raii/ctor-autogen.cfa:102:1 error: Unique best alternative includes deleted identifier in Cast of: Application of Deleted Expression Variable Expression: ?{}: static inline function ... with parameters _dst: reference to instance of struct Managed with body 1 x: signed int ... returning nothing ... deleted by: ?{}: function ... with parameters m: reference to instance of struct Managed with body 1 ... returning nothing ... with body CompoundStmt Expression Statement: Application of Variable Expression: ?=?: function ... with parameters intrinsic reference to signed int intrinsic signed int ... returning _retval__operator_assign: signed int ... with attributes: Attribute with name: unused ... to arguments Cast of: Member Expression, with field: x: signed int ... from aggregate: Cast of: Variable Expression: m: reference to instance of struct Managed with body 1 ... to: instance of struct Managed with body 1 ... to: reference to signed int Cast of: constant expression (0 0: zero_t) ... to: signed int ... with environment: Types: Non-types: ... to arguments Cast of: Variable Expression: x: instance of struct Managed with body 1 ... to: reference to instance of struct Managed with body 1 constant expression (123 123: signed int) ... to: nothing