added) * benchmark/exclude (added) * benchmark/schedext/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/goroutine.go (added) * benchmark/schedext/upp.cc (modified) * benchmark/schedint/JavaThread.java (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/pthreads.c (modified) * benchmark/schedint/rust.rs (modified) * benchmark/schedint/upp.cc (modified) * driver/cfa.cc (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/defs.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/signal.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/interpose.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/bfdlink.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/hwloc.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/krb5.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/math.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/sys/ucontext.h (modified) * src/ControlStruct/LabelFixer.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified) * src/Parser/lex.ll (modified) * src/Parser/parser.yy (modified) * tests/.expect/except-finally-error.txt (deleted) * tests/exceptions/.expect/finally-error.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/except-0.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-1.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-2.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-3.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-mac.hfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/finally-error.cfa (moved) * tests/expression.cfa (modified) * tests/quotedKeyword.cfa (modified) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Tue, 04 Feb 2020 16:29:11 GMT Thierry Delisle [09f357ec] * libcfa/src/concurrency/CtxSwitch-x86_64.S (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/coroutine.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/invoke.c (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel_private.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/monitor.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/thread.hfa (modified) * src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified) Optim : coroutine and thread creation no-longer uses polymorphic ... Sun, 02 Feb 2020 13:52:25 GMT Peter A. Buhr [e56eb455] * tests/expression.cfa (modified) fix build problem Sat, 01 Feb 2020 20:00:30 GMT Peter A. Buhr [33a484f] * tests/expression.cfa (modified) add additional postfix call test Sat, 01 Feb 2020 18:27:09 GMT Peter A. Buhr [948fdef] * libcfa/src/stdhdr/bfdlink.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/hwloc.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/krb5.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/math.h (modified) * libcfa/src/stdhdr/sys/ucontext.h (modified) * src/Parser/lex.ll (modified) * src/Parser/parser.yy (modified) * tests/expression.cfa (modified) * tests/quotedKeyword.cfa (modified) change backquotes identifiers to ``xxx`` syntax, change priority of ... Sat, 01 Feb 2020 13:47:53 GMT Peter A. Buhr [c334ecd] * driver/cfa.cc (modified) add missing buffer (argv) check causing error Fri, 31 Jan 2020 03:59:21 GMT Peter A. Buhr [6f302cd] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/node_await.js (modified) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Fri, 31 Jan 2020 03:59:12 GMT Peter A. Buhr [8a13c47] * libcfa/src/bits/defs.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/bits/signal.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/interpose.cfa (modified) restructure errors invoking signal handlers and handled by abort Sat, 25 Jan 2020 14:34:54 GMT Peter A. Buhr [8633485b] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/node_await.js (modified) update Nodejs experiment for concurrency paper Thu, 23 Jan 2020 22:11:10 GMT Peter A. Buhr [052dfc3] * tests/.expect/except-finally-error.txt (deleted) * tests/exceptions/.expect/finally-error.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/except-0.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-1.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-2.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-3.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-mac.hfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/finally-error.cfa (moved) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Thu, 23 Jan 2020 22:11:06 GMT Peter A. Buhr [7ac3151] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/node_await.js (added) add nodejs await experiment to benchmarks Thu, 23 Jan 2020 20:07:54 GMT Andrew Beach [c0b2a631] * tests/.expect/except-finally-error.txt (deleted) * tests/exceptions/.expect/finally-error.txt (added) * tests/exceptions/except-0.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-1.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-2.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-3.cfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/except-mac.hfa (moved) * tests/exceptions/finally-error.cfa (moved) Added the exceptions test folder. Thu, 23 Jan 2020 03:26:24 GMT Peter A. Buhr [8b16980] * benchmark/exclude (added) list of files to be excluded from benchmark tarball Thu, 23 Jan 2020 03:07:35 GMT Peter A. Buhr [69e398f] * benchmark/creation/cfa_cor.cfa (modified) * benchmark/creation/cfa_gen.cfa (modified) interchange CFA coroutine and generator creation benchmarks Wed, 22 Jan 2020 20:40:27 GMT Andrew Beach [9d6317f] * src/ControlStruct/LabelFixer.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified) * tests/.expect/except-finally-error.txt (modified) * tests/except-finally-error.cfa (modified) Added checks for returning from a finally clause. And breaking from a ... Tue, 21 Jan 2020 23:14:40 GMT Peter A. Buhr [5518719] * src/ControlStruct/LabelFixer.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified) * src/SynTree/Statement.cc (modified) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Tue, 21 Jan 2020 23:14:34 GMT Peter A. Buhr [26fd986] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) * benchmark/creation/cfa_cor.cfa (modified) * benchmark/creation/cfa_gen.cfa (added) * benchmark/schedext/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/goroutine.go (added) * benchmark/schedext/upp.cc (modified) * benchmark/schedint/JavaThread.java (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/pthreads.c (modified) * benchmark/schedint/rust.rs (modified) * benchmark/schedint/upp.cc (modified) update benchmarks for concurrency paper Tue, 21 Jan 2020 15:59:49 GMT Andrew Beach [5cdeecd] * src/ControlStruct/LabelFixer.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified) We think we figured out what MLE stood for and cleaned up some of the ... Mon, 20 Jan 2020 21:17:21 GMT Andrew Beach [5ee7d36] * src/SynTree/Statement.cc (modified) BranchStmt::brType did not have enough names to print all kinds of ... Mon, 20 Jan 2020 17:46:37 GMT Peter A. Buhr [c12869e] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) * benchmark/creation/node_cor.js (modified) * benchmark/creation/python_cor.py (added) * benchmark/creation/upp_cor.cc (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/node_cor.js (modified) * tools/stat.py (modified) update benchmarks for concurrency paper Sun, 19 Jan 2020 21:16:41 GMT Peter A. Buhr [f090750] * tests/.expect/except-finally-error.txt (modified) * tests/except-finally-error.cfa (modified) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Sun, 19 Jan 2020 21:16:27 GMT Peter A. Buhr [2316525] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) * benchmark/creation/cfa_cor.cfa (modified) * benchmark/creation/cfa_thrd.cfa (modified) * benchmark/creation/node_cor.js (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_cor.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_cor_then.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_gen.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_thrd.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_thrd2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/python_cor.py (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/upp_cor.cc (modified) * benchmark/mutex/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/mutex/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/mutex/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/mutexC/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/mutexC/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/mutexC/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/upp.cc (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa4.cfa (modified) update benchmarks for concurrency paper Fri, 17 Jan 2020 20:11:15 GMT Andrew Beach [96f5b30] * tests/.expect/except-finally-error.txt (modified) * tests/except-finally-error.cfa (modified) Added more tests for statements that are not allowed to be in a ... Fri, 17 Jan 2020 20:01:42 GMT Peter A. Buhr [9e63a2b] * src/Common/Stats/Time.h (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified) * src/SymTab/Validate.cc (modified) * tests/.expect/except-finally-error.txt (added) * tests/except-finally-error.cfa (added) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Fri, 17 Jan 2020 20:01:27 GMT Peter A. Buhr [cca568e] * benchmark/schedext/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa4.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/executor.cfa (modified) * src/Concurrency/Waitfor.cc (modified) * tests/concurrent/examples/boundedBufferEXT.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/examples/boundedBufferTHREAD.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/examples/gortn.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/barge.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/dtor.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/else.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/parse.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/parse2.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/recurse.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/statment.cfa (modified) * tests/concurrent/waitfor/when.cfa (modified) change all example waitfor statements from comma separate to colon Fri, 17 Jan 2020 19:57:01 GMT Peter A. Buhr [4a063df] * src/Parser/parser.yy (modified) formatting, change waitfor to support a list of functions, separated ... Fri, 17 Jan 2020 15:49:22 GMT Andrew Beach [095b99a] * src/Common/Stats/Time.h (modified) * src/SymTab/Validate.cc (modified) Added TimeCall as a more flexible alternative to TimeBlock. TimeBlock ... Thu, 16 Jan 2020 21:44:17 GMT Andrew Beach [d62806c] * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/MLEMutator.h (modified) * tests/.expect/except-finally-error.txt (added) * tests/except-finally-error.cfa (added) Start working on checks to make sure we do not jump out of a finally ... Thu, 16 Jan 2020 04:03:47 GMT Peter A. Buhr [768bd556] * libcfa/src/bits/containers.hfa (modified) start cleanup and update of intrusive data-structures Mon, 13 Jan 2020 17:49:14 GMT Peter A. Buhr [525b5ef] * benchmark/basic/fetch_add.c (modified) * benchmark/basic/tls_fetch_add.c (modified) * benchmark/basic/ttst_lock.c (modified) add documentation Sat, 11 Jan 2020 14:50:14 GMT Peter A. Buhr [a21dec4] * benchmark/creation/node_cor.js (added) not sure if this test is for function or coroutine Fri, 10 Jan 2020 20:15:10 GMT Peter A. Buhr [0608e007] * src/SynTree/Statement.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Statement.h (modified) formatting, change 0 to nullptr Fri, 10 Jan 2020 19:04:57 GMT Peter A. Buhr [4737d8e] * src/ControlStruct/LabelFixer.cc (modified) Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc Fri, 10 Jan 2020 19:04:40 GMT Peter A. Buhr [9e1fa35] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) * libcfa/src/Makefile.in (modified) * longrun_tests/Makefile.in (modified) * tests/Makefile.in (modified) attempt to get RUST and nodejs benchmarks to print titles (still not ... Fri, 10 Jan 2020 19:00:09 GMT Peter A. Buhr [51493a4] * benchmark/mutexC/JavaThread.java (added) * benchmark/mutexC/cfa1.cfa (added) * benchmark/mutexC/cfa2.cfa (added) * benchmark/mutexC/cfa4.cfa (added) * benchmark/mutexC/pthreads.c (added) * benchmark/mutexC/rust.rs (added) * benchmark/mutexC/upp.cc (added) start directory for full-contention mutex tests Fri, 10 Jan 2020 16:39:37 GMT Andrew Beach [6b6a3b8] * src/ControlStruct/LabelFixer.cc (modified) Fixed a memory leak and some line length issues in setLabelsDef. Thu, 09 Jan 2020 22:06:29 GMT Peter A. Buhr [50cfa99] * benchmark/creation/goroutine.go (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/goroutine.go (modified) * benchmark/mutex/goroutine.go (modified) change Go command-line code to behave like C Thu, 09 Jan 2020 22:05:16 GMT Peter A. Buhr [c93fd72] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) augmented duration values for benchmarks Thu, 09 Jan 2020 18:20:22 GMT Peter A. Buhr [4eb07bc] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) create specific and generic duration variables for benchmarks Wed, 08 Jan 2020 18:38:30 GMT Peter A. Buhr [6e540ea] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) * benchmark/creation/JavaThread.java (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/upp.cc (modified) * src/cfa.make (modified) additional corrections to harmonize with last benchmark update Tue, 07 Jan 2020 22:04:47 GMT Peter A. Buhr [580c11b] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) fix nodejs build Tue, 07 Jan 2020 20:50:56 GMT Peter A. Buhr [b4107c8] * benchmark/basic/fetch_add.c (moved) * benchmark/basic/function.c (added) * benchmark/basic/loop.c (added) * benchmark/basic/tls_fetch_add.c (moved) * benchmark/basic/ttst_lock.c (moved) * benchmark/creation/JavaThread.java (modified) * benchmark/creation/cfa_cor.cfa (modified) * benchmark/creation/cfa_thrd.cfa (modified) * benchmark/creation/goroutine.go (modified) * benchmark/creation/pthreads.c (modified) * benchmark/creation/rust_thrd.rs (added) * benchmark/creation/upp_cor.cc (modified) * benchmark/creation/upp_thrd.cc (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/JavaThread.java (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_cor.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_cor_then.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_gen.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_thrd.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/cfa_thrd2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/goroutine.go (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/kos_fibre.cpp (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/kos_fibre2.cpp (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/node_cor.js (added) * benchmark/ctxswitch/pthreads.c (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/python_cor.py (added) * benchmark/ctxswitch/rust_thrd.rs (added) * benchmark/ctxswitch/upp_cor.cc (modified) * benchmark/ctxswitch/upp_thrd.cc (modified) * benchmark/function.c (deleted) * benchmark/loop.c (deleted) * benchmark/mutex/JavaThread.java (modified) * benchmark/mutex/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/mutex/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/mutex/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/mutex/goroutine.go (added) * benchmark/mutex/pthreads.c (modified) * benchmark/mutex/rust.rs (added) * benchmark/mutex/upp.cc (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedext/upp.cc (modified) * benchmark/schedint/JavaThread.java (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa1.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa2.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/cfa4.cfa (modified) * benchmark/schedint/pthreads.c (modified) * benchmark/schedint/rust.rs (added) * benchmark/schedint/upp.cc (modified) update existing benchmarks for changes to bench.h, add new benchmarks ... Tue, 07 Jan 2020 20:44:09 GMT Peter A. Buhr [846c026] * benchmark/bench.h (modified) add BENCH_START to handle comandline parameters Tue, 07 Jan 2020 20:42:36 GMT Peter A. Buhr [90cb6f7] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.in (modified) begin updating benchmark build Mon, 06 Jan 2020 19:13:42 GMT Peter A. Buhr [4834563] * libcfa/src/clock.hfa (added) * libcfa/src/startup.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/time.hfa (modified) refactor clock out of time because time.hfa too large for 32-bit build Mon, 06 Jan 2020 02:31:00 GMT Peter A. Buhr [e0c235c] * libcfa/src/clock.hfa (deleted) * libcfa/src/concurrency/alarm.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/time.cfa (modified) * libcfa/src/time.hfa (modified) * libcfa/src/time_t.hfa (modified) * tests/.expect/time.txt (modified) * tests/time.cfa (modified) move clock.hfa into time.hfa, add getCPUTime, rename duration and ... Thu, 19 Dec 2019 22:07:30 GMT Peter A. Buhr [3c67255] * src/Parser/ExpressionNode.cc (modified) formatting, use BasicType::NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES as sentinel instead ... Tue, 17 Dec 2019 04:41:32 GMT Peter A. Buhr [7006ba5] * libcfa/src/bits/signal.hfa (modified) * src/main.cc (modified) move disabling SIGALRM/SIGUSR1 from main.cc to signal.hfa Mon, 16 Dec 2019 22:40:36 GMT Peter A. Buhr [d912bed] * src/Parser/DeclarationNode.cc (modified) * src/Parser/parser.yy (modified) * src/SynTree/AggregateDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/FunctionDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/LinkageSpec.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/LinkageSpec.h (modified) * src/SynTree/NamedTypeDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/ObjectDecl.cc (modified) harmonize SynTree/LinkageSpec.* with AST/LinkageSpec.* Mon, 16 Dec 2019 19:31:41 GMT Peter A. Buhr [6f9cc13] * tools/catchsig.c (modified) formatting Mon, 16 Dec 2019 19:31:10 GMT Peter A. Buhr [bffcd66] * src/main.cc (modified) harmonize signal handling in main.cc with interpose.cfa, consider ... Mon, 16 Dec 2019 19:30:41 GMT Peter A. Buhr [07de76b] * src/AST/Convert.cpp (modified) * src/AST/Decl.cpp (modified) * src/AST/Decl.hpp (modified) * src/AST/Print.cpp (modified) * src/AST/Type.hpp (modified) * src/AST/TypeEnvironment.cpp (modified) * src/AST/TypeEnvironment.hpp (modified) * src/AST/TypeVar.hpp (deleted) * src/AST/module.mk (modified) * src/CodeGen/CodeGenerator.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/FixMain.h (modified) * src/CodeGen/FixNames.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/Generate.cc (modified) * src/CodeGen/module.mk (modified) * src/CodeTools/DeclStats.cc (modified) * src/Common/Debug.h (modified) * src/Concurrency/Keywords.cc (modified) * src/Concurrency/Waitfor.cc (modified) * src/ControlStruct/ExceptTranslate.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/Box.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/Lvalue.cc (modified) * src/GenPoly/Specialize.cc (modified) * src/InitTweak/FixGlobalInit.cc (modified) * src/InitTweak/FixInit.cc (modified) * src/InitTweak/GenInit.cc (modified) * src/InitTweak/InitTweak.cc (modified) * src/MakeLibCfa.cc (modified) * src/Makefile.in (modified) * src/Parser/DeclarationNode.cc (modified) * src/Parser/ParseNode.h (modified) * src/Parser/TypeData.cc (modified) * src/Parser/TypeData.h (modified) * src/Parser/module.mk (modified) * src/Parser/parser.yy (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/AdjustExprType.cc (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/PtrsCastable.cc (modified) * src/ResolvExpr/Unify.cc (modified) * src/SymTab/Autogen.h (modified) * src/SymTab/Demangle.cc (modified) * src/SymTab/Indexer.cc (modified) * src/SymTab/Mangler.cc (modified) * src/SymTab/ManglerCommon.cc (modified) * src/SymTab/Validate.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/AggregateDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/Declaration.h (modified) * src/SynTree/DeclarationWithType.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/FunctionDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/LinkageSpec.cc (moved) * src/SynTree/LinkageSpec.h (moved) * src/SynTree/NamedTypeDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/ObjectDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/TupleType.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/TypeDecl.cc (modified) * src/SynTree/module.mk (modified) * src/Tuples/TupleAssignment.cc (modified) * src/Tuples/TupleExpansion.cc (modified) * tests/.expect/completeTypeError.txt (modified) remove file TypeVar.h* and put TypeVar::Kind into TypeDecl, move ... Mon, 16 Dec 2019 03:28:57 GMT Peter A. Buhr [ab5c0008] * src/AST/TypeVar.hpp (added) replace deleted file